mcmc-0.2.3: Sample from a posterior using Markov chain Monte Carlo

Copyright(c) Dominik Schrempf 2020
Safe HaskellNone



Creation date: Fri May 29 10:19:45 2020.



type Mcmc a = StateT (Status a) IO Source #

An Mcmc state transformer; usually fiddling around with this type is not required, but it is used by the different inference algorithms.

mcmcOutT :: ByteString -> Mcmc a () Source #

Write to standard output and log file.

mcmcOutS :: String -> Mcmc a () Source #

Write to standard output and log file.

mcmcWarnT :: ByteString -> Mcmc a () Source #

Print warning message.

mcmcWarnS :: String -> Mcmc a () Source #

Print warning message.

mcmcInfoT :: ByteString -> Mcmc a () Source #

Print info message.

mcmcInfoS :: String -> Mcmc a () Source #

Print info message.

mcmcDebugT :: ByteString -> Mcmc a () Source #

Print debug message.

mcmcDebugS :: String -> Mcmc a () Source #

Print debug message.

mcmcAutotune :: Mcmc a () Source #

Auto tune the Proposals in the Cycle of the chain. Reset acceptance counts. See autotuneCycle.

mcmcResetA :: Mcmc a () Source #

Reset acceptance counts.

mcmcSummarizeCycle :: Mcmc a ByteString Source #

Print short summary of Proposals in Cycle. See summarizeCycle.

mcmcReport :: ToJSON a => Mcmc a () Source #

Report what is going to be done.

mcmcMonitorExec :: ToJSON a => Mcmc a () Source #

Execute the Monitors of the chain. See mExec.

mcmcRun :: ToJSON a => Mcmc a () -> Status a -> IO (Status a) Source #

Run an MCMC algorithm.