luminance-0.6: Type-safe, dependently-typed and stateless graphics framework
This package exposes several modules to work with GPUs in a stateless and type-safe way. Currently, it uses OpenGL as backend hardware technology but others will be added later on, such as Vulkan.
The initial unstable version is 0.1. Consider everything in that version as part of an experiment, even though the library should be free of bugs. If you find any, please report an issue. If you think something could be enhanced, feel free to fill in an issue as well.
One very important point is the fact that luminance has nothing to do with 3D engines or scene development kits. Don’t expect to find materials, lights or mesh loaders. It’s just a graphics framework initiated to fix the design choices of OpenGL. It won’t change in any other way.
luminance is a small yet powerful graphics API. It was designed so that people can quickly get their feet wet and start having fun with graphics in Haskell. The main idea is to unleash the graphical and visual properties of GPUs in a stateless and type-safe way.
This library doesn’t expose any architectural patterns or designs. It’s up to you to design your program as you want and following your own plans.
- Graphics
- Graphics.Luminance
- Graphics.Luminance.Batch
- Graphics.Luminance.Blending
- Graphics.Luminance.Buffer
- Graphics.Luminance.Cmd
- Core
- Graphics.Luminance.Framebuffer
- Graphics.Luminance.Geometry
- Graphics.Luminance.Pixel
- Graphics.Luminance.Query
- Graphics.Luminance.RW
- Graphics.Luminance.RenderCmd
- Graphics.Luminance.Shader
- Graphics.Luminance.Texture
- Graphics.Luminance.Vertex
- Graphics.Luminance