neural- Neural Networks in native Haskell

Copyright(c) Lars Brünjes, 2016
Safe HaskellNone
  • MonoLocalBinds
  • Arrows
  • GADTs
  • GADTSyntax
  • DeriveFunctor
  • DeriveTraversable
  • DeriveFoldable
  • ExistentialQuantification
  • KindSignatures
  • RankNTypes
  • ExplicitForAll



This module defines parameterized functions, components and models. The parameterized functions and components are instances of the Arrow typeclass and can therefore be combined easily and flexibly.

Models contain a component, can measure their error with regard to samples and can be trained by gradient descent/ backpropagation.



newtype ParamFun t a b Source

The type ParamFun t a b describes parameterized functions from a to b, where the parameters are of type t Analytic. When such components are composed, they all share the same parameters.




runPF :: a -> t Analytic -> b

data Component a b Source

A Component a b is a parameterized function from a to b, combined with some collection of analytic parameters, In contrast to ParamFun, when components are composed, parameters are not shared. Each component carries its own collection of parameters instead.


forall t . (Traversable t, Applicative t) => Component 


weights :: t Double

the specific parameter values

compute :: ParamFun t a b

the encapsulated parameterized function

initR :: forall m. MonadRandom m => m (t Double)

randomly sets the parameters

_weights :: Lens' (Component a b) [Double] Source

A Lens' to get or set the weights of a component. The shape of the parameter collection is hidden by existential quantification, so this lens has to use simple generic lists.

activate :: Component a b -> a -> b Source

Activates a component, i.e. applies it to the specified input, using the current parameter values.

data Model :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> * -> * -> * -> * where Source

A Model f g a b c wraps a Component (f Analytic) (g Analytic) and models functions b -> c with "samples" (for model error determination) of type a.


Model :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Component (f Analytic) (g Analytic) -> (a -> (f Double, g Analytic -> Analytic)) -> (b -> f Double) -> (g Double -> c) -> Model f g a b c 


Profunctor (Model f g a) Source 

_component :: Lens' (Model f g a b c) (Component (f Analytic) (g Analytic)) Source

A Lens for accessing the component embedded in a model.

model :: Model f g a b c -> b -> c Source

Computes the modelled function.

modelR :: MonadRandom m => Model f g a b c -> m (Model f g a b c) Source

Generates a model with randomly initialized weights. All other properties are copied from the provided model.

modelError :: Foldable h => Model f g a b c -> h a -> Double Source

Calculates the avarage model error for a "mini-batch" of samples.

descent Source


:: Foldable h 
=> Model f g a b c

the model whose error should be decreased

-> Double

the learning rate

-> h a

a mini-batch of samples

-> (Double, Model f g a b c)

returns the average sample error and the improved model

Performs one step of gradient descent/ backpropagation on the model,

type StdModel f g b c = Model f g (b, c) b c Source

A type abbreviation for the most common type of models, where samples are just input-output tuples.

mkStdModel :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Component (f Analytic) (g Analytic) -> (c -> g Analytic -> Analytic) -> (b -> f Double) -> (g Double -> c) -> StdModel f g b c Source

Creates a StdModel, using the simplifying assumtion that the error can be computed from the expected output allone.