{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Matterhorn.FilePaths
  ( historyFilePath
  , historyFileName

  , lastRunStateFilePath
  , lastRunStateFileName

  , configFileName

  , xdgName
  , locateConfig
  , xdgSyntaxDir
  , syntaxDirName
  , userEmojiJsonPath
  , bundledEmojiJsonPath
  , emojiJsonFilename

  , Script(..)
  , locateScriptPath
  , getAllScripts

import Prelude ()
import Matterhorn.Prelude

import Data.Text ( unpack )
import System.Directory ( doesFileExist
                        , doesDirectoryExist
                        , getDirectoryContents
                        , getPermissions
                        , executable
import System.Environment ( getExecutablePath )
import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir ( getUserConfigFile
                                      , getAllConfigFiles
                                      , getUserConfigDir
import System.FilePath ( (</>), takeBaseName, takeDirectory, splitPath, joinPath )

xdgName :: String
xdgName = "matterhorn"

historyFileName :: FilePath
historyFileName = "history.txt"

lastRunStateFileName :: Text -> FilePath
lastRunStateFileName teamId = "last_run_state_" ++ unpack teamId ++ ".json"

configFileName :: FilePath
configFileName = "config.ini"

historyFilePath :: IO FilePath
historyFilePath = getUserConfigFile xdgName historyFileName

lastRunStateFilePath :: Text -> IO FilePath
lastRunStateFilePath teamId =
  getUserConfigFile xdgName (lastRunStateFileName teamId)

-- | Get the XDG path to the user-specific syntax definition directory.
-- The path does not necessarily exist.
xdgSyntaxDir :: IO FilePath
xdgSyntaxDir = (</> syntaxDirName) <$> getUserConfigDir xdgName

-- | Get the XDG path to the user-specific emoji JSON file. The path
-- does not necessarily exist.
userEmojiJsonPath :: IO FilePath
userEmojiJsonPath = (</> emojiJsonFilename) <$> getUserConfigDir xdgName

-- | Get the emoji JSON path relative to the development binary location
-- or the release binary location.
bundledEmojiJsonPath :: IO FilePath
bundledEmojiJsonPath = do
    selfPath <- getExecutablePath
    let distDir = "dist-newstyle/"
        pathBits = splitPath selfPath

    return $ if distDir `elem` pathBits
                 -- We're in development, so use the development
                 -- executable path to locate the emoji path in the
                 -- development tree.
                 (joinPath $ takeWhile (/= distDir) pathBits) </> emojiDirName </> emojiJsonFilename
                 -- In this case we assume the binary is being run from
                 -- a release, in which case the syntax directory is a
                 -- sibling of the executable path.
                 takeDirectory selfPath </> emojiDirName </> emojiJsonFilename

emojiJsonFilename :: FilePath
emojiJsonFilename = "emoji.json"

emojiDirName :: FilePath
emojiDirName = "emoji"

syntaxDirName :: FilePath
syntaxDirName = "syntax"

-- | Find a specified configuration file by looking in all of the
-- supported locations.
locateConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
locateConfig filename = do
  xdgLocations <- getAllConfigFiles xdgName filename
  let confLocations = ["./" <> filename] ++
                      xdgLocations ++
                      ["/etc/matterhorn/" <> filename]
  results <- forM confLocations $ \fp -> (fp,) <$> doesFileExist fp
  return $ listToMaybe $ fst <$> filter snd results

scriptDirName :: FilePath
scriptDirName = "scripts"

data Script
  = ScriptPath FilePath
  | NonexecScriptPath FilePath
  | ScriptNotFound
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

toScript :: FilePath -> IO (Script)
toScript fp = do
  perm <- getPermissions fp
  return $ if executable perm
    then ScriptPath fp
    else NonexecScriptPath fp

isExecutable :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isExecutable fp = do
  perm <- getPermissions fp
  return (executable perm)

locateScriptPath :: FilePath -> IO Script
locateScriptPath name
  | head name == '.' = return ScriptNotFound
  | otherwise = do
    xdgLocations <- getAllConfigFiles xdgName scriptDirName
    let cmdLocations = [ xdgLoc ++ "/" ++ name
                       | xdgLoc <- xdgLocations
                       ] ++ [ "/etc/matterhorn/scripts/" <> name ]
    existingFiles <- filterM doesFileExist cmdLocations
    executables <- mapM toScript existingFiles
    return $ case executables of
      (path:_) -> path
      _        -> ScriptNotFound

-- | This returns a list of valid scripts, and a list of non-executable
--   scripts.
getAllScripts :: IO ([FilePath], [FilePath])
getAllScripts = do
  xdgLocations <- getAllConfigFiles xdgName scriptDirName
  let cmdLocations = xdgLocations ++ ["/etc/matterhorn/scripts"]
  let getCommands dir = do
        exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
        if exists
          then map ((dir ++ "/") ++) `fmap` getDirectoryContents dir
          else return []
  let isNotHidden f = case f of
        ('.':_) -> False
        []      -> False
        _       -> True
  allScripts <- concat `fmap` mapM getCommands cmdLocations
  execs <- filterM isExecutable allScripts
  nonexecs <- filterM (fmap not . isExecutable) allScripts
  return ( filter isNotHidden $ map takeBaseName execs
         , filter isNotHidden $ map takeBaseName nonexecs