{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module: NetSpider.RPL.Combined
-- Description: Snapshot graph combining DIO and DAO graphs
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- This module defines functions and data models that combine DIO
-- (defined in "NetSpider.RPL.DIO") and DAO (defined in
-- "NetSpider.RPL.DAO") graphs.
module NetSpider.RPL.Combined
  ( -- * Functions
    -- * Types
  ) where

import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, second)
import Data.List (sortOn, reverse)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), First(..))
import GHC.Exts (groupWith)
import qualified NetSpider.GraphML.Writer as GraphML
import NetSpider.Snapshot
  ( SnapshotNode, SnapshotLink, SnapshotGraph,
    nodeId, nodeAttributes, nodeTimestamp

import NetSpider.RPL.FindingID (FindingID(..), FindingType(..), IPv6ID, ipv6Only)
import NetSpider.RPL.DIO (DIONode, MergedDIOLink, SnapshotGraphDIO)
import NetSpider.RPL.DAO (DAONode, DAOLink, SnapshotGraphDAO)

-- | Node attributes combining 'DIONode' and 'DAONode'.
data CombinedNode =
  { attrsDIO :: Maybe DIONode,
    attrsDAO :: Maybe DAONode
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

-- | Based on instance of 'First'.
instance Semigroup CombinedNode where
  a <> b = CombinedNode dio dao
      dio = getFirst $ (First $ attrsDIO a) <> (First $ attrsDIO b)
      dao = getFirst $ (First $ attrsDAO a) <> (First $ attrsDAO b)

-- | Based on instance of 'First'.
instance Monoid CombinedNode where
  mappend a b = a <> b
  mempty = CombinedNode Nothing Nothing

instance GraphML.ToAttributes CombinedNode where
  toAttributes cn = (GraphML.toAttributes $ attrsDIO cn)
                    ++ (GraphML.toAttributes $ attrsDAO cn)

-- | Link attribute combining 'MergedDIOLink' and 'DAOLink'.
data CombinedLink = CombinedDIOLink MergedDIOLink
                  | CombinedDAOLink DAOLink
                  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

instance GraphML.ToAttributes CombinedLink where
  toAttributes (CombinedDIOLink ll) =
    ("link_type", GraphML.AttrString "dio") : GraphML.toAttributes ll
  toAttributes (CombinedDAOLink ll) =
    ("link_type", GraphML.AttrString "dao") : GraphML.toAttributes ll

combinedLinkType :: CombinedLink -> FindingType
combinedLinkType (CombinedDIOLink _) = FindingDIO
combinedLinkType (CombinedDAOLink _) = FindingDAO

-- | Combine DIO and DAO 'SnapshotNode's. Attributes from 'DIONode'
-- and 'DAONode' for the same 'IPv6ID' are combined into one
-- 'CombinedNode'. Timestamp of a combined 'SnapshotNode' is the
-- latest timestamp of input nodes for that 'IPv6ID'.
combineNodes :: [SnapshotNode FindingID DIONode]
             -> [SnapshotNode FindingID DAONode]
             -> [SnapshotNode IPv6ID CombinedNode]
combineNodes dio_ns dao_ns = concatNodes $ map fromDIO dio_ns ++ map fromDAO dao_ns
    fromDIO = bimap ipv6Only (\ln -> CombinedNode (Just ln) Nothing)
    fromDAO = bimap ipv6Only (\sn -> CombinedNode Nothing (Just sn))
    concatNodes nodes = map (merge . sortByTimestamp) $ groupWith nodeId nodes
        sortByTimestamp = reverse . sortOn nodeTimestamp
        merge [] = error "Empty group should not happen."
        merge group_nodes@(head_node : _) =
          case mmerged_attr of
            Nothing ->
              -- No node has NodeAttribute. There is no need to merge.
            Just merged_attr ->
              case filter hasNodeAttr group_nodes of
                [] -> error "At least one node must have NodeAttributes"
                (representative_node : _) -> second (const merged_attr) representative_node
            mmerged_attr = mconcat $ map nodeAttributes group_nodes
            hasNodeAttr n = isJust $ nodeAttributes n

-- | Convert DIO and DAO links into combined links. Despite its name,
-- this function does not combine input links. It just make one
-- combined link from each of the input links.
combineLinks :: [SnapshotLink FindingID MergedDIOLink]
             -> [SnapshotLink FindingID DAOLink]
             -> [SnapshotLink IPv6ID CombinedLink]
combineLinks dio_ls dao_ls = map fromDIO dio_ls ++ map fromDAO dao_ls
    fromDIO = bimap ipv6Only (\ll -> CombinedDIOLink ll)
    fromDAO = bimap ipv6Only (\sl -> CombinedDAOLink sl)

-- | 'SnapshotGraph' combining DIO and DAO networks.
type SnapshotGraphCombined = SnapshotGraph IPv6ID CombinedNode CombinedLink

-- | Combine DIO and DAO graphs into the combined graph, using
-- 'combineNodes' and 'combineLinks'.
combineGraphs :: SnapshotGraphDIO
              -> SnapshotGraphDAO
              -> SnapshotGraphCombined
combineGraphs (dio_ns, dio_ls) (dao_ns, dao_ls) =
  (combineNodes dio_ns dao_ns, combineLinks dio_ls dao_ls)