This package defines a MonadLoc class for monads which support Monadic Call Traces. See
- Traces are only provided for explicitly annotated program points.
- This package installs the MonadLoc preprocessor for this purpose. To enable it include the following pragma at the top of your haskell source files:
{ -# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF MonadLoc #- }
- There is also the TH macro
to manually annotate program points, but you should always use the preprocessor if possible.
class Monad m => MonadLoc m whereSource
Generating stack traces for failures
is a convenient TH macro which expands to withLoc
<source location>
It should only be used when the MonadLoc preprocessor is not available.
f x = $withLocTH $ do $withLocTH $ something x < -$withLocTH $ something-else ...
NOTE: unfortunately type signatures are necessary when using withLocTH