monadLib-3.0.0: A collection of monad transformers.




This library provides a collection of monad transformers that can be combined to produce various monads.



The following types define the representations of the computation types supported by the library. Each type adds support for a different effect.

data Id a Source

Computations with no effects.

data ReaderT i m a Source

Add support for propagating a context.


MonadT (ReaderT i) 
Monad m => Monad (ReaderT i m) 
Monad m => Functor (ReaderT i m) 
MonadFix m => MonadFix (ReaderT i m) 
MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (ReaderT i m) 
ContM m => ContM (ReaderT i m) 
RunExceptionM m i => RunExceptionM (ReaderT j m) i 
RunStateM m j => RunStateM (ReaderT i m) j 
RunWriterM m j => RunWriterM (ReaderT i m) j 
Monad m => RunReaderM (ReaderT i m) i 
ExceptionM m j => ExceptionM (ReaderT i m) j 
StateM m j => StateM (ReaderT i m) j 
WriterM m j => WriterM (ReaderT i m) j 
Monad m => ReaderM (ReaderT i m) i 
BaseM m n => BaseM (ReaderT i m) n 

data WriterT i m a Source

Add support for collecting values.


Monoid i => MonadT (WriterT i) 
(Monad m, Monoid i) => Monad (WriterT i m) 
(Monad m, Monoid i) => Functor (WriterT i m) 
(MonadFix m, Monoid i) => MonadFix (WriterT i m) 
(MonadPlus m, Monoid i) => MonadPlus (WriterT i m) 
(ContM m, Monoid i) => ContM (WriterT i m) 
(RunExceptionM m i, Monoid j) => RunExceptionM (WriterT j m) i 
(RunStateM m j, Monoid i) => RunStateM (WriterT i m) j 
(Monad m, Monoid i) => RunWriterM (WriterT i m) i 
(RunReaderM m j, Monoid i) => RunReaderM (WriterT i m) j 
(ExceptionM m j, Monoid i) => ExceptionM (WriterT i m) j 
(StateM m j, Monoid i) => StateM (WriterT i m) j 
(Monad m, Monoid i) => WriterM (WriterT i m) i 
(ReaderM m j, Monoid i) => ReaderM (WriterT i m) j 
(BaseM m n, Monoid i) => BaseM (WriterT i m) n 

data StateT i m a Source

Add support for threading state.


MonadT (StateT i) 
Monad m => Monad (StateT i m) 
Monad m => Functor (StateT i m) 
MonadFix m => MonadFix (StateT i m) 
MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (StateT i m) 
ContM m => ContM (StateT i m) 
RunExceptionM m i => RunExceptionM (StateT j m) i 
Monad m => RunStateM (StateT i m) i 
RunWriterM m j => RunWriterM (StateT i m) j 
RunReaderM m j => RunReaderM (StateT i m) j 
ExceptionM m j => ExceptionM (StateT i m) j 
Monad m => StateM (StateT i m) i 
WriterM m j => WriterM (StateT i m) j 
ReaderM m j => ReaderM (StateT i m) j 
BaseM m n => BaseM (StateT i m) n 

data ExceptionT i m a Source

Add support for exceptions.


MonadT (ExceptionT i) 
Monad m => Monad (ExceptionT i m) 
Monad m => Functor (ExceptionT i m) 
MonadFix m => MonadFix (ExceptionT i m) 
MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (ExceptionT i m) 
ContM m => ContM (ExceptionT i m) 
Monad m => RunExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i 
RunStateM m j => RunStateM (ExceptionT i m) j 
RunWriterM m j => RunWriterM (ExceptionT i m) j 
RunReaderM m j => RunReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j 
Monad m => ExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i 
StateM m j => StateM (ExceptionT i m) j 
WriterM m j => WriterM (ExceptionT i m) j 
ReaderM m j => ReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j 
BaseM m n => BaseM (ExceptionT i m) n 

data ContT i m a Source

Add support for jumps.


MonadT (ContT i) 
Monad m => Monad (ContT i m) 
Monad m => Functor (ContT i m) 
Monad m => ContM (ContT i m) 
ExceptionM m j => ExceptionM (ContT i m) j 
StateM m j => StateM (ContT i m) j 
WriterM m j => WriterM (ContT i m) j 
ReaderM m j => ReaderM (ContT i m) j 
BaseM m n => BaseM (ContT i m) n 


The following operations allow us to promote computations in the underlying monad to computations that support an extra effect. Computations defined in this way do not make use of the new effect but can be combined with other operations that utilize the effect.

class MonadT t whereSource


lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m aSource

Promote a computation from the underlying monad.


class (Monad m, Monad n) => BaseM m n | m -> n whereSource


inBase :: n a -> m aSource

Promote a computation from the base monad.


BaseM [] [] 
BaseM IO IO 
BaseM Maybe Maybe 
BaseM Id Id 
BaseM (Cont i) (Cont i) 
BaseM (Exception i) (Exception i) 
BaseM (State i) (State i) 
Monoid i => BaseM (Writer i) (Writer i) 
BaseM (Reader i) (Reader i) 
BaseM m n => BaseM (ContT i m) n 
BaseM m n => BaseM (ExceptionT i m) n 
BaseM m n => BaseM (StateT i m) n 
(BaseM m n, Monoid i) => BaseM (WriterT i m) n 
BaseM m n => BaseM (ReaderT i m) n 

Effect Classes

The following classes define overloaded operations that can be used to define effectful computations.

class Monad m => ReaderM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that provide access to a context of type i.


ask :: m iSource

Get the context.


ReaderM (Reader i) i 
ReaderM m j => ReaderM (ContT i m) j 
ReaderM m j => ReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j 
ReaderM m j => ReaderM (StateT i m) j 
(ReaderM m j, Monoid i) => ReaderM (WriterT i m) j 
Monad m => ReaderM (ReaderT i m) i 

class Monad m => WriterM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that can collect values of type i.


put :: i -> m ()Source

Add a value to the collection.


Monoid i => WriterM (Writer i) i 
WriterM m j => WriterM (ContT i m) j 
WriterM m j => WriterM (ExceptionT i m) j 
WriterM m j => WriterM (StateT i m) j 
(Monad m, Monoid i) => WriterM (WriterT i m) i 
WriterM m j => WriterM (ReaderT i m) j 

class Monad m => StateM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that propagate a state component of type i.


get :: m iSource

Get the state.

set :: i -> m ()Source

Set the state.


StateM (State i) i 
StateM m j => StateM (ContT i m) j 
StateM m j => StateM (ExceptionT i m) j 
Monad m => StateM (StateT i m) i 
(StateM m j, Monoid i) => StateM (WriterT i m) j 
StateM m j => StateM (ReaderT i m) j 

class Monad m => ExceptionM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that support raising exceptions of type i.


raise :: i -> m aSource

Raise an exception.


ExceptionM (Exception i) i 
ExceptionM m j => ExceptionM (ContT i m) j 
Monad m => ExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i 
ExceptionM m j => ExceptionM (StateT i m) j 
(ExceptionM m j, Monoid i) => ExceptionM (WriterT i m) j 
ExceptionM m j => ExceptionM (ReaderT i m) j 

class Monad m => ContM m whereSource

Classifies monads that provide access to a computation's continuation.


callCC :: ((a -> m b) -> m a) -> m aSource

Capture the current continuation.


ContM (Cont i) 
Monad m => ContM (ContT i m) 
ContM m => ContM (ExceptionT i m) 
ContM m => ContM (StateT i m) 
(ContM m, Monoid i) => ContM (WriterT i m) 
ContM m => ContM (ReaderT i m) 

data Label m a Source

An explicit representation for continuations that store a value.

labelCC :: ContM m => a -> m (a, Label m a)Source

Capture the current continuation. This function is like return, except that it also captures the current continuation. Later we can use jump to go back to the continuation with a possibly different value.

jump :: ContM m => a -> Label m a -> m bSource

Change the value passed to a previously captured continuation.


Eliminating Effects

The following functions eliminate the outermost effect of a computation by translating a computation into an equivalent computation in the underlying monad. (The exception is Id which is not a monad transformer but an ordinary monad, and so, its run operation simply eliminates the monad.)

runId :: Id a -> aSource

Get the result of a pure computation.

runReaderT :: i -> ReaderT i m a -> m aSource

Execute a reader computation in the given context.

runWriterT :: WriterT i m a -> m (a, i)Source

Execute a writer computation. Returns the result and the collected output.

runStateT :: i -> StateT i m a -> m (a, i)Source

Execute a stateful computation in the given initial state. The second component of the result is the final state.

runExceptionT :: ExceptionT i m a -> m (Either i a)Source

Execute a computation with exceptions. Successful results are tagged with Right, exceptional results are tagged with Left.

runContT :: (a -> m i) -> ContT i m a -> m iSource

Execute a computation with the given continuation.

Nested Execution

The following classes define operations that are overloaded versions of the run operations. Unlike the run operations, functions do not change the type of the computation (i.e, they do not remove a layer). However, they do not perform any side-effects in the corresponding layer. Instead, they execute a computation in a ``separate thread'' with respect to the corresponding effect.

class ReaderM m i => RunReaderM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that support changing the context for a sub-computation.


local :: i -> m a -> m aSource

Change the context for the duration of a computation.


RunReaderM (Reader i) i 
RunReaderM m j => RunReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j 
RunReaderM m j => RunReaderM (StateT i m) j 
(RunReaderM m j, Monoid i) => RunReaderM (WriterT i m) j 
Monad m => RunReaderM (ReaderT i m) i 

class WriterM m i => RunWriterM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that support collecting the output of a sub-computation.


collect :: m a -> m (a, i)Source

Collect the output from a computation.


Monoid i => RunWriterM (Writer i) i 
RunWriterM m j => RunWriterM (ExceptionT i m) j 
RunWriterM m j => RunWriterM (StateT i m) j 
(Monad m, Monoid i) => RunWriterM (WriterT i m) i 
RunWriterM m j => RunWriterM (ReaderT i m) j 

class StateM m i => RunStateM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that support separate state threads.


runS :: i -> m a -> m (a, i)Source

Modify the state for the duration of a computation. Returns the final state.


RunStateM (State i) i 
RunStateM m j => RunStateM (ExceptionT i m) j 
Monad m => RunStateM (StateT i m) i 
(RunStateM m j, Monoid i) => RunStateM (WriterT i m) j 
RunStateM m j => RunStateM (ReaderT i m) j 

class ExceptionM m i => RunExceptionM m i | m -> i whereSource

Classifies monads that support handling of exceptions.


try :: m a -> m (Either i a)Source

Exceptions are explicit in the result.


version :: (Int, Int, Int)Source

The current version of the library.