-- |
-- Module      :  Text.Megaparsec.Byte
-- Copyright   :  © 2015–present Megaparsec contributors
-- License     :  FreeBSD
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Commonly used binary parsers.
-- @since 6.0.0

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}

module Text.Megaparsec.Byte
  ( -- * Simple parsers
  , crlf
  , eol
  , tab
  , space
  , space1
    -- * Categories of characters
  , controlChar
  , spaceChar
  , upperChar
  , lowerChar
  , letterChar
  , alphaNumChar
  , printChar
  , digitChar
  , binDigitChar
  , octDigitChar
  , hexDigitChar
  , asciiChar
    -- * Single byte
  , char
  , char'
    -- * Sequence of bytes
  , string
  , string' )

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char hiding (toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Common

-- Simple parsers

-- | Parse a newline byte.

newline :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
newline = char 10
{-# INLINE newline #-}

-- | Parse a carriage return character followed by a newline character.
-- Return the sequence of characters parsed.

crlf :: forall e s m. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Tokens s)
crlf = string (tokensToChunk (Proxy :: Proxy s) [13,10])
{-# INLINE crlf #-}

-- | Parse a CRLF (see 'crlf') or LF (see 'newline') end of line. Return the
-- sequence of characters parsed.

eol :: forall e s m. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Tokens s)
eol = (tokenToChunk (Proxy :: Proxy s) <$> newline)
  <|> crlf
  <?> "end of line"
{-# INLINE eol #-}

-- | Parse a tab character.

tab :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
tab = char 9
{-# INLINE tab #-}

-- | Skip /zero/ or more white space characters.
-- See also: 'skipMany' and 'spaceChar'.

space :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m ()
space = void $ takeWhileP (Just "white space") isSpace'
{-# INLINE space #-}

-- | Skip /one/ or more white space characters.
-- See also: 'skipSome' and 'spaceChar'.

space1 :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m ()
space1 = void $ takeWhile1P (Just "white space") isSpace'
{-# INLINE space1 #-}

-- Categories of characters

-- | Parse a control character.

controlChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
controlChar = satisfy (isControl . toChar) <?> "control character"
{-# INLINE controlChar #-}

-- | Parse a space character, and the control characters: tab, newline,
-- carriage return, form feed, and vertical tab.

spaceChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
spaceChar = satisfy isSpace' <?> "white space"
{-# INLINE spaceChar #-}

-- | Parse an upper-case character.

upperChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
upperChar = satisfy (isUpper . toChar) <?> "uppercase letter"
{-# INLINE upperChar #-}

-- | Parse a lower-case alphabetic character.

lowerChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
lowerChar = satisfy (isLower . toChar) <?> "lowercase letter"
{-# INLINE lowerChar #-}

-- | Parse an alphabetic character: lower-case or upper-case.

letterChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
letterChar = satisfy (isLetter . toChar) <?> "letter"
{-# INLINE letterChar #-}

-- | Parse an alphabetic or digit characters.

alphaNumChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
alphaNumChar = satisfy (isAlphaNum . toChar) <?> "alphanumeric character"
{-# INLINE alphaNumChar #-}

-- | Parse a printable character: letter, number, mark, punctuation, symbol
-- or space.

printChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
printChar = satisfy (isPrint . toChar) <?> "printable character"
{-# INLINE printChar #-}

-- | Parse an ASCII digit, i.e between “0” and “9”.

digitChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
digitChar = satisfy isDigit' <?> "digit"
    isDigit' x = x >= 48 && x <= 57
{-# INLINE digitChar #-}

-- | Parse a binary digit, i.e. “0” or “1”.
-- @since 7.0.0

binDigitChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
binDigitChar = satisfy isBinDigit <?> "binary digit"
    isBinDigit x = x == 48 || x == 49
{-# INLINE binDigitChar #-}

-- | Parse an octal digit, i.e. between “0” and “7”.

octDigitChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
octDigitChar = satisfy isOctDigit' <?> "octal digit"
    isOctDigit' x = x >= 48 && x <= 55
{-# INLINE octDigitChar #-}

-- | Parse a hexadecimal digit, i.e. between “0” and “9”, or “a” and “f”, or
-- “A” and “F”.

hexDigitChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
hexDigitChar = satisfy (isHexDigit . toChar) <?> "hexadecimal digit"
{-# INLINE hexDigitChar #-}

-- | Parse a character from the first 128 characters of the Unicode
-- character set, corresponding to the ASCII character set.

asciiChar :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m (Token s)
asciiChar = satisfy (< 128) <?> "ASCII character"
{-# INLINE asciiChar #-}

-- Single byte

-- | A type-constrained version of 'single'.
-- > newline = char 10

char :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => Token s -> m (Token s)
char = single
{-# INLINE char #-}

-- | The same as 'char' but case-insensitive. This parser returns the
-- actually parsed character preserving its case.
-- >>> parseTest (char' 101) "E"
-- 69 -- 'E'
-- >>> parseTest (char' 101) "G"
-- 1:1:
-- unexpected 'G'
-- expecting 'E' or 'e'

char' :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => Token s -> m (Token s)
char' c = choice
  [ char (toLower c)
  , char (toUpper c)
{-# INLINE char' #-}

-- Helpers

-- | 'Word8'-specialized version of 'isSpace'.

isSpace' :: Word8 -> Bool
isSpace' x
  | x >= 9 && x <= 13 = True
  | x == 32           = True
  | x == 160          = True
  | otherwise         = False
{-# INLINE isSpace' #-}

-- | Convert a byte to char.

toChar :: Word8 -> Char
toChar = chr . fromIntegral
{-# INLINE toChar #-}

-- | Convert a byte to its upper-case version.

toUpper :: Word8 -> Word8
toUpper x
  | x >= 97 && x <= 122 = x - 32
  | x == 247 = x -- division sign
  | x == 255 = x -- latin small letter y with diaeresis
  | x >= 224 = x - 32
  | otherwise = x
{-# INLINE toUpper #-}

-- | Convert a byte to its lower-case version.

toLower :: Word8 -> Word8
toLower x
  | x >= 65 && x <= 90 = x + 32
  | x == 215 = x -- multiplication sign
  | x >= 192 && x <= 222 = x + 32
  | otherwise = x
{-# INLINE toLower #-}