-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA

-- | Functions useful for implementing instances of type classes from this package.
-- Monads and actual instances are defined in separate modules.

module Morley.Client.App
  ( -- * RunClient
  , throwClientErrorImpl

  -- * HasTezosRpc
  , getBlockHashImpl
  , getCounterImpl
  , getBlockHeaderImpl
  , getBlockConstantsImpl
  , getBlockOperationsImpl
  , getProtocolParametersImpl
  , runOperationImpl
  , preApplyOperationsImpl
  , forgeOperationImpl
  , injectOperationImpl
  , getContractScriptImpl
  , getContractStorageAtBlockImpl
  , getContractBigMapImpl
  , getBigMapValueAtBlockImpl
  , getBigMapValuesAtBlockImpl
  , getBalanceImpl
  , getManagerKeyImpl
  , runCodeImpl
  , getChainIdImpl
  , getDelegateImpl

  -- * Timeouts and retries
  , retryOnTimeout
  , failOnTimeout
  , retryOnceOnTimeout
  , waitBeforeRetry
  , handleInvalidCounterRpc
  ) where

import Unsafe qualified (fromIntegral, (!!))

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Binary.Builder qualified as Binary
import Data.Text (isInfixOf)
import Fmt (Buildable(..), Builder, build, pretty, (+|), (|+))
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status(..), renderQuery)
import Servant.Client (ClientEnv, runClientM)
import Servant.Client.Core
  (ClientError(..), Request, RequestBody(..), RequestF(..), Response, ResponseF(..), RunClient)
import Servant.Client.Core.RunClient (runRequest)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO)
import UnliftIO.Timeout (timeout)

import Morley.Client.Logging (WithClientLog, logDebug)
import Morley.Client.RPC
import Morley.Client.RPC.API qualified as API
import Morley.Micheline (Expression, TezosInt64, TezosNat, unTezosMutez)
import Morley.Tezos.Address (Address)
import Morley.Tezos.Core (ChainId, Mutez, parseChainId)
import Morley.Tezos.Crypto (KeyHash, PublicKey)
import Morley.Util.ByteString (HexJSONByteString)
import Morley.Util.Exception (throwLeft)

-- RunClient functions

runRequestAcceptStatusImpl ::
  (WithClientLog env m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
  ClientEnv -> Maybe [Status] -> Request -> m Response
runRequestAcceptStatusImpl :: ClientEnv -> Maybe [Status] -> Request -> m Response
runRequestAcceptStatusImpl ClientEnv
env Maybe [Status]
_ Request
req = do
  Request -> m ()
forall env (m :: * -> *). WithClientLog env m => Request -> m ()
logRequest Request
response <- (ClientError -> m Response)
-> (Response -> m Response)
-> Either ClientError Response
-> m Response
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either ClientError -> m Response
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadThrow m => ClientError -> m a
throwClientErrorImpl Response -> m Response
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Either ClientError Response -> m Response)
-> m (Either ClientError Response) -> m Response
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
    IO (Either ClientError Response) -> m (Either ClientError Response)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (ClientM Response -> ClientEnv -> IO (Either ClientError Response)
forall a. ClientM a -> ClientEnv -> IO (Either ClientError a)
runClientM (Request -> ClientM Response
forall (m :: * -> *). RunClient m => Request -> m Response
runRequest Request
req) ClientEnv
response Response -> m () -> m Response
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Response -> m ()
forall env (m :: * -> *). WithClientLog env m => Response -> m ()
logResponse Response

throwClientErrorImpl :: forall m a . MonadThrow m => ClientError -> m a
throwClientErrorImpl :: ClientError -> m a
throwClientErrorImpl ClientError
err = case ClientError
err of
  FailureResponse RequestF () (BaseUrl, ByteString)
_ Response
    | Int
500 <- Status -> Int
statusCode (Response -> Status
forall a. ResponseF a -> Status
responseStatusCode Response
resp) ->
      LByteString -> m a
handleInternalError (Response -> LByteString
forall a. ResponseF a -> a
responseBody Response
_ -> ClientError -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM ClientError
    -- In some cases RPC returns important useful errors as internal ones.
    -- We try to parse the response to a list of 'InternalError'.
    -- If we receive one 'InternalError', we throw it wrapped into
    -- 'ClientInternalError', that's what we observed in most obvious cases.
    -- If we receive more than one, we wrap them into 'UnexpectedInternalErrors'.
    handleInternalError :: LByteString -> m a
    handleInternalError :: LByteString -> m a
handleInternalError LByteString
body = case LByteString -> Maybe [InternalError]
forall a. FromJSON a => LByteString -> Maybe a
Aeson.decode @[InternalError] LByteString
body of
      Maybe [InternalError]
Nothing -> case LByteString -> Maybe [RunError]
forall a. FromJSON a => LByteString -> Maybe a
Aeson.decode @[RunError] LByteString
body of
        Maybe [RunError]
Nothing -> ClientError -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM ClientError
        Just [RunError]
runErrs -> RunCodeErrors -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM (RunCodeErrors -> m a) -> RunCodeErrors -> m a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [RunError] -> RunCodeErrors
RunCodeErrors [RunError]
      Just [InternalError
knownErr] -> ClientRpcError -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM (ClientRpcError -> m a) -> ClientRpcError -> m a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ InternalError -> ClientRpcError
ClientInternalError InternalError
      Just [InternalError]
errs -> UnexpectedErrors -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM (UnexpectedErrors -> m a) -> UnexpectedErrors -> m a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [InternalError] -> UnexpectedErrors
UnexpectedInternalErrors [InternalError]

-- HasTezosRpc functions

getBlockHashImpl :: (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> m Text
getBlockHashImpl :: BlockId -> m Text
getBlockHashImpl = m Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m Text -> m Text) -> (BlockId -> m Text) -> BlockId -> m Text
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *). NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m Text
API.getBlockHash NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getCounterImpl :: (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> Address -> m TezosInt64
getCounterImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> m TezosInt64
getCounterImpl = m TezosInt64 -> m TezosInt64
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m TezosInt64 -> m TezosInt64)
-> (BlockId -> Address -> m TezosInt64)
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> m TezosInt64
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m TezosInt64
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m TezosInt64
API.getCounter NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getBlockHeaderImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> m BlockHeader
getBlockHeaderImpl :: BlockId -> m BlockHeader
getBlockHeaderImpl = m BlockHeader -> m BlockHeader
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m BlockHeader -> m BlockHeader)
-> (BlockId -> m BlockHeader) -> BlockId -> m BlockHeader
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m BlockHeader
forall (m :: * -> *). NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m BlockHeader
API.getBlockHeader NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getBlockConstantsImpl :: (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> m BlockConstants
getBlockConstantsImpl :: BlockId -> m BlockConstants
getBlockConstantsImpl = m BlockConstants -> m BlockConstants
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m BlockConstants -> m BlockConstants)
-> (BlockId -> m BlockConstants) -> BlockId -> m BlockConstants
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m BlockConstants
forall (m :: * -> *). NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m BlockConstants
API.getBlockConstants NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getBlockOperationsImpl :: (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> m [[BlockOperation]]
getBlockOperationsImpl :: BlockId -> m [[BlockOperation]]
getBlockOperationsImpl =
  m [[BlockOperation]] -> m [[BlockOperation]]
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m [[BlockOperation]] -> m [[BlockOperation]])
-> (BlockId -> m [[BlockOperation]])
-> BlockId
-> m [[BlockOperation]]
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m [[BlockOperation]]
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m [[BlockOperation]]
API.getBlockOperations NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getProtocolParametersImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> m ProtocolParameters
getProtocolParametersImpl :: BlockId -> m ProtocolParameters
getProtocolParametersImpl = m ProtocolParameters -> m ProtocolParameters
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m ProtocolParameters -> m ProtocolParameters)
-> (BlockId -> m ProtocolParameters)
-> BlockId
-> m ProtocolParameters
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m ProtocolParameters
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> m ProtocolParameters
API.getProtocolParameters NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

runOperationImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> RunOperation -> m RunOperationResult
runOperationImpl :: BlockId -> RunOperation -> m RunOperationResult
runOperationImpl = m RunOperationResult -> m RunOperationResult
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m RunOperationResult -> m RunOperationResult)
-> (BlockId -> RunOperation -> m RunOperationResult)
-> BlockId
-> RunOperation
-> m RunOperationResult
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> RunOperation -> m RunOperationResult
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> RunOperation -> m RunOperationResult
API.runOperation NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

preApplyOperationsImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> [PreApplyOperation] -> m [RunOperationResult]
preApplyOperationsImpl :: BlockId -> [PreApplyOperation] -> m [RunOperationResult]
preApplyOperationsImpl =
  m [RunOperationResult] -> m [RunOperationResult]
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m [RunOperationResult] -> m [RunOperationResult])
-> (BlockId -> [PreApplyOperation] -> m [RunOperationResult])
-> BlockId
-> [PreApplyOperation]
-> m [RunOperationResult]
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m
-> BlockId -> [PreApplyOperation] -> m [RunOperationResult]
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m
-> BlockId -> [PreApplyOperation] -> m [RunOperationResult]
API.preApplyOperations NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

forgeOperationImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> ForgeOperation -> m HexJSONByteString
forgeOperationImpl :: BlockId -> ForgeOperation -> m HexJSONByteString
forgeOperationImpl = m HexJSONByteString -> m HexJSONByteString
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m HexJSONByteString -> m HexJSONByteString)
-> (BlockId -> ForgeOperation -> m HexJSONByteString)
-> BlockId
-> ForgeOperation
-> m HexJSONByteString
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> ForgeOperation -> m HexJSONByteString
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> ForgeOperation -> m HexJSONByteString
API.forgeOperation NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

injectOperationImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  HexJSONByteString -> m OperationHash
injectOperationImpl :: HexJSONByteString -> m OperationHash
injectOperationImpl =
  m OperationHash -> m OperationHash
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
failOnTimeout (m OperationHash -> m OperationHash)
-> (HexJSONByteString -> m OperationHash)
-> HexJSONByteString
-> m OperationHash
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> HexJSONByteString -> m OperationHash
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> HexJSONByteString -> m OperationHash
API.injectOperation NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getContractScriptImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> Address -> m OriginationScript
getContractScriptImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> m OriginationScript
getContractScriptImpl = m OriginationScript -> m OriginationScript
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m OriginationScript -> m OriginationScript)
-> (BlockId -> Address -> m OriginationScript)
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> m OriginationScript
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m OriginationScript
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m OriginationScript
API.getScript NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getContractStorageAtBlockImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> Address -> m Expression
getContractStorageAtBlockImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> m Expression
getContractStorageAtBlockImpl =
  m Expression -> m Expression
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m Expression -> m Expression)
-> (BlockId -> Address -> m Expression)
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> m Expression
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m Expression
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m Expression
API.getStorageAtBlock NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getContractBigMapImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> Address -> GetBigMap -> m GetBigMapResult
getContractBigMapImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> GetBigMap -> m GetBigMapResult
getContractBigMapImpl = m GetBigMapResult -> m GetBigMapResult
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m GetBigMapResult -> m GetBigMapResult)
-> (BlockId -> Address -> GetBigMap -> m GetBigMapResult)
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> GetBigMap
-> m GetBigMapResult
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m
-> BlockId -> Address -> GetBigMap -> m GetBigMapResult
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m
-> BlockId -> Address -> GetBigMap -> m GetBigMapResult
API.getBigMap NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getBigMapValueAtBlockImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> Natural -> Text -> m Expression
getBigMapValueAtBlockImpl :: BlockId -> Natural -> Text -> m Expression
getBigMapValueAtBlockImpl =
  m Expression -> m Expression
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m Expression -> m Expression)
-> (BlockId -> Natural -> Text -> m Expression)
-> BlockId
-> Natural
-> Text
-> m Expression
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Natural -> Text -> m Expression
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Natural -> Text -> m Expression
API.getBigMapValueAtBlock NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getBigMapValuesAtBlockImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) =>
  BlockId -> Natural -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> m Expression
getBigMapValuesAtBlockImpl :: BlockId
-> Natural -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> m Expression
getBigMapValuesAtBlockImpl =
  m Expression -> m Expression
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m Expression -> m Expression)
-> (BlockId
    -> Natural -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> m Expression)
-> BlockId
-> Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> m Expression
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m
-> BlockId
-> Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> m Expression
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m
-> BlockId
-> Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Natural
-> m Expression
API.getBigMapValuesAtBlock NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getBalanceImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> Address -> m Mutez
getBalanceImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> m Mutez
getBalanceImpl =
  m Mutez -> m Mutez
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m Mutez -> m Mutez)
-> (m TezosMutez -> m Mutez) -> m TezosMutez -> m Mutez
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... (TezosMutez -> Mutez) -> m TezosMutez -> m Mutez
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap TezosMutez -> Mutez
unTezosMutez (m TezosMutez -> m Mutez)
-> (BlockId -> Address -> m TezosMutez)
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> m Mutez
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m TezosMutez
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m TezosMutez
API.getBalance NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getDelegateImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe KeyHash)
getDelegateImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe KeyHash)
getDelegateImpl =
  m (Maybe KeyHash) -> m (Maybe KeyHash)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m (Maybe KeyHash) -> m (Maybe KeyHash))
-> (BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe KeyHash))
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> m (Maybe KeyHash)
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe KeyHash)
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe KeyHash)
API.getDelegate NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

-- | Similar to 'API.getManagerKey', but retries once on timeout.
getManagerKeyImpl ::
  (RunClient m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe PublicKey)
getManagerKeyImpl :: BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe PublicKey)
getManagerKeyImpl =
  m (Maybe PublicKey) -> m (Maybe PublicKey)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout (m (Maybe PublicKey) -> m (Maybe PublicKey))
-> (BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe PublicKey))
-> BlockId
-> Address
-> m (Maybe PublicKey)
forall a b c. SuperComposition a b c => a -> b -> c
... NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe PublicKey)
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> Address -> m (Maybe PublicKey)
API.getManagerKey NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

runCodeImpl :: (RunClient m, MonadCatch m) => BlockId -> RunCode -> m RunCodeResult
runCodeImpl :: BlockId -> RunCode -> m RunCodeResult
runCodeImpl = NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> RunCode -> m RunCodeResult
forall (m :: * -> *).
NodeMethods m -> BlockId -> RunCode -> m RunCodeResult
API.runCode NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

getChainIdImpl :: (RunClient m, MonadCatch m) => m ChainId
getChainIdImpl :: m ChainId
getChainIdImpl = m (Either ParseChainIdError ChainId) -> m ChainId
forall (m :: * -> *) e a.
(MonadThrow m, Exception e) =>
m (Either e a) -> m a
throwLeft (m (Either ParseChainIdError ChainId) -> m ChainId)
-> m (Either ParseChainIdError ChainId) -> m ChainId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> Either ParseChainIdError ChainId
parseChainId (Text -> Either ParseChainIdError ChainId)
-> m Text -> m (Either ParseChainIdError ChainId)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> NodeMethods m -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *). NodeMethods m -> m Text
API.getChainId NodeMethods m
forall (m :: * -> *). (MonadCatch m, RunClient m) => NodeMethods m

-- Logging of requests and responses

-- | Convert a bytestring to a string assuming this bytestring stores
-- something readable in UTF-8 encoding.
fromBS :: ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS :: bs -> Text
fromBS = bs -> Text
forall a b. ConvertUtf8 a b => b -> a

ppRequestBody :: RequestBody -> Builder
ppRequestBody :: RequestBody -> Builder
ppRequestBody = Text -> Builder
forall p. Buildable p => p -> Builder
build (Text -> Builder)
-> (RequestBody -> Text) -> RequestBody -> Builder
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
    RequestBodyLBS LByteString
lbs -> LByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS LByteString
    RequestBodyBS ByteString
bs -> ByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS ByteString
    RequestBodySource {} -> Text
"<body is not in memory>"

-- | Pretty print a @servant@'s request.
-- Note that we print only some part of t'Request': method, request
-- path and query, request body. We don't print other things that are
-- subjectively less interesting such as HTTP version or media type.
-- But feel free to add them if you want.
ppRequest :: Request -> Builder
ppRequest :: Request -> Builder
ppRequest Request {Maybe (RequestBody, MediaType)
Seq QueryItem
Seq Header
Seq MediaType
requestPath :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> path
requestQueryString :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> Seq QueryItem
requestBody :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> Maybe (body, MediaType)
requestAccept :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> Seq MediaType
requestHeaders :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> Seq Header
requestHttpVersion :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> HttpVersion
requestMethod :: forall body path. RequestF body path -> ByteString
requestMethod :: ByteString
requestHttpVersion :: HttpVersion
requestHeaders :: Seq Header
requestAccept :: Seq MediaType
requestBody :: Maybe (RequestBody, MediaType)
requestQueryString :: Seq QueryItem
requestPath :: Builder
..} =
  ByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS ByteString
requestMethod Text -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ Builder
" " Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall b. FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b
+| LByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS (Builder -> LByteString
Binary.toLazyByteString Builder
  Text -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ ByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS (Bool -> Query -> ByteString
renderQuery Bool
True (Query -> ByteString) -> Query -> ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Seq QueryItem -> [Element (Seq QueryItem)]
forall t. Container t => t -> [Element t]
toList Seq QueryItem
requestQueryString) Text -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
-> ((RequestBody, MediaType) -> Builder)
-> Maybe (RequestBody, MediaType)
-> Builder
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Builder
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty (Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a. Monoid a => a -> a -> a
mappend Builder
"\n" (Builder -> Builder)
-> ((RequestBody, MediaType) -> Builder)
-> (RequestBody, MediaType)
-> Builder
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. RequestBody -> Builder
ppRequestBody (RequestBody -> Builder)
-> ((RequestBody, MediaType) -> RequestBody)
-> (RequestBody, MediaType)
-> Builder
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (RequestBody, MediaType) -> RequestBody
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst) Maybe (RequestBody, MediaType)

logRequest :: WithClientLog env m => Request -> m ()
logRequest :: Request -> m ()
logRequest Request
req = Text -> m ()
forall env (m :: * -> *). WithLog env Message m => Text -> m ()
logDebug (Text -> m ()) -> Text -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Builder
"RPC request: " Builder -> Builder -> Text
forall b. FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b
+| Request -> Builder
ppRequest Request
req Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ Builder

-- | Pretty print a @servant@'s response.
-- Note that we print only status and body,
-- the rest looks not so interesting in our case.
-- If response is not human-readable text in UTF-8 encoding it will
-- print some garbage.  Apparently we don't make such requests for now.
ppResponse :: Response -> Builder
ppResponse :: Response -> Builder
ppResponse Response {LByteString
Seq Header
responseHttpVersion :: forall a. ResponseF a -> HttpVersion
responseHeaders :: forall a. ResponseF a -> Seq Header
responseBody :: LByteString
responseHttpVersion :: HttpVersion
responseHeaders :: Seq Header
responseStatusCode :: Status
responseBody :: forall a. ResponseF a -> a
responseStatusCode :: forall a. ResponseF a -> Status
..} =
  Status -> Int
statusCode Status
responseStatusCode Int -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ Builder
" " Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall b. FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b
  ByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS (Status -> ByteString
statusMessage Status
responseStatusCode) Text -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ Builder
"\n" Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall b. FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b
  LByteString -> Text
forall bs. ConvertUtf8 Text bs => bs -> Text
fromBS LByteString
responseBody  Text -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ Builder

logResponse :: WithClientLog env m => Response -> m ()
logResponse :: Response -> m ()
logResponse Response
resp = Text -> m ()
forall env (m :: * -> *). WithLog env Message m => Text -> m ()
logDebug (Text -> m ()) -> Text -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Builder
"RPC response: " Builder -> Builder -> Text
forall b. FromBuilder b => Builder -> Builder -> b
+| Response -> Builder
ppResponse Response
resp Builder -> Builder -> Builder
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> Builder -> b
|+ Builder

-- Timeouts and retries

data TimeoutError = TimeoutError
  deriving stock Int -> TimeoutError -> ShowS
[TimeoutError] -> ShowS
TimeoutError -> String
(Int -> TimeoutError -> ShowS)
-> (TimeoutError -> String)
-> ([TimeoutError] -> ShowS)
-> Show TimeoutError
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [TimeoutError] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [TimeoutError] -> ShowS
show :: TimeoutError -> String
$cshow :: TimeoutError -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> TimeoutError -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> TimeoutError -> ShowS

instance Buildable TimeoutError where
  build :: TimeoutError -> Builder
build TimeoutError
TimeoutError =
"Timeout for action call was reached. Probably, something is wrong with \
    \testing environment."

instance Exception TimeoutError where
  displayException :: TimeoutError -> String
displayException = TimeoutError -> String
forall a b. (Buildable a, FromBuilder b) => a -> b

-- | Helper function that retries a monadic action in case action hasn't succeed
-- in 'timeoutInterval'. In case retry didn't help, error that indicates
-- timeout is thrown.
retryOnTimeout :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) => Bool -> m a -> m a
retryOnTimeout :: Bool -> m a -> m a
retryOnTimeout Bool
wasRetried m a
action = do
  Maybe a
res <- Int -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadUnliftIO m =>
Int -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
timeout Int
timeoutInterval m a
  m a -> (a -> m a) -> Maybe a -> m a
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe (if Bool
wasRetried then TimeoutError -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM TimeoutError
TimeoutError else Bool -> m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
Bool -> m a -> m a
retryOnTimeout Bool
True m a
    a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe a

-- | Helper function that consider action failed in case of timeout,
-- because it's unsafe to perform some of the actions twice. E.g. performing two 'injectOperation'
-- action can lead to a situation when operation is injected twice.
failOnTimeout :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) => m a -> m a
failOnTimeout :: m a -> m a
failOnTimeout = Bool -> m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
Bool -> m a -> m a
retryOnTimeout Bool

-- | Helper function that retries action once in case of timeout. If retry ended up with timeout
-- as well, action is considered failed. It's safe to retry read-only actions that don't update chain state
-- or @tezos-client@ config/environment.
retryOnceOnTimeout :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) => m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout :: m a -> m a
retryOnceOnTimeout = Bool -> m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadUnliftIO m, MonadThrow m) =>
Bool -> m a -> m a
retryOnTimeout Bool

-- | Timeout for 'retryOnTimeout', 'retryOnceOnTimeout' and 'failOnTimeout' helpers in microseconds.
timeoutInterval :: Int
timeoutInterval :: Int
timeoutInterval = Int
120 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int

-- | Wait for a reasonable amount of time before retrying an action that failed
-- due to invalid counter.
-- The waiting time depends on protocol parameters.
waitBeforeRetry :: (MonadIO m, HasTezosRpc m, WithClientLog env m) => m ()
waitBeforeRetry :: m ()
waitBeforeRetry = do
i <- IO Int -> m Int
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO Int -> m Int) -> IO Int -> m Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
blockAwaitAmounts [Int] -> Int -> Int
forall a. [a] -> Int -> a
Unsafe.!!) (Int -> Int) -> IO Int -> IO Int
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Int, Int) -> IO Int
forall a (m :: * -> *). (Random a, MonadIO m) => (a, a) -> m a
randomRIO (Int
0, [Int] -> Int
forall t. Container t => t -> Int
length [Int]
blockAwaitAmounts Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
  Text -> m ()
forall env (m :: * -> *). WithLog env Message m => Text -> m ()
logDebug (Text -> m ()) -> Text -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"Invalid counter error occurred, retrying the request after " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Int -> Text
forall b a. (PrettyShow a, Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Int
i Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
" blocks"
  ProtocolParameters {Int
ppCostPerByte :: ProtocolParameters -> TezosMutez
ppMinimalBlockDelay :: ProtocolParameters -> TezosNat
ppHardStorageLimitPerOperation :: ProtocolParameters -> TezosInt64
ppHardGasLimitPerOperation :: ProtocolParameters -> TezosInt64
ppOriginationSize :: ProtocolParameters -> Int
ppCostPerByte :: TezosMutez
ppMinimalBlockDelay :: TezosNat
ppHardStorageLimitPerOperation :: TezosInt64
ppHardGasLimitPerOperation :: TezosInt64
ppOriginationSize :: Int
..} <- m ProtocolParameters
forall (m :: * -> *). HasTezosRpc m => m ProtocolParameters
  -- Invalid counter error may occur in case we try to perform multiple operations
  -- from the same address. We should try to wait different amount of times before retry
  -- in case there are multiple actions failed with invalid counter error.
  IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> IO ()
threadDelay (Int -> IO ()) -> Int -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* TezosNat -> Int
forall a b. (HasCallStack, Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b
Unsafe.fromIntegral @TezosNat @Int TezosNat
ppMinimalBlockDelay Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Int
    blockAwaitAmounts :: [Int]
    blockAwaitAmounts :: [Int]
blockAwaitAmounts = [Int

-- | Retry action if it failed due to invalid counter (already used one).
handleInvalidCounterRpc :: MonadThrow m => m a -> ClientRpcError -> m a
handleInvalidCounterRpc :: m a -> ClientRpcError -> m a
handleInvalidCounterRpc m a
retryAction = \case
  ClientInternalError (CounterInThePast {}) -> m a
  ClientInternalError (Failure Text
    | Text
"Counter" Text -> Text -> Bool
`isInfixOf` Text
msg Bool -> Bool -> Bool
forall a. Boolean a => a -> a -> a
&& Text
"already used for contract" Text -> Text -> Bool
`isInfixOf` Text
msg ->
      m a
anotherErr -> ClientRpcError -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a. (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
throwM ClientRpcError