-- |
-- Module      :  Text.MMark.Extension.Skylighting
-- Copyright   :  © 2018 Mark Karpov
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Use the Skylighting library to highlight code snippets.

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Text.MMark.Extension.Skylighting
  ( skylighting )

import Control.Monad
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Lucid
import Skylighting (Token, TokenType (..))
import Text.MMark.Extension (Extension, Block (..))
import qualified Data.Text            as T
import qualified Skylighting          as S
import qualified Text.MMark.Extension as Ext

-- | Use the @skylighting@ package to render code blocks with info strings
-- that result in a successful lookup from 'S.defaultSyntaxMap'.
-- The resulting code block will be wrapped in a @div@ with class
-- @\"source-code\"@. The following @span@ classes can be used for styling:
--     * 'AlertTok'          = @\"al\"@
--     * 'AnnotationTok'     = @\"an\"@
--     * 'AttributeTok'      = @\"at\"@
--     * 'BaseNTok'          = @\"bn\"@
--     * 'BuiltInTok'        = @\"bu\"@
--     * 'CharTok'           = @\"ch\"@
--     * 'CommentTok'        = @\"co\"@
--     * 'CommentVarTok'     = @\"cv\"@
--     * 'ConstantTok'       = @\"cn\"@
--     * 'ControlFlowTok'    = @\"cf\"@
--     * 'DataTypeTok'       = @\"dt\"@
--     * 'DecValTok'         = @\"dv\"@
--     * 'DocumentationTok'  = @\"do\"@
--     * 'ErrorTok'          = @\"er\"@
--     * 'ExtensionTok'      = @\"ex\"@
--     * 'FloatTok'          = @\"fl\"@
--     * 'FunctionTok'       = @\"fu\"@
--     * 'ImportTok'         = @\"im\"@
--     * 'InformationTok'    = @\"in\"@
--     * 'KeywordTok'        = @\"kw\"@
--     * 'OperatorTok'       = @\"op\"@
--     * 'OtherTok'          = @\"ot\"@
--     * 'PreprocessorTok'   = @\"pp\"@
--     * 'RegionMarkerTok'   = @\"re\"@
--     * 'SpecialCharTok'    = @\"sc\"@
--     * 'SpecialStringTok'  = @\"ss\"@
--     * 'StringTok'         = @\"st\"@
--     * 'VariableTok'       = @\"va\"@
--     * 'VerbatimStringTok' = @\"vs\"@
--     * 'WarningTok'        = @\"wa\"@

skylighting :: Extension
skylighting = Ext.blockRender $ \old block ->
  case block of
    cb@(CodeBlock (Just infoString') txt) ->
      let tokenizerConfig = S.TokenizerConfig
            { S.syntaxMap   = S.defaultSyntaxMap
            , S.traceOutput = False }
          infoString = T.replace "-" " " infoString'
      in case S.lookupSyntax infoString S.defaultSyntaxMap of
           Nothing -> old cb
           Just syntax ->
             case S.tokenize tokenizerConfig syntax txt of
               Left _ -> old cb
               Right ls -> do
                 div_ [class_ "source-code"]
                   . pre_
                   . code_ [class_ ("language-" <> infoString)]
                   . forM_ ls $ \l -> do
                       mapM_ tokenToHtml l
    other -> old other
    newline :: Html ()
    newline = "\n"

-- | Render a single 'Token'.

tokenToHtml :: Token -> Html ()
tokenToHtml (tokenType, txt) =
  span_ [class_ rawClass | not (T.null rawClass)] (toHtml txt)
    rawClass = tokenClass tokenType

-- | Return class corresponding to given 'TokenType'.

tokenClass :: TokenType -> Text
tokenClass = \case
  KeywordTok        -> "kw"
  DataTypeTok       -> "dt"
  DecValTok         -> "dv"
  BaseNTok          -> "bn"
  FloatTok          -> "fl"
  CharTok           -> "ch"
  StringTok         -> "st"
  CommentTok        -> "co"
  OtherTok          -> "ot"
  AlertTok          -> "al"
  FunctionTok       -> "fu"
  RegionMarkerTok   -> "re"
  ErrorTok          -> "er"
  ConstantTok       -> "cn"
  SpecialCharTok    -> "sc"
  VerbatimStringTok -> "vs"
  SpecialStringTok  -> "ss"
  ImportTok         -> "im"
  DocumentationTok  -> "do"
  AnnotationTok     -> "an"
  CommentVarTok     -> "cv"
  VariableTok       -> "va"
  ControlFlowTok    -> "cf"
  OperatorTok       -> "op"
  BuiltInTok        -> "bu"
  ExtensionTok      -> "ex"
  PreprocessorTok   -> "pp"
  AttributeTok      -> "at"
  InformationTok    -> "in"
  WarningTok        -> "wa"
  NormalTok         -> ""