-- |
-- Module      :  MMSyn7h
-- Copyright   :  (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2019-2020
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  olexandr543@yahoo.com
-- An additional program that is used with the mmsyn7ukr executable as a sound creator with the voice
-- given by the files in the current directory. It is very similar to the Main.hs of the mmsyn6ukr package.


module MMSyn7h where

import Data.Char (isSpace, isControl)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import System.IO
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Directory (removeFile, listDirectory, getCurrentDirectory)
import Control.Exception (bracketOnError)
import EndOfExe (showE)
import Melodics.Ukrainian (convertToProperUkrainian, takeData)
import UkrainianLControl
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import CaseBi (getBFst')
import System.Info (os)

-- | Function that proposes and creates if accepted the sound record with the new \"voice\". Besides it can play the newly created file once. 
main7h :: IO ()
main7h = bracketOnError (do
  dir <- getCurrentDirectory
  putStrLn "You are now in the directory: "
  putStrLn $ show dir
  putStrLn ""
  putStrLn "Please, specify the arguments to control the output speech file! "
  putStrLn "See https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmsyn6ukr- for more information."
  putStrLn "You can specify e. g. \"o9-1\" or \"o5-1\" (and the most compressed audio in the .ogg format will be produced) or other option."
  arg <- getArgs
  let args = take 1 arg in do
    putStrLn "Please, specify the name of the resulting sound file! Please, do NOT use '}' character and space or control characters!"
    nameOfSoundFile <- getLine
    let nameSF = filter (\x -> not (isSpace x) && not (isControl x) && x /= '}') nameOfSoundFile in
      return (args, nameSF)) (\(args, nameSF) -> do
        putStr "Notice, there was (may be) CmdLineArgument exception. To avoid it, please, specify the command line argument (if needed) in the form \"ABC\""
        putStrLn $ " where A is either a letter \'f\', \'o\', \'w\' or a digit and B and C are both digits! The exception (may be) arose from the command line arguments "
          ++ show args ++ " for the file: " ++ show nameSF ++ ". Please, check also whether the SoX was installed with the support for needed codec.") (\(args, nameSF) -> do
            putStrLn ""
            putStr "The resulting file will be played just after it is created by the program. To remove all the created sound files from the directory, "
            putStrLn "please, specify as the first character in the input as \"0\". Otherwise, the program will not remove any records (if they are not overwritten). "
            putStrLn ""
            putStrLn "Now enter the Ukrainian text."
            putStrLn ""
            xs <- getContents
            if take 1 xs == "0" then do
              let ys = take (nSymbols (let zs = take 1 args in if null zs then [] else fst . genControl . head $ zs)) (drop 1 xs) in
                withBinaryFile (nameSF ++ ".raw") AppendMode (appendS16LEFile (convertToProperUkrainian ys))
              putStrLn "The .raw file was created by the program. It will be processed further. "
              let ts = fromJust (showE "sox") in do
                let ws = snd . genControl . concat $ args
                _ <- readProcessWithExitCode ts ["-r22050","-c1","-L","-esigned-integer","-b16", nameSF ++ ".raw",
                       fst ws, nameSF ++ snd ws] ""
                removeFile $ nameSF ++ ".raw"
                if take 5 os == "mingw"
                  then do
                    _ <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust . showE $ "sox") [nameSF ++ snd ws, "-t", "waveaudio", "-d"] ""
                  else if isJust . showE $ "play"
                         then do
                           _ <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust . showE $ "play") [nameSF ++ snd ws] ""
                         else error "SoX play is not installed properly in the system. Please, install it properly and execute the program again."
            else do
              let ws = snd . genControl . concat $ args
              let ys = take (nSymbols (let zs = take 1 args in if null zs then [] else fst . genControl . head $ zs)) xs in
                withBinaryFile (nameSF ++ ".raw") AppendMode (appendS16LEFile (convertToProperUkrainian ys))
              putStrLn "The .raw file was created by the program. It will be processed further. "
              let ts = fromJust (showE "sox") in do
                _ <- readProcessWithExitCode ts (case fst ws of
                  "" -> ["-r22050","-c1","-L","-esigned-integer","-b16", nameSF ++ ".raw", nameSF ++ snd ws]
                  _  -> ["-r22050","-c1","-L","-esigned-integer","-b16", nameSF ++ ".raw", fst ws, nameSF ++ snd ws]) ""
                removeFile $ nameSF ++ ".raw"
                if take 5 os == "mingw"
                  then do
                    _ <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust . showE $ "sox") [nameSF ++ snd ws, "-t", "waveaudio", "-d"] ""
                  else if isJust . showE $ "play"
                         then do
                           _ <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust . showE $ "play") [nameSF ++ snd ws] ""
                         else error "SoX play is not installed properly in the system. Please, install it properly and execute the program again.")

-- | The function that actually produces a .raw file. The mapping table is given in the @Map.txt@ file, but the sound duration differs.
appendS16LEFile ::  V.Vector String -> Handle -> IO ()
appendS16LEFile xs hdl | not (V.null xs) =
    dataList <- (V.mapM takeData . V.fromList) ["-.wav", "0.wav", "1.wav", "A.wav", "B.wav", "C.wav", "D.wav", "E.wav", "F.wav", "G.wav", "H.wav",
        "I.wav", "J.wav", "K.wav", "L.wav", "M.wav", "N.wav", "O.wav", "P.wav", "Q.wav", "R.wav",
          "S.wav", "T.wav", "U.wav", "V.wav", "W.wav", "X.wav", "Y.wav", "Z.wav", "a.wav", "b.wav", "c.wav",
            "d.wav", "e.wav", "f.wav"]
    V.mapM_ (\u ->
      if V.all (\z -> B.length z > 0) dataList
        then let rs =  tail . dropWhile (/= ' ') . takeWhile (/= '}') . show $ hdl in do
          hClose hdl
          closedHdl <- hIsClosed hdl
          if closedHdl
            then B.appendFile rs $ dataList V.! getBFst' (0, V.fromList [("-", 0), ("0", 1), ("1", 2), ("а", 3), ("б", 4),
                     ("в", 5), ("г", 6), ("д", 7), ("дж", 8), ("дз", 9), ("е", 10), ("ж", 11), ("з", 12), ("и", 13),
                        ("й", 14), ("к", 15), ("л", 16), ("м", 17), ("н", 18), ("о", 19), ("п", 20), ("р", 21),
                          ("с", 22), ("сь", 23), ("т", 24), ("у", 25), ("ф", 26), ("х", 27), ("ц", 28), ("ць", 29), ("ч", 30),
                            ("ш", 31), ("ь", 32), ("і", 33), ("ґ", 34)]) u
            else error "File is not closed!"
        else error "Data sound file is not read!") xs
    hClose hdl
                       | otherwise = return ()

-- | Function that removes all the sounds with ".raw", ".wav", ".ogg", ".flac" extensions in the current directory. It is used for 
-- the security reasons.
cleanCreatedSoundFs :: IO ()
cleanCreatedSoundFs = do
  dirCs <- listDirectory "."
  let remFs = concatMap (\ys -> filter (\zs -> ys `isSuffixOf` zs) dirCs) [".raw", ".wav", ".ogg", ".flac"] in mapM_ removeFile remFs