{-# language DataKinds            #-}
{-# language PolyKinds            #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# language TypeOperators        #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
Description: From 'Schema' to Haskell types.

Obtains a 'Schema' from a set of Haskell types.

Unfortunately, GHC does not allow type families
to appear in instances, so you cannot use the
resulting type directly. Instead, evaluate it
in an interpreter session using @:kind!@ and
copy the result to the file.
module Mu.Schema.Conversion.TypesToSchema (
, FromType(..)
, AsRecord, AsEnum
) where

import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Map             as M
import           Data.SOP
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits

import           Mu.Schema.Definition

-- | Defines whether to turn each Haskell type
--   into a record or an enumeration.
--   Any type not declared in the given list
--   of 'FromType's is considered primitive.
data FromType tn fn
  = -- | Declares that the type should become a record.
    AsRecord' Type tn (Mappings Symbol fn)
    -- | Declares that the type should become an enumeration.
  | AsEnum'   Type tn (Mappings Symbol fn)

-- | Declares that the type should become a record.
type AsRecord t tn = 'AsRecord' t tn '[]
-- | Declares that the type should become an enumeration.
type AsEnum   t tn = 'AsEnum'   t tn '[]

-- | Convert a set of types into a 'Schema'.
type family SchemaFromTypes (f :: [FromType tn fn]) :: Schema tn fn where
  SchemaFromTypes f = SchemaFromTypes' f f

type family SchemaFromTypes' (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (f :: [FromType tn fn]) :: Schema tn fn where
  SchemaFromTypes' all '[] = '[]
  SchemaFromTypes' all (t ': ts) = TypeDefFromType all t ': SchemaFromTypes' all ts

type family TypeDefFromType (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (info :: FromType tn fn)
  :: TypeDef tn fn where
  TypeDefFromType all ('AsRecord' t name mp) = 'DRecord name (FieldsFromType  all mp (Rep t))
  TypeDefFromType all ('AsEnum'   t name mp) = 'DEnum   name (ChoicesFromType all mp (Rep t))

type family FieldsFromType (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (mp :: Mappings Symbol fn) (f :: * -> *)
  :: [FieldDef tn fn] where
  FieldsFromType all mp (x :+: y)
    = TypeError ('Text "sum types cannot be converted to record schemas")
  FieldsFromType all mp (D1 meta f)
    = FieldsFromType all mp f  -- go through data info
  FieldsFromType all mp (C1 meta f)
    = FieldsFromType all mp f  -- go through constructor info
  FieldsFromType all mp (x :*: y)
    = ConcatList (FieldsFromType all mp x) (FieldsFromType all mp y)
  FieldsFromType all mp (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just x) u ss ds) (K1 i t))
    = '[ 'FieldDef (MappingRight mp x) (ChooseFieldType all t) ]
  FieldsFromType all mp v
    = TypeError ('Text "unsupported conversion from " ':<>: 'ShowType v ':<>: 'Text " to record schema")

type family ConcatList (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) :: [k] where
  ConcatList '[]       ys = ys
  ConcatList (x ': xs) ys = x ': ConcatList xs ys

type family ChooseFieldType (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (t :: Type)
  :: FieldType tn where
  ChooseFieldType all () = 'TNull
  ChooseFieldType all (Maybe t) = 'TOption (ChooseFieldType all t)
  ChooseFieldType all [t] = 'TList (ChooseFieldType all t)
  ChooseFieldType all (M.Map k v) = 'TMap (ChooseFieldType all k) (ChooseFieldType all v)
  ChooseFieldType all (NS I choices) = 'TUnion (ChooseFieldUnion all choices)
  ChooseFieldType all t = ChooseFieldPrimitiveOrSchematic t (FindTypeName all t)

type family ChooseFieldUnion (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (t :: [Type])
  :: [FieldType tn] where
  ChooseFieldUnion all '[] = '[]
  ChooseFieldUnion all (t ': ts) = ChooseFieldType all t ': ChooseFieldUnion all ts

type family FindTypeName (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (t :: Type)
  :: Maybe tn where
  FindTypeName '[] t = 'Nothing
  FindTypeName ('AsRecord' t tn mp ': rest) t = 'Just tn
  FindTypeName ('AsEnum'   t tn mp ': rest) t = 'Just tn
  FindTypeName (other ': rest) t = FindTypeName rest t

type family ChooseFieldPrimitiveOrSchematic (t :: Type) (ref :: Maybe tn)
  :: FieldType tn where
  ChooseFieldPrimitiveOrSchematic t ('Just name) = 'TSchematic name
  ChooseFieldPrimitiveOrSchematic t 'Nothing     = 'TPrimitive t

type family ChoicesFromType (all :: [FromType tn fn]) (mp :: Mappings Symbol fn) (f :: * -> *)
  :: [ChoiceDef fn] where
  ChoicesFromType all mp (D1 meta f)
    = ChoicesFromType all mp f  -- go through data info
  ChoicesFromType all mp (x :+: y)
    = ConcatList (ChoicesFromType all mp x) (ChoicesFromType all mp y)
  ChoicesFromType all mp (C1 ('MetaCons cname p s) U1)
    = '[ 'ChoiceDef (MappingRight mp cname) ]  -- go through constructor info
  ChoicesFromType all mp (C1 ('MetaCons cname p s) f)
    = TypeError ('Text "constructor " ':<>: 'ShowType cname ':<>: 'Text "has fields and cannot be turned into an enumeration schema")
  ChoicesFromType all mp v
    = TypeError ('Text "unsupported conversion from " ':<>: 'ShowType v ':<>: 'Text " to enumeration schema")