module PostUtils (compilePost, extname, copyFolder, parseFrontMatter) where

import CMark (commonmarkToHtml)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Frontmatter (IResult (Done), parseYamlFrontmatter)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text)
import Data.Yaml (Object)
import Lucid.Base (Html)
import Noli.Types
import System.Directory (copyFile, createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, listDirectory)
import Text.Regex (Regex, matchRegex, mkRegex)

postNameRegex :: Regex
postNameRegex = mkRegex "/?([A-Za-z_]+)\\.md$"

extname :: FilePath -> FilePath
extname = Prelude.reverse . Prelude.takeWhile ('.' /=) . Prelude.reverse

compilePost :: PostTemplate -> FilePath -> IO Post
compilePost postCompiler fp = do
  (frontMatter, fileContents) <- parseFrontMatter fp
  let compiledFileContents = commonmarkToHtml [] fileContents
      fn = fromJust $ getPostFileName fp
      t = frontmatter_title frontMatter
      compiledHtml = postCompiler t compiledFileContents
      { title = t,
        location = fp,
        filename = pack fn,
        raw = fileContents,
        raw_html = compiledFileContents,
        compiled_html = compiledHtml

parseFrontMatter :: FilePath -> IO (FrontMatter, Text)
parseFrontMatter fp = do
  f <- BS.readFile fp
  case parseYamlFrontmatter f of
    Done ri fm -> return (fm, decodeUtf8 ri)
    _ -> error "Parse failure"

getPostFileName :: FilePath -> Maybe String
getPostFileName fp = case match of
  Nothing -> Nothing
  Just (x : xs) -> Just x
    match = matchRegex postNameRegex fp

copyFolder :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFolder source destination = do
  destinationExists <- doesDirectoryExist destination
  unless destinationExists $ createDirectory destination
  sourceFiles <- listDirectory source
  Prelude.mapM_ copyFile' sourceFiles
    copyFile' source_file = do
      is_file <- doesFileExist $ source ++ source_file
      if is_file
        then copyFile (source ++ source_file) (destination ++ source_file)
        else copyFolder (source ++ source_file ++ "/") (destination ++ source_file ++ "/")