mvc-updates-1.1.0: Concurrent and combinable updates

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




Use this library to build mvc applications that consume many individually Updatable values, such as:

  • spread sheets,
  • control panels, and:
  • data visualizations.
  • build systems

This library builds on top of the mvc library, so you may want to read the documentation in the MVC module if you haven't already.

Here is an example program to illustrate how this library works:

 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
 import Control.Foldl (last, length)
 import MVC.Updates (Updatable, on, listen, runUpdatable)
 import MVC.Prelude (stdinLines, tick)
 import Prelude hiding (last, length)

 data Example = Example (Maybe String) Int deriving (Show)

 debug :: Show a => String -> Updatable a -> Updatable a
 debug label = listen (\x -> putStrLn (label ++ ": " ++ show x))

 lastLine :: Updatable (Maybe String)
 lastLine = debug "lastLine" (on last stdinLines)

 seconds  :: Updatable Int
 seconds  = debug "seconds " (on length (tick 1.0))

 example  :: Updatable Example
 example  = debug "example " (Example <$> lastLine <*> seconds)

 main :: IO ()
 main = runUpdatable example

First we build two simple Updatable values:

  • lastLine updates every time the user enters a new line at standard input
  • seconds increments every second

Additionally, the debug function attaches a listener to each value that prints updates to the console. Every listener triggers once at the beginning of the program and once for each update to the attached value.

Then we assemble these two Updatable values into a derived Updatable value using Applicative operations. This derived value updates every time one of the two original values updates:

 $ ./example
 lastLine: Nothing
 seconds : 0
 example : Example Nothing 0
 lastLine: Just "Test"
 example : Example (Just "Test") 0
 seconds : 1
 example : Example (Just "Test") 1
 seconds : 2
 example : Example (Just "Test") 2
 lastLine: Just "ABC"
 example : Example (Just "ABC") 2
 seconds : 3
 example : Example (Just "ABC") 3

At the beginning of the program we see one debug output for each value's initialization. Afterwards, we see updates every time the user enters a line of input or one second passes.

Updates are efficient. When the user enters a new line, the Example value reuses the cached value for seconds. Similarly, when one second passes, the Example reuses the cached value for the last line.

The Example section at the bottom of this module contains an extended example for how to build a GTK-based spreadsheet using this library.



You can combine smaller updates into larger updates using Applicative operations:

 _As :: Updatable A
 _Bs :: Updatable B

 _ABs :: Updatable (A, B)
 _ABs = liftA2 (,) _As _Bs

_ABs updates every time either _As updates or _Bs updates, caching and reusing values that do not update. For example, if _As emits a new A, then _ABs reuses the old value for B. Vice versa, if _Bs emits a new B then _ABs reuses the old value for A.

This caching behavior transitively works for any number of updates that you combine using Applicative operations. Also, the internal code is efficient and does not introduce any new threads no matter how many updates you combine. (Note: the updates function does introduce one additional thread)

Tip: To efficiently merge a large number of updates, store them in a Seq and use sequenceA to merge them:

 sequenceA :: Seq (Updatable a) -> Updatable (Seq a)

data Updatable a Source

A concurrent, updatable value


forall e . On (FoldM IO e a) (Managed (Controller e)) 

on :: Fold e a -> Managed (Controller e) -> Updatable aSource

Create an Updatable value using a pure Fold

listen :: (a -> IO ()) -> Updatable a -> Updatable aSource

Attach a listener that runs every time an Updatable value updates

 -- Treating `a -> IO ()` as the `View a` `Monoid`:

 listen mempty = id

 listen (f <> g) = listen g . listen f

transform :: (a -> IO b) -> Updatable a -> Updatable bSource

Transform an Updatable value using an impure function

 transform return = id

 transform (f >=> g) = transform g . transform f

runUpdatable :: Updatable a -> IO ()Source

Run an Updatable value, discarding the result

Use this if you only care about running the associated listeners

updates :: Buffer a -> Updatable a -> Managed (Controller a)Source

Convert an Updatable value to a Managed Controller that emits updates

You must specify how to Buffer the updates


The following example program shows how to build a spreadsheet with input and output cells using the gtk, mvc and mvc-updates libraries.

You can find this and other examples on:

The first half of the program contains all the gtk-specific logic. The key function is spreadsheet, which returns high-level commands to build multiple input and output cells.

 -- This must be compiled with the `-threaded` flag

 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>), (<*>))
 import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
 import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, wait)
 import Control.Foldl (lastDef)
 import Graphics.UI.Gtk as GTK
 import Lens.Family.TH (makeLenses)
 import MVC
 import MVC.Updates as MVC
 makeInCell :: VBox -> Updatable Double
 makeInCell vBox = MVC.on (lastDef 0) $ managed $ \k -> do
     (output, input) <- spawn Unbounded
     spinButton <- spinButtonNewWithRange 0 100 1
     onValueSpinned spinButton $ do
         n <- get spinButton spinButtonValue
         _ <- atomically (send output n)
         return ()
     boxPackStartDefaults vBox spinButton
     widgetShowAll vBox
     k (asInput input)
 makeOutCell :: VBox -> Managed (View Double)
 makeOutCell vBox = liftIO $ do
     entry <- entryNew
     boxPackStartDefaults vBox entry
     return $ asSink $ \n -> postGUISync $ entrySetText entry (show n)
 spreadsheet :: Managed (Updatable Double, Managed (View Double), IO ())
 spreadsheet = managed $ \k -> do
     window <- windowNew
     hBox   <- hBoxNew False 0
     vBoxL  <- vBoxNew False 0
     vBoxR  <- vBoxNew False 0
     set window [windowTitle := "Spreadsheet", containerChild := hBox]
     boxPackStartDefaults hBox vBoxL
     boxPackStartDefaults hBox vBoxR
     mvar <- newEmptyMVar
     a    <- async $ k (makeInCell vBoxL, makeOutCell vBoxR, putMVar mvar ())
     takeMVar mvar
     GTK.on window deleteEvent $ do
         liftIO mainQuit
         return False
     widgetShowAll window
     wait a

Input cells are Updatable values, and output cells are Managed Views. Since Updatable values are Applicatives, we can combine input cells into a single Updatable value (represented by the In type) that updates whenever any individual cell updates:

 data Out = O { _o1 :: Double, _o2 :: Double, _o3 :: Double, _o4 :: Double }
 data In  = I { _i1 :: Double, _i2 :: Double, _i3 :: Double, _i4 :: Double }
 makeLenses ''Out
 o1, o2, o3, o4 :: Functor f => (Double -> f Double) -> Out -> f Out
 model :: Model () In Out
 model = asPipe $ loop $ \(I i1 i2 i3 i4) -> do
     return $ O (i1 + i2) (i2 * i3) (i3 - i4) (max i4 i1)
 main :: IO ()
 main = runMVC () model $ do
     (inCell, outCell, go) <- spreadsheet
     c <- updates Unbounded $ I <$> inCell <*> inCell <*> inCell <*> inCell
     v <- fmap (handles o1) outCell
       <> fmap (handles o2) outCell
       <> fmap (handles o3) outCell
       <> fmap (handles o4) outCell
     liftIO go
     return (v, c)

 -- This must be compiled with the `-threaded` flag

The model contains the pure fragment of our program that relates input cells to output cells. In this example, each output cell is a function of two input cells.

If you compile and run the above program with the -threaded flag, a small spread sheet window will open with input cells on the left-hand side and output cells on the right-hand side. Modifying any input cell will automatically update all output cells.


Control.Foldl re-exports the Fold and FoldM types