mixed-types-num-0.6.2: Alternative Prelude with numeric and logic expressions typed bottom-up
Copyright(c) Michal Konecny
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





class CanPow b e where Source #

A replacement for Prelude's binary ^ and ^^.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type PowType b e Source #

type PowType b e = b

type PPowType b e Source #

type PPowType b e = PowType b e


pow :: b -> e -> PowType b e Source #

ppow :: b -> e -> PPowType b e Source #

default ppow :: PPowType b e ~ PowType b e => b -> e -> PPowType b e Source #


Instances details
CanPow Rational Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Rational Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Rational Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Rational Int Source #

type PPowType Rational Int Source #

CanPow Integer Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Integer Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Integer Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Integer Int Source #

type PPowType Integer Int Source #

CanPow Double Rational Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Double Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Double Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

CanPow Double Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Double Int Source #

type PPowType Double Int Source #

CanPow Int Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Int Integer Source #

type PPowType Int Integer Source #

CanPow Int Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Int Double Source #

type PPowType Int Double Source #

CanPow Int Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Int Int Source #

type PPowType Int Int Source #

(CanPow Rational e, HasOrderCertainly e Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType e, CanTestInteger e) => CanPow Rational (CN e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Rational (CN e) Source #

type PPowType Rational (CN e) Source #


pow :: Rational -> CN e -> PowType Rational (CN e) Source #

ppow :: Rational -> CN e -> PPowType Rational (CN e) Source #

(CanPow Integer e, HasOrderCertainly e Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType e, CanTestInteger e) => CanPow Integer (CN e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Integer (CN e) Source #

type PPowType Integer (CN e) Source #


pow :: Integer -> CN e -> PowType Integer (CN e) Source #

ppow :: Integer -> CN e -> PPowType Integer (CN e) Source #

(CanPow Double e, HasOrderCertainly e Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType e, CanTestInteger e) => CanPow Double (CN e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Double (CN e) Source #

type PPowType Double (CN e) Source #


pow :: Double -> CN e -> PowType Double (CN e) Source #

ppow :: Double -> CN e -> PPowType Double (CN e) Source #

(CanPow Int e, HasOrderCertainly e Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType e, CanTestInteger e) => CanPow Int (CN e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType Int (CN e) Source #

type PPowType Int (CN e) Source #


pow :: Int -> CN e -> PowType Int (CN e) Source #

ppow :: Int -> CN e -> PPowType Int (CN e) Source #

(CanPow b Rational, HasOrderCertainly b Integer, HasEqCertainly b Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType b) => CanPow (CN b) Rational Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType (CN b) Rational Source #

type PPowType (CN b) Rational Source #


pow :: CN b -> Rational -> PowType (CN b) Rational Source #

ppow :: CN b -> Rational -> PPowType (CN b) Rational Source #

(CanPow b Integer, HasOrderCertainly b Integer, HasEqCertainly b Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType b) => CanPow (CN b) Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType (CN b) Integer Source #

type PPowType (CN b) Integer Source #


pow :: CN b -> Integer -> PowType (CN b) Integer Source #

ppow :: CN b -> Integer -> PPowType (CN b) Integer Source #

(CanPow b Double, HasOrderCertainly b Integer, HasEqCertainly b Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType b) => CanPow (CN b) Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType (CN b) Double Source #

type PPowType (CN b) Double Source #


pow :: CN b -> Double -> PowType (CN b) Double Source #

ppow :: CN b -> Double -> PPowType (CN b) Double Source #

(CanPow b Int, HasOrderCertainly b Integer, HasEqCertainly b Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType b) => CanPow (CN b) Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType (CN b) Int Source #

type PPowType (CN b) Int Source #


pow :: CN b -> Int -> PowType (CN b) Int Source #

ppow :: CN b -> Int -> PPowType (CN b) Int Source #

(CanPow b e, HasOrderCertainly b Integer, HasOrderCertainly e Integer, HasEqCertainly b Integer, CanTestIsIntegerType b, CanTestIsIntegerType e, CanTestInteger e) => CanPow (CN b) (CN e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType (CN b) (CN e) Source #

type PPowType (CN b) (CN e) Source #


pow :: CN b -> CN e -> PowType (CN b) (CN e) Source #

ppow :: CN b -> CN e -> PPowType (CN b) (CN e) Source #

CanPow a b => CanPow (Maybe a) (Maybe b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.MixedTypes.Power

Associated Types

type PowType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) Source #

type PPowType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) Source #


pow :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> PowType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) Source #

ppow :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> PPowType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) Source #

type CanPowBy t1 t2 = (CanPow t1 t2, PowType t1 t2 ~ t1) Source #

(^) :: CanPow t1 t2 => t1 -> t2 -> PowType t1 t2 infixl 8 Source #

(^^) :: CanPow t1 t2 => t1 -> t2 -> PPowType t1 t2 infixl 8 Source #

powUsingMul :: CanBeInteger e => t -> (t -> t -> t) -> t -> e -> t Source #

powUsingMulRecip :: CanBeInteger e => t -> (t -> t -> t) -> (t -> t) -> t -> e -> t Source #

class CanTestIsIntegerType t where Source #

Ability to detect whether a numeric type is restricted to (a subset of) integers.

This is useful eg when checking the arguments of the power operator in the CN instance for power.

Minimal complete definition



isIntegerType :: t -> Bool Source #


specCanPow :: _ => T t1 -> T t2 -> Spec Source #

HSpec properties that each implementation of CanPow should satisfy.