{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}


module Control.Search.Language  where 

import Text.PrettyPrint

import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Prelude hiding ((<>))

import qualified Data.Semigroup as DS

import Data.Int

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.Map (Map)

spacetype ModeFZ = "FlatZincSpace"

spacetype ModeGecode = "State"

spacetype ModeMCP = "MCPProgram"

xsspace fl@(PrettyFlags ModeFZ) x str = prettyX fl (PField x str)

xsspace fl@(PrettyFlags ModeMCP) x str = prettyX fl (PField x str)

xsspace fl@(PrettyFlags ModeGecode) x str = text "((VarAccessorSpace*)msg.space(" <> prettyX fl x <> text "))->" <> text str

instance Monoid Statement where

  mempty  = Skip

  mappend = (>>>)

instance DS.Semigroup Statement where

  (<>) = (>>>)

data GenMode = ModeUnk | ModeGecode | ModeFZ | ModeMCP

  deriving Eq

data PrettyFlags = PrettyFlags { genMode :: GenMode }

  deriving Eq

renderVar :: PrettyFlags -> Value -> Doc

renderVar f@(PrettyFlags { genMode = ModeFZ }) x = case x of

    (AVarElem vs s i)  ->  xsspace f s "iv" <> brackets (text "VAR_" <> text vs <> brackets (pr_ i))

    (AVarSize vs s)    ->  text "VAR_" <> text vs <> text ".size()"

    (BAVarElem vs s i)  ->  xsspace f s "bv" <> brackets (text "VAR_" <> text vs <> brackets (pr_ i))

    (BAVarSize vs s)    ->  text "VAR_" <> text vs <> text ".size()"

    (IVar vs s)        ->  xsspace f s "iv" <> brackets (text "VAR_" <> text vs)

  where pr_ :: Value -> Doc

        pr_ = prettyX f

renderVar f@(PrettyFlags { genMode = ModeGecode }) x = case x of

    (AVarElem vs s i)  ->  xsspace f s "va.iv" <> parens (text "idx" <> parens (xsspace f s "va.map()" <> text ",\"" <> text vs <> text "\"") <> text "+" <> pr_ i)

    (AVarSize vs s)    ->  text "size" <> parens (xsspace f s "va.map()" <> text ",\"" <> text vs <> text "\"")

    (BAVarElem vs s i)  ->  xsspace f s "va.bv" <> parens (text "idx" <> parens (xsspace f s "va.map()" <> text ",\"" <> text vs <> text "\"") <> text "+" <> pr_ i)

    (BAVarSize vs s)    ->  text "size" <> parens (xsspace f s "va.map()" <> text ",\"" <> text vs <> text "\"")

    (IVar vs s)        ->  xsspace f s "va.iv" <> parens (text "idx" <> parens (xsspace f s "va.map()" <> text ",\"" <> text vs <> text "\""))

  where pr_ :: Value -> Doc

        pr_ = prettyX f

renderVar f@(PrettyFlags { genMode = ModeMCP }) x = case x of

    (AVarElem vs s i) -> xsspace f s vs <> brackets (pretty i)

    (AVarSize vs s) -> xsspace f s vs <> text ".size()"

    (BAVarElem vs s i) -> xsspace f s vs <> brackets (pretty i)

    (BAVarSize vs s) -> xsspace f s vs <> text ".size()"

    (IVar vs s) -> xsspace f s vs

renderVar f@(PrettyFlags { genMode = ModeUnk }) _ = error "Cannot generate variable without render mode!"

class Pretty x where

  prettyX :: PrettyFlags -> x -> Doc

  pretty :: x -> Doc

  prettyX _ = pretty

  pretty = prettyX (PrettyFlags { genMode = ModeUnk })

data Struct = Struct String [(Type,String)] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Pretty Struct where

  prettyX x (Struct name fields) =

    text "struct" <+> text name <+> text "{"

    $+$ nest 2 (vcat [prettyX x ty <+> text f <> text ";" | (ty,f) <- fields])

    $+$ text "};" 

data Type = Pointer Type

          | SpaceType

          | Int

          | Bool

          | Union [(Type,String)]

          | SType Struct

          | THook String

          deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Value = IVal Int32

           | BVal Bool

           | RootSpace

           | Minus Value Value

           | Plus Value Value

           | Mult Value Value

           | Div Value Value

           | Mod Value Value

           | Abs Value

           | Var String

           | Ref Value

           | Deref Value

           | Clone Value

           | Field String String

           | Field' Value String

           | PField Value String

           | Lt Value Value

           | Gq Value Value

           | Gt Value Value

           | Eq Value Value

           | BaseContinue

           | And Value Value

           | Or  Value Value

           | Not Value

           | VHook String

           | Max Value Value

           | AVarElem String Value Value

           | AVarSize String Value

           | BAVarElem String Value Value

           | BAVarSize String Value

           | IVar String Value

           | MinDom Value

           | MaxDom Value

           | Degree Value

           | WDegree Value

           | UbRegret Value

           | LbRegret Value

           | Median Value

           | Random 

           | Null

           | New Struct

           | Base

           | Cond Value Value Value

           | Assigned Value

           | Dummy Int

           | MaxVal

           | MinVal

           deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Num Value where

  (-)         = Minus

  fromInteger = IVal . fromInteger

  (+)    = Plus

  (*)    = Mult

  abs    = Abs

  signum = error "signum is not defined for Value"

divValue (IVal x) (IVal y) = IVal (x `div` y)

divValue x y = Div x y

true  = BVal True

false = BVal False

(&&&) = And

(|||) = Or

(@>)  = Gt

(@>=) = Gq

x @<= y = y `Gq` x

(@==) = Eq

(@->) = Field' 

(@=>) = PField 

(@<)  = Lt

lex cmps l1 l2 = foldr (\(x,y,cmp) r -> (x `cmp` y) ||| ((x @== y) &&& r)) false (zip3 l1 l2 cmps)

simplValue :: Value -> Value

simplValue (Cond c t e) =

  let c' = simplValue c

      t' = simplValue t

      e' = simplValue e

  in case (c',t',e') of

      (BVal True, _, _)  -> t'

      (BVal False, _, _) -> e'

      _  | t' == e'      -> t'

      _                  -> Cond c' t' e'

simplValue (Minus (IVal x) (IVal y)) = IVal (x - y)

simplValue (Lt x y)  = Lt (simplValue x) (simplValue y)

simplValue (Gq x y)  = Gq (simplValue x) (simplValue y)

simplValue (And x y) =

  let x' = simplValue x

      y' = simplValue y

  in case (x',y') of

       (x, (BVal True))  -> x 

       (x, (BVal False)) -> BVal False

       _                 -> And x' y'

simplValue (Not x)   =

  let x' = simplValue x

  in case x' of

       (BVal True)   -> BVal False

       (BVal False)  -> BVal True

       _             -> Not x'

simplValue (PField (Ref x) f) = Field' (simplValue x) f

simplValue v = v

instance Pretty Type where

  prettyX x (Pointer t) = prettyX x t <> text "*"

  prettyX x SpaceType      = text $ spacetype (genMode x)

  prettyX x Int         = text "int"

  prettyX x Bool        = text "bool"

  prettyX x (Union fields)   = 

    text "union" <+> text "{"

     $+$ nest 2 (vcat [prettyX x ty <+> text f <> text ";" | (ty,f) <- fields])

     $+$ text "}" 

  prettyX x (SType (Struct name fields))  =

    text name

  prettyX x (THook str) = 

    text str

instance Pretty Value where

  prettyX x = prettyX_ x . simplValue


      prettyX_ :: PrettyFlags -> Value -> Doc

      prettyX_ _ (Cond c t e)   = pr_ c <+> text "?" <+> pr_ t <+> text ":" <+> pr_ e

      prettyX_ _ Base           = text "<BASE>"

      prettyX_ _ Null           = text "NULL"

      prettyX_ _ (IVal i)       = int $ fromInteger $ toInteger i

      prettyX_ _ (BVal True)    = text "true" 

      prettyX_ _ (BVal False)   = text "false" 

      prettyX_ _ (Abs x)        = text "abs" <> parens (pr_ x)

      prettyX_ fl RootSpace      = case (genMode fl) of

                                     ModeFZ -> text "root"

                                     ModeGecode -> text "mgr.root()"

                                     ModeMCP -> text "root"

      prettyX_ _ (Minus v1 v2)  = pr_ v1 <+> text "-" <+> pr_ v2

      prettyX_ _ (Plus v1 v2)   = pr_ v1 <+> text "+" <+> pr_ v2

      prettyX_ _ (Mult v1 v2)   = pr_ v1 <+> text "*" <+> pr_ v2

      prettyX_ _ (Div v1 v2)    = parens (pr_ v1) <+> text "/" <+> parens (pr_ v2)

      prettyX_ _ (Mod v1 v2)    = parens (pr_ v1) <+> text "%" <+> parens (pr_ v2)

      prettyX_ _ (Ref x)        = parens $ text "&" <> parens (pr_ x)

      prettyX_ _ (Deref x)      = parens $ text "*" <> parens (pr_ x)

      prettyX_ _ (Var x)        = text x

      prettyX_ f (Clone x)      = text ("static_cast<" ++ spacetype (genMode f) ++ "*>(") <> pr_ x <> text "->clone(true))"

      -- prettyX_ (Clone x)      = text ("static_cast<" ++ spacetype ++ "*>(") <> pretty_ x <> text "->clone(false))"

      prettyX_ _ (Field r f)    = text r <> text "." <> text f

      prettyX_ _ (Field' r f)   = pr_ r <> text "." <> text f

--      prettyX_ (PField (Field' (Var "estate") "evalState") f) = text f

--      prettyX_ (PField (Field' (Var "nstate") "evalState") f) = text f

--      prettyX_ (PField (Field' (Var _) "evalState") f) = text f

      prettyX_ _ (PField r f)   = pr_ r <> text "->" <> text f

      prettyX_ _ (Lt x y)       = parens (pr_ x) <+> text "<" <+> parens (pr_ y) 

      prettyX_ _ (Gq x y)       = parens (pr_ x) <+> text ">=" <+> parens (pr_ y) 

      prettyX_ _ (Gt x y)       = parens (pr_ x) <+> text ">" <+> parens (pr_ y) 

      prettyX_ _ (Eq x y)       = parens (pr_ x) <+> text "==" <+> parens (pr_ y) 

      prettyX_ _ BaseContinue   = text "!st->queue->empty()"

      prettyX_ _ (And x y)      = parens (pr_ x) <+> text "&&" <+> parens (pr_ y) 

      prettyX_ _ (Or  x y)      = parens (pr_ x) <+> text "||" <+> parens (pr_ y) 

      prettyX_ _ (Not x)        = text "!" <> parens (pr_ x)

      prettyX_ _ (VHook s)      = text s

      prettyX_ _ (Max x y)      = text "max" <> parens (pr_ x <> text "," <> pr_ y)

      prettyX_ e v@(AVarElem _ _ _)  = renderVar e v

      prettyX_ e v@(AVarSize _ _)  = renderVar e v

      prettyX_ e v@(BAVarElem _ _ _)  = renderVar e v

      prettyX_ e v@(BAVarSize _ _)  = renderVar e v

      prettyX_ e v@(IVar _ _)      = renderVar e v

      prettyX_ _ (MinDom v)     = pr_ v <> text ".min()"

      prettyX_ _ (MaxDom v)     = pr_ v <> text ".max()"

      prettyX_ _ (Degree v)     = pr_ v <> text ".degree()"

      prettyX_ _ (WDegree v)    = pr_ v <> text ".afc()" -- aka accumulated failure count

      prettyX_ _ (UbRegret v)   = pr_ v <> text ".regret_max()"

      prettyX_ _ (LbRegret v)   = pr_ v <> text ".regret_min()"

      prettyX_ _ (Median v)     = pr_ v <> text ".med()"

      prettyX_ _ MaxVal         = text "Gecode::Int::Limits::max"

      prettyX_ _ MinVal         = text "Gecode::Int::Limits::min"

      prettyX_ _ Random         = text "rand()"

      prettyX_ _ (New (Struct name _)) = text "new" <+> text name

      prettyX_ _ (Assigned var) = pr_ var <> text ".assigned()"

      pr :: Value -> Doc

      pr = prettyX x

      pr_ :: Value -> Doc

      pr_ = prettyX_ x

data Constraint = EqC Value Value

                | NqC Value Value

                | LtC Value Value

                | LqC Value Value

                | GtC Value Value

                | GqC Value Value

                | TrueC

                | FalseC

                deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

($==) = EqC

($/=) = NqC

($<)  = LtC

($<=) = LqC

($>)  = GtC

($>=) = GqC

neg (EqC x y) = NqC x y

neg (NqC x y) = EqC x y

neg (LtC x y) = GqC x y

neg (LqC x y) = GtC x y

neg (GtC x y) = LqC x y

neg (GqC x y) = LtC x y

instance Pretty Constraint where

  prettyX f (EqC x y) =

    prettyX f x <> text "," <> text "IRT_EQ" <> text "," <> prettyX f y

  prettyX f (NqC x y) =

    prettyX f x <> text "," <> text "IRT_NQ" <> text "," <> prettyX f y

  prettyX f (LtC x y) =

    prettyX f x <> text "," <> text "IRT_LE" <> text "," <> prettyX f y

  prettyX f (LqC x y) =

    prettyX f x <> text "," <> text "IRT_LQ" <> text "," <> prettyX f y

  prettyX f (GtC x y) =

    prettyX f x <> text "," <> text "IRT_GR" <> text "," <> prettyX f y

  prettyX f (GqC x y) =

    prettyX f x <> text "," <> text "IRT_GQ" <> text "," <> prettyX f y

  prettyX f TrueC = error "true constraint can't be posted directly"

  prettyX f FalseC = error "false constraint can't be posted directly"

data Statement = IfThenElse Value Statement Statement

               | Push Value

               | Skip

               | Seq Statement Statement

               | Assign Value Value

               | Abort

               | Print Value [String]

               | SHook String

               | Post Value Constraint

               | Fold String Value Value Value (Value -> Value) (Value -> Value -> Value)

               | IFold String Value Value Value (Value -> Value) (Value -> Value -> Value)

               | BFold String Value Value Value (Value -> Value) (Value -> Value -> Value)

               | BIFold String Value Value Value (Value -> Value) (Value -> Value -> Value)

--             | MFold String [(Value, Value->Value)] ([Value] -> [Value] -> Value)

               | Delete Value

               | Block Statement Statement

               | DebugOutput String

               | DebugValue String Value

  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

inliner :: (Statement -> Maybe Statement) -> Statement -> Statement

inliner f s =

  case f s of

    Just x -> inliner f x

    Nothing -> case s of

      IfThenElse v s1 s2 -> IfThenElse v (inliner f s1) (inliner f s2)

      Seq s1 s2 -> Seq (inliner f s1) (inliner f s2)

      Block s1 s2 -> Block s1 (inliner f s2)

      _ -> s

instance Ord (Value -> Value) where

  compare a b = compare (a (Dummy 0)) (b (Dummy 0))

instance Eq (Value -> Value) where

  a == b = (a (Dummy 1)) == (b (Dummy 1))

instance Show (Value -> Value) where

  show a = show (a (Dummy 1))

instance Ord (Value -> Value -> Value) where

  compare a b = compare (a (Dummy 2) (Dummy 3)) (b (Dummy 2) (Dummy 3))

instance Eq (Value -> Value -> Value) where

  a == b = (a (Dummy 4) (Dummy 5)) == (b (Dummy 4) (Dummy 5))

instance Show (Value -> Value -> Value) where

  show a = show (a (Dummy 1) (Dummy 2))

comment str = SHook ("// " ++ str)

dec var = Assign var (var - 1)

inc var = Assign var (var + 1)

(>>>) = Seq

(<==) = Assign

assign = flip Assign

ifthen c t = IfThenElse c t Skip

seqs = foldr (>>>) Skip

simplStmt :: Statement -> Statement

simplStmt (IfThenElse c t e)

  = let c' = simplValue c

        t' = simplStmt t

        e' = simplStmt e

    in go c' t' e'

    where go (BVal True)  t e   = t

          go (BVal False) t e   = e 

          go c t e | t == e     = t

          go c Skip e           = simplStmt $ IfThenElse (Not c) e t

          go c1 (IfThenElse c2 t2 e2) e1 

            | e1 == e2          = simplStmt $ IfThenElse (c1 &&& c2) t2 e1 

          go c t e              = IfThenElse c t e

simplStmt (Assign x y) | x==y = Skip

simplStmt (Seq Skip a) = simplStmt a

simplStmt (Seq a Skip) = simplStmt a

simplStmt s = s

instance Pretty Statement where

 prettyX x = prettyX_ . simplStmt


        prettyX_ (Push tstate)      = 

          text "st->queue->push_back" <> parens (pr tstate) <> text ";"

        prettyX_ (IfThenElse c t Skip)  =  text "if" <+> parens (pr c) <+> text "{" $+$ nest 2 (pr t) $+$ text "}"

        prettyX_ (IfThenElse c t e)     =  text "if" <+> parens (pr c) <+> text "{" $+$ nest 2 (pr t) $+$ text "} else {" $+$ nest 2 (pr_ e) $+$ text "}"

        prettyX_ Skip =


        prettyX_ (Assign var (Minus val 1))

          | var == val

          = pr var <> text "--;"

        prettyX_ (Assign var (Plus val 1))

          | var == val

          = pr var <> text "++;"

        prettyX_ (Block s1 s2) = pr s1 <+> text "{" $+$ nest 2 (pr s2) $+$ text "}"

        prettyX_ (Seq s1 s2)  =

          pr s1 $+$ pr s2

        prettyX_ (Assign x Null) = pr x <> text ";"

        prettyX_ (Assign x y)  = let y' = simplValue y

                               in if x == y' 

                                       then pr Skip

                                       else pr x <+> text "=" <+> pr y' <> text ";"

        prettyX_ Abort =

          text "break;"

        prettyX_ (Print space vs) = 

          (vcat $ map (\s -> text "std::cout << \"[\"; for (int i=0; i<" <> pr (AVarSize s space) <> text "; i++) { std::cout << " <> pr (AVarElem s space (Var "i")) <> text " << \" \"; }; std::cout << \"] \";") vs) <> text "std::cout << std::endl;"

        prettyX_ (DebugOutput str) = 

          text "cout << " <> text (show str) <> text " << endl;"

        prettyX_ (DebugValue str val) = 

          text "cout << " <> text (show $ str ++ ": ") <> text " << " <> pr val <> text " << endl;"

        prettyX_ (SHook s) =

          text s

        prettyX_ (Post space FalseC) = pr space <> text "->fail();"

        prettyX_ (Post space TrueC) = empty

        prettyX_ (Post space c)  = 

          text "rel(*" <> parens (pr space) <> text "," <> pr c <> text ");" 

        prettyX_ (Fold vars state space m0 metric better) = 


             pos   = Field' state "pos"

             size  = AVarSize vars space


            text "int best_pos = -1;" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos 0)

            $+$ text "for (int metric = " <> pr m0 <> text "; " <> pr (pos @< size )  <> text "; "  <> pr pos  <>  text "++) {"

            $+$ nest 2 (text "if" <+> parens (text "!" <> pr (AVarElem vars space pos) <> text ".assigned()") <+> text "{"

                            $+$ nest 2 ( text "int current_metric = " <> pr (metric (AVarElem vars space pos)) <> text ";"

                                         $+$ pr (IfThenElse (Var "current_metric" `better` Var "metric")

                                                   (Assign (Var "metric") (Var "current_metric") >>> (Assign (Var "best_pos") pos))




                            $+$ text "}"


            $+$ text "}" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos (Var "best_pos"))  

        prettyX_ (IFold vars state space m0 metric better) = 


             pos   = Field' state "pos"

             size  = AVarSize vars state


            text "int best_pos = -1;" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos 0)

            $+$ text "for (int metric = " <> pr m0 <> text "; " <> pr (pos @< size )  <> text "; "  <> pr pos  <>  text "++) {"

            $+$ nest 2 (text "if" <+> parens (text "!" <> pr (AVarElem vars space pos) <> text ".assigned()") <+> text "{"

                            $+$ nest 2 ( text "int current_metric = " <> pr (metric pos) <> text ";"

                                         $+$ pr (IfThenElse (Var "current_metric" `better` Var "metric")

                                                      (Assign (Var "metric") (Var "current_metric") >>> (Assign (Var "best_pos") pos))




                            $+$ text "}"


            $+$ text "}" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos (Var "best_pos"))  

        prettyX_ (BFold vars state space m0 metric better) = 


             pos   = Field' state "pos"

             size  = BAVarSize vars space


            text "int best_pos = -1;" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos 0)

            $+$ text "for (int metric = " <> pr m0 <> text "; " <> pr (pos @< size )  <> text "; "  <> pr pos  <>  text "++) {"

            $+$ nest 2 (text "if" <+> parens (text "!" <> pr (BAVarElem vars space pos) <> text ".assigned()") <+> text "{"

                            $+$ nest 2 ( text "int current_metric = " <> pr (metric (BAVarElem vars space pos)) <> text ";"

                                         $+$ pr (IfThenElse (Var "current_metric" `better` Var "metric")

                                                   (Assign (Var "metric") (Var "current_metric") >>> (Assign (Var "best_pos") pos))




                            $+$ text "}"


            $+$ text "}" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos (Var "best_pos"))  

        prettyX_ (BIFold vars state space m0 metric better) = 


             pos   = Field' state "pos"

             size  = BAVarSize vars space


            text "int best_pos = -1;" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos 0)

            $+$ text "for (int metric = " <> pr m0 <> text "; " <> pr (pos @< size )  <> text "; "  <> pr pos  <>  text "++) {"

            $+$ nest 2 (text "if" <+> parens (text "!" <> pr (BAVarElem vars space pos) <> text ".assigned()") <+> text "{"

                            $+$ nest 2 ( text "int current_metric = " <> pr (metric pos) <> text ";"

                                         $+$ pr (IfThenElse (Var "current_metric" `better` Var "metric")

                                                      (Assign (Var "metric") (Var "current_metric") >>> (Assign (Var "best_pos") pos))




                            $+$ text "}"


            $+$ text "}" 

            $+$ pr (Assign pos (Var "best_pos"))  

{-        prettyX_ (MFold state metrics better) = 
             space         = Field "estate" "space"
             pos           = Field state "pos"
             cvar          = CVar "get" space pos
             size          = VHook $ render $ pr space <> text "->" <> text "get" <> text "().size()" 
             acc_vars      = [Var $ "metric"         ++ show i | i <- [1..length metrics]]
             cur_vars      = [Var $ "current_metric" ++ show i | i <- [1..length metrics]]
             init_list     = hcat $ punctuate comma [pr v <+> text "=" <+> pretty z | (v,(z,_)) <- zip acc_vars metrics]
             computations  = vcat $ [text "int" <+> pr (Update var (f cvar))| (var,(_,f)) <- zip cur_vars metrics]
             updates       = foldl (>>>) Skip [Update v1 v2 | (v1,v2) <- zip acc_vars cur_vars]
            text "int best_pos = -1;" 
            $+$ pr (Update pos 0)
            $+$ text "for (int " <> init_list <> text "; " <> pr (pos @< size )  <> text "; "  <> pr pos  <>  text "++) {"
            $+$ nest 2 (text "if" <+> parens (text "!" <> pr cvar <> text ".assigned()") <+> text "{"
                            $+$ nest 2 ( computations
                                         $+$ pr (IfThenElse (cur_vars `better` acc_vars)
                                                       (updates >>> (Update (Var "best_pos") pos))
                            $+$ text "}"
            $+$ text "}" 
            $+$ pr (Update pos (Var "best_pos"))  -}

        prettyX_ (Delete value)  =

          text "delete" <+> pr value <> text ";" 

        pr :: Pretty x => x -> Doc

        pr = prettyX x

        pr_ :: Statement -> Doc

        pr_ = prettyX_

class Simplifiable a where

  simplify :: a -> a

instance Simplifiable Statement where

  simplify = simplStmt

instance Simplifiable Value where

  simplify = simplValue