{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedStrings, DeriveFunctor #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Matrix.MatrixMarket.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marco Zocca 2017
-- License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  zocca marco gmail
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Attoparsec parser and serializer for the NIST MatrixMarket format. The parser logic originally appeared in `accelerate-examples` and it is reused here (courtesy of T.McDonell and the `accelerate` developers) with some amendments.
-- In this version:
-- * Numbers are represented with Scientific notation instead of floating point
-- * Parsing rules are a bit relaxed to accommodate various whitespace corner cases
module Data.Matrix.MatrixMarket.Internal
       (readMatrix, readMatrix', readArray,
        writeMatrix, writeMatrix', writeArray,
        Matrix(..), Array(..),
        Format (Coordinate, Array), Structure (General, Symmetric, Hermitian, Skew),
        nnz, dim, numDat,
        dimArr, numDatArr,
        ImportError) where

import Control.Applicative                      hiding ( many )

import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.Complex
import qualified Data.Scientific as S
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (I)
-- import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy           as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy           as L

import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Exception.Common

-- | Specifies either sparse or dense storage.  In sparse (\"coordinate\")
-- storage, elements are given in (i,j,x) triplets for matrices (or (i,x) for
-- vectors).  Indices are 1-based, so that A(1,1) is the first element of a
-- matrix, and x(1) is the first element of a vector.
-- In dense (\"array\") storage, elements are given in column-major order.
-- In both cases, each element is given on a separate line.
data Format = Coordinate | Array
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Specifies the element type.  Pattern matrices do not have any elements,
-- only indices, and only make sense for coordinate matrices and vectors.
data Field  = R | C | I | P
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Specifies any special structure in the matrix.  For symmetric and hermitian
-- matrices, only the lower-triangular part of the matrix is given. For skew
-- matrices, only the entries below the diagonal are stored.
data Structure = General | Symmetric | Hermitian | Skew
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Sparse matrix in coordinate form (row, column, entry)
-- NB: indices are 1-based i.e. A(1,1) is the top-left entry of matrix A
data Matrix a = RMatrix (Int, Int) Int Structure [(Int, Int, a)]
              | CMatrix (Int, Int) Int Structure [(Int, Int, Complex a)]
              | PatternMatrix (Int,Int) Int  Structure [(Int32,Int32)]
              | IntMatrix (Int,Int) Int Structure [(Int32,Int32,Int)]
              deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Array, i.e. a DENSE matrix (also used to represent vectors as n-by-1 matrices)
data Array a = RArray (Int, Int) Structure [a]
             | CArray (Int, Int) Structure [Complex a]
             deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Attoparsec combinators

comment :: Parser ()
comment = char '%' *> skipWhile (not . eol) *> endOfLine
    eol w = w `elem` ("\n\r" :: String)

floating :: Parser S.Scientific
floating = skipSpace' *> scientific

integral :: Integral a => Parser a
integral = skipSpace' *> decimal

format :: Parser Format
format =  string "coordinate" *> pure Coordinate
      <|> string "array"      *> pure Array
      <?> "matrix format"

field :: Parser Field
field =  string "real"    *> pure R
     <|> string "complex" *> pure C
     <|> string "integer" *> pure I
     <|> string "pattern" *> pure P
     <?> "matrix field"

structure :: Parser Structure
structure =  string "general"        *> pure General
         <|> string "symmetric"      *> pure Symmetric
         <|> string "hermitian"      *> pure Hermitian
         <|> string "skew-symmetric" *> pure Skew
         <?> "matrix structure"

header :: Parser (Format,Field,Structure)
header =  string "%%MatrixMarket matrix"
       >> (,,) <$> (skipSpace' *> format)
               <*> (skipSpace' *> field)
               <*> (skipSpace' *> structure)
               <*  endOfLine
               <?> "MatrixMarket header"

extentMatrix :: Parser (Int,Int,Int)
extentMatrix = do
  [m,n,l] <- skipSpace' *> count 3 integral <* endOfLine
  return (m,n,l)

extentArray :: Parser (Int,Int)
extentArray = do
  [m,n] <- skipSpace' *> count 2 integral <* endOfLine
  return (m,n)

line3 :: Integral i => Parser a -> Parser (i,i,a)
line3 f = (,,) <$> integral
               <*> integral
               <*> f
               <*  (endOfLine <|> L.endOfInput)

skipSpace' :: Parser String
skipSpace' = many' space

-- Load and parse

matrix :: Parser (Matrix S.Scientific)
matrix = do
  (f, t, s) <- header
  (m, n, l) <- skipMany comment *> extentMatrix
  if f /= Coordinate
    then fail "matrix is not in Coordinate format"
    case t of
     R -> RMatrix (m,n) l s <$> many1 (line3 floating)
     C -> CMatrix (m,n) l s <$> many1 (line3 ((:+) <$> floating <*> floating))
     I -> IntMatrix     (m,n) l s <$> many1 (line3 integral)
     P -> PatternMatrix (m,n) l s <$> many1 ((,) <$> integral <*> integral)

array :: Parser (Array S.Scientific)
array = do
  (f, t, s) <- header
  (m, n) <- skipMany comment *> extentArray
  if f /= Array
    then fail "array is not in Array format"
     case t of
       R -> RArray (m,n) s <$> many1 floating
       C -> CArray (m,n) s <$> many1 ((:+) <$> floating <*> floating)
       _ -> fail "integer and pattern cases not relevant for the dense case"

-- | Load a matrix (sparse, i.e. in Coordinate format) from file
readMatrix :: FilePath -> IO (Matrix S.Scientific)
readMatrix file = L.readFile file >>= readMatrix'

-- | Load a matrix (sparse, i.e. in Coordinate format) from a bytestring.
readMatrix' :: L.ByteString -> IO (Matrix S.Scientific)
readMatrix' chunks =
  case L.parse matrix chunks of
    L.Fail _ _ msg      -> throwM (FileParseError "readMatrix" msg)
    L.Done _ mtx        -> return mtx

-- | Load a dense matrix (i.e. a matrix or vector in Array format) from file
readArray :: FilePath -> IO (Array S.Scientific)
readArray file = do
  chunks <- L.readFile file
  case L.parse array chunks of
    L.Fail _ _ msg      -> throwM (FileParseError "readArray" msg)
    L.Done _ mtx        -> return mtx

-- Write to file

showFormat :: Format -> String
showFormat = map C.toLower <$> show

showField :: Field -> String
showField f = case f of R -> "real"
                        C -> "complex"
                        I -> "integer"
                        P -> "pattern"

showStruct :: Structure -> String
showStruct = map C.toLower <$> show

-- %%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general

headerStr :: Format -> Field -> Structure -> L.ByteString
headerStr f t s =
    B.pack $ unwords ["%%MatrixMarket matrix",
                      showFormat f, showField t, showStruct s]

nl :: L.ByteString
nl = toLBS "\n"

showLines :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> L.ByteString
showLines showf d = L.concat (L.pack . withNewline . showf <$> d) where
  withNewline x = toEnum . C.ord <$> x ++ "\n"

-- | Serialize a sparse matrix in Coordinate format
writeMatrix :: Show b => FilePath -> Matrix b -> IO ()
writeMatrix file = L.writeFile file . writeMatrix'

-- | Serialize a sparse matrix in Coordinate format as a bytestring
writeMatrix' :: Show b => Matrix b -> L.ByteString
writeMatrix' mat =
  case mat of (RMatrix d nz s dat) ->
                matrixByteString d nz R s dat
              (CMatrix d nz s dat) ->
                matrixByteString d nz C s dat
              (IntMatrix d nz s dat) ->
                matrixByteString d nz I s dat
              _ -> error "writeMatrix : PatternMatrix not implemented yet"
       matrixByteString di nz t s d =
         L.concat [headerStr Coordinate t s,
                   headerSzMatrix di nz,
                   showLines sf3 d]
         sf3 (i,j,x) = unwords [show i, show j, show x]
         headerSzMatrix (m,n) numz = B.pack $ unwords [show m, show n, show numz]

-- | Serialize a dense matrix in Array format
writeArray :: Show a => FilePath -> Array a -> IO ()
writeArray file arr =
  case arr of (RArray d s dat) -> L.writeFile file (arrayByteString d R s dat)
              (CArray d s dat) -> L.writeFile file (arrayByteString d C s dat)
      arrayByteString di t s d =
        L.concat [headerStr Array t s,
            headerSzArray di,
            showLines show d] where
        headerSzArray (m,n) = B.pack $ unwords [show m, show n]

-- | helpers

-- | Number of matrix nonzeros
nnz :: Matrix t -> Int
nnz m = case m of (RMatrix _ nz _ _) -> nz
                  (CMatrix _ nz _ _) -> nz
                  (PatternMatrix _ nz _ _) -> nz
                  (IntMatrix _ nz _ _) -> nz

-- | Matrix size : number of rows, number of columns
dim :: Matrix t -> (Int, Int)
dim m = case m of (RMatrix d _ _ _) -> d
                  (CMatrix d _ _ _) -> d
                  (PatternMatrix d _ _ _) -> d
                  (IntMatrix d _ _ _) -> d

-- | Length of data vector internal to the Matrix; this is _not_ necessarily the actual number of matrix entries because symmetric entries are not stored
numDat :: Matrix t -> Int
numDat m = case m of (RMatrix _ _ _ d) -> length d
                     (CMatrix _ _ _ d) -> length d
                     (PatternMatrix _ _ _ d) -> length d
                     (IntMatrix _ _ _ d) -> length d

-- | Array size : number of rows, number of columns
dimArr :: Array t -> (Int, Int)
dimArr a = case a of (RArray d _ _) -> d
                     (CArray d _ _) -> d

-- | Length of data vector internal to the Array; this is _not_ necessarily the actual number of matrix entries because symmetric entries are not stored
numDatArr :: Array a -> Int
numDatArr a = case a of (RArray _ _ ll) -> length ll
                        (CArray _ _ ll) -> length ll

-- | String -> ByteString
-- NB: do not abuse
-- toBS :: String -> BS.ByteString
-- toBS x = BS.pack $ (toEnum . C.ord) <$> x

-- | String -> lazy ByteString
-- NB: do not abuse
toLBS :: String -> L.ByteString
toLBS x = L.pack $ (toEnum . C.ord) <$> x

-- t1 = toBS "%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n5  5  8\n1     1   1.000e+00\n2     2   1.050e+01\n3     3   1.500e-02\n1     4   6.000e+00\n4     2   2.505e+02\n4     4  -2.800e+02\n4     5   3.332e+01\n5     5   1.200e+01\n"

-- t2 = toBS "%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n5  5  8\n1     1   1.000e+00\n"