mxnet- MXNet interface in Haskell.

Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Tao He
Safe HaskellNone



Functions about NDArray that generated by template haskell.



zeros_like :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

Register immutable version of ndarray operators.

trunc :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

transpose :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axes" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

topk :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "k" Int) ((:) ((:=) "ret_typ" String) ((:) ((:=) "is_ascend" Bool) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

tile :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> String -> IO r Source #

tanh :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

tan :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

swapaxes :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "dim1" Int) ((:) ((:=) "dim2" Int) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sum_axis :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sum :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

stack :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => [NDArrayHandle] -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sqrt :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

split :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "squeeze_axis" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sort :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "is_ascend" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

softmax :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

slice_axis :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO r Source #

slice :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> IO r Source #

sinh :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

sin :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

sign :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

sgd_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sgd_mom_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_uniform :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_poisson :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_normal :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_negative_binomial :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_multinomial :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "get_prob" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_generalized_negative_binomial :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_gamma :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sample_exponential :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

rsqrt :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

round :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

rmspropalex_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "gamma1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "gamma2" Float) ((:) ((:=) "epsilon" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_weights" Float) '[])))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

rmsprop_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "gamma1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "epsilon" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_weights" Float) '[]))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

rint :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

reshape :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "reverse" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "target_shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "keep_highest" Bool) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

repeat :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

relu :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

rcbrt :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

prod :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

pick :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

pad :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "constant_value" Double) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

one_hot :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "on_value" Double) ((:) ((:=) "off_value" Double) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

norm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

nansum :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

nanprod :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

mp_sgd_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

mp_sgd_mom_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

min_axis :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

min :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

mean :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

max_axis :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

max :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

log_softmax :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

log2 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

log1p :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

log10 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

log :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

linalg_trsm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "rightside" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

linalg_trmm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "rightside" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

linalg_syrk :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

linalg_gemm2 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

linalg_gemm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) ((:) ((:=) "beta" Double) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

gamma :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

ftrl_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "lamda1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "beta" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[])))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

floor :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

flip :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> String -> IO r Source #

fix :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

expm1 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

exp :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

dot :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

cosh :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

cos :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

concat :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "dim" Int) '[])) => [NDArrayHandle] -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

clip :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> Float -> Float -> IO r Source #

ceil :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

cbrt :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

broadcast_to :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

broadcast_axis :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "size" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

broadcast_axes :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "size" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

batch_dot :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

argsort :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "is_ascend" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

argmin :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

argmax :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

add_n :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

adam_update :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "beta1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "beta2" Float) ((:) ((:=) "epsilon" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[]))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

abs :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

_square_sum :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sparse_sum :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sparse_dot :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_set_value :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => Float -> IO r Source #

_sample_uniform :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_poisson :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_normal :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_negative_binomial :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_multinomial :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "get_prob" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_generalized_negative_binomial :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_gamma :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_sample_exponential :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_linalg_trsm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "rightside" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_linalg_trmm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "rightside" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_linalg_syrk :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_linalg_gemm2 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_linalg_gemm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) ((:) ((:=) "beta" Double) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_imdecode :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO r Source #

_cvimresize :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "interp" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_cvimread :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "flag" Int) ((:) ((:=) "to_rgb" Bool) '[]))) => String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_cvimdecode :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "flag" Int) ((:) ((:=) "to_rgb" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_cvcopyMakeBorder :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "type" Int) ((:) ((:=) "value" Double) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Float] -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_crop_assign_scalar :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "scalar" Float) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_copy :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> IO r Source #

_contrib_quantize :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "out_type" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_ifft :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "compute_size" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_fft :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "compute_size" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_ctc_loss :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "use_data_lengths" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "use_label_lengths" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "blank_label" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_count_sketch :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "processing_batch_size" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_Proposal :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "rpn_pre_nms_top_n" Int) ((:) ((:=) "rpn_post_nms_top_n" Int) ((:) ((:=) "threshold" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rpn_min_size" Int) ((:) ((:=) "feature_stride" Int) ((:) ((:=) "output_score" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "iou_loss" Bool) '[])))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> [Float] -> [Float] -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_PSROIPooling :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "group_size" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> Int -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_MultiProposal :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "rpn_pre_nms_top_n" Int) ((:) ((:=) "rpn_post_nms_top_n" Int) ((:) ((:=) "threshold" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rpn_min_size" Int) ((:) ((:=) "feature_stride" Int) ((:) ((:=) "output_score" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "iou_loss" Bool) '[])))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> [Float] -> [Float] -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_MultiBoxTarget :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "overlap_threshold" Float) ((:) ((:=) "ignore_label" Float) ((:) ((:=) "negative_mining_ratio" Float) ((:) ((:=) "negative_mining_thresh" Float) ((:) ((:=) "minimum_negative_samples" Int) '[])))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> [Float] -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_MultiBoxPrior :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "clip" Bool) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float] -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_MultiBoxDetection :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "clip" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "threshold" Float) ((:) ((:=) "background_id" Int) ((:) ((:=) "nms_threshold" Float) ((:) ((:=) "force_suppress" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "nms_topk" Int) '[]))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> [Float] -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_DeformablePSROIPooling :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "part_size" Int) ((:) ((:=) "sample_per_part" Int) ((:) ((:=) "trans_std" Float) ((:) ((:=) "no_trans" Bool) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> Int -> Int -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_DeformableConvolution :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "stride" String) ((:) ((:=) "dilate" String) ((:) ((:=) "pad" String) ((:) ((:=) "num_group" Int) ((:) ((:=) "num_deformable_group" Int) ((:) ((:=) "workspace" Int) ((:) ((:=) "no_bias" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "layout" String) '[]))))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> String -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

_contrib_CTCLoss :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "use_data_lengths" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "use_label_lengths" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "blank_label" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

upsampling :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "num_filter" Int) ((:) ((:=) "multi_input_mode" String) ((:) ((:=) "workspace" Int) '[])))) => [NDArrayHandle] -> Int -> String -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

swapaxis :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "dim1" Int) ((:) ((:=) "dim2" Int) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

spatialtransformer :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "target_shape" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

softmaxoutput :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "grad_scale" Float) ((:) ((:=) "ignore_label" Float) ((:) ((:=) "multi_output" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "use_ignore" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "preserve_shape" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "normalization" String) ((:) ((:=) "out_grad" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "smooth_alpha" Float) '[]))))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

softmaxactivation :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "mode" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

slicechannel :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "squeeze_axis" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sequencereverse :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "use_sequence_length" Bool) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sequencemask :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "use_sequence_length" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "value" Float) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

sequencelast :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "use_sequence_length" Bool) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

svmoutput :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "margin" Float) ((:) ((:=) "regularization_coefficient" Float) ((:) ((:=) "use_linear" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

rnn :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "bidirectional" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "p" Float) ((:) ((:=) "state_outputs" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Int -> Int -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

pooling_v1 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "global_pool" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "pooling_convention" String) ((:) ((:=) "stride" String) ((:) ((:=) "pad" String) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

pooling :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "global_pool" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_off" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "pooling_convention" String) ((:) ((:=) "stride" String) ((:) ((:=) "pad" String) '[])))))) => NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

makeloss :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "grad_scale" Float) ((:) ((:=) "valid_thresh" Float) ((:) ((:=) "normalization" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

maeregressionoutput :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "grad_scale" Float) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

logisticregressionoutput :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "grad_scale" Float) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

linearregressionoutput :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "grad_scale" Float) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

leakyrelu :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "act_type" String) ((:) ((:=) "slope" Float) ((:) ((:=) "lower_bound" Float) ((:) ((:=) "upper_bound" Float) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

lrn :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Float) ((:) ((:=) "beta" Float) ((:) ((:=) "knorm" Float) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

l2normalization :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "eps" Float) ((:) ((:=) "mode" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

instancenorm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "eps" Float) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

identityattachklsparsereg :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "sparseness_target" Float) ((:) ((:=) "penalty" Float) ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

gridgenerator :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "target_shape" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> String -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

fullyconnected :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "no_bias" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "flatten" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

embedding :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Int -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

dropout :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "p" Float) ((:) ((:=) "mode" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

deconvolution :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "stride" String) ((:) ((:=) "dilate" String) ((:) ((:=) "pad" String) ((:) ((:=) "adj" String) ((:) ((:=) "target_shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "num_group" Int) ((:) ((:=) "workspace" Int) ((:) ((:=) "no_bias" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_tune" String) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_off" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "layout" String) '[])))))))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> String -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

custom :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => [NDArrayHandle] -> String -> IO r Source #

crop :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "offset" String) ((:) ((:=) "h_w" String) ((:) ((:=) "center_crop" Bool) '[])))) => [NDArrayHandle] -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

correlation :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "kernel_size" Int) ((:) ((:=) "max_displacement" Int) ((:) ((:=) "stride1" Int) ((:) ((:=) "stride2" Int) ((:) ((:=) "pad_size" Int) ((:) ((:=) "is_multiply" Bool) '[]))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

convolution_v1 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "stride" String) ((:) ((:=) "dilate" String) ((:) ((:=) "pad" String) ((:) ((:=) "num_group" Int) ((:) ((:=) "workspace" Int) ((:) ((:=) "no_bias" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_tune" String) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_off" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "layout" String) '[])))))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> String -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

convolution :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "stride" String) ((:) ((:=) "dilate" String) ((:) ((:=) "pad" String) ((:) ((:=) "num_group" Int) ((:) ((:=) "workspace" Int) ((:) ((:=) "no_bias" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_tune" String) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_off" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "layout" String) '[])))))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> String -> Int -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

cast :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> String -> IO r Source #

batchnorm_v1 :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "eps" Float) ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) ((:) ((:=) "fix_gamma" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "use_global_stats" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "output_mean_var" Bool) '[])))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

batchnorm :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "eps" Double) ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) ((:) ((:=) "fix_gamma" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "use_global_stats" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "output_mean_var" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "cudnn_off" Bool) '[])))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> IO r Source #

zeros_like' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => NDArrayHandle -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

Register mutable version of ndarray operators.

transpose' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axes" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

topk' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "k" Int) ((:) ((:=) "ret_typ" String) ((:) ((:=) "is_ascend" Bool) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

swapaxes' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "dim1" Int) ((:) ((:=) "dim2" Int) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sum_axis' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sum' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

stack' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => [NDArrayHandle] -> Int -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

split' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "squeeze_axis" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sort' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "is_ascend" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

softmax' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sgd_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sgd_mom_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_uniform' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_poisson' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_normal' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_negative_binomial' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_multinomial' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "get_prob" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_generalized_negative_binomial' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_gamma' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

sample_exponential' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

rmspropalex_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "gamma1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "gamma2" Float) ((:) ((:=) "epsilon" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_weights" Float) '[])))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

rmsprop_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "gamma1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "epsilon" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_weights" Float) '[]))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

reshape' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "reverse" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "target_shape" String) ((:) ((:=) "keep_highest" Bool) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

repeat' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

prod' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

pick' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

pad' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "constant_value" Double) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> String -> String -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

one_hot' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "on_value" Double) ((:) ((:=) "off_value" Double) ((:) ((:=) "dtype" String) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> Int -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

nansum' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

nanprod' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

mp_sgd_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

mp_sgd_mom_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "momentum" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

min_axis' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

min' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

mean' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

max_axis' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

max' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

log_softmax' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

linalg_trsm' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "rightside" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

linalg_trmm' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "rightside" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

linalg_syrk' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

linalg_gemm2' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

linalg_gemm' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "alpha" Double) ((:) ((:=) "beta" Double) '[]))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

ftrl_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "lamda1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "beta" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[])))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

dot' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

concat' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "dim" Int) '[])) => [NDArrayHandle] -> Int -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

broadcast_to' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "shape" String) '[])) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

broadcast_axis' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "size" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

broadcast_axes' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "size" String) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

batch_dot' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

argsort' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "is_ascend" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

argmin' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

argmax' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" Int) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

adam_update' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "beta1" Float) ((:) ((:=) "beta2" Float) ((:) ((:=) "epsilon" Float) ((:) ((:=) "wd" Float) ((:) ((:=) "rescale_grad" Float) ((:) ((:=) "clip_gradient" Float) '[]))))))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> Float -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

_square_sum' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

_sparse_sum' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "axis" String) ((:) ((:=) "keepdims" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "exclude" Bool) '[])))) => NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #

_sparse_dot' :: forall r. NDArrayOpResult r => forall (kvs :: [KV Type]). (ShowKV kvs, MatchKVList kvs ((:) ((:=) "transpose_a" Bool) ((:) ((:=) "transpose_b" Bool) '[]))) => NDArrayHandle -> NDArrayHandle -> HMap kvs -> [NDArrayHandle] -> IO r Source #