microlens-pro-0.1.0: Prisms and isomorphisms for microlens
Copyright(C) 2013-2016 Edward Kmett 2018 Monadfix
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module is home to lens definitions that require profunctors, most notably Iso and Prism. Depending on profunctors is quite the to bear — one that includes all dependencies of microlens-platform. For this reason, microlens-pro ships with a compatiblity module Lens.Micro.ProCompat which re-exports the entirety of Lens.Micro.Platform, but with the profunctor-less definitions hidden and overridden with profunctor'd definitions from this module.


Iso: Losslessly convert between types

Isos (or isomorphisms) are lenses that convert a value instead of targeting a part of it; in other words, inside of every list lives a reversed list, inside of every strict Text lives a lazy Text, and inside of every (a, b) lives a (b, a). Since an isomorphism doesn't lose any information, it's possible to reverse it and use it in the opposite direction by using from:

from :: Iso' s a -> Iso' a s
from :: Iso s t a b -> Iso t s b a

Isos are constructed from a pair of inverse functions. For example, assume lawful instances of Show and Read:

show . read = id
read . show = id

The isomorphisms defined in this module are true lens-compatible isos. Many of them share names with the lens-incompatible definitions from Lens.Micro and Lens.Micro.Platform. For convenience, we provide a module Lens.Micro.ProCompat which emulates Lens.Micro.Platform, but uses the lens-compatible isos.

type Iso s t a b = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t) Source #

The type signature of iso provides a nice interpretation of Iso. If you want to apply a function a -> b to a type s, you'd have to convert with s -> a, apply your function a -> b, and convert back with b -> t.

iso :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
-- or, put monomorphically
iso :: (s -> a) -> (a -> s) -> Iso' s a

type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a Source #

The type of monomorphic isomorphisms, i.e. isos that change neither the outer type s nor the inner type a.

Constructing Isos

iso :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b Source #

Construct an Iso from two inverse functions.

Iso Combinators

from :: AnIso s t a b -> Iso b a t s Source #

Invert an Iso. Should you define any Isos, it's expected that they abide by the following law, essentially saying that inverting an Iso twice yields the same Iso you started with.

from (from l) ≡ l

under :: AnIso s t a b -> (t -> s) -> b -> a Source #

Shorthand for over . from, e.g.

s & over (from l) f ≡ s & under l f

non :: Eq a => a -> Iso' (Maybe a) a Source #

non lets you “relabel” a Maybe by equating Nothing to an arbitrary value (which you can choose):

>>> Just 1 ^. non 0 1
>>> Nothing ^. non 0 0

The most useful thing about non is that relabeling also works in other direction. If you try to set the “forbidden” value, it'll be turned to Nothing:

>>> Just 1 & non 0 .~ 0 Nothing

Setting anything else works just fine:

>>> Just 1 & non 0 .~ 5 Just 5

Same happens if you try to modify a value:

>>> Just 1 & non 0 %~ subtract 1 Nothing
>>> Just 1 & non 0 %~ (+ 1) Just 2

non is often useful when combined with at. For instance, if you have a map of songs and their playcounts, it makes sense not to store songs with 0 plays in the map; non can act as a filter that wouldn't pass such entries.

Decrease playcount of a song to 0, and it'll be gone:

>>> fromList [("Soon",1),("Yesterday",3)] & at "Soon" . non 0 %~ subtract 1
fromList [("Yesterday",3)]

Try to add a song with 0 plays, and it won't be added:

>>> fromList [("Yesterday",3)] & at "Soon" . non 0 .~ 0
fromList [("Yesterday",3)]

But it will be added if you set any other number:

>>> fromList [("Yesterday",3)] & at "Soon" . non 0 .~ 1
fromList [("Soon",1),("Yesterday",3)]

non is also useful when working with nested maps. Here a nested map is created when it's missing:

>>> Map.empty & at "Dez Mona" . non Map.empty . at "Soon" .~ Just 1
fromList [("Dez Mona",fromList [("Soon",1)])]

and here it is deleted when its last entry is deleted (notice that non is used twice here):

>>> fromList [("Dez Mona",fromList [("Soon",1)])] & at "Dez Mona" . non Map.empty . at "Soon" . non 0 %~ subtract 1
fromList []

To understand the last example better, observe the flow of values in it:

  • the map goes into at "Dez Mona" * the nested map (wrapped into Just) goes into non Map.empty * Just is unwrapped and the nested map goes into at "Soon" * Just 1 is unwrapped by non 0

Then the final value – i.e. 1 – is modified by subtract 1 and the result (which is 0) starts flowing backwards:

  • non 0 sees the 0 and produces a Nothing
  • at "Soon" sees Nothing and deletes the corresponding value from the map
  • the resulting empty map is passed to non Map.empty, which sees that it's empty and thus produces Nothing
  • at "Dez Mona" sees Nothing and removes the key from the map

non' :: APrism' a () -> Iso' (Maybe a) a Source #

non, but instead of equality with a value, non' equates Nothing to anything a Prism of your choice doesn't match.

>>> Just [] & non' _Empty .~ [1,2,3]
Just [1,2,3]
>>> Just [] & non' _Empty .~ []

See non for cases this may be useful.

Common Isos

_Show :: (Read a, Show a) => Iso' String a Source #

Lawful instances of Show and Read give rise to this isomorphism.

>>> 123 & from _Show %~ reverse
>>> "123" & _Show %~ (*2)

strict :: Strict lazy strict => Iso' lazy strict Source #

lazy :: Strict lazy strict => Iso' strict lazy Source #

enum :: Enum a => Iso' Int a Source #

enum is a questionable inclusion, as many (most) Enum instances throw errors for out-of-bounds integers, but it is occasionally useful when used with that information in mind. Handle with care!

>>> 97 ^. enum :: Char
>>> (-1) ^. enum :: Char
*** Exception: Prelude.chr: bad argument: (-1)
>>> [True,False] ^. mapping (from enum)

coerced :: forall s t a b. (Coercible s a, Coercible t b) => Iso s t a b Source #

Coercible types have the same runtime representation, i.e. they are isomorphic.

>>> (Sum 123 :: Sum Int) ^. coerced :: Int

mapping :: (Functor f, Functor g) => AnIso s t a b -> Iso (f s) (g t) (f a) (g b) Source #

An isomorphism holds when lifted into a functor. For example, if a list contains a bunch of a's which are each isomorphic to a b, the whole list of a's is isomorphic to a list of b's.

>>> ["1","2","3"] ^. mapping _Show :: [Int]
>>> ([1,2,3] :: [Int]) ^. from (mapping _Show)

This also hold across different functors:

>>> let l = mapping @[] @Maybe _Show
>>> :t l
l :: (Read b, Show b) => Iso [String] (Maybe String) [b] (Maybe b)
>>> ["1","2","3"] & l %~ Just . sum
Just "6"

packed :: IsText t => Iso' String t Source #

packed lets you convert between String and Text (strict or lazy). It can be used as a replacement for pack or as a way to modify some String if you have a function like Text -> Text.

unpacked :: IsText t => Iso' t String Source #

unpacked is like packed but works in the opposite direction.


type AnIso s t a b = Exchange a b a (Identity b) -> Exchange a b s (Identity t) Source #

This type is used for efficient "deconstruction" of an Iso, reifying the type into a concrete pair of inverse functions. From the user's perspective, a function with an AnIso as an argument is simply expecting a normal Iso.

type AnIso' s a = AnIso s s a a Source #

Monomorphic AnIso.

cloneIso :: AnIso s t a b -> Iso s t a b Source #

Convert AnIso to Iso. This is useful when you need to store an isomorphism as a data type inside a container and later reconstitute it as an overloaded function.

withIso :: forall s t a b rep (r :: TYPE rep). AnIso s t a b -> ((s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> r) -> r Source #

Extract the two functions, s -> a and one b -> t that characterize an Iso.

Prism: A traversal with zero or one targets

If a Lens views and updates individual components of product types, a Prism views and updates individual components of sum types. For example, you may want to update the Left field of an Either:

>>> Left "salmon" & _Left .~ "orb"
Left "orb"
>>> Right "pudding" & _Left .~ "orb"
Right "pudding"

Also similarly to a Lens, you might want to view the Left field. However, it might not always be there, so we treat it as a traversal with either one or zero results.

>>> Right "bass" ^? _Left
>>> Left "bubbles" ^? _Left
Just "bubbles"

A unique feature of Prisms is that they may be flipped around using re to construct the larger structure. Maintaining our example of Either, remember that you can construct the entire Either via the constructor Left.

>>> :t re _Left
re _Left :: Getter b (Either b c)
>>> view (re _Left) "bungo"
Left "bungo"

This view (re l) idiom isn't the prettiest, so we define review = view . re as shorthand. review also has an infix synonym, (#).

>>> :t _Just
_Just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
>>> review _Just "bilbo"
Just "bilbo"
>>> _Just # "bilbo"
Just "bilbo"

As is the whole point of optics, prisms may of course be composed with other optics:

type Thing = Either (Maybe String) (Maybe (Either [Bool] Int))
thing :: Thing
thing = Right (Just (Left [True,False]))
>>> thing & _Right . _Just . _Left . each %~ not
Right (Just (Left [False,True]))

type Prism s t a b = forall p f. (Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t) Source #

  • s is the type of the whole structure
  • t is the type of the reconstructed structure
  • a is the type of the target
  • b is the type of the value used for reconstruction

type Prism' s a = Prism s s a a Source #

The type of monomorphic prisms, i.e. prisms that change neither the outer type s nor the inner type a.

Constructing Prisms

prism :: (b -> t) -> (s -> Either t a) -> Prism s t a b Source #

Generate a Prism out of a constructor and a selector. You may wonder why the selector function returns an 'Either t a' rather than the more obvious choice of 'Maybe a'; This is to allow s and t to differ — see prism'.

_Left = prism Left $ either Right (Left . Right)

prism' :: (b -> s) -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Prism s s a b Source #

Generate a Prism out of a constructor and a selector.

_Nothing = prism Left $ either Right (Left . Right)

Prism Combinators

nearly :: a -> (a -> Bool) -> Prism' a () Source #

nearly a p is a prism that matches "loose equality" with a by assuming p x is true iff x ≡ a.

>>> nearly [] null # ()
>>> [1,2,3,4] ^? nearly [] null

only :: Eq a => a -> Prism' a () Source #

A prism that matches equality with a value:

>>> 1 ^? only 2
>>> 1 ^? only 1
Just 1

Common Prisms

_Left :: Prism (Either a c) (Either b c) a b Source #

Focus the Left component of an Either

>>> Left "doge" ^? _Left
Just "doge"
>>> Right "soge" ^? _Left
>>> review _Left "quoge"
Left "quoge"

_Right :: Prism (Either c a) (Either c b) a b Source #

Focus the Right component of an Either

>>> Left "doge" ^? _Right
>>> Right "soge" ^? _Right
Just "soge"
>>> review _Right "quoge"
Right "quoge"

_Just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b Source #

Focus the Just of a Maybe. This might seem redundant, as:

>>> Just "pikyben" ^? _Just
Just "pikyben"

but _Just proves useful when composing with other optics.

_Nothing :: Prism' (Maybe a) () Source #

_Nothing focuses the Nothing in a Maybe.

>>> Nothing ^? _Nothing
Just ()
>>> Just "wassa" ^? _Nothing
>>> 'has' _Nothing (Just "something")

_Empty :: AsEmpty a => Prism' a () Source #

A prism that matches the empty structure.

>>> has _Empty []


type APrism s t a b = Market a b a (Identity b) -> Market a b s (Identity t) Source #

This type is used for effecient "deconstruction" of a Prism. From the user's perspective, a function with an AnPrism as an argument is simply expecting a normal Prism.

type APrism' s a = Market a a a (Identity a) -> Market a a s (Identity s) Source #

Monomorphic APrism.

clonePrism :: APrism s t a b -> Prism s t a b Source #

Clone a Prism so that you can reuse the same monomorphically typed Prism for different purposes.

Cloning a Prism is one way to make sure you aren't given something weaker, such as a Traversal and can be used as a way to pass around lenses that have to be monomorphic in f.

withPrism :: APrism s t a b -> ((b -> t) -> (s -> Either t a) -> r) -> r Source #

Convert a Prism into the constructor and selector that characterise it. See: prism.


type AReview t b = Tagged b (Identity b) -> Tagged t (Identity t) Source #

If you see this in a signature for a function, the function is expecting a Review. This usually means a Prism or an Iso.

type SimpleReview t b = forall p. (Choice p, Bifunctor p) => p b (Identity b) -> p t (Identity t) Source #

Review, from lens, is limited form of Prism that can only be used for re operations.

Similarly to SimpleGetter from microlens, microlens-pro does not define Review and opts for a less general SimpleReview in order to avoid a distributive dependency.

re :: AReview t b -> Getter b t Source #

Reverse a Prism or Iso turning it into a getter. re is a weaker version of from, in that you can't flip it back around after reversing it the first time.

>>> "hello worms" ^. re _Just
Just "hello worms"

review :: MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t Source #

Reverse a Prism or Iso and view it

review ≡ view . re
>>> review _Just "sploink"
Just "sploink"

review is often used with the function monad, ((->)r):

review :: AReview t b -> b -> t

(#) :: AReview t b -> b -> t infixr 8 Source #

An infix synonym of review

unto :: (Profunctor p, Bifunctor p, Functor f) => (b -> t) -> p a (f b) -> p s (f t) Source #

Construct a Review out of a constructor. Consider this more pleasant type signature:

unto :: (b -> t) -> Review' t b

Pardon the actual type signature — microlens defines neither Optic (used in lens' unto) nor Review'. Here we simply expand the definition of Optic.

Orphan instances