{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Memorable.Internal where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Text.Printf
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Split
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.Binary
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bits.Coding hiding (putUnaligned)
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Exts
import Numeric
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Data.DoubleWord
import Network.IP.Addr
import Data.ByteArray (convert)
import Crypto.Hash hiding (hash)
import Data.Hashable
data a :| b
data a :- b
(.|) :: (Depth a ~ Depth b) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy (a :| b)
_ .| _ = Proxy
(.-) :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Proxy (a :- b)
_ .- _ = Proxy
type Number nt n = NumberWithOffset nt n 0
data NumberWithOffset nt (n :: Nat) (o :: Nat)
data PadTo nt (n :: Nat) a
type family ToTreeH (a :: [k]) :: [*] where
ToTreeH '[] = '[]
ToTreeH (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': x33 ': x34 ': x35 ': x36 ': x37 ': x38 ': x39 ': x40 ': x41 ': x42 ': x43 ': x44 ': x45 ': x46 ': x47 ': x48 ': x49 ': x50 ': x51 ': x52 ': x53 ': x54 ': x55 ': x56 ': x57 ': x58 ': x59 ': x60 ': x61 ': x62 ': x63 ': x64 ': xs) = ToTree64 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': x33 ': x34 ': x35 ': x36 ': x37 ': x38 ': x39 ': x40 ': x41 ': x42 ': x43 ': x44 ': x45 ': x46 ': x47 ': x48 ': x49 ': x50 ': x51 ': x52 ': x53 ': x54 ': x55 ': x56 ': x57 ': x58 ': x59 ': x60 ': x61 ': x62 ': x63 ': x64 ': xs)
ToTreeH as = ToTree2 as
type family ToTree2 (as :: [k]) :: [*] where
ToTree2 '[] = '[]
ToTree2 (a ': b ': bs) = (a :| b) ': ToTree2 bs
type family ToTree64 (as :: [k]) :: [*] where
ToTree64 '[] = '[]
ToTree64 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': x17 ': x18 ': x19 ': x20 ': x21 ': x22 ': x23 ': x24 ': x25 ': x26 ': x27 ': x28 ': x29 ': x30 ': x31 ': x32 ': x33 ': x34 ': x35 ': x36 ': x37 ': x38 ': x39 ': x40 ': x41 ': x42 ': x43 ': x44 ': x45 ': x46 ': x47 ': x48 ': x49 ': x50 ': x51 ': x52 ': x53 ': x54 ': x55 ': x56 ': x57 ': x58 ': x59 ': x60 ': x61 ': x62 ': x63 ': x64 ': xs) =
(x1 :| x2) :| (x3 :| x4)
) :|
(x5 :| x6) :| (x7 :| x8)
) :|
(x9 :| x10) :| (x11 :| x12)
) :|
(x13 :| x14) :| (x15 :| x16)
) :|
(x17 :| x18) :| (x19 :| x20)
) :|
(x21 :| x22) :| (x23 :| x24)
) :|
(x25 :| x26) :| (x27 :| x28)
) :|
(x29 :| x30) :| (x31 :| x32)
) :|
(x33 :| x34) :| (x35 :| x36)
) :|
(x37 :| x38) :| (x39 :| x40)
) :|
(x41 :| x42) :| (x43 :| x44)
) :|
(x45 :| x46) :| (x47 :| x48)
) :|
(x49 :| x50) :| (x51 :| x52)
) :|
(x53 :| x54) :| (x55 :| x56)
) :|
(x57 :| x58) :| (x59 :| x60)
) :|
(x61 :| x62) :| (x63 :| x64)
) ': ToTree64 xs
type family Len (a :: [Symbol]) :: Nat where
Len (a ': b ': c ': d ': e ': f ': g ': h ': i ': j ': k ': l ': m ': n ': o ': p ': q ': r ': s ': t ': u ': v ': w ': x ': y ': z ': as) = Len as + 26
Len (a ': as) = Len as + 1
Len '[] = 0
type family ToTree (a :: [k]) :: * where
ToTree (x ': y ': '[] ) = x :| y
ToTree '[(x :| y)] = x :| y
ToTree xs = ToTree (ToTreeH xs)
type family Concat (a :: [k]) :: * where
Concat (a ': b ': '[]) = a :- b
Concat (a ': b ': cs) = a :- b :- Concat cs
type family Intersperse (a :: k) (b :: [k]) :: [k] where
Intersperse a '[] = '[]
Intersperse a (b ': '[]) = b ': '[]
Intersperse a (b ': cs) = b ': a ': Intersperse a cs
type family LeftSide (a :: *) :: * where
LeftSide (a :| b) = a
type family RightSide (a :: *) :: * where
RightSide (a :| b) = b
leftSide :: Proxy (a :| b) -> Proxy a
leftSide _ = Proxy
rightSide :: Proxy (a :| b) -> Proxy b
rightSide _ = Proxy
type PowerOfTwo n = (IsPowerOfTwo n ~ True)
type family IsPowerOfTwo (a :: Nat) :: Bool where
IsPowerOfTwo 1 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 2 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 4 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 8 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 16 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 32 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 64 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 128 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 256 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 512 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 1024 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 2048 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 4096 = True
IsPowerOfTwo 8192 = True
type family BitsInPowerOfTwo (a :: Nat) :: Nat where
BitsInPowerOfTwo 1 = 0
BitsInPowerOfTwo 2 = 1
BitsInPowerOfTwo 4 = 2
BitsInPowerOfTwo 8 = 3
BitsInPowerOfTwo 16 = 4
BitsInPowerOfTwo 32 = 5
BitsInPowerOfTwo 64 = 6
BitsInPowerOfTwo 128 = 7
BitsInPowerOfTwo 256 = 8
BitsInPowerOfTwo 512 = 9
BitsInPowerOfTwo 1024 = 10
BitsInPowerOfTwo 2048 = 11
BitsInPowerOfTwo 4096 = 12
BitsInPowerOfTwo 8192 = 13
type family Find a as :: Bool where
Find a '[] = 'False
Find a (a ': as) = 'True
Find a (b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (v ': u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (w ': v ': u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (x ': w ': v ': u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (y ': x ': w ': v ': u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (z ': y ': x ': w ': v ': u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': a ': as) = 'True
Find a (z ': y ': x ': w ': v ': u ': t ': s ': r ': q ': p ': o ': n ': m ': l ': k ': j ': i ': h ': g ': f ': e ': d ': c ': b ': aa ': as) = Find a as
Find a (b ': as ) = Find a as
type family HasDups (a :: [Symbol]) :: Bool where
HasDups (a ': as) = Find a as || HasDups as
HasDups '[] = 'False
type family NoDups (a :: [Symbol]) :: Constraint where
NoDups (a ': as) = If (Find a as) (TypeError (Text "Pattern is ambiguous because of " :<>: ShowType a)) (NoDups as)
NoDups '[] = ()
type family Depth (a :: k) :: Nat where
Depth (a :: Symbol) = 0
Depth (a :- b) = Depth a + Depth b
Depth (a :| b) = 1 + Depth a
Depth (NumberWithOffset nt a o) = a
Depth (PadTo nt n a) = n
getDepth :: forall a. KnownNat (Depth a) => Proxy a -> Integer
getDepth _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Depth a))
type family NTimes (n :: Nat) (p :: *) where
NTimes 1 a = a
NTimes n a = a :- NTimes (n - 1) a
five :: Proxy a -> Proxy (a :- a :- a :- a :- a)
five _ = Proxy
four :: Proxy a -> Proxy (a :- a :- a :- a)
four _ = Proxy
three :: Proxy a -> Proxy (a :- a :- a)
three _ = Proxy
two :: Proxy a -> Proxy (a :- a)
two _ = Proxy
padHex :: forall n a. Proxy a -> Proxy (PadTo Hex n a)
padHex _ = Proxy
padDec :: forall n a. Proxy a -> Proxy (PadTo Dec n a)
padDec _ = Proxy
hex4 :: Proxy (Number Hex 4)
hex4 = Proxy
hex8 :: Proxy (Number Hex 8)
hex8 = Proxy
hex16 :: Proxy (Number Hex 16)
hex16 = Proxy
hex32 :: Proxy (Number Hex 32)
hex32 = Proxy
hex :: Proxy (Number Hex n)
hex = Proxy
dec4 :: Proxy (Number Dec 4)
dec4 = Proxy
dec8 :: Proxy (Number Dec 8)
dec8 = Proxy
dec16 :: Proxy (Number Dec 16)
dec16 = Proxy
dec32 :: Proxy (Number Dec 32)
dec32 = Proxy
dec :: Proxy (Number Dec n)
dec = Proxy
class MemRender a where
render :: Proxy a -> Coding Get String
parser :: Proxy a -> ExceptT String (State ([String], Coding PutM ())) ()
addBits :: Coding PutM () -> ExceptT String (State ([String], Coding PutM ())) ()
addBits c = do
(s,cs) <- get
put (s,cs >> c)
symbolString :: KnownSymbol a => Proxy a -> String
symbolString = concatMap tr . symbolVal
tr '-' = "\\_"
tr '\\' = "\\\\"
tr c = [c]
stringSymbol :: String -> String
stringSymbol [] = []
stringSymbol ('\\':'\\':rest) = '\\' : stringSymbol rest
stringSymbol ('\\':'_':rest) = '-' : stringSymbol rest
stringSymbol (a:rest) = a : stringSymbol rest
parsePhrase :: MemRender p => Proxy p -> String -> Maybe ByteString
parsePhrase p input =
tokens = map stringSymbol $ splitOn "-" input
stm = runExceptT (parser p)
(e,(_,cdm)) = runState stm (tokens, pure ())
ptm = runCoding (cdm <* Data.Bytes.Put.flush) (\a _ _ -> pure a) 0 0
case e of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right () -> Just $ runPutL ptm
parseMemorable :: (Memorable a, MemRender p, MemLen a ~ Depth p) => Proxy p -> String -> Maybe a
parseMemorable p input =
bs = parsePhrase p input
in runParser <$> bs
rerender :: (MemRender a, MemRender b, Depth a ~ Depth b) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> String -> Maybe String
rerender a b input = renderMemorableByteString b <$> parsePhrase a input
instance (KnownSymbol a) => MemRender (a :: Symbol) where
render = return . symbolString
parser p = do
(ss,cs) <- get
case ss of
[] -> empty
s:ss' ->
if s == symbolVal p
then put (ss',cs)
else empty
instance (MemRender a, MemRender b) => MemRender (a :- b) where
render _ = do
sa <- render (Proxy :: Proxy a)
sb <- render (Proxy :: Proxy b)
return $ sa ++ "-" ++ sb
parser _ = do
parser (Proxy :: Proxy a)
parser (Proxy :: Proxy b)
instance (MemRender a, MemRender b) => MemRender (a :| b) where
render _ = do
b <- getBit
if b
then render (Proxy :: Proxy a)
else render (Proxy :: Proxy b)
parser _ = do
s <- get
catchError (do
addBits (putBit True)
parser (Proxy :: Proxy a)
) (\_ -> do
put s
addBits (putBit False)
parser (Proxy :: Proxy b)
instance (NumberRender nt, KnownNat a, KnownNat o) => MemRender (NumberWithOffset nt a o) where
render _ = do
o = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy o)
b = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy a)
w <- getBitsFrom (fromIntegral (pred b)) 0
return $ renderNumber (Proxy :: Proxy nt) b (w + o)
parser _ = do
o = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy o)
b = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy a)
(ss,cs) <- get
case ss of
[] -> empty
(s:ss') -> do
n = readNumber (Proxy :: Proxy nt) b s
case n of
Nothing -> empty
Just n' -> do
let n'' = n' - o
when (n'' >= 2^b) empty
put (ss',cs >> putBitsFrom (fromIntegral $ pred b) n'')
instance (MemRender a, Depth a <= n, NumberRender nt, KnownNat n, KnownNat (Depth a)) => MemRender (PadTo nt n a) where
render _ = do
s1 <- render (Proxy :: Proxy a)
diff = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) - natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Depth a))
ntp = Proxy :: Proxy nt
case diff of
0 -> return s1
_ -> do
d <- getBitsFrom (fromIntegral (pred diff)) 0
return $ s1 ++ "-" ++ renderNumber ntp diff d
parser _ = do
nt = Proxy :: Proxy nt
diff = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) - natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Depth a))
parser (Proxy :: Proxy a)
case diff of
0 -> return ()
_ -> do
(ss,cs) <- get
when (null ss) empty
(s:ss') = ss
n = readNumber nt diff s
n' <- maybe empty return n
when (n' >= 2^diff) empty
put (ss', cs >> putBitsFrom (fromIntegral $ pred diff) n')
class NumberRender n where
renderNumber :: Proxy n -> Integer -> Integer -> String
readNumber :: Proxy n -> Integer -> String -> Maybe Integer
data Dec
instance NumberRender Dec where
renderNumber _ _ = show
readNumber _ _ input = case readDec input of
[(v,"")] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
data Hex
instance NumberRender Hex where
renderNumber _ b = printf "%0*x" hexDigits
hexDigits = (b - 1) `div` 4 + 1
readNumber _ _ input = case readHex input of
[(v,"")] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
class Memorable a where
type MemLen a :: Nat
renderMem :: MonadPut m => a -> Coding m ()
parserMem :: MonadGet m => Coding m a
memBitSize :: forall a. (KnownNat (MemLen a)) => Proxy a -> Int
memBitSize _ = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (MemLen a))
testMemLen :: forall a. (KnownNat (MemLen a), Memorable a) => a -> Bool
testMemLen a =
p :: Coding PutM ()
p = renderMem a
(x,bs) = runPutM (runCoding p (\a x _ -> return x) 0 0)
l = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (MemLen a))
bl = 8 * fromIntegral (BL.length bs) - x
l == bl
putUnaligned :: (MonadPut m, FiniteBits b) => b -> Coding m ()
putUnaligned b = putBitsFrom (pred $ finiteBitSize b) b
instance Memorable Word8 where
type MemLen Word8 = 8
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Word8)) 0
instance Memorable Word16 where
type MemLen Word16 = 16
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Word16)) 0
instance Memorable Word32 where
type MemLen Word32 = 32
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Word32)) 0
instance Memorable Word64 where
type MemLen Word64 = 64
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Word64)) 0
instance Memorable Int8 where
type MemLen Int8 = 8
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Int8)) 0
instance Memorable Int16 where
type MemLen Int16 = 16
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Int16)) 0
instance Memorable Int32 where
type MemLen Int32 = 32
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Int32)) 0
instance Memorable Int64 where
type MemLen Int64 = 64
renderMem = putUnaligned
parserMem = getBitsFrom (pred $ memBitSize (Proxy :: Proxy Int64)) 0
instance (Memorable a, Memorable b) => Memorable (a,b) where
type MemLen (a,b) = MemLen a + MemLen b
renderMem (a,b) = renderMem a >> renderMem b
parserMem = (,) <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance (Memorable a, Memorable b, Memorable c) => Memorable (a,b,c) where
type MemLen (a,b,c) = MemLen a + MemLen b + MemLen c
renderMem (a,b,c) = renderMem a >> renderMem b >> renderMem c
parserMem = (,,) <$> parserMem <*> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance (Memorable a, Memorable b, Memorable c, Memorable d) => Memorable (a,b,c,d) where
type MemLen (a,b,c,d) = MemLen a + MemLen b + MemLen c + MemLen d
renderMem (a,b,c,d) = renderMem a >> renderMem b >> renderMem c >> renderMem d
parserMem = (,,,) <$> parserMem <*> parserMem <*> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance (Memorable a, Memorable b, Memorable c, Memorable d, Memorable e) => Memorable (a,b,c,d,e) where
type MemLen (a,b,c,d,e) = MemLen a + MemLen b + MemLen c + MemLen d + MemLen e
renderMem (a,b,c,d,e) = renderMem a >> renderMem b >> renderMem c >> renderMem d >> renderMem e
parserMem = (,,,,) <$> parserMem <*> parserMem <*> parserMem <*> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Word96 where
type MemLen Word96 = 96
renderMem (Word96 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Word96 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Word128 where
type MemLen Word128 = 128
renderMem (Word128 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Word128 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Word160 where
type MemLen Word160 = 160
renderMem (Word160 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Word160 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Word192 where
type MemLen Word192 = 192
renderMem (Word192 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Word192 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Word224 where
type MemLen Word224 = 224
renderMem (Word224 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Word224 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Word256 where
type MemLen Word256 = 256
renderMem (Word256 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Word256 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Int96 where
type MemLen Int96 = 96
renderMem (Int96 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Int96 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Int128 where
type MemLen Int128 = 128
renderMem (Int128 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Int128 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Int160 where
type MemLen Int160 = 160
renderMem (Int160 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Int160 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Int192 where
type MemLen Int192 = 192
renderMem (Int192 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Int192 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Int224 where
type MemLen Int224 = 224
renderMem (Int224 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Int224 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable Int256 where
type MemLen Int256 = 256
renderMem (Int256 h l) = renderMem h >> renderMem l
parserMem = Int256 <$> parserMem <*> parserMem
instance Memorable IP4 where
type MemLen IP4 = 32
renderMem (IP4 w) = renderMem w
parserMem = IP4 <$> parserMem
instance Memorable IP6 where
type MemLen IP6 = 128
renderMem (IP6 w) = renderMem w
parserMem = IP6 <$> parserMem
instance Memorable (Digest NAME) where {\
type MemLen (Digest NAME) = BITS; \
renderMem = mapM_ putUnaligned . B.unpack . convert; \
parserMem = do { \
let {b = (BITS) `div` 8;}; \
fromJust <$> (digestFromByteString . B.pack) <$> replicateM b (getBitsFrom 7 0); \
renderMemorable :: (MemRender p, Depth p ~ MemLen a, Memorable a) => Proxy p -> a -> String
renderMemorable p a = renderMemorableByteString p (runRender a)
runRender :: Memorable a => a -> ByteString
runRender c = runPutL (runCoding (renderMem c) (\_ _ _ -> pure ()) 0 0)
runParser :: Memorable a => ByteString -> a
runParser = runGet (runCoding parserMem (\a _ _ -> pure a) 0 0)
:: MemRender a
=> Proxy a -> ByteString -> String
renderMemorableByteString p =
runGetL (runCoding (render p) (\a _ _ -> return a) 0 0)
:: forall a. (MemRender a, KnownNat (Depth a))
=> Proxy a -> IO String
renderRandom p = do
nBits = getDepth p
nBytes = fromIntegral $ nBits `div` 8 + 1
bs <- pack <$> replicateM nBytes randomIO
return $ renderMemorableByteString p bs
renderHashable32 :: (MemRender p, Depth p ~ 32, Hashable a) => Proxy p -> a -> String
renderHashable32 p a = renderMemorable p (fromIntegral $ hash a :: Word32)
renderHashable16 :: (MemRender p, Depth p ~ 16, Hashable a) => Proxy p -> a -> String
renderHashable16 p a = renderMemorable p (fromIntegral $ hash a :: Word16)
renderHashable8 :: (MemRender p, Depth p ~ 8, Hashable a) => Proxy p -> a -> String
renderHashable8 p a = renderMemorable p (fromIntegral $ hash a :: Word8)