{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module Michelson.Typed.Instr
( Instr (..)
, ExtInstr (..)
, StackRef (..)
, mkStackRef
, PrintComment (..)
, TestAssert (..)
, Contract
, FullContract (..)
, fcParamNotes
, mapFullContractCode
, pattern CAR
, pattern CDR
, PackedNotes(..)
, ConstraintDIPN
, ConstraintDIPN'
, ConstraintDIG
, ConstraintDIG'
, ConstraintDUG
, ConstraintDUG'
) where
import Data.Singletons (SingI(..))
import Fmt ((+||), (||+))
import qualified GHC.TypeNats as GHC (Nat)
import qualified Text.Show
import Michelson.Typed.Annotation (Notes(..))
import Michelson.Typed.Arith
import Michelson.Doc
import Michelson.Typed.EntryPoints
import Michelson.Typed.Polymorphic
import Michelson.Typed.Scope
import Michelson.Typed.T (CT(..), T(..))
import Michelson.Typed.Value (ContractInp, ContractOut, Value'(..))
import Michelson.Untyped (Annotation(..), FieldAnn, VarAnn)
import Util.Peano
import Util.Type (type (++), KnownList)
data PackedNotes a where
PackedNotes :: Notes a -> Sing a -> PackedNotes (a ': s)
instance Show (PackedNotes a) where
show (PackedNotes n _) = show n
type ConstraintDIPN' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind])
(out :: [kind]) (s :: [kind]) (s' :: [kind]) =
( SingI n, KnownPeano n, RequireLongerOrSameLength inp n
, ((Take n inp) ++ s) ~ inp
, ((Take n inp) ++ s') ~ out
type ConstraintDIPN n inp out s s' = ConstraintDIPN' T n inp out s s'
type ConstraintDIG' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind])
(out :: [kind]) (a :: kind) =
( SingI n, KnownPeano n, RequireLongerThan inp n
, inp ~ (Take n inp ++ (a ': Drop ('S n) inp))
, out ~ (a ': Take n inp ++ Drop ('S n) inp)
type ConstraintDIG n inp out a = ConstraintDIG' T n inp out a
type ConstraintDUG' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind])
(out :: [kind]) (a :: kind) =
( SingI n, KnownPeano n, RequireLongerThan out n
, inp ~ (a ': Drop ('S 'Z) inp)
, out ~ (Take n (Drop ('S 'Z) inp) ++ (a ': Drop ('S n) inp))
type ConstraintDUG n inp out a = ConstraintDUG' T n inp out a
data Instr (inp :: [T]) (out :: [T]) where
InstrWithNotes :: PackedNotes b -> Instr a b -> Instr a b
InstrWithVarNotes :: NonEmpty VarAnn -> Instr a b -> Instr a b
:: forall a b s.
(KnownList a, KnownList b)
=> Proxy s -> Instr a b -> Instr (a ++ s) (b ++ s)
Seq :: Instr a b -> Instr b c -> Instr a c
Nop :: Instr s s
Ext :: ExtInstr s -> Instr s s
Nested :: Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
DocGroup :: DocGrouping -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out
AnnCAR :: FieldAnn -> Instr ('TPair a b ': s) (a ': s)
AnnCDR :: FieldAnn -> Instr ('TPair a b ': s) (b ': s)
DROP :: Instr (a ': s) s
:: forall (n :: Peano) s.
(SingI n, KnownPeano n, RequireLongerOrSameLength s n)
=> Sing n -> Instr s (Drop n s)
DUP :: Instr (a ': s) (a ': a ': s)
SWAP :: Instr (a ': b ': s) (b ': a ': s)
:: forall (n :: Peano) inp out a. ConstraintDIG n inp out a
=> Sing n -> Instr inp out
:: forall (n :: Peano) inp out a. ConstraintDUG n inp out a
=> Sing n -> Instr inp out
:: forall t s . ConstantScope t
=> Value' Instr t -> Instr s (t ': s)
SOME :: Instr (a ': s) ('TOption a ': s)
NONE :: forall a s . SingI a => Instr s ('TOption a ': s)
UNIT :: Instr s ('TUnit ': s)
:: Instr s s'
-> Instr (a ': s) s'
-> Instr ('TOption a ': s) s'
PAIR :: Instr (a ': b ': s) ('TPair a b ': s)
LEFT :: forall b a s . SingI b => Instr (a ': s) ('TOr a b ': s)
RIGHT :: forall a b s . SingI a => Instr (b ': s) ('TOr a b ': s)
:: Instr (a ': s) s'
-> Instr (b ': s) s'
-> Instr ('TOr a b ': s) s'
NIL :: SingI p => Instr s ('TList p ': s)
CONS :: Instr (a ': 'TList a ': s) ('TList a ': s)
:: Instr (a ': 'TList a ': s) s'
-> Instr s s'
-> Instr ('TList a ': s) s'
SIZE :: SizeOp c => Instr (c ': s) ('Tc 'CNat ': s)
EMPTY_SET :: (Typeable e, SingI e) => Instr s ('TSet e ': s)
EMPTY_MAP :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, SingI a, SingI b) => Instr s ('TMap a b ': s)
EMPTY_BIG_MAP :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, SingI a, SingI b) => Instr s ('TBigMap a b ': s)
MAP :: MapOp c
=> Instr (MapOpInp c ': s) (b ': s)
-> Instr (c ': s) (MapOpRes c b ': s)
ITER :: IterOp c => Instr (IterOpEl c ': s) s -> Instr (c ': s) s
MEM :: MemOp c => Instr ('Tc (MemOpKey c) ': c ': s) ('Tc 'CBool ': s)
:: GetOp c
=> Instr ('Tc (GetOpKey c) ': c ': s) ('TOption (GetOpVal c) ': s)
:: UpdOp c
=> Instr ('Tc (UpdOpKey c) ': UpdOpParams c ': c ': s) (c ': s)
IF :: Instr s s'
-> Instr s s'
-> Instr ('Tc 'CBool ': s) s'
LOOP :: Instr s ('Tc 'CBool ': s)
-> Instr ('Tc 'CBool ': s) s
:: Instr (a ': s) ('TOr a b ': s)
-> Instr ('TOr a b ': s) (b ': s)
LAMBDA :: forall i o s . (Each [Typeable, SingI] [i, o])
=> Value' Instr ('TLambda i o) -> Instr s ('TLambda i o ': s)
EXEC :: Instr (t1 ': 'TLambda t1 t2 ': s) (t2 ': s)
:: forall a b c s . ConstantScope a
=> Instr (a ': 'TLambda ('TPair a b) c ': s) ('TLambda b c ': s)
DIP :: Instr a c -> Instr (b ': a) (b ': c)
:: forall (n :: Peano) inp out s s'. ConstraintDIPN n inp out s s'
=> Sing n -> Instr s s' -> Instr inp out
FAILWITH :: (Typeable a, SingI a) => Instr (a ': s) t
CAST :: forall a s . SingI a => Instr (a ': s) (a ': s)
RENAME :: Instr (a ': s) (a ': s)
PACK :: PackedValScope a => Instr (a ': s) ('Tc 'CBytes ': s)
UNPACK :: UnpackedValScope a => Instr ('Tc 'CBytes ': s) ('TOption a ': s)
CONCAT :: ConcatOp c => Instr (c ': c ': s) (c ': s)
CONCAT' :: ConcatOp c => Instr ('TList c ': s) (c ': s)
:: SliceOp c
=> Instr ('Tc 'CNat ': 'Tc 'CNat ': c ': s) ('TOption c ': s)
ISNAT :: Instr ('Tc 'CInt ': s) ('TOption ('Tc 'CNat) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Add n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Add n m) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Sub n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Sub n m) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Mul n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Mul n m) ': s)
:: EDivOp n m
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s)
(('TOption ('TPair ('Tc (EDivOpRes n m))
('Tc (EModOpRes n m)))) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Abs n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Abs n) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Neg n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Neg n) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Lsl n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Lsl n m) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Lsr n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Lsr n m) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Or n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Or n m) ': s)
:: (ArithOp And n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes And n m) ': s)
:: (ArithOp Xor n m, Typeable n, Typeable m)
=> Instr ('Tc n ': 'Tc m ': s) ('Tc (ArithRes Xor n m) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Not n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Not n) ': s)
:: (Comparable n, Typeable n, SingI n)
=> Instr (n ': n ': s) ('Tc 'CInt ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Eq' n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Eq' n) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Neq n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Neq n) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Lt n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Lt n) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Gt n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Gt n) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Le n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Le n) ': s)
:: UnaryArithOp Ge n
=> Instr ('Tc n ': s) ('Tc (UnaryArithRes Ge n) ': s)
INT :: Instr ('Tc 'CNat ': s) ('Tc 'CInt ': s)
:: forall (arg :: T) s .
(ParameterScope arg)
=> SomeEntryPointCallT arg
-> Instr s ('TContract arg ': s)
:: (ParameterScope p)
=> Notes p
-> EpName
-> Instr ('Tc 'CAddress ': s) ('TOption ('TContract p) ': s)
:: (ParameterScope p) =>
Instr (p ': 'Tc 'CMutez ': 'TContract p ': s)
('TOperation ': s)
:: Instr ('TOption ('Tc 'CKeyHash) ': s) ('TOperation ': s)
:: (ParameterScope p, StorageScope g)
=> FullContract p g
-> Instr ('TOption ('Tc 'CKeyHash) ':
'Tc 'CMutez ':
g ': s)
('TOperation ': 'Tc 'CAddress ': s)
:: Instr ('Tc 'CKeyHash ': s) ('TContract 'TUnit ': s)
NOW :: Instr s ('Tc 'CTimestamp ': s)
AMOUNT :: Instr s ('Tc 'CMutez ': s)
BALANCE :: Instr s ('Tc 'CMutez ': s)
:: Instr ('TKey ': 'TSignature ': 'Tc 'CBytes ': s)
('Tc 'CBool ': s)
SHA256 :: Instr ('Tc 'CBytes ': s) ('Tc 'CBytes ': s)
SHA512 :: Instr ('Tc 'CBytes ': s) ('Tc 'CBytes ': s)
BLAKE2B :: Instr ('Tc 'CBytes ': s) ('Tc 'CBytes ': s)
HASH_KEY :: Instr ('TKey ': s) ('Tc 'CKeyHash ': s)
STEPS_TO_QUOTA :: Instr s ('Tc 'CNat ': s)
SOURCE :: Instr s ('Tc 'CAddress ': s)
SENDER :: Instr s ('Tc 'CAddress ': s)
ADDRESS :: Instr ('TContract a ': s) ('Tc 'CAddress ': s)
CHAIN_ID :: Instr s ('TChainId ': s)
deriving stock instance Show (Instr inp out)
instance Semigroup (Instr s s) where
(<>) = Seq
instance Monoid (Instr s s) where
mempty = Nop
instance NFData (Instr inp out) where
rnf = rnf @String . show
pattern CAR :: Instr ('TPair a b : s) (a : s)
pattern CAR = AnnCAR (AnnotationUnsafe "")
pattern CDR :: Instr ('TPair a b : s) (b: s)
pattern CDR = AnnCDR (AnnotationUnsafe "")
data TestAssert (s :: [T]) where
:: (Typeable out)
=> Text
-> PrintComment inp
-> Instr inp ('Tc 'CBool ': out)
-> TestAssert inp
deriving stock instance Show (TestAssert s)
data StackRef (st :: [T]) where
:: (KnownPeano idx, SingI idx, RequireLongerThan st idx)
=> Sing (idx :: Peano) -> StackRef st
instance Eq (StackRef st) where
StackRef snat1 == StackRef snat2 = peanoVal snat1 == peanoVal snat2
instance Show (StackRef st) where
show (StackRef snat) = "StackRef {" +|| peanoVal snat ||+ "}"
:: forall (gn :: GHC.Nat) st n.
(n ~ ToPeano gn, SingI n, KnownPeano n, RequireLongerThan st n)
=> StackRef st
mkStackRef = StackRef $ sing @(ToPeano gn)
newtype PrintComment (st :: [T]) = PrintComment
{ unPrintComment :: [Either Text (StackRef st)]
} deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance IsString (PrintComment st) where
fromString = PrintComment . one . Left . fromString
data ExtInstr s
= TEST_ASSERT (TestAssert s)
| PRINT (PrintComment s)
| DOC_ITEM SomeDocItem
deriving stock (Show)
type Contract cp st = Instr (ContractInp cp st) (ContractOut st)
data FullContract cp st = (ParameterScope cp, StorageScope st) => FullContract
{ fcCode :: Contract cp st
, fcParamNotesSafe :: ParamNotes cp
, fcStoreNotes :: Notes st
deriving stock instance Show (FullContract cp st)
fcParamNotes :: FullContract cp st -> Notes cp
fcParamNotes = unParamNotes . fcParamNotesSafe
:: (Contract cp st -> Contract cp st)
-> FullContract cp st
-> FullContract cp st
mapFullContractCode f contract = contract { fcCode = f $ fcCode contract }