{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
module Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value
IsoCValue (..)
, IsoValue (..)
, GIsoValue (GValueType)
, ToT'
, SomeIsoValue (..)
, AnyIsoValue (..)
, IsComparable
, IsGenericIsoValue
, EntryPointCall
, SomeEntryPointCall
, ContractRef (..)
, coerceContractRef
, BigMap (..)
, ToTs
, ToTs'
, IsoValuesStack (..)
, totsKnownLemma
, totsAppendLemma
) where
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import qualified Data.Kind as Kind
import Data.Constraint (Dict (..), (:-)(..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Vinyl.Core (Rec(..))
import Fmt (Buildable(..))
import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..), (:+:)(..))
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import Named (NamedF(..))
import Michelson.Text
import Michelson.Typed.Aliases
import Michelson.Typed.CValue
import Michelson.Typed.EntryPoints
import Michelson.Typed.T
import Michelson.Typed.Value
import Tezos.Address (Address)
import Tezos.Core (Mutez, Timestamp, ChainId)
import Tezos.Crypto (KeyHash, PublicKey, Signature)
import Util.Type
class IsoCValue a where
type ToCT a :: CT
toCVal :: a -> CValue (ToCT a)
fromCVal :: CValue (ToCT a) -> a
instance IsoCValue Integer where
type ToCT Integer = 'CInt
toCVal = CvInt
fromCVal (CvInt i) = i
instance IsoCValue Natural where
type ToCT Natural = 'CNat
toCVal = CvNat
fromCVal (CvNat i) = i
instance IsoCValue MText where
type ToCT MText = 'CString
toCVal = CvString
fromCVal (CvString s) = s
instance DoNotUseTextError => IsoCValue Text where
type ToCT Text = DoNotUseTextError
toCVal = error "impossible"
fromCVal _ = error "impossible"
instance IsoCValue Bool where
type ToCT Bool = 'CBool
toCVal = CvBool
fromCVal (CvBool b) = b
instance IsoCValue ByteString where
type ToCT ByteString = 'CBytes
toCVal = CvBytes
fromCVal (CvBytes b) = b
instance IsoCValue Mutez where
type ToCT Mutez = 'CMutez
toCVal = CvMutez
fromCVal (CvMutez m) = m
instance IsoCValue Address where
type ToCT Address = 'CAddress
toCVal addr = CvAddress $ EpAddress addr def
fromCVal (CvAddress a) = eaAddress a
instance IsoCValue EpAddress where
type ToCT EpAddress = 'CAddress
toCVal = CvAddress
fromCVal (CvAddress a) = a
instance IsoCValue KeyHash where
type ToCT KeyHash = 'CKeyHash
toCVal = CvKeyHash
fromCVal (CvKeyHash k) = k
instance IsoCValue Timestamp where
type ToCT Timestamp = 'CTimestamp
toCVal = CvTimestamp
fromCVal (CvTimestamp t) = t
class IsoValue a where
type ToT a :: T
type ToT a = GValueType (G.Rep a)
toVal :: a -> Value (ToT a)
default toVal
:: (Generic a, GIsoValue (G.Rep a), ToT a ~ GValueType (G.Rep a))
=> a -> Value (ToT a)
toVal = gToValue . G.from
fromVal :: Value (ToT a) -> a
default fromVal
:: (Generic a, GIsoValue (G.Rep a), ToT a ~ GValueType (G.Rep a))
=> Value (ToT a) -> a
fromVal = G.to . gFromValue
type family ToT' (t :: k) :: T where
ToT' (t :: T) = t
ToT' (t :: Kind.Type) = ToT t
data SomeIsoValue where
SomeIsoValue :: (Typeable a, IsoValue a) => a -> SomeIsoValue
newtype AnyIsoValue = AnyIsoValue (forall a. IsoValue a => a)
type IsComparable c = ToT c ~ 'Tc (ToCT c)
instance IsoValue Integer where
type ToT Integer = 'Tc (ToCT Integer)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue Natural where
type ToT Natural = 'Tc (ToCT Natural)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue MText where
type ToT MText = 'Tc (ToCT MText)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance DoNotUseTextError => IsoValue Text where
type ToT Text = DoNotUseTextError
toVal = error "impossible"
fromVal = error "impossible"
instance IsoValue Bool where
type ToT Bool = 'Tc (ToCT Bool)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue ByteString where
type ToT ByteString = 'Tc (ToCT ByteString)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue Mutez where
type ToT Mutez = 'Tc (ToCT Mutez)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue KeyHash where
type ToT KeyHash = 'Tc (ToCT KeyHash)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue Timestamp where
type ToT Timestamp = 'Tc (ToCT Timestamp)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue Address where
type ToT Address = 'Tc (ToCT Address)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue EpAddress where
type ToT EpAddress = 'Tc (ToCT EpAddress)
toVal = VC . toCVal
fromVal (VC x) = fromCVal x
instance IsoValue PublicKey where
type ToT PublicKey = 'TKey
toVal = VKey
fromVal (VKey x) = x
instance IsoValue Signature where
type ToT Signature = 'TSignature
toVal = VSignature
fromVal (VSignature x) = x
instance IsoValue ChainId where
type ToT ChainId = 'TChainId
toVal = VChainId
fromVal (VChainId x) = x
instance IsoValue ()
instance IsoValue a => IsoValue [a] where
type ToT [a] = 'TList (ToT a)
toVal = VList . map toVal
fromVal (VList x) = map fromVal x
instance IsoValue a => IsoValue (Maybe a) where
type ToT (Maybe a) = 'TOption (ToT a)
toVal = VOption . fmap toVal
fromVal (VOption x) = fmap fromVal x
instance (IsoValue l, IsoValue r) => IsoValue (Either l r)
instance (IsoValue a, IsoValue b) => IsoValue (a, b)
instance (Ord c, IsoCValue c) => IsoValue (Set c) where
type ToT (Set c) = 'TSet (ToCT c)
toVal = VSet . Set.map toCVal
fromVal (VSet x) = Set.map fromCVal x
instance (Ord k, IsoCValue k, IsoValue v) => IsoValue (Map k v) where
type ToT (Map k v) = 'TMap (ToCT k) (ToT v)
toVal = VMap . Map.mapKeys toCVal . Map.map toVal
fromVal (VMap x) = Map.map fromVal $ Map.mapKeys fromCVal x
instance IsoValue Operation where
type ToT Operation = 'TOperation
toVal = VOp
fromVal (VOp x) = x
deriving newtype instance IsoValue a => IsoValue (Identity a)
deriving newtype instance IsoValue a => IsoValue (NamedF Identity a name)
deriving newtype instance IsoValue a => IsoValue (NamedF Maybe a name)
instance (IsoValue a, IsoValue b, IsoValue c) => IsoValue (a, b, c)
instance (IsoValue a, IsoValue b, IsoValue c, IsoValue d)
=> IsoValue (a, b, c, d)
instance (IsoValue a, IsoValue b, IsoValue c, IsoValue d, IsoValue e)
=> IsoValue (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (IsoValue a, IsoValue b, IsoValue c, IsoValue d, IsoValue e,
IsoValue f)
=> IsoValue (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (IsoValue a, IsoValue b, IsoValue c, IsoValue d, IsoValue e,
IsoValue f, IsoValue g)
=> IsoValue (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
type EntryPointCall param arg = EntryPointCallT (ToT param) (ToT arg)
type SomeEntryPointCall arg = SomeEntryPointCallT (ToT arg)
data ContractRef (arg :: Kind.Type) = ContractRef
{ crAddress :: Address
, crEntryPoint :: SomeEntryPointCall arg
} deriving stock (Eq, Show)
instance Buildable (ContractRef arg) where
build = buildVContract . toVal
instance IsoValue (ContractRef arg) where
type ToT (ContractRef arg) = 'TContract (ToT arg)
toVal ContractRef{..} = VContract crAddress crEntryPoint
fromVal (VContract addr epc) = ContractRef addr epc
coerceContractRef :: (ToT a ~ ToT b) => ContractRef a -> ContractRef b
coerceContractRef ContractRef{..} = ContractRef{..}
newtype BigMap k v = BigMap { unBigMap :: Map k v }
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving newtype (Default, Semigroup, Monoid)
instance (Ord k, IsoCValue k, IsoValue v) => IsoValue (BigMap k v) where
type ToT (BigMap k v) = 'TBigMap (ToCT k) (ToT v)
toVal = VBigMap . Map.mapKeys toCVal . Map.map toVal . unBigMap
fromVal (VBigMap x) = BigMap $ Map.map fromVal $ Map.mapKeys fromCVal x
class GIsoValue (x :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) where
type GValueType x :: T
gToValue :: x p -> Value (GValueType x)
gFromValue :: Value (GValueType x) -> x p
instance GIsoValue x => GIsoValue (G.M1 t i x) where
type GValueType (G.M1 t i x) = GValueType x
gToValue = gToValue . G.unM1
gFromValue = G.M1 . gFromValue
instance (GIsoValue x, GIsoValue y) => GIsoValue (x :+: y) where
type GValueType (x :+: y) = 'TOr (GValueType x) (GValueType y)
gToValue = VOr . \case
L1 x -> Left (gToValue x)
R1 y -> Right (gToValue y)
gFromValue (VOr e) = case e of
Left vx -> L1 (gFromValue vx)
Right vy -> R1 (gFromValue vy)
instance (GIsoValue x, GIsoValue y) => GIsoValue (x :*: y) where
type GValueType (x :*: y) = 'TPair (GValueType x) (GValueType y)
gToValue (x :*: y) = VPair (gToValue x, gToValue y)
gFromValue (VPair (vx, vy)) = gFromValue vx :*: gFromValue vy
instance GIsoValue G.U1 where
type GValueType G.U1 = 'TUnit
gToValue G.U1 = VUnit
gFromValue VUnit = G.U1
instance IsoValue a => GIsoValue (G.Rec0 a) where
type GValueType (G.Rec0 a) = ToT a
gToValue = toVal . G.unK1
gFromValue = G.K1 . fromVal
type IsGenericIsoValue t =
(IsoValue t, Generic t, ToT t ~ GValueType (G.Rep t))
type family ToTs (ts :: [Kind.Type]) :: [T] where
ToTs '[] = '[]
ToTs (x ': xs) = ToT x ': ToTs xs
type family ToTs' (t :: [k]) :: [T] where
ToTs' (t :: [T]) = t
ToTs' (a :: [Kind.Type]) = ToTs a
class IsoValuesStack (ts :: [Kind.Type]) where
toValStack :: Rec Identity ts -> Rec Value (ToTs ts)
fromValStack :: Rec Value (ToTs ts) -> Rec Identity ts
instance IsoValuesStack '[] where
toValStack RNil = RNil
fromValStack RNil = RNil
instance (IsoValue t, IsoValuesStack st) => IsoValuesStack (t ': st) where
toValStack (v :& vs) = toVal v :& toValStack vs
fromValStack (v :& vs) = fromVal v :& fromValStack vs
totsKnownLemma :: forall s. KnownList s :- KnownList (ToTs s)
totsKnownLemma = Sub $ case klist @s of
KNil -> Dict
KCons _ (_ :: Proxy a') ->
case totsKnownLemma @a' of Sub Dict -> Dict
:: forall a b.
(KnownList a)
=> Dict (ToTs (a ++ b) ~ (ToTs a ++ ToTs b))
totsAppendLemma = case klist @a of
KNil -> Dict
KCons _ (_ :: Proxy a') ->
case totsAppendLemma @a' @b of Dict -> Dict