-- | Utilities for lightweight entrypoints support.
module Michelson.Typed.EntryPoints
  ( EpAddress (..)
  , ParseEpAddressError (..)
  , formatEpAddress
  , mformatEpAddress
  , parseEpAddress
  , unsafeParseEpAddress

  , ParamNotes (..)
  , pattern ParamNotes
  , ArmCoord (..)
  , ArmCoords
  , ParamEpError (..)
  , mkParamNotes

  , EpLiftSequence (..)
  , EntryPointCallT (..)
  , epcPrimitive
  , epcCallRootUnsafe
  , SomeEntryPointCallT (..)
  , sepcCallRootUnsafe
  , sepcPrimitive
  , sepcName
  , ForbidOr
  , MkEntryPointCallRes (..)
  , mkEntryPointCall

  , tyImplicitAccountParam

    -- * Re-exports
  , EpName (..)
  , pattern DefEpName
  , epNameFromParamAnn
  , epNameToParamAnn
  , epNameFromRefAnn
  , epNameToRefAnn
  , EpNameFromRefAnnError (..)
  ) where

import Data.Constraint (Dict(..))
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Singletons (Sing, SingI(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable ((:~:)(..))
import Fmt (Buildable(..), pretty, (+|), (|+))
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..))

import Michelson.Text
import Michelson.Typed.Annotation
import Michelson.Typed.Scope
import Michelson.Typed.Sing
import Michelson.Typed.T
import Michelson.Untyped.Annotation
import Michelson.Untyped.EntryPoints
import Tezos.Address (Address, ParseAddressError, formatAddress, parseAddress)
import Util.Typeable
import Util.TypeLits

-- Primitives

-- EpAddress

-- | Address with optional entrypoint name attached to it.
-- TODO: come up with better name?
data EpAddress = EpAddress
  { eaAddress :: Address
    -- ^ Address itself
  , eaEntryPoint :: EpName
    -- ^ Entrypoint name (might be empty)
  } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Buildable EpAddress where
  build = build . formatEpAddress

formatEpAddress :: EpAddress -> Text
formatEpAddress (EpAddress addr ep)
  | ep == def = formatAddress addr
  | otherwise = formatAddress addr <> "%" <> pretty ep

mformatEpAddress :: EpAddress -> MText
mformatEpAddress ea =
  let t = formatEpAddress ea
     -- Should be safe because set of characters allowed in annotations
     -- (and thus in 'EpName') is subset of characters allowed in Michelson strings.
  in mkMTextUnsafe t

data ParseEpAddressError
  = ParseEpAddressBadAddress ParseAddressError
  | ParseEpAddressBadRefAnn Text
  | ParseEpAddressRefAnnError EpNameFromRefAnnError
  deriving stock (Show, Eq)

instance Buildable ParseEpAddressError where
  build = \case
    ParseEpAddressBadAddress err -> build err
    ParseEpAddressBadRefAnn txt -> pretty $ "Invalid reference annotation: " <> txt
    ParseEpAddressRefAnnError err -> build err

-- | Parse an address which can be suffixed with entrypoint name
-- (e.g. "tz1faswCTDciRzE4oJ9jn2Vm2dvjeyA9fUzU%entrypoint").
parseEpAddress :: Text -> Either ParseEpAddressError EpAddress
parseEpAddress txt =
  let (addrTxt, mannotTxt) = T.breakOn "%" txt
  in case mannotTxt of
    "" -> do
      addr <- first ParseEpAddressBadAddress $ parseAddress addrTxt
      return $ EpAddress addr def
    annotTxt' -> do
      addr <- first ParseEpAddressBadAddress $ parseAddress addrTxt
      annot <- first ParseEpAddressBadRefAnn $ case T.stripPrefix "%" annotTxt' of
        Nothing -> error "impossible"
        Just a -> mkAnnotation a
      epName <- first ParseEpAddressRefAnnError $ epNameFromRefAnn annot
      return $ EpAddress addr epName

unsafeParseEpAddress :: HasCallStack => Text -> EpAddress
unsafeParseEpAddress = either (error . pretty) id . parseEpAddress

instance Arbitrary FieldAnn => Arbitrary EpAddress where
  arbitrary = EpAddress <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

-- ParamNotes

-- | Annotations for contract parameter declaration.
-- Following the Michelson specification, this type has the following invariants:
-- 1. No entrypoint name is duplicated.
-- 2. If @default@ entrypoint is explicitly assigned, no "arm" remains uncallable.
newtype ParamNotes (t :: T) = ParamNotesUnsafe
  { unParamNotes :: Notes t
  } deriving stock (Show, Eq)

pattern ParamNotes :: Notes t -> ParamNotes t
pattern ParamNotes t <- ParamNotesUnsafe t
{-# COMPLETE ParamNotes #-}

-- | Coordinates of "arm" in Or tree, used solely in error messages.
type ArmCoords = [ArmCoord]
data ArmCoord = AcLeft | AcRight
  deriving stock (Show, Eq)

instance Buildable ArmCoord where
  build = \case
    AcLeft -> "left"
    AcRight -> "right"

-- | Errors specific to parameter type declaration (entrypoints).
data ParamEpError
  = ParamEpDuplicatedNames (NonEmpty EpName)
  | ParamEpUncallableArm ArmCoords
  deriving stock (Show, Eq)

instance Buildable ParamEpError where
  build = \case
    ParamEpDuplicatedNames names -> mconcat
      [ "Duplicated entrypoint names: "
      , mconcat . intersperse ", " $ map (surround "'" "'" . build) (toList names)
    ParamEpUncallableArm arm -> mconcat
      [ "Due to presence of 'default' entrypoint, one of contract \"arms\" \
        \cannot be called: \""
      , mconcat . intersperse " - " $ map build arm
      , "\""
      , if length arm > 1 then " (in top-to-bottom order)" else ""
    surround pre post builder = pre <> builder <> post

-- | Check whether given notes are valid parameter notes.
verifyParamNotes :: Notes t -> Either ParamEpError ()
verifyParamNotes notes = do
  let allEps = appEndo (gatherEntrypoints notes) []
      duplicatedEps = mapMaybe (safeHead . tail) . NE.group $ sort allEps
  whenJust (nonEmpty duplicatedEps) $ \dups ->
    Left $ ParamEpDuplicatedNames dups

  void $ ensureAllCallable notes
    & first ParamEpUncallableArm
    gatherEntrypoints :: Notes t -> Endo [EpName]
    gatherEntrypoints = \case
      NTOr _ fn1 fn2 l r -> mconcat
        [ Endo $ maybe id (:) (epNameFromParamAnn fn1)
        , Endo $ maybe id (:) (epNameFromParamAnn fn2)
        , gatherEntrypoints l
        , gatherEntrypoints r
      _ -> mempty

    -- Here we can assume that there is no more than one @default@ entrypoint,
    -- because duplications check occurs earlier.
    -- In case when multiple entrypoints are uncallable, the reference
    -- implementation prefers displaying (in error message) arms which are
    -- closer to the root, but here we don't do this because that would be
    -- some more complex to implement and not sure how much does it worth that.
    ensureAllCallable :: Notes t -> Either ArmCoords Bool
    ensureAllCallable = \case
      NTOr _ fnL fnR l r -> do
        let epNameL = epNameFromParamAnn fnL
        let epNameR = epNameFromParamAnn fnR

        haveDefLL <- first (AcLeft :) $ ensureAllCallable l
        haveDefRR <- first (AcRight :) $ ensureAllCallable r
        let haveDefL = or [haveDefLL, epNameL == Just (def @EpName)]
        let haveDefR = or [haveDefRR, epNameR == Just (def @EpName)]

        when haveDefL $
          first (AcRight :) $ checkAllEpsNamed epNameR r
        when haveDefR $
          first (AcLeft :) $ checkAllEpsNamed epNameL l

        return $ or [haveDefL, haveDefR]

      _ -> return False

    checkAllEpsNamed :: Maybe EpName -> Notes t -> Either ArmCoords ()
    checkAllEpsNamed epNameRoot
      | isJust epNameRoot = \_ -> pass
      | otherwise = \case
          NTOr _ fnL fnR l r -> do
            let epNameL = epNameFromParamAnn fnL
                epNameR = epNameFromParamAnn fnR
            first (AcLeft :) $ checkAllEpsNamed epNameL l
            first (AcRight :) $ checkAllEpsNamed epNameR r
          _ -> Left []

-- | Construct 'ParamNotes' performing all necessary checks.
mkParamNotes :: Notes t -> Either ParamEpError (ParamNotes t)
mkParamNotes nt = verifyParamNotes nt $> ParamNotesUnsafe nt

-- Entrypoint logic

-- | Describes how to construct full contract parameter from given entrypoint
-- argument.
-- This could be just wrapper over @Value arg -> Value param@, but we cannot
-- use @Value@ type in this module easily.
data EpLiftSequence (arg :: T) (param :: T) where
  EplArgHere :: EpLiftSequence arg arg
  EplWrapLeft :: EpLiftSequence arg subparam -> EpLiftSequence arg ('TOr subparam r)
  EplWrapRight :: EpLiftSequence arg subparam -> EpLiftSequence arg ('TOr l subparam)

deriving stock instance Eq (EpLiftSequence arg param)
deriving stock instance Show (EpLiftSequence arg param)

instance Buildable (EpLiftSequence arg param) where
  build = \case
    EplArgHere -> "×"
    EplWrapLeft es -> "Left (" <> build es <> ")"
    EplWrapRight es -> "Right (" <> build es <> ")"

-- | Reference for calling a specific entrypoint of type @arg@.
data EntryPointCallT (param :: T) (arg :: T) =
  ParameterScope arg => EntryPointCall
  { epcName :: EpName
    -- ^ Name of entrypoint.
  , epcParamProxy :: Proxy param
    -- ^ Proxy of parameter, to make parameter type more easily fetchable.
  , epcLiftSequence :: EpLiftSequence arg param
    -- ^ How to call this entrypoint in the corresponding contract.

deriving stock instance Eq (EntryPointCallT param arg)
deriving stock instance Show (EntryPointCallT param arg)

instance Buildable (EntryPointCallT param arg) where
  build EntryPointCall{..} =
    "Call " +| epcName |+ ": " +| epcLiftSequence |+ ""

-- | Construct 'EntryPointCallT' which calls no entrypoint and assumes that
-- there is no explicit "default" one.
-- Validity of such operation is not ensured.
epcCallRootUnsafe :: ParameterScope param => EntryPointCallT param param
epcCallRootUnsafe = EntryPointCall
  { epcName = def
  , epcParamProxy = Proxy
  , epcLiftSequence = EplArgHere

-- | Call parameter which has no entrypoints, always safe.
  :: forall p.
     (ParameterScope p, ForbidOr p)
  => EntryPointCallT p p
epcPrimitive = epcCallRootUnsafe
  _requireNoOr = Dict @(ForbidOr p)

type family ForbidOr (t :: T) :: Constraint where
  ForbidOr ('TOr l r) =
    ('Text "Cannot apply to sum type parameter " ':<>: 'ShowType ('TOr l r))
  ForbidOr _ = ()

-- | 'EntryPointCallT' with hidden parameter type.
-- This requires argument to satisfy 'ParameterScope' constraint.
-- Strictly speaking, entrypoint argument may one day start having different
-- set of constraints comparing to ones applied to parameter, but this seems
-- unlikely.
data SomeEntryPointCallT (arg :: T) =
  forall param. (ParameterScope param) =>
  SomeEpc (EntryPointCallT param arg)

instance Eq (SomeEntryPointCallT arg) where
  SomeEpc epc1 == SomeEpc epc2 = isJust @() $ do
    Refl <- eqP (epcParamProxy epc1) (epcParamProxy epc2)
    guard (epc1 == epc2)

deriving stock instance Show (SomeEntryPointCallT arg)

instance Buildable (SomeEntryPointCallT arg) where
  build (SomeEpc epc) = build epc

-- | Construct 'SomeEntryPointCallT' which calls no entrypoint and assumes that
-- there is no explicit "default" one.
-- Validity of such operation is not ensured.
sepcCallRootUnsafe :: ParameterScope param => SomeEntryPointCallT param
sepcCallRootUnsafe = SomeEpc epcCallRootUnsafe

-- | Call parameter which has no entrypoints, always safe.
  :: forall t.
     (ParameterScope t, ForbidOr t)
  => SomeEntryPointCallT t
sepcPrimitive = SomeEpc epcPrimitive

sepcName :: SomeEntryPointCallT arg -> EpName
sepcName (SomeEpc epc) = epcName epc

-- | Build 'EpLiftSequence'.
-- Here we accept entrypoint name and type information for the parameter
-- of target contract.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if entrypoint is not found.
-- Does not treat default entrypoints specially.
  :: (ParameterScope param)
  => EpName
  -> (Sing param, Notes param)
  -> (forall arg. (ParameterScope arg) => (Notes arg, EpLiftSequence arg param) -> r)
  -> Maybe r
withEpLiftSequence epName@(epNameToParamAnn -> epAnn) param cont =
  case param of
    (STOr lSing rSing, NTOr _ lFieldAnn rFieldAnn lNotes rNotes) ->
      case (checkOpPresence lSing, checkNestedBigMapsPresence lSing) of
        (OpAbsent, NestedBigMapsAbsent) -> asum
          [ guard (lFieldAnn == epAnn) $> cont (lNotes, EplWrapLeft EplArgHere)
          , guard (rFieldAnn == epAnn) $> cont (rNotes, EplWrapRight EplArgHere)
          , withEpLiftSequence epName (lSing, lNotes) (cont . fmap @((,) _) EplWrapLeft)
          , withEpLiftSequence epName (rSing, rNotes) (cont . fmap @((,) _) EplWrapRight)
    _ -> Nothing

-- Helper datatype for 'mkEntryPointCall'.
data MkEntryPointCallRes param where
    :: ParameterScope arg
    => Notes arg
    -> EntryPointCallT param arg
    -> MkEntryPointCallRes param

-- | Build 'EntryPointCallT'.
-- Here we accept entrypoint name and type information for the parameter
-- of target contract.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if entrypoint is not found.
  :: (ParameterScope param)
  => EpName
  -> (Sing param, ParamNotes param)
  -> Maybe (MkEntryPointCallRes param)
mkEntryPointCall epName (paramSing, ParamNotes paramNotes) =
  [ withEpLiftSequence epName (paramSing, paramNotes) $ \(argInfo, liftSeq) ->
      MkEntryPointCallRes argInfo $ EntryPointCall
        { epcName = epName
        , epcParamProxy = Proxy
        , epcLiftSequence = liftSeq
  , guard (epName == def) $>
      MkEntryPointCallRes paramNotes EntryPointCall
        { epcName = def
        , epcParamProxy = Proxy
        , epcLiftSequence = EplArgHere

-- | "Parameter" type of implicit account.
tyImplicitAccountParam :: (Sing 'TUnit, ParamNotes 'TUnit)
tyImplicitAccountParam = (sing, ParamNotesUnsafe starNotes)

-- TODO [#35]: We also need to be able to handle field annotation in root
-- of parameter's @or@ tree.
-- Currently we don't even support field annotation at such position.
-- Also it would be nice to automatically add @%root@ annotation in each parameter
-- declaration when compiling Lorentz to Michelson.