{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module MBug.Scrape (parseBugs) where
import           Control.Applicative             (Alternative, empty)
import           Control.Monad                   (guard)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy            as BL
import           Data.Maybe.Extended             (maybeToAlternative)
import           Data.Text                       (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Compat                 as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding              (decodeUtf8)
import           MBug.Data.Bug                   (Bug (..))
import           Text.HTML.Scalpel.Core.Extended
  ( Scraper
  , chroots
  , guardPos
  , innerHTMLs
  , scrape
  , text
  , (@:)
  , (@=)
import           Text.HTML.TagSoup               (parseTags)
import           Text.Read                       (readMaybe)

-- | Parse string in format #nnn into integer.
bugNumber :: (Alternative m) => Text -> m Int
bugNumber txt =
  case T.uncons txt of
    Nothing -> empty
    Just (c, bug) -> guard (c == '#')
                  *> maybeToAlternative (readMaybe $ T.unpack bug)

-- | Extract bug severity from "Severity: important;" string.
bugSeverity :: (Alternative m) => Text -> m Text
bugSeverity txt =
  let (prefix, suffix) = T.splitAt 10 txt
    in case T.unsnoc suffix of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just (severity, c) -> guard (prefix == "Severity: " && c == ';')
                         *> pure severity

-- | Extract bugs information from BTS response.
bugsScraper :: Scraper BL.ByteString [Bug]
bugsScraper =
  let decode = decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict
    in chroots ("div" @: [ "class" @= "shortbugstatus" ]) $ do
        (bug:package:subject:_) <- map decode <$> innerHTMLs "a"
        (severity:_) <- chroots "span" $ do guardPos (== 3)
                                            decode <$> text "span"
        Bug <$> bugNumber bug
            <*> bugSeverity severity
            <*> pure package
            <*> pure subject

-- Parse response from BTS and return list of bugs.  FIXME: This
-- function never returns Nothing, both invalid input and response with
-- no bugs are collapsed into @Just []@.
parseBugs :: BL.ByteString -> Maybe [Bug]
parseBugs input = scrape bugsScraper (parseTags input)