-- | Store font glyphs in OpenGL textures
-- TODO: add (optional) subpixel rendering support 
-- (pre-render say 4 versions of the same glyphs with fractional horizontal offsets)

module Graphics.Rendering.MiniTypeset.FontTexture where


import Data.Word
import Data.Char

import GHC.Float

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Marshal.Array

import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef

import System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe

import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL

import Graphics.Rendering.TrueType.STB


replacementCharacter :: Char
replacementCharacter = '\xfffd'


-- newtype FontIdx = FontIdx { unFontIdx :: Int }

-- | The location of a glyph in a font texture collection
data BufLoc = BufLoc
  { _locGlyph  :: !Glyph
  , _locBufIdx :: !Int             -- ^ which buffer 
  , _locBufXY  :: !(Int,Int)       -- ^ position within the texture (buffer)
  , _locBufSiz :: !(Int,Int)       -- ^ size of the bounding box
  , _locBufOfs :: !(Int,Int)       -- ^ offset relative to the bounding box
  , _locHM     :: !(HorizontalMetrics Float)   -- ^ for convenience, we cache the glyph metrics
  deriving Show

-- | A single texture buffer
data TexBuf = TexBuf
  { _bufTexObj :: !TextureObject
  , _bufSize   :: !(Int,Int)
  deriving Show

allocateTexBuf :: FontTexture -> IO TexBuf
allocateTexBuf ftex = do

  let (w,h) = _ftexBufSize ftex
  texobj <- genObjectName
  let texbuf = TexBuf
        { _bufTexObj = texobj
        , _bufSize   = (w,h)
  textureBinding Texture2D $=! Just texobj

  textureLevelRange  Texture2D   $=! (0,0)
  textureFilter      Texture2D   $=! ((Nearest,Nothing),Nearest)
  textureWrapMode    Texture2D S $=! (Repeated,ClampToBorder)
  textureWrapMode    Texture2D T $=! (Repeated,ClampToBorder)
  textureWrapMode    Texture2D R $=! (Repeated,ClampToBorder)
  textureBorderColor Texture2D   $=! (Color4 0 0 0 0)
  generateMipmap     Texture2D $= Disabled                    -- ?????

  -- uninitialized texture
  let pd = PixelData Alpha UnsignedByte nullPtr :: PixelData Word8
      fi = fromIntegral :: Int -> GLint
  texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 Alpha8 (TextureSize2D (fi w) (fi h)) 0 pd

  -- texture initialized with zeros
  let zeros = replicate (div (w*h+7) 8) (0::Word64)
  withArray zeros $ \ptr -> do
    let pd = PixelData Alpha UnsignedByte (castPtr ptr) :: PixelData Word8
        fi = fromIntegral :: Int -> GLint
    texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 Alpha8 (TextureSize2D (fi w) (fi h)) 0 pd

  -- texture initialized with pixel checkerboard (useful for debugging)
  let minta1 = concat $ replicate (div w 2) [ 0x40, 0xc0 :: Word8 ]
      minta2 = concat $ replicate (div w 2) [ 0xc0, 0x40 :: Word8 ]
      minta  = concat $ concat $ replicate (div h 2) [ minta1 , minta2 ]
  withArray minta $ \ptr -> do
    let pd = PixelData Alpha UnsignedByte ptr :: PixelData Word8
        fi = fromIntegral :: Int -> GLint
    texImage2D Texture2D NoProxy 0 Alpha8 (TextureSize2D (fi w) (fi h)) 0 pd

  --print (w,h,texobj)
  atomicModifyIORef' (_ftexBufs ftex) $ \oldList -> (oldList ++ [texbuf],())
  return texbuf

data TexCursor = TexCursor
  { _curBufIdx :: !Int     -- ^ which buffer we are filling currently
  , _curX      :: !Int     -- ^ next X position
  , _curY      :: !Int     -- ^ current Y position
  , _cutMaxHt  :: !Int     -- ^ maximal bitmap height in this row
  deriving Show

zeroCursor :: TexCursor
zeroCursor = TexCursor
  { _curBufIdx = 0
  , _curX      = 0
  , _curY      = 0
  , _cutMaxHt  = 0

-- | A font texture collection: possibly several textures containing bitmaps
-- a given font with a given height.
data FontTexture = FontTexture
  { _ftexFont    :: !Font
  , _ftexName    :: !String
  , _ftexHeight  :: !Float
  , _ftexScaling :: !Scaling
  , _ftexVM      :: !(VerticalMetrics Float)
  , _ftexChars   :: !(UnicodeCache (Maybe BufLoc))
  , _ftexBufSize :: !(Int,Int)
  , _ftexCursor  :: !(IORef TexCursor)
  , _ftexBufs    :: !(IORef [TexBuf])
  , _ftexLGapFactor :: !Double

instance Show FontTexture where
  show ftex = "FontTexture:<" ++ _ftexName ftex ++ ">"

scaleU :: Float -> Unscaled -> Float
scaleU s x = s * fromIntegral x

defaultTextureSize :: (Int,Int)
defaultTextureSize = (512,512) -- (128,128) -- (512,512) -- (1024,1024)

newFontTexture :: Font -> Float -> String -> IO FontTexture
newFontTexture font height name = newFontTexture' font height name defaultTextureSize 1

-- | Creates a new (empty) font texture
newFontTexture' :: Font -> Float -> String -> (Int,Int) -> Double -> IO FontTexture
newFontTexture' font height name size lgapfactor = do
  uc  <- newUnicodeCache
  vmu <- getFontVerticalMetrics font
  let s   = scaleForPixelHeight vmu height
      vms = fmap (scaleU s) vmu

--  print vmu
--  print vms

  cur <- newIORef zeroCursor
  texbufref <- newIORef []
  let ftex = FontTexture
        { _ftexFont    = font
        , _ftexName    = name
        , _ftexHeight  = height
        , _ftexScaling = (s,s)
        , _ftexVM      = vms
        , _ftexChars   = uc
        , _ftexBufSize = size
        , _ftexCursor  = cur
        , _ftexBufs    = texbufref
        , _ftexLGapFactor = lgapfactor
  void $ allocateTexBuf ftex       -- allocate the very first buffer
  return ftex

-- | Finds a character in the font texture (rendering it first if necessary).
-- If the glyph is not present in the font, we return the \"replacement character\"
-- instead. If that doesn't exist either, then we return the \"not defined glyph\"
-- (glyph #0)
lookupFontTexture :: FontTexture -> Char -> IO BufLoc
lookupFontTexture ftex ch = do
  mb <- mbLookupFontTexture ftex ch
  case mb of
    Just bufloc -> return bufloc
    Nothing     -> do
      mb <- mbLookupFontTexture ftex replacementCharacter
      case mb of
        Just bufloc -> return bufloc
        Nothing     -> lookupFontTexture ftex notDefinedGlyphChar

-- | Finds a character in the font texture (rendering it first if necessary)
mbLookupFontTexture :: FontTexture -> Char -> IO (Maybe BufLoc)
mbLookupFontTexture ftex ch = lookupUnicodeCache ch allocate (_ftexChars ftex) where

  font            = _ftexFont    ftex
  (texw,texh)     = _ftexBufSize ftex
  scaling@(hs,vs) = _ftexScaling ftex

  allocate :: Char -> IO (Maybe BufLoc)
  allocate ch = do
    mbglyph <- findGlyph font ch       -- this is cached
    case mbglyph of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just glyph -> do
        mb <- getGlyphBoundingBox font glyph
        case mb of
          Nothing -> return Nothing
          Just {} -> do
            (bm,bmofs) <- newGlyphBitmap font glyph scaling
            let (w,h) = bitmapSize bm
            oldCur@(TexCursor bufidx x y maxh) <- readIORef (_ftexCursor ftex)

            -- figure out render location and next cursor
            let x' = x + w    + 2
                y' = y + maxh + 2
                w' = w + 2            -- we leave a 1 pixel (texel) border just to be safe
                h' = h + 2
            (rloc,newCur) <- if x' < texw && y' < texh
              then return ( (bufidx,x,y) , TexCursor bufidx x' y (max h maxh) )
              else if y' + h' < texh
                then return ( (bufidx,0,y') , TexCursor bufidx w' y' h )
                else do
                  void $ allocateTexBuf ftex
                  let bufidx' = bufidx + 1
                  return ( (bufidx',0,0) , TexCursor bufidx' w' 0 h )
            writeIORef (_ftexCursor ftex) newCur
            -- print (oldCur,newCur)

            oldAlign <- get (rowAlignment Unpack)
            rowAlignment Unpack $=! (1 :: GLint)

            -- render character at render location rloc
            let (rbuf,rx,ry) = rloc
            bufs <- readIORef (_ftexBufs ftex)
            let texBuf@(TexBuf texobj texsiz) = bufs!!rbuf
            withBitmap bm $ \_ _ ptr -> do
              let pd = PixelData Alpha UnsignedByte ptr
                  fi = fromIntegral :: Int -> GLint
              textureBinding Texture2D $=! Just texobj
              texSubImage2D Texture2D 0
                (TexturePosition2D (fi rx + 1) (fi ry + 1))
                (TextureSize2D     (fi w     ) (fi h     ))

            rowAlignment Unpack $=! oldAlign

            -- return location
            hmu <- getGlyphHorizontalMetrics font glyph
            let hms = fmap (scaleU hs) hmu
            let bufloc = BufLoc
                  { _locGlyph  = glyph
                  , _locBufIdx = rbuf
                  , _locBufXY  = (rx,ry)
                  , _locBufSiz = (w,h)
                  , _locBufOfs = bmofs
                  , _locHM     = hms
            -- putStrLn $ "'" ++ [ch] ++ "' -> "
            -- print bufloc
            return $ Just bufloc


-- | Renders the given font texture as a quad (useful for debugging)
testRenderFullTextureQuad :: FontTexture -> Int -> IO ()
testRenderFullTextureQuad ftex idx = do

  bufs <- readIORef (_ftexBufs ftex)
  let buf = bufs!!idx

  matrixMode $= Projection
  ortho 0 1 1 0 (-1) 1

  texture        Texture2D $= Enabled
  textureBinding Texture2D $= Just (_bufTexObj buf)

  textureFunction $= Modulate

  blend $= Enabled
  blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha,OneMinusSrcAlpha)
  color (Color4 1 1 1 (1::Double))

  let a = 0 :: Double
      b = 1 :: Double
      c = 0.1 :: Double
      d = 0.9 :: Double
  renderPrimitive Quads $ do
    texCoord (TexCoord2 a a) ; vertex (Vertex2 c c)
    texCoord (TexCoord2 a b) ; vertex (Vertex2 c d)
    texCoord (TexCoord2 b b) ; vertex (Vertex2 d d)
    texCoord (TexCoord2 b a) ; vertex (Vertex2 d c)

  texture Texture2D $= Disabled
