{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- |
-- Module: NetSpider.RPL.Combined
-- Description: Snapshot graph combining DIO and DAO graphs
-- Maintainer: Toshio Ito <debug.ito@gmail.com>
-- This module defines functions and data models that combine DIO
-- (defined in "NetSpider.RPL.DIO") and DAO (defined in
-- "NetSpider.RPL.DAO") graphs.
module NetSpider.RPL.Combined
  ( -- * Functions
    -- * Types
  ) where

import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, second)
import Data.List (sortOn, reverse)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), First(..))
import GHC.Exts (groupWith)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified NetSpider.GraphML.Writer as GraphML
import NetSpider.Snapshot
  ( SnapshotNode, SnapshotLink, SnapshotGraph,
    nodeId, nodeAttributes, nodeTimestamp

import NetSpider.RPL.FindingID (FindingID(..), FindingType(..), IPv6ID, ipv6Only)
import NetSpider.RPL.DIO (DIONode, MergedDIOLink, SnapshotGraphDIO)
import NetSpider.RPL.DAO (DAONode, DAOLink, SnapshotGraphDAO)
import NetSpider.RPL.JSONUtil (optCombinedNode, optCombinedLink)

-- | Node attributes combining 'DIONode' and 'DAONode'.
data CombinedNode =
  { attrsDIO :: Maybe DIONode,
    attrsDAO :: Maybe DAONode
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic)

-- | Based on instance of 'First'.
instance Semigroup CombinedNode where
  a <> b = CombinedNode dio dao
      dio = getFirst $ (First $ attrsDIO a) <> (First $ attrsDIO b)
      dao = getFirst $ (First $ attrsDAO a) <> (First $ attrsDAO b)

-- | Based on instance of 'First'.
instance Monoid CombinedNode where
  mappend a b = a <> b
  mempty = CombinedNode Nothing Nothing

instance GraphML.ToAttributes CombinedNode where
  toAttributes cn = (GraphML.toAttributes $ attrsDIO cn)
                    ++ (GraphML.toAttributes $ attrsDAO cn)

-- | @since
instance FromJSON CombinedNode where
  parseJSON = Aeson.genericParseJSON optCombinedNode

-- | @since
instance ToJSON CombinedNode where
  toJSON = Aeson.genericToJSON optCombinedNode
  toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding optCombinedNode

-- | Link attribute combining 'MergedDIOLink' and 'DAOLink'.
data CombinedLink = CombinedDIOLink MergedDIOLink
                  | CombinedDAOLink DAOLink
                  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic)

instance GraphML.ToAttributes CombinedLink where
  toAttributes (CombinedDIOLink ll) =
    ("link_type", GraphML.AttrString "dio") : GraphML.toAttributes ll
  toAttributes (CombinedDAOLink ll) =
    ("link_type", GraphML.AttrString "dao") : GraphML.toAttributes ll

-- | @since
instance FromJSON CombinedLink where
  parseJSON = Aeson.genericParseJSON optCombinedLink

-- | @since
instance ToJSON CombinedLink where
  toJSON = Aeson.genericToJSON optCombinedLink
  toEncoding = Aeson.genericToEncoding optCombinedLink

combinedLinkType :: CombinedLink -> FindingType
combinedLinkType (CombinedDIOLink _) = FindingDIO
combinedLinkType (CombinedDAOLink _) = FindingDAO

-- | Combine DIO and DAO 'SnapshotNode's. Attributes from 'DIONode'
-- and 'DAONode' for the same 'IPv6ID' are combined into one
-- 'CombinedNode'. Timestamp of a combined 'SnapshotNode' is the
-- latest timestamp of input nodes for that 'IPv6ID'.
combineNodes :: [SnapshotNode FindingID DIONode]
             -> [SnapshotNode FindingID DAONode]
             -> [SnapshotNode IPv6ID CombinedNode]
combineNodes dio_ns dao_ns = concatNodes $ map fromDIO dio_ns ++ map fromDAO dao_ns
    fromDIO = bimap ipv6Only (\ln -> CombinedNode (Just ln) Nothing)
    fromDAO = bimap ipv6Only (\sn -> CombinedNode Nothing (Just sn))
    concatNodes nodes = map (merge . sortByTimestamp) $ groupWith nodeId nodes
        sortByTimestamp = reverse . sortOn nodeTimestamp
        merge [] = error "Empty group should not happen."
        merge group_nodes@(head_node : _) =
          case mmerged_attr of
            Nothing ->
              -- No node has NodeAttribute. There is no need to merge.
            Just merged_attr ->
              case filter hasNodeAttr group_nodes of
                [] -> error "At least one node must have NodeAttributes"
                (representative_node : _) -> second (const merged_attr) representative_node
            mmerged_attr = mconcat $ map nodeAttributes group_nodes
            hasNodeAttr n = isJust $ nodeAttributes n

-- | Convert DIO and DAO links into combined links. Despite its name,
-- this function does not combine input links. It just make one
-- combined link from each of the input links.
combineLinks :: [SnapshotLink FindingID MergedDIOLink]
             -> [SnapshotLink FindingID DAOLink]
             -> [SnapshotLink IPv6ID CombinedLink]
combineLinks dio_ls dao_ls = map fromDIO dio_ls ++ map fromDAO dao_ls
    fromDIO = bimap ipv6Only (\ll -> CombinedDIOLink ll)
    fromDAO = bimap ipv6Only (\sl -> CombinedDAOLink sl)

-- | 'SnapshotGraph' combining DIO and DAO networks.
type SnapshotGraphCombined = SnapshotGraph IPv6ID CombinedNode CombinedLink

-- | Combine DIO and DAO graphs into the combined graph, using
-- 'combineNodes' and 'combineLinks'.
combineGraphs :: SnapshotGraphDIO
              -> SnapshotGraphDAO
              -> SnapshotGraphCombined
combineGraphs (dio_ns, dio_ls) (dao_ns, dao_ls) =
  (combineNodes dio_ns dao_ns, combineLinks dio_ls dao_ls)