{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Validation.Query.Selection
  ( validateSelectionSet
  ) where

import           Data.Maybe                                     (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text                                      (Text)

import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Selection                  (cannotQueryField, duplicateQuerySelections,
                                                                 hasNoSubfields, subfieldsNotSelected)
import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Variable                   (unknownType)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.Operation     (ValidVariables)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.RawSelection  (Fragment (..), FragmentLib, RawSelection (..),
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST.Selection     (Selection (..), SelectionRec (..), SelectionSet)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Base              (EnhancedKey (..))
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Data              (DataField (..), DataFullType (..), DataObject,
                                                                 DataTyCon (..), DataTypeLib (..), TypeAlias (..),
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Validation        (Validation)
import           Data.Morpheus.Validation.Internal.Utils        (checkNameCollision, lookupType)
import           Data.Morpheus.Validation.Query.Arguments       (validateArguments)
import           Data.Morpheus.Validation.Query.Fragment        (castFragmentType, resolveSpread)
import           Data.Morpheus.Validation.Query.Utils.Selection (lookupFieldAsSelectionSet, lookupSelectionField,

checkDuplicatesOn :: DataObject -> SelectionSet -> Validation SelectionSet
checkDuplicatesOn DataTyCon {typeName = name'} keys = checkNameCollision enhancedKeys selError >> pure keys
    selError = duplicateQuerySelections name'
    enhancedKeys = map selToKey keys
    selToKey (key, Selection {selectionPosition = position' , selectionAlias }) = EnhancedKey (fromMaybe key selectionAlias) position'

clusterUnionSelection ::
     FragmentLib -> Text -> [DataObject] -> (Text, RawSelection) -> Validation ([Fragment], SelectionSet)
clusterUnionSelection fragments type' possibleTypes' = splitFrag
    packFragment fragment = return ([fragment], [])
    typeNames = map typeName possibleTypes'
    splitFrag :: (Text, RawSelection) -> Validation ([Fragment], SelectionSet)
    splitFrag (_, Spread ref) = resolveSpread fragments typeNames ref >>= packFragment
    splitFrag ("__typename", RawSelectionField selection ) = pure ([] ,[
      ( "__typename",
      selection {
        selectionArguments = [] ,
        selectionRec = SelectionField}
    splitFrag (key, RawSelectionSet Selection {selectionPosition}) =
      Left $ cannotQueryField key type' selectionPosition
    splitFrag (key, RawSelectionField Selection {selectionPosition}) =
      Left $ cannotQueryField key type' selectionPosition
  --  splitFrag (key', RawAlias {rawAliasPosition = position'}) = Left $ cannotQueryField key' type' position'
    splitFrag (_, InlineFragment fragment') =
      castFragmentType Nothing (fragmentPosition fragment') typeNames fragment' >>= packFragment

categorizeTypes :: [DataObject] -> [Fragment] -> [(DataObject, [Fragment])]
categorizeTypes types fragments = filter notEmpty $ map categorizeType types
    notEmpty = (0 /=) . length . snd
    categorizeType :: DataObject -> (DataObject, [Fragment])
    categorizeType datatype = (datatype, filter matches fragments)
        matches fragment = fragmentType fragment == typeName datatype

flatTuple :: [([a], [b])] -> ([a], [b])
flatTuple list' = (concatMap fst list', concatMap snd list')
    - all Variable and Fragment references will be: resolved and validated
    - unionTypes: will be clustered under type names
      ...A on T1 {<SelectionA>}
      ...B on T2 {<SelectionB>}
      ...C on T2 {<SelectionC>}
      will be become : [

validateSelectionSet ::
     DataTypeLib -> FragmentLib -> Text -> ValidVariables -> DataObject -> RawSelectionSet -> Validation SelectionSet
validateSelectionSet lib fragments' operatorName variables = __validate
    __validate dataType'@DataTyCon {typeName = typeName'} selectionSet' =
      concat <$> mapM validateSelection selectionSet' >>= checkDuplicatesOn dataType'
        validateFragment Fragment {fragmentSelection = selection'} = __validate dataType' selection'
            get dataField and validated arguments for RawSelection
        getValidationData key Selection {selectionArguments, selectionPosition} = do
          selectionField <- lookupSelectionField selectionPosition key dataType'
          -- validate field Argument -----
          arguments <-
              (key, selectionField)
          -- check field Type existence  -----
          fieldDataType <-
              (unknownType (aliasTyCon $fieldType selectionField) selectionPosition)
              (allDataTypes lib)
              (aliasTyCon $ fieldType selectionField)
          return (selectionField, fieldDataType, arguments)
        -- validate single selection: InlineFragments and Spreads will Be resolved and included in SelectionSet
        validateSelection :: (Text, RawSelection) -> Validation SelectionSet
        validateSelection (key', RawSelectionSet fullRawSelection@Selection { selectionRec = rawSelection, selectionPosition }) = do
          (dataField, dataType, arguments) <- getValidationData key' fullRawSelection
          case dataType of
            Union _ -> do
              (categories, __typename) <- clusterTypes
              mapM (validateCluster __typename) categories >>= returnSelection arguments . UnionSelection
              where clusterTypes = do
                      unionTypes <- lookupUnionTypes selectionPosition key' lib dataField
                      (spreads, __typename) <-
                        flatTuple <$> mapM (clusterUnionSelection fragments' typeName' unionTypes) rawSelection
                      return (categorizeTypes unionTypes spreads, __typename)
                    --    second arguments will be added to every selection cluster
                    validateCluster :: SelectionSet -> (DataObject, [Fragment]) -> Validation (Text, SelectionSet)
                    validateCluster sysSelection' (type', frags') = do
                      selection' <- __validate type' (concatMap fragmentSelection frags')
                      return (typeName type', sysSelection' ++ selection')
            OutputObject _ -> do
              fieldType' <- lookupFieldAsSelectionSet selectionPosition key' lib dataField
              __validate fieldType' rawSelection >>= returnSelection arguments . SelectionSet
            _ -> Left $ hasNoSubfields key' (aliasTyCon $fieldType dataField) selectionPosition
            returnSelection selectionArguments selectionRec =
                [ ( key'
                  , fullRawSelection
                      { selectionArguments,
        validateSelection (key, RawSelectionField rawSelection@Selection{selectionPosition}) = do
          (dataField, datatype, selectionArguments) <- getValidationData key rawSelection
          isLeaf datatype dataField
          pure [( key , rawSelection { selectionArguments  , selectionRec = SelectionField })]
            isLeaf (Leaf _) _ = Right ()
            isLeaf _ DataField {fieldType = TypeAlias {aliasTyCon}} =
              Left $ subfieldsNotSelected key aliasTyCon selectionPosition
        validateSelection (_, Spread reference') = resolveSpread fragments' [typeName'] reference' >>= validateFragment
        validateSelection (_, InlineFragment fragment') =
          castFragmentType Nothing (fragmentPosition fragment') [typeName'] fragment' >>= validateFragment