-- |
-- Module      :  Mcmc.Proposal.Bactrian
-- Description :  Bactrian proposals
-- Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf, 2020
-- License     :  GPL-3.0-or-later
-- Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  portable
-- Creation date: Thu Jun 25 15:49:48 2020.
-- See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845170/.
module Mcmc.Proposal.Bactrian
  ( slideBactrian,

import Mcmc.Proposal
import Numeric.Log
import Statistics.Distribution
import Statistics.Distribution.Normal
import System.Random.MWC
import System.Random.MWC.Distributions

genBactrian ::
  Double ->
  Double ->
  GenIO ->
  IO Double
genBactrian m s g = do
  let mn = m * s
      sd = sqrt (1 - m * m) * s
      d = normalDistr mn sd
  x <- genContVar d g
  b <- bernoulli 0.5 g
  return $ if b then x else - x

logDensityBactrian :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Log Double
logDensityBactrian m s x = Exp $ log $ kernel1 + kernel2
    mn = m * s
    sd = sqrt (1 - m * m) * s
    dist1 = normalDistr (- mn) sd
    dist2 = normalDistr mn sd
    kernel1 = density dist1 x
    kernel2 = density dist2 x

bactrianAdditive ::
  Double ->
  Double ->
  Double ->
  GenIO ->
  IO (Double, Log Double)
bactrianAdditive m s x g = do
  dx <- genBactrian m s g
  return (x + dx, 1.0)

-- bactrianSimple lens spike stdDev tune forwardOp backwardOp
bactrianAdditiveSimple ::
  Double ->
  Double ->
  Double ->
  ProposalSimple Double
bactrianAdditiveSimple m s t
  | m < 0 = error "bactrianAdditiveSimple: Spike parameter negative."
  | m >= 1 = error "bactrianAdditiveSimple: Spike parameter 1.0 or larger."
  | s <= 0 = error "bactrianAdditiveSimple: Standard deviation 0.0 or smaller."
  | otherwise = ProposalSimple $ bactrianAdditive m (t * s)

-- | Additive symmetric proposal with kernel similar to the silhouette of a
-- Bactrian camel. The [Bactrian
-- kernel](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845170/figure/fig01)
-- is a mixture of two symmetrically arranged normal distributions. The spike
-- parameter loosely determines the standard deviations of the individual humps
-- while the other parameter refers to the standard deviation of the complete
-- Bactrian kernel.
-- See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845170/.
slideBactrian ::
  -- | Name.
  String ->
  -- | Weight.
  Int ->
  -- | Spike parameter.
  Double ->
  -- | Standard deviation.
  Double ->
  -- | Enable tuning.
  Bool ->
  Proposal Double
slideBactrian n w m s = createProposal n w (bactrianAdditiveSimple m s)

-- We have:
-- x  (1+dx ) = x'
-- x' (1+dx') = x.
-- Hence,
-- dx' = 1/(1-dx) - 1.
fInv :: Double -> Double
fInv dx = recip (1 - dx) - 1

bactrianMult ::
  Double ->
  Double ->
  Double ->
  GenIO ->
  IO (Double, Log Double)
bactrianMult m s x g = do
  dx <- genBactrian m s g
  let qXY = logDensityBactrian m s dx
      qYX = logDensityBactrian m s (fInv dx)
  return (x * (1 + dx), qYX / qXY)

bactrianMultSimple :: Double -> Double -> Double -> ProposalSimple Double
bactrianMultSimple m s t
  | m < 0 = error "bactrianMultSimple: Spike parameter negative."
  | m >= 1 = error "bactrianMultSimple: Spike parameter 1.0 or larger."
  | s <= 0 = error "bactrianMultSimple: Standard deviation 0.0 or smaller."
  | otherwise = ProposalSimple $ bactrianMult m (t * s)

-- | Multiplicative proposal with kernel similar to the silhouette of a Bactrian
-- camel. See 'slideBactrian'.
scaleBactrian ::
  -- | Name.
  String ->
  -- | Weight.
  Int ->
  -- | Spike parameter.
  Double ->
  -- | Standard deviation.
  Double ->
  -- | Enable tuning.
  Bool ->
  Proposal Double
scaleBactrian n w m s = createProposal n w (bactrianMultSimple m s)