mtgoxapi- Library to communicate with Mt.Gox

Safe HaskellNone



Functions that are marked with the suffix R retry automatically in case of failure up to a certain number of times. However, they will return after about 20 seconds in the worst case. Exceptions: letOrdersExecuteR and submitOrder.



letOrdersExecuteR :: Maybe WatchdogLogger -> CurlHandle -> MtGoxCredentials -> IO (Either String ())Source

Will not return until all orders have been executed. It will give up after about 3 minutes, if there are persistent errors or still open orders.

submitOrder :: Maybe WatchdogLogger -> CurlHandle -> MtGoxCredentials -> OrderType -> Integer -> IO (Either String OrderStats)Source

Submit an order and return OrderStats. In case of some non-critical errors things are re-tried automatically, but if API errors happen or network errors occur during critical phases (like placing the order) a Left with the error is returned. Should not block longer than about 3 minutes.

data OrderStats Source


