-- |
-- Module      :  MMSyn7l
-- Copyright   :  (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License     :  MIT
-- Stability   :  Experimental
-- Maintainer  :  olexandr543@yahoo.com
-- A program and a library to modify the amplitude of the sound representations for 
-- the Ukrainian language created by mmsyn7ukr package or somehow otherwise. Besides
-- it can be used to adjust volume for the sequential \"result*.wav\" files.

module MMSyn7l where

import qualified Data.List as L (sort,isPrefixOf,isSuffixOf)
import System.Directory
import Data.Char (toUpper, isDigit)
import qualified SoXBasics as SB
import qualified SoXBasics1 as SB1
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Exception (onException)
import CaseBi (getBFst')
import Control.Exception.FinalException
import System.Process
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import EndOfExe (showE)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Numeric

-- | Function 'changeVolume' is used to change the amplitude of the sound. 
-- For the proper proceeding you specify a @String@, which consists of 4 
-- digits (and it may be preceded by a symbol \"-\"). If the @String@ 
-- begins with the \"-\", then a sound amplitude decreases, otherwise 
-- the amplitude increases. The level of increase / decrease is 
-- determined by the magnitude of the absolute value of integer numbers. 
-- The greater is the number -- the greater is the amplitude change. 
-- The count begins with \"0000\" and ends with \"9999\" (the sign is not 
-- taken into consideration). If there is less than 4 digits in a @String@, 
-- then the @String@ is equivalent to that one with the appropriate number 
-- of zeroes preceding to fulfill to the 4 needed digits (for example, 
-- \"657\" is equivalent to \"0657\", \"-2\" is equivalent to \"-0002\" etc.) 
-- In such a case, for the @String@s without the 
-- initial sign \"-\" (the sound increases) an interval between the 
-- maximum by modulus value of the amlitude (which is represented by the 
-- parts of 1) and 1.0 is divided into 10 equal parts (starting a count 
-- from 0) and then that one of them is selected, which has a number 
-- determined by the first digit in the @String@ writing. Then (if specified 
-- further) the interval between this amplitude value and a value, 
-- which corresponds to the selection on the previous step the next 
-- first digit in the writing (for example, after \"4\" -- \"5\", 
-- after \"7\" -- \"8\" etc.), greater by 1 than the actually selected one, 
-- is also divided again into 10 equal parts and that one is selected, 
-- which corresponds to the number determined by the second digit in the 
-- String writing (again beginning with \"0\" and ending with \"9\") and so on 
-- until the 4th level. The greater exactness is not needed because our 
-- hearing ability hardly distinguish such a subtle sound changes. If 
-- the @String@ has as a first element the \'-\' @Char@ (the sound decreases), 
-- then everything is analogously the same, but an interval between the 
-- maximum by modulus amplitude value and 0.0 is divided into 10 equal parts 
-- and so on. 'Int' parameter is used to control the informational output
-- (to get it, specify 1). 
changeVolume ::  Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
changeVolume n file = do
  SB.playA file
  case n of
   1 -> do
    let sound = getBFst' ("е", V.fromList . zip ["A.wav", "B.wav", "C.wav", "D.wav", "E.wav", "F.wav", "G.wav", "H.wav",
         "I.wav", "J.wav", "K.wav", "L.wav", "M.wav", "N.wav", "O.wav", "P.wav", "Q.wav", "R.wav",
          "S.wav", "T.wav", "U.wav", "V.wav", "W.wav", "X.wav", "Y.wav", "Z.wav", "a.wav", "b.wav", "c.wav",
            "d.wav", "e.wav", "f.wav"] $ ["а","б","в","г","д","дж","дз", "е","ж","з","и","й","к","л","м","н","о","п","р",
              "с","сь","т","у","ф","х","ц","ць","ч","ш","ь","і","ґ"]) file
    putStrLn $ "You can now change the volume for the played sound representation for the Ukrainian sound " ++ show (map toUpper sound)
    putStrLn ""
    putStr "Please, specify the change by passing a String of digits (with may be a preceding symbol \'-\'). "
    putStr ""
    putStr "For the proper proceeding you specify a String, which consists of 4 "
    putStr "digits (and it may be preceded by a symbol \"-\"). If the String "
    putStr "begins with the \"-\", then a sound amplitude decreases, otherwise "
    putStr "the amplitude increases. The level of increase / decrease is "
    putStr "determined by the magnitude of the absolute value of integer numbers. "
    putStr "The greater is the number -- the greater is the amplitude change. "
    putStr "The count begins with \"0000\" and ends with \"9999\" (the sign is not "
    putStr "taken into consideration). If there is less than 4 digits in a String, "
    putStr "then the String is equivalent to that one with the appropriate number "
    putStr "of zeroes preceding to fulfill to the 4 needed digits (for example, "
    putStr "\"657\" is equivalent to \"0657\", \"-2\" is equivalent to \"-0002\" etc.). "
    putStr "In such a case, for the Strings without the "
    putStr "initial sign \"-\" (the sound increases) an interval between the "
    putStr "maximum by modulus value of the amlitude (which is represented by the "
    putStr "parts of 1) and 1.0 is divided into 10 equal parts (starting a count "
    putStr "from 0) and then that one of them is selected, which has a number "
    putStr "determined by the first digit in the String writing. Then (if specified "
    putStr "further) the interval between this amplitude value and a value, "
    putStr "which corresponds to the selection on the previous step the next "
    putStr "first digit in the writing (for example, after \"4\" -- \"5\", "
    putStr "after \"7\" -- \"8\" etc.), greater by 1 than the actually selected one, "
    putStr "is also divided again into 10 equal parts and that one is selected, "
    putStr "which corresponds to the number determined by the second digit in the "
    putStr "String writing (again beginning with \"0\" and ending with \"9\") and so on "
    putStr "until the 4th level. The greater exactness is not needed because our "
    putStr "hearing ability hardly distinguish such a subtle sound changes. If "
    putStr "the String has as a first element the \'-\' Char (the sound decreases), "
    putStr "then everything is analogously the same, but an interval between the "
    putStr "maximum by modulus amplitude value and 0.0 is divided into 10 equal parts "
    putStrLn "and so on. "
    onException (specifyVol file) (do
      putStrLn ""
      putStrLn "Something went wrong for the sound representation, please, check the input value and repeat once more! "
      specifyVol file)
   _ -> onException (specifyVol file) (do
         putStrLn ""
         putStrLn "Something went wrong for the sound representation, please, check the input value and repeat once more! "
         specifyVol file)

-- | Function 'specifyVol' is used internally in the 'changeVolume' to get the @String@ and to apply the needed change. 
specifyVol :: FilePath -> IO ()
specifyVol file = do
  change0 <- getLine
  upperbound <- SB.upperBnd file
  (originalStr, bool) <- SB.selMaxAbs file (0::Int, upperbound)
  if bool
    then changeVol3 file (change0, originalStr)
    else changeVol4 file (change0, originalStr)

-- | Function 'changeVol2' is used internally in the 'specifyVol' in case of decreasing of the sound.
changeVol2 :: FilePath -> String -> Double -> IO ()
changeVol2 file xs ampl = do
  let ys = take 4 . filter isDigit $ xs
      coefA = 0.0001 * fromIntegral (read ys::Int)
      ratio = 1.0 - coefA
  SB1.volS file (ratio * ampl)

-- | Function 'changeVol3' is used internally in the 'specifyVol' in case of working with the maximum amplitude.
changeVol3 :: FilePath -> (String, String) -> IO ()
changeVol3 file (change0, originalStr) = do
  let ampl = read originalStr::Double
  if ampl > 0.0
    then do
      let delta = 1.0 - ampl
          xs = filter (\x -> isDigit x || x == '-') change0
      if take 1 xs == "-"
        then changeVol2 file xs ampl
        else do
          let ys = take 4 . takeWhile (isDigit) $ xs
              coefA = 0.0001 * fromIntegral (read ys::Int)
              ratio = 1.0 + (delta / ampl) * coefA
          SB1.volS file (ratio * ampl)
    else catchEnd (StrangeAnswer "SoXBasics1" "volS")

-- | Function 'changeVol4' is used internally in the 'specifyVol' in case of working with the minimum amplitude.
changeVol4 :: FilePath -> (String, String) -> IO ()
changeVol4 file (change0, originalStr) = do
  let ampl = read originalStr::Double
  if ampl < 0.0
    then do
      let delta = (-1.0) - ampl
          xs = filter (\x -> isDigit x || x == '-') change0
      if take 1 xs == "-"
        then changeVol2 file xs ampl
        else do
          let ys = take 4 . filter isDigit $ xs
              coefA = 0.0001 * fromIntegral (read ys::Int)
              ratio = 1.0 + (delta / ampl) * coefA
          SB1.volS file (ratio * ampl)
    else catchEnd (StrangeAnswer "SoXBasics1" "volS")

-- | Works with the \"result*.wav\" files in the current directory: it adjusts volume levels for the sequence of them starting from the 
-- first argument in a list and ending with the second one (if specified). If there is no first -- all such files are adjusted; if there is no second one -- 
-- the files are adjusted to the last one. Count starts at 0. 
adjustVolRes :: [String] -> IO ()
adjustVolRes args = do
  dir <- listDirectory "."
  let dirV0 = L.sort . filter (L.isPrefixOf "result") $ dir
      dirV = V.fromList dirV0
      first0 = concat . take 1 $ args
      last0  = concat . take 1 . drop 1 $ args
      idxAllN = V.length dirV - 1
  onException (do {
    let first1 = read first0::Int
        last1 = read last0::Int
        first2 = min (abs first1) (abs last1)
        last2 = max (abs first1) (abs last1)
        first = if compare first2 idxAllN == GT then 0 else first2
        l =  if compare last2 idxAllN == GT then idxAllN - first + 1 else last2 - first + 1
     ; V.mapM_ (changeVolume 1) (V.unsafeSlice first l dirV)
     ; putStrLn ""
     ; putStrLn "Now you have changed (or left unchanged) the amplitudes for the needed \"result*.wav\" sound files." }) (do
         error "Please, specify a right numbers for the first and last files to be adjusted starting count from 0.")


-- Taken from the DobutokO.Sound.IntermediateF module here so that they are more used this way.  

-- | Takes a filename to be applied a SoX chain of effects (or just one) as list of 'String' (the second argument). Produces the temporary
-- new file with the name ((name-of-the-file) ++ (\"effects.wav\"  OR \"effects.flac\") -- the type is preserved), which then is removed. 
-- The syntaxis is that every separate literal for SoX must be a new element in the list. Please, for more information, refer to SoX documentation.
-- Please, check by yourself whether you have enough permissions to read and write to the 'FilePath'-specified
-- file and to the containing it directory. The function is not intended to be used in otherwise cases.
soxE :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
soxE file arggs = do
  (code,_,_) <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust (showE "sox")) ([file,file ++ "effects" ++ efw2 file] ++ arggs) ""
  case code of
    ExitSuccess -> renameFile (file ++ "effects" ++ efw2 file) file
    _ -> do
       removeFile $ file ++ "effects" ++ efw2 file
       putStrLn $ "MMSyn7l.soxE \"" ++ file ++ "\" has not been successful. The file has not been changed at all. "

-- | Applies \"fade\" effect to both ends of the supported by SoX sound file 'FilePath' so that concatenating them consequently after such application 
-- leads to no clipping. Otherwise, the clipping exists if not prevented by may be some other means. For more information, please, refer to the
-- SoX documentation.
fadeEnds :: FilePath -> IO ()
fadeEnds = fadeEndsMilN 10

-- | Applies \"fade\" effect to both ends of the supported by SoX sound file 'FilePath' so that concatenating them consequently after such application 
-- leads to no clipping. Otherwise, the clipping exists if not prevented by may be some other means. The duration of the changes are in 5 times 
-- smaller than for 'fadeEnds' function and is equal to 0.002 sec. For more information, please, refer to the SoX documentation.
fadeEndsMil2 :: FilePath -> IO ()
fadeEndsMil2 = fadeEndsMilN 2

-- | Applies \"fade\" effect to both ends of the supported by SoX sound file 'FilePath' so that concatenating them consequently after such application 
-- leads to no clipping. Otherwise, the clipping exists if not prevented by may be some other means. The duration of the changes are usually 
-- smaller than for 'fadeEnds' function and is equal to 0.001 \* n sec (where n is in range [1..10]). 
-- For more information, please, refer to the SoX documentation.
fadeEndsMilN :: Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
fadeEndsMilN n file = soxE file ["fade","q", showFFloat (Just 4) (if (n `rem` 11) /= 0 then 0.001 * fromIntegral (n `rem` 11) else 0.002) "","-0.0"]


-- New functions with usage of the moved here fadeEnds* and 'soxE' functions.

-- | Using a new function 'fadeEndsMil2' fades the ends of the .wav files in the current directory.
fadeWav002 :: IO ()
fadeWav002 = do
  dir0 <- fmap (filter (`L.isSuffixOf` ".wav")) . listDirectory $ "."
  mapM_ fadeEndsMil2 dir0

-- | Using a new function 'fadeEndsMilN' fades the ends of the .wav files in the current directory. The first argument is the 'Int' argument 
-- for the 'fadeEndsMilN' and is a number of milliseconds to be used for fading (usually from 1 to 10). 
fadeWavN :: Int -> IO ()
fadeWavN n = do
  dir0 <- fmap (filter (`L.isSuffixOf` ".wav")) . listDirectory $ "."
  mapM_ (fadeEndsMilN n) dir0

-- | Converts WAV file to FLAC file using SoX (please, check before whether your installation supports FLAC files) using possible rate and bit depth
-- conversion accordingly to 'soxBasicParams' format. If the conversion is successful ('ExitCode' is 'ExitSuccess') then removes the primary file.
wavToFlac :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
wavToFlac ys file = do
  let (ts,zs) = splitAt 2 . init $ ys
  (code,_,herr) <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust (showE "sox")) [file,getBFst' ("-r22050",V.fromList . zip ["11","16", "17", "19", "32", "44", "48",
     "80", "96"] $ ["-r11025","-r16000","-r176400","-r192000","-r32000","-r44100","-r48000","-r8000","-r96000"]) ts, if zs == "2" then "-b24"
       else "-b16",take (length file - 3) file ++ "flac"] ""
  case code of
    ExitSuccess -> removeFile file
    _           -> do
      putStrLn $ "DobutokO.Sound.IntermediateF.wavToFlac: " ++ herr
      exi <- doesFileExist $ take (length file - 3) file ++ "flac"
      if exi then removeFile (take (length file - 3) file ++ "flac") >> error ""
      else error ""

-- | Converts FLAC file to WAV file using SoX (please, check before whether your installation supports FLAC files) using possible rate and bit depth
-- conversion accordingly to 'soxBasicParams' format. If the conversion is successful ('ExitCode' is 'ExitSuccess') then removes the primary file.
flacToWav :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
flacToWav ys file = do
  let (ts,zs) = splitAt 2 . init $ ys
  (code,_,herr) <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust (showE "sox")) [file,getBFst' ("-r22050",V.fromList . zip ["11","16", "17", "19", "32", "44", "48",
     "80", "96"] $ ["-r11025","-r16000","-r176400","-r192000","-r32000","-r44100","-r48000","-r8000","-r96000"]) ts, if zs == "2" then "-b24"
       else "-b16",take (length file - 4) file ++ "wav"] ""
  case code of
    ExitSuccess -> removeFile file
    _           -> do
      putStrLn $ "DobutokO.Sound.IntermediateF.flacToWav: " ++ herr
      exi <- doesFileExist $ take (length file - 4) file ++ "wav"
      if exi then removeFile (take (length file - 4) file ++ "wav") >> error ""
      else error ""

w2f :: FilePath -> FilePath
w2f file = let (zs,ts) = splitAt (length file - 4) file in if ts == ".wav" then zs ++ ".flac" else error "You give not a WAV file! "

f2w :: FilePath -> FilePath
f2w file = let (zs,ts) = splitAt (length file - 5) file in if ts == ".flac" then zs ++ ".wav" else error "You give not a FLAC file! "

wOrf :: FilePath -> String
wOrf file =
  let (_,us) = splitAt (length file - 4) file in
    case us of
     ".wav" -> "w"
     "flac" -> "f"
     _      -> error "You give neither a WAV nor a FLAC file! "

cfw2wf :: FilePath -> FilePath
cfw2wf file
 | wOrf file == "w" = w2f file
 | wOrf file == "f" = f2w file
 | otherwise = error "You give neither a WAV nor a FLAC file! "

efw2 :: FilePath -> String
efw2 file
 | wOrf file == "w" = ".wav"
 | wOrf file == "f" = ".flac"
 | otherwise = error "You give neither a WAV nor a FLAC file! "

efw2vv :: FilePath -> String
efw2vv file
 | wOrf file == "w" = ".flac"
 | wOrf file == "f" = ".wav"
 | otherwise = error "You give neither a WAV nor a FLAC file! "