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memory-0.15.0: memory and related abstraction stuff

MaintainerNicolas Di Prima <nicolas@primetype.co.uk>
Safe HaskellNone






class (ByteArrayAccess c, KnownNat n) => ByteArrayN (n :: Nat) c | c -> n where Source #

Type class to emulate exactly the behaviour of ByteArray but with a known length at compile time


allocRet :: forall p a. Proxy n -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO (a, c) Source #

just like allocRet but with the size at the type level

(ByteArrayAccess (BlockN n ty), PrimType ty, KnownNat n, Countable ty n, KnownNat nbytes, nbytes ~ (PrimSize ty * n)) => ByteArrayN nbytes (BlockN n ty) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized


allocRet :: Proxy nbytes -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO (a, BlockN n ty) Source #

(KnownNat n, ByteArray ba) => ByteArrayN n (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized


allocRet :: Proxy n -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO (a, SizedByteArray n ba) Source #

data SizedByteArray (n :: Nat) ba Source #

Wrapper around any collection type with the size as type parameter

(KnownNat n, ByteArray ba) => ByteArrayN n (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized


allocRet :: Proxy n -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO (a, SizedByteArray n ba) Source #

Eq ba => Eq (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized


(==) :: SizedByteArray n ba -> SizedByteArray n ba -> Bool #

(/=) :: SizedByteArray n ba -> SizedByteArray n ba -> Bool #

Ord ba => Ord (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized

Show ba => Show (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized

Semigroup ba => Semigroup (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized

Monoid ba => Monoid (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized

NormalForm ba => NormalForm (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized


toNormalForm :: SizedByteArray n ba -> () #

(ByteArrayAccess ba, KnownNat n) => ByteArrayAccess (SizedByteArray n ba) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.ByteArray.Sized


length :: SizedByteArray n ba -> Int Source #

withByteArray :: SizedByteArray n ba -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a Source #

copyByteArrayToPtr :: SizedByteArray n ba -> Ptr p -> IO () Source #

sizedByteArray :: forall n ba. (KnownNat n, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> Maybe (SizedByteArray n ba) Source #

create a SizedByteArray from the given ByteArrayAccess if the size is the same as the target size.

unsafeSizedByteArray :: forall n ba. (ByteArrayAccess ba, KnownNat n) => ba -> SizedByteArray n ba Source #

just like the sizedByteArray function but throw an exception if the size is invalid.

ByteArrayN operators

alloc :: forall n ba p. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> IO ba Source #

Allocate a new bytearray of specific size, and run the initializer on this memory

create :: forall n ba p. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> IO ba Source #

Allocate a new bytearray of specific size, and run the initializer on this memory

allocAndFreeze :: forall n ba p. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> ba Source #

similar to allocN but hide the allocation and initializer in a pure context

unsafeCreate :: forall n ba p. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> ba Source #

similar to createN but hide the allocation and initializer in a pure context

inlineUnsafeCreate :: forall n ba p. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> ba Source #

empty :: forall ba. ByteArrayN 0 ba => ba Source #

Create an empty byte array

pack :: forall n ba. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => ListN n Word8 -> ba Source #

Pack a list of bytes into a bytearray

unpack :: forall n ba. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n, NatWithinBound Int n, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> ListN n Word8 Source #

Un-pack a bytearray into a list of bytes

cons :: forall ni no bi bo. (ByteArrayN ni bi, ByteArrayN no bo, ByteArrayAccess bi, KnownNat ni, KnownNat no, (ni + 1) ~ no) => Word8 -> bi -> bo Source #

prepend a single byte to a byte array

snoc :: forall bi bo ni no. (ByteArrayN ni bi, ByteArrayN no bo, ByteArrayAccess bi, KnownNat ni, KnownNat no, (ni + 1) ~ no) => bi -> Word8 -> bo Source #

append a single byte to a byte array

xor :: forall n a b c. (ByteArrayN n a, ByteArrayN n b, ByteArrayN n c, ByteArrayAccess a, ByteArrayAccess b, KnownNat n) => a -> b -> c Source #

Create a xor of bytes between a and b.

the returns byte array is the size of the smallest input.

index :: forall n na ba. (ByteArrayN na ba, ByteArrayAccess ba, KnownNat na, KnownNat n, n <= na) => ba -> Proxy n -> Word8 Source #

return a specific byte indexed by a number from 0 in a bytearray

unsafe, no bound checking are done

splitAt :: forall nblhs nbi nbrhs bi blhs brhs. (ByteArrayN nbi bi, ByteArrayN nblhs blhs, ByteArrayN nbrhs brhs, ByteArrayAccess bi, KnownNat nbi, KnownNat nblhs, KnownNat nbrhs, nblhs <= nbi, (nbrhs + nblhs) ~ nbi) => bi -> (blhs, brhs) Source #

Split a bytearray at a specific length in two bytearray

take :: forall nbo nbi bi bo. (ByteArrayN nbi bi, ByteArrayN nbo bo, ByteArrayAccess bi, KnownNat nbi, KnownNat nbo, nbo <= nbi) => bi -> bo Source #

Take the first n byte of a bytearray

drop :: forall n nbi nbo bi bo. (ByteArrayN nbi bi, ByteArrayN nbo bo, ByteArrayAccess bi, KnownNat n, KnownNat nbi, KnownNat nbo, (nbo + n) ~ nbi) => Proxy n -> bi -> bo Source #

drop the first n byte of a bytearray

append :: forall nblhs nbrhs nbout blhs brhs bout. (ByteArrayN nblhs blhs, ByteArrayN nbrhs brhs, ByteArrayN nbout bout, ByteArrayAccess blhs, ByteArrayAccess brhs, KnownNat nblhs, KnownNat nbrhs, KnownNat nbout, (nbrhs + nblhs) ~ nbout) => blhs -> brhs -> bout Source #

append one bytearray to the other

copy :: forall n bs1 bs2 p. (ByteArrayN n bs1, ByteArrayN n bs2, ByteArrayAccess bs1, KnownNat n) => bs1 -> (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> IO bs2 Source #

Duplicate a bytearray into another bytearray, and run an initializer on it

copyRet :: forall n bs1 bs2 p a. (ByteArrayN n bs1, ByteArrayN n bs2, ByteArrayAccess bs1, KnownNat n) => bs1 -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO (a, bs2) Source #

Similar to copy but also provide a way to return a value from the initializer

copyAndFreeze :: forall n bs1 bs2 p. (ByteArrayN n bs1, ByteArrayN n bs2, ByteArrayAccess bs1, KnownNat n) => bs1 -> (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> bs2 Source #

Similiar to copy but expect the resulting bytearray in a pure context

replicate :: forall n ba. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => Word8 -> ba Source #

Create a bytearray of a specific size containing a repeated byte value

zero :: forall n ba. (ByteArrayN n ba, KnownNat n) => ba Source #

Create a bytearray of a specific size initialized to 0

convert :: forall n bin bout. (ByteArrayN n bin, ByteArrayN n bout, KnownNat n) => bin -> bout Source #

Convert a bytearray to another type of bytearray

fromByteArrayAccess :: forall n bin bout. (ByteArrayAccess bin, ByteArrayN n bout, KnownNat n) => bin -> Maybe bout Source #

Convert a ByteArrayAccess to another type of bytearray

This function returns nothing if the size is not compatible

unsafeFromByteArrayAccess :: forall n bin bout. (ByteArrayAccess bin, ByteArrayN n bout, KnownNat n) => bin -> bout Source #

Convert a ByteArrayAccess to another type of bytearray