Module      : Name
Description : Nominal theory of names and swappings
Copyright   : (c) Murdoch J. Gabbay, 2020
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : murdoch.gabbay@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

The basic framework: a nominal theory of names and swappings

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            
           , DataKinds                  
           , DefaultSignatures          
           , DeriveAnyClass             
           , DeriveGeneric              
           , DerivingStrategies         
           , DerivingVia                
           , DeriveDataTypeable
           , DeriveFunctor                
           , DeriveFoldable               
           , DeriveTraversable            
           , EmptyCase                  
           , EmptyDataDeriving
           , FlexibleContexts           
           , FlexibleInstances          
           , GADTs                      
           , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving   
           , InstanceSigs               
           , MultiParamTypeClasses      
           , PartialTypeSignatures        
           , ScopedTypeVariables        
           , StandaloneDeriving           
           , TupleSections              

module Language.Nominal.Name
    ( -- $setup
      -- * Atoms
      KAtom (..)
    , Atom
    , Tom -- (..)
    , atTom
    -- * Creating atoms
    , freshKAtomsIO
    , freshAtomsIO
    , freshKAtomIO
    , freshAtomIO
    -- * Atom swapping
    , Swappable (..)
    , swp
    -- * Permutations
    , KPerm
    , Perm
    , perm
    -- * Names
    , KName (..)
    , Name
    , withLabel
    , withLabelOf
    , justALabel
    , justAnAtom
    -- * Name swapping
    , kswpN
    , swpN
    -- * Nameless types
    , Nameless (..)
    -- * Tests
    -- $tests

import           Data.Data                  hiding (typeRep, TypeRep)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty         (NonEmpty)
import           Data.Type.Equality         -- for testEquality
import qualified Data.Map                   as DM
import qualified Data.Set                   as S
import           GHC.Generics               hiding (Prefix)
import           Type.Reflection

import           Language.Nominal.Unique
import           Language.Nominal.Utilities

{- $setup

-- * Atoms

-- | An atom is a unique atomic token. 
-- The argument @s@ of 'KAtom' is part of facilities offered by this package for declaring types of atom @s@ ranging over kinds @k@.  For usage see 'Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF.ATyp', and 'Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF.ATrm' in "Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF".
-- /If your development requires just a single type of atomic tokens, ignore 'KAtom' and use 'Atom'./ 
newtype KAtom s = Atom Unique
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data)

-- | We provide a stock datatype @'Tom'@. 
-- Using the @DataKinds@ package, this is then used to provide a stock type of atoms @'Atom'@. 
data Tom
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data)

-- | A proxy element for sort @'Tom'@.  If we pass this, we tell the typechecker we are "at Tom".
atTom :: Proxy Tom
atTom = Proxy

-- | A distinguished type of atoms.
-- It is populated by @'Tom'@s (below), thus an element of @'Atom'@ is "a Tom".
-- We provide @'Atom'@ as primitive for convenience.  If you need more than one type of atom (e.g. term atoms and type atoms), look at 'KAtom'. 
type Atom = KAtom Tom

-- | Display an atom by showing (the hash of) its unique id. 
instance Show (KAtom s) where
   show (Atom a) = "_" ++ show (hashUnique a)

-- * Creating atoms

-- | Make a fresh atom for each element of some list (@a@ny list).  /If you just want one fresh atom, use e.g. @[()]@./
-- This is an IO action; when executed, fresh identifiers get generated.
freshKAtomsIO :: Traversable m => m a -> IO (m (KAtom s))
freshKAtomsIO = mapM (const $ Atom <$> newUnique)

-- | Make a fresh atom at @'Tom'@ for each element of some list (@a@ny list).
freshAtomsIO :: Traversable m => m a -> IO (m Atom)
freshAtomsIO = freshKAtomsIO

-- | For convenience: generate a fresh katom
freshKAtomIO :: IO (KAtom s)
freshKAtomIO = head <$> freshKAtomsIO [()]

-- | For convenience: generate a fresh atom
-- >>> a <- freshAtomIO 
-- >>> b <- freshAtomIO
-- >>> a == b
-- False 
freshAtomIO :: IO Atom
freshAtomIO = head <$> freshAtomsIO [()]

-- * Atom swapping

-- | Types that admit a __swapping action__.  
-- A swapping @(a b)@ maps 
-- * @a@ to @b@ and 
-- * @b@ to @a@ and 
-- * any other @c@ to @c@.
-- Swappings are invertible, which allows them to commute through type-formers containing negative arities, e.g. the left-hand argument of function arrow.  Swappings always distribute:
-- > swp a b (x, y)       == (swp a b x, swp a b y)
-- > swp a b [x1, x2, x3] == [swp a b x1, swp a b x2, swp a b x3] 
-- > swp a b (f x)        == (swp a b f) (swp a b x)
-- > swp a b (abst n x)   == abst (swp a b n) (swp a b x)
-- > swp a b (res [n] x)  == res [swp a b n] (swp a b x)
-- > swp a b (Name t x)   == Name (swp a b t) (swp a b x)
-- __Technical note:__ The content of @Swappable a@ is that @a@ supports a swapping action by atoms of every @s@.  Everything else, e.g. 'Language.Nominal.Nameset.KSupport', just uses @s@.  So @k@ is a "world" of sorts of atoms, for a particular application.
-- This is invisible at our default world @'Tom'@ because @'Tom'@ has only one inhabitant, @''Tom'@.  See 'Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF.ASort' and surrounding code for a more sophisticated atoms setup.
class Swappable a where

   kswp :: Typeable s => KAtom s -> KAtom s -> a -> a        --  swap n and n' in a
   default kswp :: (Typeable s, Generic a, GSwappable (Rep a)) => KAtom s -> KAtom s -> a -> a
   kswp n n' = to . gswp n n' . from

-- | A @'Tom'@-swapping
swp :: Swappable a => Atom -> Atom -> a -> a
swp = kswp

-- Don't need () instance because captured by @'Nameless'@ instance Swappable a => Swappable ()
instance Swappable a => Swappable (Maybe a)
instance Swappable a => Swappable [a]
instance Swappable a => Swappable (NonEmpty a)
instance (Ord a, Swappable a) => Swappable (S.Set a) where
   kswp a1 a2 s = S.fromList $ kswp a1 a2 (S.toList s)  -- Ord a so we can use fromList
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b) => Swappable (a, b)
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b, Swappable c) => Swappable (a,b,c)
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b, Swappable c,  Swappable d) => Swappable (a,b,c,d)
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b, Swappable c,  Swappable d, Swappable e) => Swappable (a,b,c,d,e)
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b) => Swappable (Either a b)

-- | Swap distributes over function types, because functions inherit swapping action pointwise (also called the /conjugation action/)
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b) => Swappable (a -> b) where
   kswp a1 a2 f = kswp a1 a2 . f . kswp a1 a2

-- | Swap distributes over map types. 
-- Note that maps store their keys ordered for quick lookup, so a swapping acting on a map is not a noop and can provoke reorderings.
instance (Swappable a, Swappable b, Ord a) => Swappable (DM.Map a b) where
    kswp n1 n2 m = DM.fromList $ kswp n1 n2 (DM.toList m)  -- This design treats a map explicitly as its graph (list of pairs).  Could also view it as a function, and consider implementing conjugation action using DM.map and/or DM.mapKeys  

-- | Base case for swapping: atoms acting on atoms.
instance Typeable s => Swappable (KAtom s) where    -- typeable constraint gives us type representatives which allows the runtime type equality test (technically: type representation equality test) below. 
    kswp (a1 :: KAtom t) (a2 :: KAtom t) (a :: KAtom s) = -- explicit type annotations for clarity here 
        case testEquality (typeRep :: TypeRep t) (typeRep :: TypeRep s) of
            Nothing         -> a   -- are s and t are different types 
            Just Refl              -- are s and t the same type? 
                | a == a1   -> a2
                | a == a2   -> a1
                | otherwise -> a

-- * Permutations

-- | A permutation represented as a list of swappings (simple but inefficient).
type KPerm s = [(KAtom s, KAtom s)]

-- | A permutation at @'Tom'@.
type Perm = KPerm Tom

-- | A permutation acts as a list of swappings.  Rightmost/innermost swapping acts first.
-- >>> a <- freshAtomIO 
-- >>> b <- freshAtomIO
-- >>> c <- freshAtomIO
-- >>> perm [(c,b), (b,a)] a == c
-- True 
perm :: (Typeable s, Swappable a) => KPerm s -> a -> a
perm = chain . map (uncurry kswp)

-- * Names

-- | A name is a pair of 
-- * an atom, and 
-- * a label @t@. 
-- @t@ is intended to store semantic information about the atom.  For instance, if implementing a simply-typed lambda-calculus then @t@ might be a dataype of (object-level) types.
-- A similar effect could be achieved by maintaining a monadic lookup context relating atoms to their semantic information; the advantage of using a name is that this information is packaged up with the atom in a local datum of type @'Name'@. 
data KName s t = Name { nameLabel :: t, nameAtom :: KAtom s}
   deriving (Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable, Data)

-- | Swapping atoms in names distributes normally; so we swap in the semantic label and also in the name's atom identifier.  Operationally, it's just a tuple action:
-- > swp atm1 atm2 (Name t atm)  = Name (swp atm1 atm2 t) (swp atm1 atm2 atm)
instance (Typeable s, Swappable t) => Swappable (KName s t)

-- | A @'Tom'@ instance of @'KName'@.
type Name = KName Tom

-- | Names are equal when they refer to the same atom.
-- WARNING: Labels are not considered! 
-- In particular, @t@-names always have @'Eq'@, even if the type of labels @t@ does not.
instance Eq (KName s t) where
   n1 == n2 = nameAtom n1 == nameAtom n2

-- | Names are leq when their atoms are leq.
-- WARNING: Labels are not considered! 
-- In particular, @t@-names are always ordered even if /labels/ @t@ are unordered. 
instance Ord (KName s t) where
   n1 `compare` n2 = nameAtom n1 `compare` nameAtom n2

instance Show t => Show (KName s t) where
   show nam = show (nameLabel nam) ++ show (nameAtom nam)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show (KName s ()) where
   show nam = "n" ++ show (nameAtom nam)

-- | As the name suggests: overwrite the name's label
withLabel :: KName s t -> t -> KName s t
n `withLabel` t = const t <$> n -- functorial action automatically derived 

-- | Overwrite the name's label.  Intended to be read infix as @n `withLabelOf n'@
withLabelOf :: KName s t -> KName s t -> KName s t
n `withLabelOf` n' = n `withLabel` (nameLabel n')

-- | Name with @'undefined'@ atom, so really just a label.  Use with care!
justALabel :: t -> KName s t
justALabel = flip Name undefined

-- | Name with @'undefined'@ label, so really just an atom.  Use with care!
justAnAtom :: KAtom s -> KName s t
justAnAtom = Name undefined

-- * Name swapping

-- | A name swap discards the names' labels and calls the atom-swap @'kswp'@.
kswpN :: (Typeable s, Swappable a) => KName s t -> KName s t -> a -> a
kswpN n n' = kswp (nameAtom n) (nameAtom n')

-- | A name swap for a @'Tom'@-name.  Discards the names' labels and calls a @'Tom'@-swapping.
swpN :: Swappable a => Name t -> Name t -> a -> a
swpN = kswpN

-- * Nameless types

-- | Some types, like @'Bool'@ and @'String'@, are @'Nameless'@.  E.g. if we have a truth-value, we know it doesn't have any names in it; we might have used names to calculate the truth-value, but the truth-value itself @'True'@ or @'False'@ is nameless. 
newtype Nameless a = Nameless {getNameless :: a}
    deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

instance Swappable (Nameless a) where
    kswp _ _ = id
-- TODO: KEquivar s (Nameless a) where
-- KEquivar s (Nameless a) where
--    kswp _ _ = id

-- deriving via is described in:
-- Deriving Via: or, How to Turn Hand-Written Instances into an Anti-Pattern
-- https://www.kosmikus.org/DerivingVia/deriving-via-paper.pdf

deriving via Nameless Bool instance Swappable Bool
deriving via Nameless Int  instance Swappable Int
deriving via Nameless Integer instance Swappable Integer
deriving via Nameless ()   instance Swappable ()
deriving via Nameless Char instance Swappable Char

-- * Generics support for @'KSwappable'@

class GSwappable f where
    gswp :: Typeable s => KAtom s -> KAtom s -> f x -> f x

-- Distributes through datatype-formers
instance (GSwappable f, GSwappable g) => GSwappable ((:*:) f g) where  -- products
    gswp m n (x :*: y) = gswp m n x :*: gswp m n y
-- Action on a leaf is trivial
instance GSwappable U1 where   -- one constructor, no arguments
    gswp _ _ U1 = U1

instance GSwappable V1 where   -- empty types, no instances
    gswp _ _ x = case x of

instance Swappable c => GSwappable (K1 i c) where  -- base case.  wrapper for all of some type c so we escape back out to swp.  
    gswp m n x = K1 $ kswp m n $ unK1 x

instance (GSwappable f, GSwappable g) => GSwappable ((:+:) f g) where  -- sums
    gswp m n (L1 x) = L1 $ gswp m n x
    gswp m n (R1 y) = R1 $ gswp m n y

instance GSwappable f => GSwappable (M1 i c f) where -- meta-information.  e.g. constructor names (like for generic show method), fixity information; all captured by M1 type.  this is transparent for swappings
    gswp m n = M1 . gswp m n . unM1

{- $tests Property-based tests are in "Language.Nominal.Properties.NameSpec". -}