{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Data.Mutable.Parts
-- Copyright   : (c) Justin Le 2020
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : justin@jle.im
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Tools for working with individual components of piecewise-mutable
-- values.
-- If "Data.Mutable.Branches" is for sum types, then "Data.Mutable.Parts"
-- is for sum types.
-- See <https://mutable.jle.im/05-mutable-parts.html> for an introduction
-- to this module.
module Data.Mutable.Parts (
  , withPart
  , freezePart, copyPart
  , movePartInto, movePartOver, movePartWithin
  , clonePart, unsafeFreezePart
  , modifyPart, modifyPart'
  , updatePart, updatePart'
  , modifyPartM, modifyPartM'
  , updatePartM, updatePartM'
  -- * Built-in 'MutPart'
  , compMP
  , idMP
  , mutFst, mutSnd
  -- ** Field
  , FieldMut(..), withField, mutField, Label(..)
  -- ** Position
  , PosMut(..), withPos, mutPos
  -- ** HList
  , TupleMut(..), withTuple
  -- ** Other
  , hkdMutParts, HKDMutParts
  , mutRec
  , coerceRef, withCoerceRef
  , MapRef
  ) where

import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.Mutable.Class
import           Data.Mutable.Instances
import           Data.Vinyl hiding                      (HList)
import           Data.Vinyl.Functor
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Control.Category                       as C
import qualified Data.GenericLens.Internal              as GL
import qualified Data.Generics.Internal.Profunctor.Lens as GLP
import qualified Data.Generics.Product.Fields           as GL
import qualified Data.Generics.Product.Positions        as GL
import qualified Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel                   as V
import qualified Data.Vinyl.XRec                        as X

-- | A @'MutPart' m s a@ is a way to "zoom into" an @a@, as a part of
-- a mutable reference on @s@.  This allows you to only modify a single
-- @a@ part of the @s@, without touching the rest.  It's spiritually
-- similar to a @Lens' s a@.
-- If 'Data.Mutable.Branches.MutBranch' is for sum types, then 'MutPart' is
-- for product types.
-- See <https://mutable.jle.im/05-mutable-parts.html> for an introduction
-- to this type.
-- An example that is commonly found in the ecosystem is something like
-- (flipped) @write :: Int -> 'Data.Vector.MVector' s a -> a -> m ()@ from
-- "Data.Vector.Mutable" --- @write 3 :: 'Data.Vector.MVector' s a -> a ->
-- m ()@, for instance, lets you modify a specific part of the vector
-- without touching the rest.
-- You would /use/ a 'MutPart' using 'freezePart', 'copyPart',
-- 'modifyPart', etc.
-- For non-composite types, there won't really be any meaningful values.
-- However, we have them for many composite types.  For example, for
-- tuples:
-- @
-- 'mutFst' :: 'MutPart' m (a, b) a
-- 'mutSnd' :: MutPart m (a, b) b
-- @
-- @
-- ghci> r <- 'thawRef' (2, 4)
-- ghci> 'copyPart' mutFst r 100
-- ghci> 'freezeRef' r
-- (100, 4)
-- @
-- If you are using 'GRef' as an automatically-defined mutable reference,
-- then the easiest way to create these for your mutable types are with
-- 'fieldMut' and 'posMut'.
-- If you are using the "Higher-kinded data" pattern, then there's an easy
-- way to generate a 'MutPart' for every single field, if you have
-- a product type --- see 'hkdMutParts' for more information.
newtype MutPart m s a = MutPart { getMutPart :: Ref m s -> Ref m a }

-- | Compose two 'MutPart's one after the other.
-- Note this is also available (albeit flipped in arguments) through the
-- 'C.Category' instance.
compMP :: MutPart m a b -> MutPart m b c -> MutPart m a c
compMP (MutPart f) (MutPart g) = MutPart (g . f)
infixr 9 `compMP`

-- | The identity 'MutPart': simply focus into the same type itself.
-- Note this is also available through the 'C.Category' instance.
idMP :: MutPart m a a
idMP = MutPart id

instance C.Category (MutPart m) where
    id = idMP
    (.) = flip compMP

instance X.IsoHKD (MutPart m s) a

-- | 'MutPart' into the first field of a tuple reference.
mutFst :: MutPart m (a, b) a
mutFst = MutPart fst

-- | 'MutPart' into the second field of a tuple reference.
mutSnd :: MutPart m (a, b) b
mutSnd = MutPart snd

-- | Using a 'MutPart', perform a function on a @'Ref' m s@ as if you had
-- a @'Ref' m a@.
    :: MutPart m s a        -- ^ How to zoom into an @a@ from an @s@
    -> Ref m s              -- ^ The larger reference of @s@
    -> (Ref m a -> m r)     -- ^ What do do with the smaller sub-reference of @a@
    -> m r
withPart mp x f = f (getMutPart mp x)

-- | With a 'MutPart', read out a specific part of a 'Ref'.
freezePart :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> m a
freezePart mp = freezeRef . getMutPart mp

-- | With a 'MutPart', overwrite into a specific part of a 'Ref'.
copyPart :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> a -> m ()
copyPart mp = copyRef . getMutPart mp

-- | With a 'MutPart', copy a 'Ref' containing a subvalue into a specific
-- part of a larger 'Ref'.
-- @
-- data MyType = MT { mtInt :: Int, mtDouble :: Double }
--   deriving Generic
-- instance Mutable m MyType where
--     type Ref m MyType = GRef m MyType
-- @
-- @
-- ghci> x <- thawRef $ MyType 3 4.5
-- ghci> y <- thawRef $ 100
-- ghci> movePartInto (fieldMut #mtInt) x y
-- ghci> freezeRef x
-- MyType 100 4.5
-- @
    :: Mutable m a
    => MutPart m s a
    -> Ref m s          -- ^ bigger type (destination)
    -> Ref m a          -- ^ smaller type (source)
    -> m ()
movePartInto mp = moveRef . getMutPart mp

-- | With a 'MutPart', copy a specific part of a larger 'Ref' into a 'Ref'
-- of the smaller subvalue value.
-- @
-- data MyType = MT { mtInt :: Int, mtDouble :: Double }
--   deriving Generic
-- instance Mutable m MyType where
--     type Ref m MyType = GRef m MyType
-- @
-- @
-- ghci> x <- thawRef $ MyType 3 4.5
-- ghci> y <- thawRef $ 100
-- ghci> movePartOver (fieldMut #mtInt) y x
-- ghci> freezeRef y
-- 3
-- @
    :: Mutable m a
    => MutPart m s a
    -> Ref m a          -- ^ smaller type (destination)
    -> Ref m s          -- ^ bigger type (source)
    -> m ()
movePartOver mp r = moveRef r . getMutPart mp

-- | With a 'MutPart', copy a specific part of a large 'Ref' into that
-- same part in another large 'Ref'.
-- @
-- data MyType = MT { mtInt :: Int, mtDouble :: Double }
--   deriving Generic
-- instance Mutable m MyType where
--     type Ref m MyType = GRef m MyType
-- @
-- @
-- ghci> x <- thawRef $ MyType 3   4.5
-- ghci> y <- thawRef $ MyType 100 12.34
-- ghci> movePartWithin (fieldMut #mtInt) x y
-- ghci> freezeRef x
-- MyType 100 4.5
-- @
    :: Mutable m a
    => MutPart m s a
    -> Ref m s              -- ^ destination
    -> Ref m s              -- ^ source
    -> m ()
movePartWithin mp r v = moveRef (getMutPart mp r) (getMutPart mp v)

-- | Clone out a subvalue of a larger 'Ref'.
    :: Mutable m a
    => MutPart m s a
    -> Ref m s
    -> m (Ref m a)
clonePart mp = cloneRef . getMutPart mp

-- | A non-copying version of 'unsafeFreezeRef' that can be more efficient for
-- types where the mutable representation is the same as the immutable
-- one (like 'V.Vector').
-- This is safe as long as you never again modify the mutable
-- reference, since it can potentially directly mutate the frozen value
-- magically.
unsafeFreezePart :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> m a
unsafeFreezePart mp = unsafeFreezeRef . getMutPart mp

-- | With a 'MutPart', modify a specific part of a 'Ref' with a pure
-- function.
modifyPart :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> a) -> m ()
modifyPart mp = modifyRef . getMutPart mp

-- | 'modifyPart', but forces the result before storing it back in the
-- reference.
modifyPart' :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> a) -> m ()
modifyPart' mp = modifyRef' . getMutPart mp

-- | 'updateRef', under a 'MutPart' to only modify a specific part of
-- a 'Ref'.
updatePart :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> (a, b)) -> m b
updatePart mp = updateRef . getMutPart mp

-- | 'updatePart', but forces the result before storing it back in the
-- reference.
updatePart' :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> (a, b)) -> m b
updatePart' mp = updateRef' . getMutPart mp

-- | With a 'MutPart', modify a specific part of a 'Ref' with a monadic
-- function.  Uses 'copyRef' into the reference after the action is
-- completed.
modifyPartM :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> m a) -> m ()
modifyPartM mp = modifyRefM . getMutPart mp

-- | 'modifyPartM', but forces the result before storing it back in the
-- reference.
modifyPartM' :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> m a) -> m ()
modifyPartM' mp = modifyRefM' . getMutPart mp

-- | 'updateRefM', under a 'MutPart' to only modify a specific part of
-- a 'Ref'.  'copyRef' into the reference after the action is completed.
updatePartM :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> m (a, b)) -> m b
updatePartM mp = updateRefM . getMutPart mp

-- | 'updatePartM', but forces the result before storing it back in the
-- reference.
updatePartM' :: Mutable m a => MutPart m s a -> Ref m s -> (a -> m (a, b)) -> m b
updatePartM' mp = updateRefM' . getMutPart mp

-- | A 'MutPart' for a field in a vinyl 'Data.Vinyl.Rec', automatically
-- generated as the first field with a matching type.  This is polymorphic
-- to work over both 'Data.Vinyl.Rec' and 'Data.Vinyl.ARec'.
-- @
-- ghci> r <- 'thawRef' $ [1,2,3] 'V.:&' [True, False] :& 'V.RNil'
-- ghci> modifyPart (mutRec @Bool) r reverse
-- ghci> freezeRef r
-- [1,2,3] :& [False, True] :& RNil
-- @
    :: forall a as f rec m.
     ( Ref m (rec f as) ~ rec (RecRef m f) as
     , RecElem rec a a as as (V.RIndex a as)
     , RecElemFCtx rec (RecRef m f)
    => MutPart m (rec f as) (f a)
mutRec = MutPart $ getRecRef . rget @a @as @(RecRef m f) @rec

-- | A 'MutPart' to get into a 'CoerceRef'.
coerceRef :: (Ref m s ~ CoerceRef m s a) => MutPart m s a
coerceRef = MutPart coerce

-- | Handy wrapper over @'getMutPart' 'coerceRef'@.
    :: CoerceRef m s a
    -> (Ref m a -> m r)
    -> m r
withCoerceRef x f = f (coerce x)

-- | Typeclass used to implement 'hkdMutParts'.  See documentation of
-- 'hkdMutParts' for more information.
class (Mutable m (z Identity), Ref m (z Identity) ~ z (RefFor m)) => HKDMutParts m z i o where
    hkdMutParts_ :: (z (RefFor m) -> i a) -> o a

instance (Mutable m (z Identity), Ref m (z Identity) ~ z (RefFor m)) => HKDMutParts m z (K1 i (RefFor m c)) (K1 i (MutPart m (z Identity) c)) where
    hkdMutParts_ f = K1 $ MutPart $ getRefFor . unK1 . f

instance (Mutable m (z Identity), Ref m (z Identity) ~ z (RefFor m)) => HKDMutParts m z U1 U1 where
    hkdMutParts_ _ = U1

instance (Mutable m (z Identity), Ref m (z Identity) ~ z (RefFor m), TypeError ('Text "Cannot use hkdMutParts for uninhabited types: " ':<>: 'ShowType z)) => HKDMutParts m z V1 V1 where
    hkdMutParts_ _ = undefined

instance HKDMutParts m z i o => HKDMutParts m z (M1 a b i) (M1 a b o) where
    hkdMutParts_ f = M1 $ hkdMutParts_ @m (unM1 . f)

instance (HKDMutParts m z i o, HKDMutParts m z i' o') => HKDMutParts m z (i :*: i') (o :*: o') where
    hkdMutParts_ f = hkdMutParts_ @m ((\(x:*:_)->x) . f) :*: hkdMutParts_ @m ((\(_:*:y)->y) . f)

instance (Mutable m (z Identity), Ref m (z Identity) ~ z (RefFor m), TypeError ('Text "Cannot use hkdMutParts for sum types: " ':<>: 'ShowType z)) => HKDMutParts m z (i :+: i') o where
    hkdMutParts_ _ = undefined

-- | If you are using the "higher-kinded data" pattern, a la
-- <https://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/higher-kinded-data/>, and you
-- have the appropriate instance for 'Ref', then you can use this to
-- generate a 'MutPart' for every field, if you have a type with only one
-- constructor.
-- @
-- data MyTypeF f = MT
--      { mtInt    :: f Int
--      , mtDouble :: f Double
--      }
--   deriving Generic
-- instance Mutable (MyTypeF 'Identity') where
--     type Ref (MyTypeF 'Identity') = MyTypeF ('RefFor' m)
-- mx :: MutPart m (MyTypeF Identity) ('V.Vector' Int)
-- my :: MutPart m (MyTypeF Identity) (Vector Double)
-- MT mx my = hkdMutParts @MyTypeF
-- @
-- @
-- ghci> r <- thawRef (MT 3 4.5)
-- ghci> 'freezePart' mx r
-- 3
-- ghci> 'copyPart' (mtDouble (hkdMutParts @MyTypeF)) r 12.3
-- ghci> 'freezeRef' r
-- MT 3 12.3
-- @
-- Performance-wise, this is about equivalent to 'fieldMut' and 'posMut'
-- for the most part, so the main advantage would be purely syntactical. If
-- performance is an issue, you should benchmark all the different ways
-- just to be sure. As a general rule, it seems like deep nested accesses
-- are faster with composition of 'fieldMut' and 'posMut', but immediate
-- shallow access is often faster with 'hkdMutParts'...but this probably
-- does vary on a case-by-case basis.
    :: forall z m.
     ( Generic (z (RefFor m))
     , Generic (z (MutPart m (z Identity)))
     , HKDMutParts m z (Rep (z (RefFor m))) (Rep (z (MutPart m (z Identity))))
    => z (MutPart m (z Identity))
hkdMutParts = to $ hkdMutParts_ @m @z from

-- | Create a 'MutPart' for a field name.  Should work for any type with
-- one constructor whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.  See 'fieldMut' for
-- usage directions.
-- Mostly leverages the power of "Data.Generics.Product.Fields".
class (Mutable m s, Mutable m a) => FieldMut (fld :: Symbol) m s a | fld s -> a where
    -- | Create a 'MutPart' for a field name.  Should work for any type with
    -- one constructor whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.
    -- Is meant to be used with OverloadedLabels:
    -- @
    -- data MyType = MyType { mtInt :: Int, mtDouble :: Double }
    --   deriving (Generic, Show)
    -- instance Mutable m MyType where
    --     type Ref m MyType = 'GRef' m MyType
    -- @
    -- @
    -- ghci> r <- 'thawRef' (MyType 3 4.5)
    -- ghci> 'freezePart' ('fieldMut' #mtInt) r
    -- 3
    -- ghci> 'copyPart' (fieldMut #mtDouble) 1.23
    -- ghci> 'freezeRef' r
    -- MyType 3 1.23
    -- @
    -- However, you can use it without OverloadedLabels by using 'Label' with
    -- TypeApplications:
    -- @
    -- ghci> 'freezePart' ('fieldMut' ('Label' @"mtInt")) r
    -- 3
    -- @
    -- This and 'posMut' are the main ways to generate a 'MutPart' for
    -- a type whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.  Note that because all of
    -- the lookups are done at compile-time, 'fieldMut' and 'posMut' have
    -- more or less identical performance characteristics.
        :: Label fld        -- ^ field label (usually given using OverloadedLabels, @#blah)
        -> MutPart m s a

      ( Mutable m s
      , Mutable m a
      , Ref m s ~ GRef m s
      , GL.GLens' (HasTotalFieldPSym fld) (GRef_ m (Rep s)) (Ref m a)
      , GL.HasField' fld s a
      => FieldMut fld m s a where
    fieldMut _ = MutPart $ GLP.view (GL.glens @(HasTotalFieldPSym fld)) . unGRef

data HasTotalFieldPSym :: Symbol -> GL.TyFun (Type -> Type) (Maybe Type)
type instance GL.Eval (HasTotalFieldPSym sym) tt = GL.HasTotalFieldP sym tt

-- | A helpful wrapper over @'withPart' ('fieldMut' #blah)@.  Create
-- a 'fieldMut' and directly use it.
    :: FieldMut fld m s a
    => Label fld            -- ^ field label (usually given using OverloadedLabels, @#blah)
    -> Ref m s              -- ^ Larger record reference
    -> (Ref m a -> m b)     -- ^ What to do with the mutable field
    -> m b
withField l = withPart (fieldMut l)

-- | A helpful wrapper around @'getMutPart' ('fieldMut' #blah)@.  Directly
-- use a 'fieldMut' to access a mutable field.
    :: forall fld m s a. FieldMut fld m s a
    => Label fld            -- ^ field label (usually given using OverloadedLabels, @#blah)
    -> Ref m s              -- ^ Larger record reference
    -> Ref m a              -- ^ Internal mutable field
mutField = getMutPart . fieldMut @_ @m

-- | Create a 'MutPart' for a position in a product type.  Should work for any
-- type with one constructor whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.  See
-- 'posMut' for usage directions.
-- Mostly leverages the power of "Data.Generics.Product.Positions".
class (Mutable m s, Mutable m a) => PosMut (i :: Nat) m s a | i s -> a where
    -- | Create a 'MutPart' for a position in a product type.  Should work for any
    -- type with one constructor whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.
    -- Meant to be used with TypeApplications:
    -- @
    -- data MyType = MyType Int Double
    --   deriving (Generic, Show)
    -- instance Mutable m MyType where
    --     type Ref m MyType = 'GRef' m MyType
    -- @
    -- @
    -- ghci> r <- 'thawRef' (MyType 3 4.5)
    -- ghci> 'freezePart' ('posMut' \@1) r
    -- 3
    -- ghci> 'copyPart' (posMut \@2) 1.23
    -- ghci> 'freezeRef' r
    -- MyType 3 1.23
    -- @
    -- This and 'fieldMut' are the main ways to generate a 'MutPart' for
    -- a type whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.  Note that because all of
    -- the lookups are done at compile-time, 'posMut' and 'fieldMut' have
    -- more or less identical performance characteristics.
    posMut :: MutPart m s a

      ( Mutable m s
      , Mutable m a
      , Ref m s ~ GRef m s
      , gref ~ Fst (Traverse (GRef_ m (GL.CRep s)) 1)
      , Coercible (GRef_ m (Rep s) ()) (gref ())
      , GL.GLens' (HasTotalPositionPSym i) gref (Ref m a)
      , GL.HasPosition' i s a
      => PosMut i m s a where
    posMut = MutPart $ GLP.view (GL.glens @(HasTotalPositionPSym i) @gref) . coerce @_ @(gref ()) . unGRef

data HasTotalPositionPSym :: Nat -> GL.TyFun (Type -> Type) (Maybe Type)
type instance GL.Eval (HasTotalPositionPSym t) tt = GL.HasTotalPositionP t tt

-- | A helpful wrapper over @'withPart' ('posMut' \@n)@.  Create
-- a 'posMut' and directly use it.
    :: forall i m s a r. PosMut i m s a
    => Ref m s              -- ^ Larger record reference
    -> (Ref m a -> m r)     -- ^ What to do with the mutable field
    -> m r
withPos = withPart (posMut @i)

-- | A helpful wrapper around @'getMutPart' ('posMut' \@n)@.  Directly
-- use a 'posMut' to access a mutable field.
    :: forall i m s a. PosMut i m s a
    => Ref m s              -- ^ Larger record reference
    -> Ref m a              -- ^ Internal mutable field
mutPos = getMutPart (posMut @i @m)

-- | Create a 'MutPart' splitting out a product type into a tuple of refs
-- for every field in that product type. Should work for any type with one
-- constructor whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.  See 'tupleMut' for usage
-- directions.
-- Mostly leverages the power of "Data.Generics.Product.HList".
class (Mutable m s, Mutable m a) => TupleMut m s a | s -> a where
    -- | Create a 'MutPart' splitting out a product type into a tuple of refs
    -- for every field in that product type. Should work for any type with one
    -- constructor whose mutable reference is 'GRef'.
    -- Probably most easily used using 'withTuple':
    -- @
    -- data MyType = MyType Int Double
    --   deriving (Generic, Show)
    -- instance Mutable m MyType where
    --     type Ref m MyType = 'GRef' m MyType
    -- @
    -- Now there is an instance of @'TupleMut' m MyType (Int, Double)@.
    -- @
    -- ghci> r <- 'thawRef' (MyType 3 4.5)
    -- ghci> 'withTuple' r $ \(rI, rD) -> do
    --    ..     'modifyRef' rI negate
    --    ..     modifyRef rD (* 2)
    -- ghci> 'freezeRef' r
    -- MyType (-3) 9
    -- @
    -- As can be seen, within the lambda, we can get access to every
    -- mutable reference inside a @MyType@ reference.
    -- Performance-wise, this appears to be faster than 'fieldMut' and
    -- 'posMut' when using a single reference, but slower if using all
    -- references.
    tupleMut :: MutPart m s a

      ( Mutable m s
      , Mutable m a
      , Ref m s ~ GRef m s
      , GL.GIsList (GRef_ m (Rep s)) (GRef_ m (Rep s)) (MapRef m as) (MapRef m as)
      , GL.GIsList (Rep s) (Rep s) as as
      , GL.ListTuple a as
      , GL.ListTuple b (MapRef m as)
      , Ref m a ~ b
      => TupleMut m s a where
    tupleMut = MutPart $ GL.listToTuple
                       . GLP.view GL.glist
                       . unGRef

-- | A helpful wrapper over @'withPart' 'tupleMut'@.  Directly operate on
-- the items in the data type, getting the references as a tuple.  See
-- 'tupleMut' for more details on when this should work.
-- @
-- data MyType = MyType Int Double
--   deriving (Generic, Show)
-- instance Mutable m MyType where
--     type Ref m MyType = 'GRef' m MyType
-- @
-- @
-- ghci> r <- 'thawRef' (MyType 3 4.5)
-- ghci> 'withTuple' r $ \(rI, rD) -> do
--    ..     'modifyRef' rI negate
--    ..     modifyRef rD (* 2)
-- ghci> 'freezeRef' r
-- MyType (-3) 9
-- @
    :: TupleMut m s a
    => Ref m s              -- ^ Larger record reference
    -> (Ref m a -> m r)     -- ^ What to do with each mutable field.  The
                            -- @'Ref' m a@ will be a tuple of every field's ref.
    -> m r
withTuple = withPart tupleMut

-- stuff from generic-lens that wasn't exported

type G = Type -> Type

type family Traverse (a :: G) (n :: Nat) :: (G, Nat) where
  Traverse (M1 mt m s) n
    = Traverse1 (M1 mt m) (Traverse s n)
  Traverse (l :+: r) n
    = '(Fst (Traverse l n) :+: Fst (Traverse r n), n)
  Traverse (l :*: r) n
    = TraverseProd (:*:) (Traverse l n) r
  Traverse (K1 _ p) n
    = '(K1 (GL.Pos n) p, n + 1)
  Traverse U1 n
    = '(U1, n)

type family Traverse1 (w :: G -> G) (z :: (G, Nat)) :: (G, Nat) where
  Traverse1 w '(i, n) = '(w i, n)

-- | For products, we first traverse the left-hand side, followed by the second
-- using the counter returned by the left traversal.
type family TraverseProd (c :: G -> G -> G) (a :: (G, Nat)) (r :: G) :: (G, Nat) where
  TraverseProd w '(i, n) r = Traverse1 (w i) (Traverse r n)

type family Fst (p :: (a, b)) :: a where
  Fst '(a, b) = a