A variant of ByteString where strings differing in the case of some of its characters are identified.
- data ByteString
- sensitize :: ByteString -> ByteString
- unsensitize :: ByteString -> ByteString
- concat :: [ByteString] -> ByteString
- intercalate :: ByteString -> [ByteString] -> ByteString
- pack :: String -> ByteString
- unpack :: ByteString -> String
data ByteString Source
Wrapper for case insensitive strings.
sensitize :: ByteString -> ByteStringSource
Project back to a regular bytestring.
unsensitize :: ByteString -> ByteStringSource
Inject a bytestring into a case insensitive bytestring. Note that the case of all letters in the ByteString is folded to lower case.
concat :: [ByteString] -> ByteStringSource
intercalate :: ByteString -> [ByteString] -> ByteStringSource
pack :: String -> ByteStringSource
unpack :: ByteString -> StringSource