    Module      :  Numeric.MixedType.Elementary
    Description :  Bottom-up typed pi, sqrt, cos, etc
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mikkonecny@gmail.com
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable


module Numeric.MixedTypes.Elementary
  -- * Square root
  CanSqrt(..), CanSqrtSameType, CanSqrtCNSameType, specCanSqrtReal
  -- * Exp
  , CanExp(..), CanExpSameType, specCanExpReal
  -- * Log
  , CanLog(..), CanLogSameType, CanLogCNSameType, specCanLogReal
  , powUsingExpLog
  -- * Sine and cosine
  , CanSinCos(..), CanSinCosSameType, specCanSinCosReal
  , approxPi

import Numeric.MixedTypes.PreludeHiding
import qualified Prelude as P
import Text.Printf

-- import qualified Data.List as List

import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck

import Numeric.CollectErrors
import Control.CollectErrors

import Numeric.MixedTypes.Literals
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Bool
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Eq
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Ord
-- import Numeric.MixedTypes.MinMaxSqrt
import Numeric.MixedTypes.AddSub
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Ring
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Field

{----  sqrt -----}

  A replacement for Prelude's `P.sqrt`.  If @Floating t@,
  then one can use the default implementation to mirror Prelude's @sqrt@.
class CanSqrt t where
  type SqrtType t
  type SqrtType t = t -- default
  sqrt :: t -> SqrtType t
  default sqrt :: (SqrtType t ~ t, P.Floating t) => t -> SqrtType t
  sqrt = P.sqrt

type CanSqrtSameType t = (CanSqrt t, SqrtType t ~ t)
type CanSqrtCNSameType t = (CanSqrt t, SqrtType t ~ EnsureCN t)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanSqrt should satisfy.
specCanSqrtReal ::
  (Show t, Show (SqrtType t), Show (PowType (SqrtType t) Integer),
    Arbitrary t,
    CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (SqrtType t) Integer),
    CanTestCertainly (EqCompareType (PowType (SqrtType t) Integer) t),
    HasEqAsymmetric (PowType (SqrtType t) Integer) t,
    HasOrderAsymmetric (SqrtType t) Integer, CanTestPosNeg t,
    CanPow (SqrtType t) Integer, CanSqrt t)
  T t -> Spec
specCanSqrtReal (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanSqrt %s" typeName) $ do
    it "sqrt(x) >= 0" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        isCertainlyNonNegative x ==>
          (sqrt x) ?>=?$ 0
    it "sqrt(x)^2 = x" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        isCertainlyNonNegative x ==>
          (sqrt x)^2 ?==?$ x
  infix 4 ?==?$
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)
  infix 4 ?>=?$
  (?>=?$) :: (HasOrderCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?>=?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?>=?" (?>=?)

  Instances for Integer, Rational etc need an algebraic real or exact real type.
  Such type is not provided in this package. See eg aern2-real.

instance CanSqrt Double -- not exact, will not pass the tests

  (CanSqrt a
  , CanEnsureCE es a
  , CanEnsureCE es (SqrtType a)
  , SuitableForCE es)
  CanSqrt (CollectErrors es a)
  type SqrtType (CollectErrors es a) = EnsureCE es (SqrtType a)
  sqrt = lift1CE sqrt

{----  exp -----}

  A replacement for Prelude's `P.exp`.  If @Floating t@,
  then one can use the default implementation to mirror Prelude's @exp@.
class CanExp t where
  type ExpType t
  type ExpType t = t -- default
  exp :: t -> ExpType t
  default exp :: (ExpType t ~ t, P.Floating t) => t -> ExpType t
  exp = P.exp

type CanExpSameType t = (CanExp t, ExpType t ~ t)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanExp should satisfy.
specCanExpReal ::
  (Show t, Show (ExpType t), Show (DivType Integer (ExpType t)),
   Show (ExpType (AddType t t)),
   Show (MulType (ExpType t) (ExpType t)),
   Show (EnsureCN (ExpType t)), Arbitrary t,
   CanEnsureCN (ExpType t),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType Integer t),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType t Integer),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (ExpType t) Integer),
        (EnsureCN (ExpType t)) (DivType Integer (ExpType t))),
        (ExpType (AddType t t)) (MulType (ExpType t) (ExpType t))),
   CanNeg t,
     (ExpType (AddType t t)) (MulType (ExpType t) (ExpType t)),
     (EnsureCN (ExpType t)) (DivType Integer (ExpType t)),
   HasOrderAsymmetric t Integer,
   HasOrderAsymmetric (ExpType t) Integer,
   HasOrderAsymmetric Integer t, CanAddAsymmetric t t,
   CanMulAsymmetric (ExpType t) (ExpType t),
   CanDiv Integer (ExpType t), CanExp t, CanExp (AddType t t),
   NegType t ~ t) =>
   T t -> Spec
specCanExpReal (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanExp %s" typeName) $ do
    it "exp(x) >= 0" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        ((-100000) !<! x && x !<! 100000) ==>
          exp x ?>=?$ 0
    it "exp(-x) == 1/(exp x)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        ((-100000) !<! x && x !<! 100000) ==>
          (exp x !>! 0) ==>
            (ensureCN $ exp (-x)) ?==?$ 1/(exp x)
    it "exp(x+y) = exp(x)*exp(y)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t)  (y :: t) ->
        ((-100000) !<! x && x !<! 100000 && (-100000) !<! y && y !<! 100000) ==>
          (exp $ x + y) ?==?$ (exp x) * (exp y)
  infix 4 ?==?$
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)
  infix 4 ?>=?$
  (?>=?$) :: (HasOrderCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?>=?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?>=?" (?>=?)

  Instances for Integer, Rational etc need an algebraic real or exact real type.
  Such type is not provided in this package. See eg aern2-real.

instance CanExp Double -- not exact, will not pass the tests

  (CanExp a
  , CanEnsureCE es a
  , CanEnsureCE es (ExpType a)
  , SuitableForCE es)
  CanExp (CollectErrors es a)
  type ExpType (CollectErrors es a) = EnsureCE es (ExpType a)
  exp = lift1CE exp

{----  log -----}

  A replacement for Prelude's `P.log`.  If @Floating t@,
  then one can use the default implementation to mirror Prelude's @log@.
class CanLog t where
  type LogType t
  type LogType t = t -- default
  log :: t -> LogType t
  default log :: (LogType t ~ t, P.Floating t) => t -> LogType t
  log = P.log

type CanLogSameType t = (CanLog t, LogType t ~ t)
type CanLogCNSameType t = (CanLog t, LogType t ~ EnsureCN t)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanLog should satisfy.
specCanLogReal ::
  (Show t, Show (LogType t), Show (LogType (DivType Integer t)),
   Show (LogType (MulType t t)),
   Show (AddType (LogType t) (LogType t)), Show (LogType (ExpType t)),
   Arbitrary t, CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType t Integer),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (DivType Integer t) Integer),
     (EqCompareType (LogType (DivType Integer t)) (LogType t)),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (MulType t t) Integer),
        (LogType (MulType t t)) (AddType (LogType t) (LogType t))),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType Integer t),
   CanTestCertainly (EqCompareType (LogType (ExpType t)) t),
   CanNeg (LogType t),
   HasEqAsymmetric (LogType (DivType Integer t)) (LogType t),
     (LogType (MulType t t)) (AddType (LogType t) (LogType t)),
   HasEqAsymmetric (LogType (ExpType t)) t,
   HasOrderAsymmetric t Integer,
   HasOrderAsymmetric (DivType Integer t) Integer,
   HasOrderAsymmetric (MulType t t) Integer,
   HasOrderAsymmetric Integer t,
   CanAddAsymmetric (LogType t) (LogType t), CanMulAsymmetric t t,
   CanDiv Integer t, CanExp t, CanLog t, CanLog (DivType Integer t),
   CanLog (MulType t t), CanLog (ExpType t),
   LogType t ~ NegType (LogType t)) =>
  T t -> Spec
specCanLogReal (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanLog %s" typeName) $ do
    it "log(1/x) == -(log x)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        x !>! 0 && (1/x) !>! 0  ==>
          log (1/x) ?==?$ -(log x)
    it "log(x*y) = log(x)+log(y)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t)  (y :: t) ->
        x !>! 0 && y !>! 0 && x*y !>! 0  ==>
          (log $ x * y) ?==?$ (log x) + (log y)
    it "log(exp x) == x" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        ((-100000) !<! x && x !<! 100000) ==>
          log (exp x) ?==?$ x
  infix 4 ?==?$
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)

  Instances for Integer, Rational etc need an algebraic real or exact real type.
  Such type is not provided in this package. See eg aern2-real.

instance CanLog Double -- not exact, will not pass the tests

  (CanLog a
  , CanEnsureCE es a
  , CanEnsureCE es (LogType a)
  , SuitableForCE es)
  CanLog (CollectErrors es a)
  type LogType (CollectErrors es a) = EnsureCE es (LogType a)
  log = lift1CE log

instance CanPow Double Double where
  powNoCN = (P.**)
  type PowType Double Double = Double
  pow = (P.**)
instance CanPow Double Rational where
  powNoCN b e = b ^! (double e)
  type PowType Double Rational = Double
  pow b e = b ^ (double e)
instance CanPow Rational Double where
  type PowTypeNoCN Rational Double = Double
  powNoCN b e = (double b) ^! e
  type PowType Rational Double = Double
  pow b e = (double b) ^ e
instance CanPow Integer Double where
  type PowTypeNoCN Integer Double = Double
  powNoCN b e = (double b) ^! e
  type PowType Integer Double = Double
  pow b e = (double b) ^ e
instance CanPow Int Double where
  type PowTypeNoCN Int Double = Double
  powNoCN b e = (double b) ^! e
  type PowType Int Double = Double
  pow b e = (double b) ^ e

powUsingExpLog ::
  (CanTestPosNeg t,
   CanEnsureCN t,
   CanEnsureCN (EnsureCN t),
   EnsureCN t ~ EnsureCN (EnsureCN t),
   CanLogCNSameType t,
   CanMulSameType t,
   CanMulSameType (EnsureCN t),
   CanExpSameType (EnsureCN t),
   CanTestInteger t,
   CanTestZero t,
   CanRecipCNSameType t)
  t -> t -> t -> t -> EnsureCN t
powUsingExpLog zero one b e =
  case certainlyIntegerGetIt e of
    Just n ->
      powUsingMulRecip one b n
      | isCertainlyZero b && isCertainlyPositive e -> cn zero
      | isCertainlyNonNegative b -> exp ((log b) * (ensureCN e))
      | isCertainlyNegative b && certainlyNotInteger e -> noValueNumErrorCertainECN (Just b) err
      | otherwise -> noValueNumErrorPotentialECN (Just b) err
  err = NumError "powUsingExpLog: illegal power a^b with negative a and non-integer b"

{----  sine and cosine -----}

  A replacement for Prelude's `P.cos` and `P.sin`.  If @Floating t@,
  then one can use the default implementation to mirror Prelude's @sin@, @cos@.
class CanSinCos t where
  type SinCosType t
  type SinCosType t = t -- default
  cos :: t -> SinCosType t
  default cos :: (SinCosType t ~ t, P.Floating t) => t -> SinCosType t
  cos = P.cos
  sin :: t -> SinCosType t
  default sin :: (SinCosType t ~ t, P.Floating t) => t -> SinCosType t
  sin = P.sin

type CanSinCosSameType t = (CanSinCos t, SinCosType t ~ t)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanSinCos should satisfy.

  Derived partially from
specCanSinCosReal ::
 (Show t, Show (SinCosType t),
       (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer) (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer)),
  Show (SinCosType (SubType t t)),
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))),
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))),
  Show (DivType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t)),
  Show (EnsureCN t), Arbitrary t, CanEnsureCN t,
  CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType Integer (SinCosType t)),
  CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (SinCosType t) Integer),
          (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer)
          (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer))
       (SinCosType (SubType t t))
          (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
          (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t)))),
       (SinCosType (SubType t t))
          (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
          (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t)))),
  CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType t Integer),
  CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType t Rational),
  CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (SinCosType t) t),
       (EnsureCN t) (DivType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))),
       (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer) (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer))
    (SinCosType (SubType t t))
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))),
    (SinCosType (SubType t t))
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
       (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))),
  HasOrderAsymmetric t Integer, HasOrderAsymmetric t Rational,
  HasOrderAsymmetric (SinCosType t) t,
  HasOrderAsymmetric (SinCosType t) Integer,
    (EnsureCN t) (DivType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t)),
  HasOrderAsymmetric Integer (SinCosType t), CanSub t t,
    (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
    (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t)),
    (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer) (PowType (SinCosType t) Integer),
    (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t))
    (MulType (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t)),
  CanPow (SinCosType t) Integer,
  CanMulAsymmetric (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t),
  CanDiv (SinCosType t) (SinCosType t), CanSinCos t,
  CanSinCos (SubType t t))
  T t -> Spec
specCanSinCosReal (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanSinCos %s" typeName) $ do
    it "-1 <= sin(x) <= 1" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
          (-1) ?<=?$ (sin x) .&&. (sin x) ?<=?$ 1
    it "-1 <= cos(x) <= 1" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
          (-1) ?<=?$ (cos x) .&&. (cos x) ?<=?$ 1
    it "cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2 = 1" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
          (sin x)^2 + (cos x)^2 ?==?$ 1
    it "sin(x-y) = sin(x)cos(y) - cos(x)sin(y)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) (y :: t) ->
          (sin $ x - y) ?==?$ (sin x)*(cos y) - (cos x)*(sin y)
    it "cos(x-y) = cos(x)cos(y) + sin(x)sin(y)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) (y :: t) ->
          (cos $ x - y) ?==?$ (cos x)*(cos y) + (sin x)*(sin y)
    it "sin(x) < x < tan(x) for x in [0,pi/2]" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        x !>=! 0 && x !<=! 1.57 && (cos x) !>! 0 ==>
          (sin x) ?<=?$ x .&&. (ensureCN x) ?<=?$ (sin x)/(cos x)
  infix 4 ?==?$
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)
  infix 4 ?<=?$
  (?<=?$) :: (HasOrderCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?<=?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?<=?" (?<=?)

  Instances for Integer, Rational etc need an algebraic real or exact real type.
  Such type is not provided in this package. See eg aern2-real.

instance CanSinCos Double -- not exact, will not pass the tests

  (CanSinCos a
  , CanEnsureCE es a
  , CanEnsureCE es (SinCosType a)
  , SuitableForCE es)
  CanSinCos (CollectErrors es a)
  type SinCosType (CollectErrors es a) = EnsureCE es (SinCosType a)
  sin = lift1CE sin
  cos = lift1CE cos

  Approximate pi, synonym for Prelude's `P.pi`.

  We do not define (exect) @pi@ in this package as we have no type
  that can represent it exactly.
approxPi :: (P.Floating t) => t
approxPi = P.pi