{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.Data
  ( Arguments
  , ScalarDefinition(..)
  , DataEnum
  , FieldsDefinition(..)
  , ArgumentDefinition
  , DataUnion
  , ArgumentsDefinition(..)
  , FieldDefinition(..)
  , InputFieldsDefinition(..)
  , TypeContent(..)
  , TypeDefinition(..)
  , Schema(..)
  , DataEnumValue(..)
  , TypeLib
  , Meta(..)
  , Directive(..)
  , TypeUpdater
  , TypeD(..)
  , ConsD(..)
  , ClientQuery(..)
  , GQLTypeD(..)
  , ClientType(..)
  , DataInputUnion
  , Argument(..)
  , allDataTypes
  , createField
  , createArgument
  , createDataTypeLib
  , createEnumType
  , createScalarType
  , createType
  , createUnionType
  , createAlias
  , createInputUnionFields
  , createEnumValue
  , defineType
  , isTypeDefined
  , initTypeLib
  , isFieldNullable
  , insertType
  , fieldVisibility
  , kindOf
  , toNullableField
  , toListField
  , toHSFieldDefinition
  , isEntNode
  , lookupDataType
  , lookupDeprecated
  , lookupDeprecatedReason
  , lookupWith
  , hasArguments
  , unsafeFromFields
  , isInputDataType
  , unsafeFromInputFields
  , __inputname

import           Data.HashMap.Lazy              ( HashMap
                                                , union
                                                , elems
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy             as HM
import           Data.Semigroup                 ( Semigroup(..), (<>) )
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax     ( Lift(..) )
import           Instances.TH.Lift              ( )
import           Data.List                      ( find)

import          Data.Morpheus.Error.NameCollision
                                                ( NameCollision(..)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.OrderedMap
                                                ( OrderedMap
                                                , unsafeFromValues
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.Base
                                                ( Key
                                                , Position
                                                , Name
                                                , Message
                                                , Description
                                                , TypeWrapper(..)
                                                , TypeRef(..)
                                                , Stage
                                                , VALID
                                                , DataTypeKind(..)
                                                , DataFingerprint(..)
                                                , isNullable
                                                , sysFields
                                                , toOperationType
                                                , hsTypeName
                                                , GQLError(..)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Operation
                                                ( Empty(..)
                                                , Selectable(..)
                                                , Listable(..)
                                                , Singleton(..)
                                                , Listable(..)
                                                , Merge(..)
                                                , KeyOf(..)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Resolving.Core
                                                ( Failure(..)
                                                , LibUpdater
                                                , resolveUpdates
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.Value
                                                ( Value(..)
                                                , ValidValue
                                                , ScalarValue(..)
import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Schema     ( nameCollisionError )

type DataEnum = [DataEnumValue]
type DataUnion = [Key]
type DataInputUnion = [(Key, Bool)]

-- scalar
newtype ScalarDefinition = ScalarDefinition
  { validateValue :: ValidValue -> Either Key ValidValue }

instance Show ScalarDefinition where
  show _ = "ScalarDefinition"

data Argument (valid :: Stage) = Argument
  { argumentName     :: Name
  , argumentValue    :: Value valid
  , argumentPosition :: Position
  } deriving ( Show, Eq, Lift )

instance KeyOf (Argument stage) where
  keyOf = argumentName

instance NameCollision (Argument s) where
  nameCollision _ Argument { argumentName, argumentPosition }
    = GQLError
      { message = "There can Be only One Argument Named \"" <> argumentName <> "\"",
        locations = [argumentPosition]

type Arguments s = OrderedMap (Argument s)

-- directive
data Directive = Directive {
  directiveName :: Name,
  directiveArgs :: OrderedMap (Argument VALID)
} deriving (Show,Lift)

lookupDeprecated :: Meta -> Maybe Directive
lookupDeprecated Meta { metaDirectives } = find isDeprecation metaDirectives
  isDeprecation Directive { directiveName = "deprecated" } = True
  isDeprecation _ = False

lookupDeprecatedReason :: Directive -> Maybe Key
lookupDeprecatedReason Directive { directiveArgs } =
  selectOr Nothing (Just . maybeString) "reason" directiveArgs
  maybeString :: Argument VALID -> Name
  maybeString Argument { argumentValue = (Scalar (String x)) } = x
  maybeString _                   = "can't read deprecated Reason Value"

data Meta = Meta {
    metaDescription:: Maybe Description,
    metaDirectives  :: [Directive]
} deriving (Show,Lift)

data DataEnumValue = DataEnumValue{
    enumName :: Name,
    enumMeta :: Maybe Meta
} deriving (Show, Lift)

-- 3.2 Schema : https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Schema
-- SchemaDefinition :
--    schema Directives[Const](opt) { RootOperationTypeDefinition(list)}
-- RootOperationTypeDefinition :
--    OperationType: NamedType

data Schema = Schema
  { types        :: TypeLib
  , query        :: TypeDefinition
  , mutation     :: Maybe TypeDefinition
  , subscription :: Maybe TypeDefinition
  } deriving (Show)

type TypeLib = HashMap Key TypeDefinition

instance Selectable Schema TypeDefinition where
  selectOr fb f name lib = maybe fb f (lookupDataType name lib)

initTypeLib :: TypeDefinition -> Schema
initTypeLib query = Schema { types        = empty
                             , query        = query
                             , mutation     = Nothing
                             , subscription = Nothing

allDataTypes :: Schema -> [TypeDefinition]
allDataTypes  = elems . typeRegister

typeRegister :: Schema -> TypeLib
typeRegister Schema { types, query, mutation, subscription } =
  types `union` HM.fromList
    (concatMap fromOperation [Just query, mutation, subscription])

createDataTypeLib :: Failure Message m => [TypeDefinition] -> m Schema
createDataTypeLib types = case popByKey "Query" types of
  (Nothing   ,_    ) -> failure ("INTERNAL: Query Not Defined" :: Message)
  (Just query, lib1) -> do
    let (mutation, lib2) = popByKey "Mutation" lib1
    let (subscription, lib3) = popByKey "Subscription" lib2
    pure $ (foldr defineType (initTypeLib query) lib3) {mutation, subscription}

-- 3.4 Types : https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Types
-- TypeDefinition :
--   ScalarTypeDefinition
--   ObjectTypeDefinition
--   InterfaceTypeDefinition
--   UnionTypeDefinition
--   EnumTypeDefinition
--   InputObjectTypeDefinition

data TypeDefinition = TypeDefinition
  { typeName        :: Key
  , typeFingerprint :: DataFingerprint
  , typeMeta        :: Maybe Meta
  , typeContent     :: TypeContent
  } deriving (Show)

data TypeContent
  = DataScalar      { dataScalar        :: ScalarDefinition
  | DataEnum        { enumMembers       :: DataEnum
  | DataInputObject { inputObjectFields :: InputFieldsDefinition
  | DataObject      { objectImplements  :: [Name],
                      objectFields      :: FieldsDefinition
  | DataUnion       { unionMembers      :: DataUnion
  | DataInputUnion  { inputUnionMembers :: [(Key,Bool)]
  | DataInterface   { interfaceFields   :: FieldsDefinition
  deriving (Show)

createType :: Key -> TypeContent -> TypeDefinition
createType typeName typeContent = TypeDefinition
  { typeName
  , typeMeta        = Nothing
  , typeFingerprint = DataFingerprint typeName []
  , typeContent

createScalarType :: Name -> TypeDefinition
createScalarType typeName = createType typeName $ DataScalar (ScalarDefinition pure)

createEnumType :: Name -> [Key] -> TypeDefinition
createEnumType typeName typeData = createType typeName (DataEnum enumValues)
  where enumValues = map createEnumValue typeData

createEnumValue :: Name -> DataEnumValue
createEnumValue enumName = DataEnumValue { enumName, enumMeta = Nothing }

createUnionType :: Key -> [Key] -> TypeDefinition
createUnionType typeName typeData = createType typeName (DataUnion typeData)

isEntNode :: TypeContent -> Bool
isEntNode DataScalar{}  = True
isEntNode DataEnum{} = True
isEntNode _ = False

isInputDataType :: TypeDefinition -> Bool
isInputDataType TypeDefinition { typeContent } = __isInput typeContent
  __isInput DataScalar{}      = True
  __isInput DataEnum{}        = True
  __isInput DataInputObject{} = True
  __isInput DataInputUnion{}  = True
  __isInput _                 = False

kindOf :: TypeDefinition -> DataTypeKind
kindOf TypeDefinition { typeName, typeContent } = __kind typeContent
  __kind DataScalar      {} = KindScalar
  __kind DataEnum        {} = KindEnum
  __kind DataInputObject {} = KindInputObject
  __kind DataObject      {} = KindObject (toOperationType typeName)
  __kind DataUnion       {} = KindUnion
  __kind DataInputUnion  {} = KindInputUnion
  -- TODO:
  -- __kind DataInterface   {} = KindInterface

fromOperation :: Maybe TypeDefinition -> [(Name, TypeDefinition)]
fromOperation (Just datatype) = [(typeName datatype,datatype)]
fromOperation Nothing = []

lookupDataType :: Key -> Schema -> Maybe TypeDefinition
lookupDataType name  = HM.lookup name . typeRegister

isTypeDefined :: Key -> Schema -> Maybe DataFingerprint
isTypeDefined name lib = typeFingerprint <$> lookupDataType name lib

defineType :: TypeDefinition -> Schema -> Schema
defineType dt@TypeDefinition { typeName, typeContent = DataInputUnion enumKeys, typeFingerprint } lib
  = lib { types = HM.insert name unionTags (HM.insert typeName dt (types lib)) }
  name      = typeName <> "Tags"
  unionTags = TypeDefinition
    { typeName        = name
    , typeFingerprint
    , typeMeta        = Nothing
    , typeContent     = DataEnum $ map (createEnumValue . fst) enumKeys
defineType datatype lib =
  lib { types = HM.insert (typeName datatype) datatype (types lib) }

insertType :: TypeDefinition -> TypeUpdater
insertType  datatype@TypeDefinition { typeName } lib = case isTypeDefined typeName lib of
  Nothing -> resolveUpdates (defineType datatype lib) []
  Just fingerprint | fingerprint == typeFingerprint datatype -> return lib
                   -- throw error if 2 different types has same name
                   | otherwise -> failure $ nameCollisionError typeName

lookupWith :: Eq k => (a -> k) -> k -> [a] -> Maybe a
lookupWith f key = find ((== key) . f)

-- lookups and removes TypeDefinition from hashmap 
popByKey :: Name -> [TypeDefinition] -> (Maybe TypeDefinition,[TypeDefinition])
popByKey name lib = case lookupWith typeName name lib of
    Just dt@TypeDefinition { typeContent = DataObject {} } ->
      (Just dt, filter ((/= name) . typeName) lib)
    _ -> (Nothing, lib)

-- 3.6 Objects : https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Objects
--  ObjectTypeDefinition:
--    Description(opt) type Name ImplementsInterfaces(opt) Directives(Const)(opt) FieldsDefinition(opt)
--  ImplementsInterfaces
--    implements &(opt) NamedType
--    ImplementsInterfaces & NamedType
--  FieldsDefinition
--    { FieldDefinition(list) }

newtype FieldsDefinition = FieldsDefinition
 { unFieldsDefinition :: OrderedMap FieldDefinition }
  deriving (Show, Empty)

unsafeFromFields :: [FieldDefinition] -> FieldsDefinition
unsafeFromFields = FieldsDefinition . unsafeFromValues

instance Merge FieldsDefinition where
  merge path (FieldsDefinition x)  (FieldsDefinition y) = FieldsDefinition <$> merge path x y

instance Selectable FieldsDefinition FieldDefinition where
  selectOr fb f name (FieldsDefinition lib) = selectOr fb f name lib

instance Singleton  FieldsDefinition FieldDefinition  where
  singleton  = FieldsDefinition . singleton

instance Listable FieldsDefinition FieldDefinition where
  fromAssoc ls = FieldsDefinition <$> fromAssoc ls
  toAssoc = toAssoc . unFieldsDefinition

--  FieldDefinition
--    Description(opt) Name ArgumentsDefinition(opt) : Type Directives(Const)(opt)
data FieldDefinition = FieldDefinition
  { fieldName     :: Key
  , fieldArgs     :: ArgumentsDefinition
  , fieldType     :: TypeRef
  , fieldMeta     :: Maybe Meta
  } deriving (Show,Lift)

instance KeyOf FieldDefinition where
  keyOf = fieldName

instance Selectable FieldDefinition ArgumentDefinition where
  selectOr fb f key FieldDefinition { fieldArgs }  = selectOr fb f key fieldArgs

instance NameCollision FieldDefinition where
  nameCollision name _ = GQLError {
    message = "There can Be only One field Named \"" <> name <> "\"",
    locations = []

fieldVisibility :: FieldDefinition -> Bool
fieldVisibility FieldDefinition { fieldName } = fieldName `notElem` sysFields

isFieldNullable :: FieldDefinition -> Bool
isFieldNullable = isNullable . fieldType

createField :: ArgumentsDefinition -> Key -> ([TypeWrapper], Key) -> FieldDefinition
createField dataArguments fieldName (typeWrappers, typeConName) = FieldDefinition
  { fieldArgs = dataArguments
  , fieldName
  , fieldType     = TypeRef { typeConName, typeWrappers, typeArgs = Nothing }
  , fieldMeta     = Nothing

toHSFieldDefinition :: FieldDefinition -> FieldDefinition
toHSFieldDefinition field@FieldDefinition { fieldType = tyRef@TypeRef { typeConName } } = field
  { fieldType = tyRef { typeConName = hsTypeName typeConName } }

toNullableField :: FieldDefinition -> FieldDefinition
toNullableField dataField
  | isNullable (fieldType dataField) = dataField
  | otherwise = dataField { fieldType = nullable (fieldType dataField) }
  nullable alias@TypeRef { typeWrappers } =
    alias { typeWrappers = TypeMaybe : typeWrappers }

toListField :: FieldDefinition -> FieldDefinition
toListField dataField = dataField { fieldType = listW (fieldType dataField) }
  listW alias@TypeRef { typeWrappers } =
    alias { typeWrappers = TypeList : typeWrappers }

-- 3.10 Input Objects: https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Input-Objects
-- InputObjectTypeDefinition
-- Description(opt) input Name Directives(const,opt) InputFieldsDefinition(opt)
--- InputFieldsDefinition
-- { InputValueDefinition(list) }

newtype InputFieldsDefinition = InputFieldsDefinition
 { unInputFieldsDefinition :: OrderedMap FieldDefinition }
  deriving (Show, Empty)

unsafeFromInputFields :: [FieldDefinition] -> InputFieldsDefinition
unsafeFromInputFields = InputFieldsDefinition . unsafeFromValues

instance Merge InputFieldsDefinition where
  merge path (InputFieldsDefinition x)  (InputFieldsDefinition y) = InputFieldsDefinition <$> merge path x y

instance Selectable InputFieldsDefinition FieldDefinition where
  selectOr fb f name (InputFieldsDefinition lib) = selectOr fb f name lib

instance Singleton  InputFieldsDefinition FieldDefinition  where
  singleton  = InputFieldsDefinition . singleton

instance Listable InputFieldsDefinition FieldDefinition where
  fromAssoc ls = InputFieldsDefinition <$> fromAssoc ls
  toAssoc = toAssoc . unInputFieldsDefinition

-- 3.6.1 Field Arguments : https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Field-Arguments
-- ArgumentsDefinition:
--   (InputValueDefinition(list))

data ArgumentsDefinition
  = ArgumentsDefinition
    { argumentsTypename ::  Maybe Name
    , arguments         :: OrderedMap ArgumentDefinition
  | NoArguments
  deriving (Show, Lift)

type ArgumentDefinition = FieldDefinition

instance Selectable ArgumentsDefinition ArgumentDefinition where
  selectOr fb _ _    NoArguments                  = fb
  selectOr fb f key (ArgumentsDefinition _ args)  = selectOr fb f key args

instance Singleton ArgumentsDefinition ArgumentDefinition where
  singleton = ArgumentsDefinition Nothing . singleton

instance Listable ArgumentsDefinition ArgumentDefinition where
  toAssoc NoArguments                  = []
  toAssoc (ArgumentsDefinition _ args) = toAssoc args
  fromAssoc []                         = pure NoArguments
  fromAssoc args                       = ArgumentsDefinition Nothing <$> fromAssoc args

createArgument :: Key -> ([TypeWrapper], Key) -> FieldDefinition
createArgument = createField NoArguments

hasArguments :: ArgumentsDefinition -> Bool
hasArguments NoArguments = False
hasArguments _ = True

-- https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#InputValueDefinition
-- InputValueDefinition
--   Description(opt) Name: TypeDefaultValue(opt) Directives[Const](opt)
-- TODO: implement inputValue

-- data InputValueDefinition = InputValueDefinition
--   { inputValueName  :: Key
--   , inputValueType  :: TypeRef
--   , inputValueMeta  :: Maybe Meta
--   } deriving (Show,Lift)

__inputname :: Name
__inputname = "inputname"

createInputUnionFields :: Key -> [Key] -> [FieldDefinition]
createInputUnionFields name members = fieldTag : map unionField members
  fieldTag = FieldDefinition
    { fieldName = __inputname
    , fieldArgs     = NoArguments
    , fieldType     = createAlias (name <> "Tags")
    , fieldMeta     = Nothing
  unionField memberName = FieldDefinition
      { fieldArgs     = NoArguments
      , fieldName     = memberName
      , fieldType     = TypeRef { typeConName    = memberName
                                  , typeWrappers = [TypeMaybe]
                                  , typeArgs     = Nothing
      , fieldMeta     = Nothing

createAlias :: Key -> TypeRef
createAlias typeConName =
  TypeRef { typeConName, typeWrappers = [], typeArgs = Nothing }

type TypeUpdater = LibUpdater Schema

data ClientQuery = ClientQuery
  { queryText     :: String
  , queryTypes    :: [ClientType]
  , queryArgsType :: Maybe TypeD
  } deriving (Show)

data ClientType = ClientType {
  clientType :: TypeD,
  clientKind :: DataTypeKind
} deriving (Show)

-- Document
data GQLTypeD = GQLTypeD
  { typeD     :: TypeD
  , typeKindD :: DataTypeKind
  , typeArgD  :: [TypeD]
  , typeOriginal:: TypeDefinition
  } deriving (Show)

data TypeD = TypeD
  { tName      :: Name
  , tNamespace :: [Name]
  , tCons      :: [ConsD]
  , tMeta      :: Maybe Meta
  } deriving (Show)

data ConsD = ConsD
  { cName   :: Name
  , cFields :: [FieldDefinition]
  } deriving (Show)