nettle-openflow-0.2.0: OpenFlow protocol messages, binary formats, and servers.




Ethernet address

data EthernetAddress Source

An Ethernet address consists of 6 bytes. It is stored in a single 64-bit value.

ethernetAddress64 :: Word64 -> EthernetAddressSource

Builds an ethernet address from a Word64 value. The two most significant bytes are irrelevant; only the bottom 6 bytes are used.

Parsers and unparsers

getEthernetAddress :: Get EthernetAddressSource

Parse an Ethernet address from a ByteString

putEthernetAddress :: EthernetAddress -> PutSource

Unparse an Ethernet address to a ByteString

putEthernetAddress2 :: EthernetAddress -> PutSource

Unparse an Ethernet address to a ByteString