monad-levels- Specific levels of monad transformers

Copyright(c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
License3-Clause BSD-style
Safe HaskellTrustworthy






Constraints in the monad stack

liftSat :: forall c m a. SatisfyConstraint c m => Proxy c -> SatMonad c m a -> m a Source

Lift a value of the satisfying monad to the top of the tower.

lowerSat :: forall c m a f. SatisfyConstraintF c m a f => Proxy c -> Proxy f -> Proxy m -> Proxy a -> SatFunction c f m a -> VarFunction f m a Source

Lower a function from the top of the monad tower down to the satisfying monad in which it can be applied.

lowerSat' :: forall c m a f. (SatisfyConstraint c m, VariadicFunction f) => Proxy c -> Proxy f -> Proxy m -> Proxy a -> (() :- CanLower f m a) -> SatFunction c f m a -> VarFunction f m a Source

A variant of lowerSat for when CanLower f m a ~ ().

lowerFunction :: forall c m a. SatisfyConstraint c m => Proxy c -> (SatMonadValue c m a -> SatMonadValue c m a) -> m a -> m a Source

A specialised instance of lowerSat where a simple function of type m a -> m a is lowered to the satisfying monad.

type SatisfyConstraint c m = (SatisfyConstraint_ (SatDepth c m) c m, c (SatMonad c m), BaseMonad (SatMonad c m) ~ BaseMonad m) Source

For a specified constraint c and MonadTower m, SatisfyConstraint c m specifies that it is possible to reach a monad in the tower that specifies the constraint.

type SatisfyConstraintF c m a f = (SatisfyConstraint c m, VariadicFunction f, CanLowerFunc f c m a) Source

An extension of SatisfyConstraint that also ensures that any additional constraints needed to satisfy a VariadicFunction f to achieve an end result based upon the type m a are met.

type SatMonad c m = SatMonad_ (SatDepth c m) c m Source

The Monad in the tower that satisfies the provided constraint.

type SatMonadValue c m a = SatMonad_ (SatDepth c m) c m (SatValue_ (SatDepth c m) c m a) Source

Converts m a into what the value in the monadic stack is where the monad satisfies the provided constraint.

type CanLowerFunc f c m a = CanLowerFunc_ f (SatDepth c m) c m a Source

Any additional constraints that may be needed for a specified VariadicFunction to be valid as it is lowered to the satisfying monad.

This typically matters only if ValueOnly or MonadicOther are used.

type SatFunction c f m a = VarFunctionSat f (SatDepth c m) c m a Source

The type of the VariadicFunction f when the provided constraint is satisfied.

class ValidConstraint c Source

When considering whether a particular monad within a MonadTower stack satisfies a constraint, we need to be able to determine this at the type level.

This is achieved with the ConstraintSatisfied associated type: it should be equated to a closed type family with the result being True for all monads for which the constraint is satisfied and False for all others.

(This is defined as a type class rather than just a type family so that we can explicitly state that this needs to be defined.)

Associated Types

type ConstraintSatisfied c m :: Bool Source

class (ValidConstraint c, MonadLevel m) => ConstraintPassThrough c m b Source

Indicates whether a specified constraint is allowed to pass through a particular level.

(It may not be recognisable in Haddock documentation, but the b parameter is of kind Bool using the DataKinds extension).

By default, for all monad levels this is set to the value of DefaultAllowConstraints for all constraints, with the exception of IsBaseMonad for which it is set to True.

Instances of this class can - and should when appropriate - be overlapped/overriden.

Internal types and classes

class (ValidConstraint c, MonadTower m) => SatisfyConstraint_ n c m Source

Inductively find the "floor" in the MonadTower where the specified constraint is satisfied.

This class is only exported for documentation purposes: no other instances are possible, and most of the internals are not safe to use outside of this module.

You should use SatisfyConstraint instead of this in your constraints.

Associated Types

type SatMonad_ n c m :: * -> * Source

The monad in the stack that satisfies the constraint.

type SatValue_ n c m a Source

The value in the stack within the monad that satisfies the constraint.

type CanLowerFunc_ f n c m a :: Constraint Source

The extra constraints needed to be able to lower the provided VariadicFunction f to the satisfying monad.

type SatDepth c m = FindTrue (TrySatisfy c m) Source

Calculate how many levels down is the satisfying monad.

proofInst :: MonadLevel m => Proxy m -> Proxy a -> MonadLevel m :- CanUnwrap m a a Source

Whilst MonadLevel requires CanUnwrap m a a for all a, the type system can't always determine this. This is a helper function to do so.

Variadic functions

class VariadicLower f => VariadicFunction f Source

A function composed of variadic arguments that produces a value based upon the type m a.

Minimal complete definition

validLowerFunc, validSatFunc0, validSatFunc, applyVFn

Associated Types

type VarFunction f m a Source

The function (that produces a value based upon the type m a) that this instance corresponds to.

class VariadicLower v Source

Base class for dealing with variadic functions/arguments.

Associated Types

type LowerV v m :: * Source

The type when lowered to the LowerMonad. In most cases this will be the same value.

type SatV v n c m :: * Source

The type when applied to the satisfying monad.

type CanLower v m a :: Constraint Source

Any additional constraints needed when lowering v.

type VarFunctionSat f n c m a = VarFunction (SatV f n c m) (SatMonad_ n c m) (SatValue_ n c m a) Source

The function represented by the VariadicFunction when lowered to the satisfying monad.

type MkVarFn v = Func v (MkVarFnFrom MonadicValue) Source

The fundamental way of creating a VariadicFunction. MkVarFn v corresponds to a function of type VariadicType v m a -> m a for some specified m a.

If more than one argument is needed for a function, they can be prepended on using Func.

data MkVarFnFrom va Source

The result of a VariadicFunction. This can't be used on its own, and needs to have at least one Func attached to it.


WrappableVArg va => VariadicFunction (MkVarFnFrom va) 
VariadicLower va => VariadicLower (MkVarFnFrom va) 
type LowerV (MkVarFnFrom va) m = MkVarFnFrom (LowerV va m) 
type VarFunction (MkVarFnFrom va) m a = VariadicType va m a 
type CanLower (MkVarFnFrom va) m a = CanLower va m a 
type SatV (MkVarFnFrom va) n c m = MkVarFnFrom (SatV va n c m) 

data Func v1 v2 Source

Represents the function v1 -> v2.


(LowerableVArg va, VariadicFunction vf) => VariadicFunction (Func va vf) 
(LowerableVArg va, LiftableVArg vb) => LiftableVArg (Func va vb) 
(LiftableVArg va, LowerableVArg vb) => LowerableVArg (Func va vb) 
(VariadicArg va, VariadicArg vb) => VariadicArg (Func va vb) 
(VariadicLower a, VariadicLower b) => VariadicLower (Func a b) 
type LowerV (Func va vb) m = Func (LowerV va m) (LowerV vb m) 
type VarFunction (Func va vf) m a = VariadicType va m a -> VarFunction vf m a 
type VariadicType (Func va vb) m a = VariadicType va m a -> VariadicType vb m a 
type CanLower (Func va vb) m a = (CanLower va m a, CanLower vb m a) 
type SatV (Func va vb) n c m = Func (SatV va n c m) (SatV vb n c m) 

Variadic arguments

class VariadicLower v => VariadicArg v Source

Class representing arguments/parameters for lower-able variadic functions.

When considering a function with an end result based upon m a, the following argument types are available:

corresponds to a.
Const b
corresponds to some other type b.
corresponds to m a.
MonadicOther b
corresponds to m b.
MonadicTuple b
corresponds to m (a,b).
Func v1 v2
corresponds to v1 -> v2.

Associated Types

type VariadicType v m a Source

The type that the variadic guard corresponds to within the monad (m a).

class VariadicArg v => LowerableVArg v Source

Variadic arguments that can be lowered. All VariadicArg values are instances of this class.

This actually defines how a variadic argument is lowered down to the LowerMonad.

Minimal complete definition


class VariadicArg v => LiftableVArg v Source

In contrast to LowerableVArg, this class is for VariadicArg values that can be lifted from the LowerMonad.

This is important for Func v1 v2 arguments, as to lower a function we need to lift v1 before applying the function, and then subsequently lower the result.

All instances of VariadicArg are instances of this with the exception of ValueOnly (as it's not always possible to convert an arbitrary InnerValue m a back into an a).

Minimal complete definition


class LiftableVArg v => WrappableVArg v Source

Variadic arguments that can be lifted via a call to wrap. Only those that have a VariadicType that is a monadic value can thus be instances of this class.

Minimal complete definition


data ValueOnly Source

This corresponds to a when the final result is based upon m a. This requires the extra constraint of CanAddInternal m.

data Const b Source

A constant type that does not depend upon the current monadic context. That is, Const b corresponds to just b. It is kept as-is when lowering through the different levels.


LiftableVArg (Const b) 
LowerableVArg (Const b) 
VariadicArg (Const b) 
VariadicLower (Const b) 
type LowerV (Const b) m = Const b 
type VariadicType (Const b) m a = b 
type CanLower (Const b) m a = () 
type SatV (Const b) n c m = Const b 

data MonadicOther b Source

Corresponds to m b, where the final result is based upon m a. This requires the extra constraint of CanUnwrap m a b.

data MonadicTuple b Source

Corresponds to m (a,b). This requires the extra constraints of CanAddInternal m and AllowOtherValues m ~ True (This is used instead of CanUnwrap as a simplification).

Re-exported for convenience

data Proxy t :: k -> *

A concrete, poly-kinded proxy type




Monad (Proxy *) 
Functor (Proxy *) 
Applicative (Proxy *) 
Bounded (Proxy k s) 
Enum (Proxy k s) 
Eq (Proxy k s) 
Ord (Proxy k s) 
Read (Proxy k s) 
Show (Proxy k s) 
Ix (Proxy k s) 
Generic (Proxy * t) 
Monoid (Proxy * s) 
type Rep (Proxy k t) = D1 D1Proxy (C1 C1_0Proxy U1)