-- |
-- Module      :  ReplaceP
-- Copyright   :  (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  olexandr543@yahoo.com
-- A program and a library that can be used as a simple 
-- basic interface to some SoX functionality or for producing 
-- the approximately Ukrainian speech with your own recorded 
-- voice (actually it produces the needed sound representations).

module ReplaceP where

-- | Function is used internally to parse a given third command line argument as a @[String]@ representing the Ukrainian sounds, which will be produced.
replaceP :: String -> String
replaceP (x:y:z:u:v:xs) | x == '[' && y == '\"' && z == '[' && u == '\\' && v == '\\' = "[\"\\" ++ replaceP xs
                        | x == ',' && y == '\\' && z == '\\' = "\",\"\\" ++ replaceP (u:v:xs)
                        | x == ']' && y == '\"' && z == ']' = "\"]" ++ replaceP (u:v:xs)
                        | otherwise = x:replaceP (y:z:u:v:xs)
replaceP (x:y:z:u:xs) | x == ',' && y == '\\' && z == '\\' = "\",\"\\" ++ replaceP (u:xs)
                      | x == ']' && y == '\"' && z == ']' = "\"]" ++ replaceP (u:xs)
                      | otherwise = x:replaceP (y:z:u:xs)
replaceP (x:y:z:xs) | x == ',' && y == '\\' && z == '\\' = "\",\"\\" ++ replaceP xs
                    | x == ']' && y == '\"' && z == ']' = "\"]" ++ replaceP xs
                    | otherwise = x:replaceP (y:z:xs)
replaceP xs = xs

-- | Function is used internally to parse further the result dealt with 'replaceP' function.
replaceP2 :: String -> String
replaceP2 (x:y:z:u:v:xs) | [x,y,z,u,v] == "\\1078" = '\1078':replaceP2 xs
                         | [x,y,z,u,v] == "\\1079" = '\1079':replaceP2 xs
                         | [x,y,z,u,v] == "\\1100" = '\1100':replaceP2 xs
                         | otherwise = x:replaceP2 (y:z:u:v:xs)
replaceP2 (x:xs) = x:replaceP2 xs
replaceP2 [] = []

-- | Function is used internally to parse finally the result into a @[String]@.
replaceP3 :: String -> String
replaceP3 (x:y:xs) | [x,y] == "\\ж" = "\\1078" ++ replaceP3 xs
                   | [x,y] == "\\з" = "\\1079" ++ replaceP3 xs
                   | [x,y] == "\\ь" = "\\1100" ++ replaceP3 xs
                   | otherwise = x:replaceP3 (y:xs)
replaceP3 (x:xs) = x:replaceP3 xs
replaceP3 [] = []