monoids- Monoids, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework

Portabilitynon-portable (type families, MPTCs)




Utilities for working with Monoids that conflict with names from the Prelude, Data.Foldable, Control.Monad or elsewhere. Intended to be imported qualified.

 import Data.Generator.Combinators as Generator


Monadic Reduction

mapM_ :: (Generator c, Monad m) => (Elem c -> m b) -> c -> m ()Source

Efficiently mapReduce a Generator using the Action monoid. A specialized version of its namesake from Data.Foldable and Control.Monad

    mapReduceWith getAction

forM_ :: (Generator c, Monad m) => c -> (Elem c -> m b) -> m ()Source

Convenience function as found in Data.Foldable and Control.Monad

     flip mapM_

msum :: (Generator c, MonadPlus m, m a ~ Elem c) => c -> m aSource

The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing concat

     reduceWith getMonadSum

Applicative Reduction

traverse_ :: (Generator c, Applicative f) => (Elem c -> f b) -> c -> f ()Source

Efficiently mapReduce a Generator using the Traversal monoid. A specialized version of its namesake from Data.Foldable

     mapReduce getTraversal

for_ :: (Generator c, Applicative f) => c -> (Elem c -> f b) -> f ()Source

Convenience function as found in Data.Foldable

     flip traverse_

asum :: (Generator c, Alternative f, f a ~ Elem c) => c -> f aSource

The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing concat

    reduceWith getAlt

Logical Reduction

and :: (Generator c, Elem c ~ Bool) => c -> BoolSource

Efficiently reduce a Generator that contains values of type Bool

     reduceWith getAll

or :: (Generator c, Elem c ~ Bool) => c -> BoolSource

Efficiently reduce a Generator that contains values of type Bool

     reduceWith getAny

any :: Generator c => (Elem c -> Bool) -> c -> BoolSource

Efficiently mapReduce any Generator checking to see if any of its values match the supplied predicate

     mapReduceWith getAny

all :: Generator c => (Elem c -> Bool) -> c -> BoolSource

Efficiently mapReduce any Generator checking to see if all of its values match the supplied predicate

     mapReduceWith getAll

Monoidal Reduction

foldMap :: (Monoid m, Generator c) => (Elem c -> m) -> c -> mSource

Efficiently mapReduce a Generator using the Self monoid. A specialized version of its namesake from Data.Foldable

     mapReduceWith getSelf

fold :: (Monoid m, Generator c, Elem c ~ m) => c -> mSource

Efficiently reduce a Generator using the Self monoid. A specialized version of its namesake from Data.Foldable

     reduceWith getSelf

toList :: Generator c => c -> [Elem c]Source

Convert any Generator to a list of its contents. Specialization of reduce

List-Like Reduction

concatMap :: Generator c => (Elem c -> [b]) -> c -> [b]Source

Type specialization of foldMap above

elem :: (Generator c, Eq (Elem c)) => Elem c -> c -> BoolSource

Check to see if any member of the Generator matches the supplied value

filter :: (Generator c, Reducer (Elem c) m) => (Elem c -> Bool) -> c -> mSource

Efficiently mapReduce a subset of the elements in a Generator

filterWith :: (Generator c, Reducer (Elem c) m) => (m -> n) -> (Elem c -> Bool) -> c -> nSource

Allows idiomatic specialization of filter by proving a function that will be used to transform the output

find :: Generator c => (Elem c -> Bool) -> c -> Maybe (Elem c)Source

A specialization of filter using the First Monoid, analogous to Data.List.find

     filterWith getFirst

sum :: (Generator c, Num (Elem c)) => c -> Elem cSource

Efficiently sum over the members of any Generator

     reduceWith getSum

product :: (Generator c, Num (Elem c)) => c -> Elem cSource

Efficiently take the product of every member of a Generator

     reduceWith getProduct

notElem :: (Generator c, Eq (Elem c)) => Elem c -> c -> BoolSource

Check to make sure that the supplied value is not a member of the Generator