Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
GQL Types
- class GQLType a where
- type KIND a :: DerivingKind
- description :: f a -> Maybe Text
- directives :: f a -> DirectiveUsages
- getDescriptions :: f a -> Map Text Description
- typeOptions :: f a -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions
- getDirectives :: f a -> Map Text (Directives CONST)
- defaultValues :: f a -> Map Text (Value CONST)
- class EncodeScalar a where
- encodeScalar :: a -> ScalarValue
- class EncodeWrapper (wrapper :: Type -> Type) where
- encodeWrapper :: Monad m => (a -> m (ResolverValue m)) -> wrapper a -> m (ResolverValue m)
- class DecodeScalar a where
- decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text a
- class DecodeWrapper (f :: Type -> Type) where
- decodeWrapper :: (Monad m, DecodeWrapperConstraint f a) => (ValidValue -> m a) -> ValidValue -> ExceptT GQLError m (f a)
- data GQLRequest = GQLRequest {}
- data GQLResponse
- = Data ValidValue
- | Errors [GQLError]
- newtype ID = ID {}
- data ScalarValue
- data Undefined (m :: Type -> Type)
- data Resolver (o :: OperationType) event (m :: Type -> Type) value
- type QUERY = 'Query
- type MUTATION = 'Mutation
- type SUBSCRIPTION = 'Subscription
- lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a
- type WithOperation (o :: OperationType) = LiftOperation o
- subscribe :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) e a. Monad m => Channel e -> Resolver QUERY e m (e -> Resolver SUBSCRIPTION e m a) -> SubscriptionField (Resolver SUBSCRIPTION e m a)
- unsafeInternalContext :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) (o :: OperationType) e. (Monad m, LiftOperation o) => Resolver o e m ResolverContext
- data ResolverContext = ResolverContext {}
- data SubscriptionField a
- data App event (m :: Type -> Type)
- class RenderGQL a
- render :: RenderGQL a => a -> ByteString
- data TypeGuard interface union
- = ResolveInterface interface
- | ResolveType union
- newtype Arg (name :: Symbol) a = Arg {
- argValue :: a
- data GQLTypeOptions
- defaultTypeOptions :: GQLTypeOptions
- fieldLabelModifier :: GQLTypeOptions -> String -> String
- constructorTagModifier :: GQLTypeOptions -> String -> String
- typeNameModifier :: GQLTypeOptions -> Bool -> String -> String
- data Prefixes = Prefixes {
- addPrefix :: Text
- removePrefix :: Text
- class VisitType a where
- visitTypeName :: a -> Bool -> Text -> Text
- visitTypeDescription :: a -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text
- visitFieldNames :: a -> Text -> Text
- visitEnumNames :: a -> Text -> Text
- class VisitField a where
- visitFieldName :: a -> Text -> Text
- visitFieldDescription :: a -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text
- class VisitEnum a where
- visitEnumName :: a -> Text -> Text
- visitEnumDescription :: a -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text
- typeDirective :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => a -> DirectiveUsages
- fieldDirective :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => FieldName -> a -> DirectiveUsages
- enumDirective :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => TypeName -> a -> DirectiveUsages
- fieldDirective' :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => Name -> a -> DirectiveUsages
- enumDirective' :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => Name -> a -> DirectiveUsages
- type DIRECTIVE_LOCATIONS a :: [DirectiveLocation]
- excludeFromSchema :: f a -> Bool
- newtype Deprecated = Deprecated {}
- newtype Describe = Describe {}
- dropNamespaceOptions :: TypeKind -> Text -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions
- data DerivingKind
- type TYPE = 'TYPE
- data RootResolver (m :: Type -> Type) event (query :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (mutation :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (subscription :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) = RootResolver {
- queryResolver :: query (Resolver QUERY event m)
- mutationResolver :: mutation (Resolver MUTATION event m)
- subscriptionResolver :: subscription (Resolver SUBSCRIPTION event m)
- defaultRootResolver :: RootResolver m event Undefined Undefined Undefined
- newtype Rename = Rename {}
- newtype InputTypeNamespace = InputTypeNamespace {}
- newtype DropNamespace = DropNamespace {}
class GQLType a where Source #
GraphQL type, every graphQL type should have an instance of Generic
and GQLType
... deriving (Generic, GQLType)
if you want to add description
... deriving (Generic) instance GQLType ... where description = const "your description ..."
description :: f a -> Maybe Text Source #
Deprecated: use: directive Describe { text } with typeDirective
A description of the type.
Used for documentation in the GraphQL schema.
directives :: f a -> DirectiveUsages Source #
getDescriptions :: f a -> Map Text Description Source #
Deprecated: use: directive Describe { text } with fieldDirective
A dictionary of descriptions for fields, keyed on field name.
Used for documentation in the GraphQL schema.
typeOptions :: f a -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions Source #
Deprecated: use: custom directives with VisitType
getDirectives :: f a -> Map Text (Directives CONST) Source #
Deprecated: use: directives
class EncodeScalar a where #
GraphQL Scalar Serializer
encodeScalar :: a -> ScalarValue #
EncodeScalar ID | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.ID encodeScalar :: ID -> ScalarValue # | |
EncodeScalar Text | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar encodeScalar :: Text -> ScalarValue # | |
EncodeScalar Bool | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar encodeScalar :: Bool -> ScalarValue # | |
EncodeScalar Double | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar encodeScalar :: Double -> ScalarValue # | |
EncodeScalar Float | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar encodeScalar :: Float -> ScalarValue # | |
EncodeScalar Int | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar encodeScalar :: Int -> ScalarValue # |
class EncodeWrapper (wrapper :: Type -> Type) where #
GraphQL Wrapper Serializer
encodeWrapper :: Monad m => (a -> m (ResolverValue m)) -> wrapper a -> m (ResolverValue m) #
class DecodeScalar a where #
GraphQL Scalar parser
decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text a #
DecodeScalar ID | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.ID decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text ID # | |
DecodeScalar Text | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text Text # | |
DecodeScalar Bool | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text Bool # | |
DecodeScalar Double | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text Double # | |
DecodeScalar Float | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text Float # | |
DecodeScalar Int | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar decodeScalar :: ScalarValue -> Either Text Int # |
class DecodeWrapper (f :: Type -> Type) where #
GraphQL Wrapper Deserializer
decodeWrapper :: (Monad m, DecodeWrapperConstraint f a) => (ValidValue -> m a) -> ValidValue -> ExceptT GQLError m (f a) #
data GQLRequest #
GraphQL HTTP Request Body
data GQLResponse #
GraphQL Response
default GraphQL type,
parses only ScalarValue
and ScalarValue
serialized always as ScalarValue
data ScalarValue #
Primitive Values for GQLScalar: ScalarValue
, ScalarValue
, ScalarValue
, Boolean
for performance reason type Text
represents GraphQl ScalarValue
data Undefined (m :: Type -> Type) Source #
data Resolver (o :: OperationType) event (m :: Type -> Type) value #
type SUBSCRIPTION = 'Subscription #
lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a #
Lift a computation from the argument monad to the constructed monad.
type WithOperation (o :: OperationType) = LiftOperation o #
subscribe :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) e a. Monad m => Channel e -> Resolver QUERY e m (e -> Resolver SUBSCRIPTION e m a) -> SubscriptionField (Resolver SUBSCRIPTION e m a) #
unsafeInternalContext :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) (o :: OperationType) e. (Monad m, LiftOperation o) => Resolver o e m ResolverContext #
A function to return the internal ResolverContext
within a resolver's monad.
Using the ResolverContext
itself is unsafe because it exposes internal structures
of the AST, but you can use the Data.Morpheus.Types.SelectionTree typeClass to manipulate
the internal AST with a safe interface.
data ResolverContext #
ResolverContext | |
Show ResolverContext | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.App.Internal.Resolving.ResolverState showsPrec :: Int -> ResolverContext -> ShowS # show :: ResolverContext -> String # showList :: [ResolverContext] -> ShowS # | |
Monad m => MonadReader ResolverContext (ResolverStateT event m) | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.App.Internal.Resolving.ResolverState ask :: ResolverStateT event m ResolverContext # local :: (ResolverContext -> ResolverContext) -> ResolverStateT event m a -> ResolverStateT event m a # reader :: (ResolverContext -> a) -> ResolverStateT event m a # | |
(LiftOperation o, Monad m) => MonadReader ResolverContext (Resolver o e m) | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.App.Internal.Resolving.Resolver ask :: Resolver o e m ResolverContext # local :: (ResolverContext -> ResolverContext) -> Resolver o e m a -> Resolver o e m a # reader :: (ResolverContext -> a) -> Resolver o e m a # |
data SubscriptionField a #
EncodeWrapper SubscriptionField | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLWrapper encodeWrapper :: Monad m => (a -> m (ResolverValue m)) -> SubscriptionField a -> m (ResolverValue m) # | |
GQLType a => GQLType (SubscriptionField a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType type KIND (SubscriptionField a) :: DerivingKind Source # description :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> Maybe Text Source # directives :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> DirectiveUsages Source # getDescriptions :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> Map Text Description Source # typeOptions :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions Source # getDirectives :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> Map Text (Directives CONST) Source # defaultValues :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> Map Text (Value CONST) Source # __type :: f (SubscriptionField a) -> TypeCategory -> TypeData | |
type KIND (SubscriptionField a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType |
render :: RenderGQL a => a -> ByteString #
data TypeGuard interface union Source #
ResolveInterface interface | |
ResolveType union |
GQLType interface => GQLType (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType type KIND (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) :: DerivingKind Source # description :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> Maybe Text Source # directives :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> DirectiveUsages Source # getDescriptions :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> Map Text Description Source # typeOptions :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions Source # getDirectives :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> Map Text (Directives CONST) Source # defaultValues :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> Map Text (Value CONST) Source # __type :: f (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) -> TypeCategory -> TypeData | |
type KIND (TypeGuard interface possibleTypes) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType |
newtype Arg (name :: Symbol) a Source #
Generic (Arg name a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Arg name a) Source # | |
GQLType value => GQLType (Arg name value) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType type KIND (Arg name value) :: DerivingKind Source # description :: f (Arg name value) -> Maybe Text Source # directives :: f (Arg name value) -> DirectiveUsages Source # getDescriptions :: f (Arg name value) -> Map Text Description Source # typeOptions :: f (Arg name value) -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions Source # getDirectives :: f (Arg name value) -> Map Text (Directives CONST) Source # defaultValues :: f (Arg name value) -> Map Text (Value CONST) Source # __type :: f (Arg name value) -> TypeCategory -> TypeData | |
type Rep (Arg name a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.Types | |
type KIND (Arg name value) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType |
GQLType naming configuration
data GQLTypeOptions Source #
Deprecated: use: custom directives with VisitType
Options that specify how to map GraphQL field, type, and constructor names to and from their Haskell equivalent.
Options can be set using record syntax on defaultOptions
with the fields
defaultTypeOptions :: GQLTypeOptions Source #
Deprecated: use: custom directives with VisitType
Default encoding GQLTypeOptions
= id ,constructorTagModifier
= id ,typeNameModifier
= const id }
fieldLabelModifier :: GQLTypeOptions -> String -> String Source #
Function applied to field labels. Handy for removing common record prefixes for example.
constructorTagModifier :: GQLTypeOptions -> String -> String Source #
Function applied to constructor tags.
typeNameModifier :: GQLTypeOptions -> Bool -> String -> String Source #
Construct a new type name depending on whether it is an input, and being given the original type name.
GQL directives API
a custom GraphQL directive for adding or removing of prefixes
Prefixes | |
class VisitType a where Source #
visitTypeName :: a -> Bool -> Text -> Text Source #
Construct a new type name depending on whether it is an input, and being given the original type name.
visitTypeDescription :: a -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text Source #
visitFieldNames :: a -> Text -> Text Source #
Function applied to field labels. Handy for removing common record prefixes for example.
visitEnumNames :: a -> Text -> Text Source #
Function applied to enum values Handy for removing common enum prefixes for example.
VisitType Describe Source # | |
VisitType DropNamespace Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.DirectiveDefinitions visitTypeName :: DropNamespace -> Bool -> Text -> Text Source # visitTypeDescription :: DropNamespace -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text Source # visitFieldNames :: DropNamespace -> Text -> Text Source # visitEnumNames :: DropNamespace -> Text -> Text Source # | |
VisitType Prefixes Source # | |
VisitType Rename Source # | |
VisitType InputTypeNamespace Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.GQLType visitTypeName :: InputTypeNamespace -> Bool -> Text -> Text Source # visitTypeDescription :: InputTypeNamespace -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text Source # visitFieldNames :: InputTypeNamespace -> Text -> Text Source # visitEnumNames :: InputTypeNamespace -> Text -> Text Source # |
class VisitField a where Source #
visitFieldName :: a -> Text -> Text Source #
visitFieldDescription :: a -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text Source #
class VisitEnum a where Source #
visitEnumName :: a -> Text -> Text Source #
visitEnumDescription :: a -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text Source #
VisitEnum Deprecated Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.DirectiveDefinitions visitEnumName :: Deprecated -> Text -> Text Source # visitEnumDescription :: Deprecated -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text Source # | |
VisitEnum Describe Source # | |
VisitEnum Rename Source # | |
typeDirective :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => a -> DirectiveUsages Source #
fieldDirective :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => FieldName -> a -> DirectiveUsages Source #
enumDirective :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => TypeName -> a -> DirectiveUsages Source #
fieldDirective' :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => Name -> a -> DirectiveUsages Source #
enumDirective' :: TypeDirectiveConstraint a => Name -> a -> DirectiveUsages Source #
default GQL directives
type DIRECTIVE_LOCATIONS a :: [DirectiveLocation] Source #
excludeFromSchema :: f a -> Bool Source #
newtype Deprecated Source #
dropNamespaceOptions :: TypeKind -> Text -> GQLTypeOptions -> GQLTypeOptions Source #
Deprecated: use: custom directives
type SCALAR = 'SCALAR Source #
GraphQL Scalar: Int, Float, String, Boolean or any user defined custom Scalar type
data DerivingKind Source #
Show DerivingKind Source # | |
Defined in Data.Morpheus.Server.Types.Kind showsPrec :: Int -> DerivingKind -> ShowS # show :: DerivingKind -> String # showList :: [DerivingKind] -> ShowS # |
data RootResolver (m :: Type -> Type) event (query :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (mutation :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (subscription :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source #
GraphQL Root resolver, also the interpreter generates a GQL schema from it.
is required, mutationResolver
and subscriptionResolver
are optional,
if your schema does not supports mutation or subscription , you can use () for it.
RootResolver | |
defaultRootResolver :: RootResolver m event Undefined Undefined Undefined Source #
a custom GraphQL directive for adding or removing of prefixes
newtype InputTypeNamespace Source #
newtype DropNamespace Source #