-- |
-- Module     : Algorithms.MDP
-- Copyright  : Patrick Steele 2015
-- License    : MIT (see the LICENSE file)
-- Maintainer : prs233@cornell.edu
-- Algorithms and data structures for expressing and solving Markov
-- decision processes (MDPs).
-- See the following for references on the algorithms implemented,
-- along with general terminology.
-- * \"Dynamic Programmand and Optimal Control, Vol. II\", by Dimitri
--   P. Bertsekas, Athena Scientific, Belmont, Massachusetts.
-- * \"Stochastic Dynamic Programming and the Control of Queueing
--   Systems\", by Linn I. Sennott, A Wiley- Interscience Publication,
--   New York.
-- The module "Algorithms.MDP.Examples" contains implementations of
-- several example problems from these texts.
-- To actually solve an MDP, use (for example) the
-- 'Algorithms.MDP.ValueIteration.valueIteration' function from the
-- "Algorithms.MDP.ValueIteration" module.
module Algorithms.MDP
       ( -- * Markov decision processes
         MDP (..)
       , mkDiscountedMDP
       , mkUndiscountedMDP
         -- * Types
       , Transitions
       , Costs
       , ActionSet
       , CF
       , CFBounds (..)
         -- * Utility functions
       , cost
       , action
       , optimalityGap
         -- * Validation
       , verifyStochastic
       , MDPError (..)
       ) where

import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Maybe

-- | A type representing an action- and state-dependent probablity
-- vector.
type Transitions a b t = b -> a -> a -> t

-- | A type representing an action- and state-dependent cost.
type Costs a b t = b -> a -> t

-- | A type representing the allowed actions in a state.
type ActionSet a b = a -> [b]

-- | A cost function is a vector containing (state, action, cost)
-- triples. Each triple describes the cost of taking the action in
-- that state.
type CF a b t = V.Vector (a, b, t)

-- | Get the cost associated with a state.
-- This function is only defined over the state values passed in to
-- the original MDP.
cost :: (Eq a) => a -> CF a b t -> t
cost s cf = 
    (_, _, c) = fromMaybe err (V.find (\(s', _, _) -> s == s') cf)
    err = error "Unknown state in function \"cost\""

-- | Get the action associated with a state.
-- This function is only defined over the state values passed in to
-- the original MDP.
action :: (Eq a) => a -> CF a b t -> b
action s cf =
    (_, ac, _) = fromMaybe err (V.find (\(s', _, _) -> s == s') cf)
    err = error "Unknown state in function \"action\""

-- | A cost function with error bounds. The cost in a (state, action,
-- cost) triple is guaranteed to be in the range [cost + lb, cost + ub]
data CFBounds a b t = CFBounds
                      { _CF :: CF a b t
                      , _lb :: t
                      , _ub :: t

-- | Compute the optimality gap associated with a CFBounds.
-- This error is absolute, not relative.
optimalityGap :: (Num t) => CFBounds a b t -> t
optimalityGap (CFBounds _ lb ub) = ub - lb

-- | A Markov decision process.
-- An MDP consists of a state space, an action space, state- and
-- action-dependent costs, and state- and action-dependent transition
-- probabilities. The goal is to compute a policy -- a mapping from
-- states to actions -- which minimizes the total discounted cost of
-- the problem, assuming a given discount factor in the range (0, 1].
-- Here the type variable 'a' represents the type of the states, 'b'
-- represents the type of the actions, and 't' represents the numeric
-- type used in computations. Generally choosing 't' to be a Double is
-- fine, although there is no reason a higher-precision type cannot be
-- used.
-- This type should not be constructed directly; use the
-- 'mkDiscountedMDP' or 'mkUndiscountedMDP' constructors instead.
data MDP a b t = MDP
                 { _states    :: V.Vector a
                 , _actions   :: V.Vector b
                 , _costs     :: V.Vector (V.Vector t)
                 , _trans     :: V.Vector (V.Vector (V.Vector t))
                 , _discount  :: t
                 , _actionSet :: V.Vector (V.Vector Int)

-- | Creates a discounted MDP.
mkDiscountedMDP :: (Eq b) =>
             [a]                -- ^ The state space
          -> [b]                -- ^ The action space
          -> Transitions a b t  -- ^ The transition probabilities
          -> Costs a b t        -- ^ The action-dependent costs
          -> ActionSet a b      -- ^ The state-dependent actions
          -> t                  -- ^ The discount factor
          -> MDP a b t          -- ^ The resulting DiscountedMDP
mkDiscountedMDP states actions trans costs actionSet discount =
    _states      = V.fromList states
    _actions     = V.fromList actions
    mkProbAS a s = V.fromList $ map (trans a s) states
    mkProbA a    = V.fromList $ map (mkProbAS a) states
    mkCostA a    = V.fromList $ map (costs a) states

    _costs = V.fromList $ map mkCostA actions
    _trans = V.fromList $ map mkProbA actions

    actionPairs   = zip [0..] actions
    actionSet' st = V.fromList $ map fst $ filter ((`elem` acs) . snd) actionPairs
        acs = actionSet st
    _actionSet = V.fromList $ map actionSet' states
    { _states    = _states
    , _actions   = _actions
    , _costs     = _costs
    , _trans     = _trans
    , _discount  = discount
    , _actionSet = _actionSet

-- | Creates an undiscounted MDP.
mkUndiscountedMDP :: (Eq b, Num t) =>
                     [a]                -- ^ The state space
                  -> [b]                -- ^ The action space
                  -> Transitions a b t  -- ^ The transition probabilities
                  -> Costs a b t        -- ^ The action-dependent costs
                  -> ActionSet a b      -- ^ The state-dependent actions
                  -> MDP a b t          -- ^ The resulting DiscountedMDP
mkUndiscountedMDP states actions trans costs actionSet =
  mkDiscountedMDP states actions trans costs actionSet 1

-- | An error describing the ways an MDP can be poorly-defined.
-- An MDP can be poorly defined by having negative transition
-- probabilities, or having the total probability associated with a
-- state and action exceeding one.
data MDPError a b t = MDPError
                      { _negativeProbability :: [(b, a, a, t)]
                      , _notOneProbability   :: [(b, a, t)]
                    deriving (Show)

-- | Returns the non-stochastic (action, state) pairs in an 'MDP'.
-- An (action, state) pair is not stochastic if any transitions out of
-- the state occur with negative probability, or if the total
-- probability all possible transitions is not 1 (within the given
-- tolerance).

-- | Verifies that the MDP is stochastic.
-- An MDP is stochastic if all transition probabilities are
-- non-negative, and the total sum of transitions out of a state under
-- a legal action sum to one.
-- We verify sums to within the given tolerance.
verifyStochastic :: (Ord t, Num t) => MDP a b t -> t -> Either (MDPError a b t) ()
verifyStochastic mdp tol =
    states  = V.toList . V.indexed . _states  $ mdp
    actions = V.toList . V.indexed . _actions $ mdp
    trans   = _trans mdp
    actionSet = _actionSet mdp

    nonNegTriples = [(ac, s, t, trans V.! acIndex V.! sIndex V.! tIndex)
                    | (acIndex, ac) <- actions
                    , (sIndex, s) <- states
                    , (tIndex, t) <- states
                    , acIndex `V.elem` (actionSet V.! sIndex)
                    , trans V.! acIndex V.! sIndex V.! tIndex < 0]
    totalProb acIndex sIndex = sum (trans V.! acIndex V.! sIndex)
    badSumPairs = [(ac, s, totalProb acIndex sIndex) 
                  | (acIndex, ac) <- actions
                  , (sIndex, s) <- states
                  , acIndex `V.elem` (actionSet V.! sIndex)
                  , abs (1 - totalProb acIndex sIndex) > tol
    case (null nonNegTriples, null badSumPairs) of
    (True,  True) -> Right ()
    _             -> Left MDPError
                     { _negativeProbability = nonNegTriples
                     , _notOneProbability   = badSumPairs