{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Network.N2O.Web.WebSockets
  ( wsApp
  , mkPending
  ) where

import Control.Exception (catch, finally)
import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, mapM_)
import Data.BERT
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC8
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MW
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding
import Network.N2O.Core
import Network.N2O.Protocols.Types as Proto
import Network.N2O.Types
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Network.WebSockets.Connection as WSConn
import qualified Network.WebSockets.Stream as WSStream

wsApp :: Context N2OProto a -> WS.ServerApp
wsApp cx pending = do
  let path = WS.requestPath $ WS.pendingRequest pending
      cx1 = cx {cxReq = mkReq {reqPath = path}}
      handlers = cxMiddleware cx1
      applyHandlers hs ctx =
        case hs of
          [] -> ctx
          (h:hs') -> applyHandlers hs' (h ctx)
      cx2 = applyHandlers handlers cx1
  conn <- WS.acceptRequest pending
  ref <- newIORef cx2
  WS.forkPingThread conn 30
  listen conn ref

-- | Make pending WS request from N2O request

mkPending :: WS.ConnectionOptions -> Socket -> Req -> IO WS.PendingConnection
mkPending opts sock req = do
  stream <- WSStream.makeSocketStream sock
  let requestHead =
          { WS.requestPath = reqPath req
          , WS.requestSecure = False
          , WS.requestHeaders = fmap (\(k, v) -> (mk k, v)) (reqHead req)
      { WSConn.pendingOptions = opts
      , WSConn.pendingRequest = requestHead
      , WSConn.pendingOnAccept = \_ -> return ()
      , WSConn.pendingStream = stream

listen :: WS.Connection -> State N2OProto a -> IO ()
listen conn ref =
  do pid <- receiveN2O conn ref
     cx@Context {cxProtos = protos} <- readIORef ref
     forever $ do
       message <- WS.receiveDataMessage conn
       case message of
         WS.Text "PING" _ -> WS.sendTextData conn ("PONG" :: T.Text)
         WS.Binary bin ->
           case B.decodeOrFail bin of
             Right (_, _, term) ->
               case fromBert term of
                 Just msg -> do
                   reply <- runN2O (protoRun msg protos) ref
                   process conn reply
                 _ -> return ()
             _ -> return ()
         _ -> error "Unknown message"
     `finally` do
    cx@Context {cxProtos = protos} <- readIORef ref
    runN2O (protoRun (N2ONitro Done) protos) ref
    return ()

process conn reply =
  case reply of
    Reply a -> WS.sendBinaryData conn (B.encode $ toBert a)
    _ -> error "Unknown response type"

receiveN2O conn ref = do
  message <- WS.receiveDataMessage conn
  cx@Context {cxProtos = protos} <- readIORef ref
  case message of
    WS.Binary _ -> error "Protocol violation: expected text message"
    WS.Text "" _ -> error "Protocol violation: got empty text"
    WS.Text bs _ ->
      case LC8.stripPrefix "N2O," bs of
        Just pid -> do
          reply <- runN2O (protoRun (N2ONitro $ Proto.Init pid) protos) ref
          process conn reply
          return pid
        _ -> error "Protocol violation"

-- | Convert Binary Erlang Terms (BERT) to the 'N2OProto' specification

fromBert :: Term -> Maybe (N2OProto a)
fromBert (TupleTerm [AtomTerm "init", BytelistTerm pid]) =
  Just $ N2ONitro (Proto.Init pid)
fromBert (TupleTerm [AtomTerm "pickle", BinaryTerm source, BinaryTerm pickled, ListTerm linked]) =
  Just $ N2ONitro (Pickle source pickled (convert linked))
    convert [] = M.empty
    convert (TupleTerm [AtomTerm k, BytelistTerm v]:vs) =
      M.insert (C8.pack k) v (convert vs)
fromBert _ = Nothing

toBert :: N2OProto a -> Term
toBert (Io eval dat) =
  TupleTerm [AtomTerm "io", BytelistTerm eval, BytelistTerm dat]