Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module defines the FactorialMonoid
class and some of its instances.
- class MonoidNull m => FactorialMonoid m where
- factors :: m -> [m]
- primePrefix :: m -> m
- primeSuffix :: m -> m
- splitPrimePrefix :: m -> Maybe (m, m)
- splitPrimeSuffix :: m -> Maybe (m, m)
- inits :: m -> [m]
- tails :: m -> [m]
- foldl :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a
- foldl' :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a
- foldr :: (m -> a -> a) -> a -> m -> a
- length :: m -> Int
- foldMap :: Monoid n => (m -> n) -> m -> n
- span :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m)
- break :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m)
- split :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> [m]
- takeWhile :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> m
- dropWhile :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> m
- spanMaybe :: s -> (s -> m -> Maybe s) -> m -> (m, m, s)
- spanMaybe' :: s -> (s -> m -> Maybe s) -> m -> (m, m, s)
- splitAt :: Int -> m -> (m, m)
- drop :: Int -> m -> m
- take :: Int -> m -> m
- reverse :: m -> m
- class (FactorialMonoid m, PositiveMonoid m) => StableFactorialMonoid m
- mapM :: (FactorialMonoid a, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> a -> m b
- mapM_ :: (FactorialMonoid a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> a -> m ()
class MonoidNull m => FactorialMonoid m where Source
Class of monoids that can be split into irreducible (i.e., atomic or prime) factors
in a unique way. Factors of
a Product
are literally its prime factors:
factors (Product 12) == [Product 2, Product 2, Product 3]
Factors of a list are not its elements but all its single-item sublists:
factors "abc" == ["a", "b", "c"]
The methods of this class satisfy the following laws:
mconcat . factors == id null == List.null . factors List.all (\prime-> factors prime == [prime]) . factors factors == unfoldr splitPrimePrefix == List.reverse . unfoldr (fmap swap . splitPrimeSuffix) reverse == mconcat . List.reverse . factors primePrefix == maybe mempty fst . splitPrimePrefix primeSuffix == maybe mempty snd . splitPrimeSuffix inits == mconcat . List.tails . factors tails == mconcat . List.tails . factors foldl f a == List.foldl f a . factors foldl' f a == List.foldl' f a . factors foldr f a == List.foldr f a . factors span p m == (mconcat l, mconcat r) where (l, r) = List.span p (factors m) List.all (List.all (not . pred) . factors) . split pred mconcat . intersperse prime . split (== prime) == id splitAt i m == (mconcat l, mconcat r) where (l, r) = List.splitAt i (factors m) spanMaybe () (const $ bool Nothing (Maybe ()) . p) m == (takeWhile p m, dropWhile p m, ()) spanMaybe s0 (\s m-> Just $ f s m) m0 == (m0, mempty, foldl f s0 m0) let (prefix, suffix, s') = spanMaybe s f m foldMaybe = foldl g (Just s) g s m = s >>= flip f m in all ((Nothing ==) . foldMaybe) (inits prefix) && prefix == last (filter (isJust . foldMaybe) $ inits m) && Just s' == foldMaybe prefix && m == prefix <> suffix
A minimal instance definition must implement factors
or splitPrimePrefix
. Other methods are provided and should
be implemented only for performance reasons.
Minimal complete definition
Returns a list of all prime factors; inverse of mconcat.
primePrefix :: m -> m Source
The prime prefix, mempty
if none.
primeSuffix :: m -> m Source
The prime suffix, mempty
if none.
splitPrimePrefix :: m -> Maybe (m, m) Source
splitPrimeSuffix :: m -> Maybe (m, m) Source
Returns the list of all prefixes of the argument, mempty
Returns the list of all suffixes of the argument, mempty
foldl :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a Source
foldl' :: (a -> m -> a) -> a -> m -> a Source
foldr :: (m -> a -> a) -> a -> m -> a Source
The length
of the list of primes
foldMap :: Monoid n => (m -> n) -> m -> n Source
Generalizes foldMap
from Data.Foldable, except the function arguments are prime factors rather than the
structure elements.
span :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m) Source
break :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> (m, m) Source
split :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> [m] Source
Splits the monoid into components delimited by prime separators satisfying the given predicate. The primes satisfying the predicate are not a part of the result.
takeWhile :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> m Source
dropWhile :: (m -> Bool) -> m -> m Source
spanMaybe :: s -> (s -> m -> Maybe s) -> m -> (m, m, s) Source
spanMaybe' :: s -> (s -> m -> Maybe s) -> m -> (m, m, s) Source
Strict version of spanMaybe
class (FactorialMonoid m, PositiveMonoid m) => StableFactorialMonoid m Source
A subclass of FactorialMonoid
whose instances satisfy this additional law:
factors (a <> b) == factors a <> factors b
Monad function equivalents
mapM_ :: (FactorialMonoid a, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> a -> m () Source
A mapM_