{- |
Combination of @(==)@ and @if then else@
that can be instantiated for more types than @Eq@
or can be instantiated in a way
that allows more defined results (\"more total\" functions):

* Reader like types for representing a context
  like 'Number.ResidueClass.Reader'

* Expressions in an EDSL

* More generally every type based on an applicative functor

* Tuples and Vector types

* Positional and Peano numbers,
  a common prefix of two numbers can be emitted
  before the comparison is done.
  (This could also be done with an overloaded 'if',
   what we also do not have.)
module Algebra.EqualityDecision where

import qualified NumericPrelude.Elementwise as Elem
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure, (<*>)), )
import Data.Tuple.HT (fst3, snd3, thd3, )
import Data.List (zipWith4, )

{- |
For atomic types this could be a superclass of 'Eq'.
However for composed types like tuples, lists, functions
we do elementwise comparison
which is incompatible with the complete comparison performed by '(==)'.
class C a where
   {- |
   It holds

   > (a ==? b) eq noteq  ==  if a==b then eq else noteq

   for atomic types where the right hand side can be defined.
   (==?) :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a

{-# INLINE deflt #-}
deflt :: Eq a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a
deflt a b eq noteq =
   if a==b then eq else noteq

instance C Int where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = deflt

instance C Integer where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = deflt

instance C Float where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = deflt

instance C Double where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = deflt

instance C Bool where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = deflt

instance C Ordering where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = deflt

{-# INLINE element #-}
element ::
   (C x) =>
   (v -> x) -> Elem.T (v,v,v,v) x
element f =
   Elem.element (\(x,y,eq,noteq) -> (f x ==? f y) (f eq) (f noteq))

{-# INLINE (<*>.==?) #-}
(<*>.==?) ::
   (C x) =>
   Elem.T (v,v,v,v) (x -> a) -> (v -> x) -> Elem.T (v,v,v,v) a
(<*>.==?) f acc =
   f <*> element acc

instance (C a, C b) => C (a,b) where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = Elem.run4 $ pure (,) <*>.==?  fst <*>.==?  snd

instance (C a, C b, C c) => C (a,b,c) where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = Elem.run4 $ pure (,,) <*>.==?  fst3 <*>.==?  snd3 <*>.==?  thd3

instance C a => C [a] where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) = zipWith4 (==?)

instance (C a) => C (b -> a) where
   {-# INLINE (==?) #-}
   (==?) x y eq noteq c  =  (x c ==? y c) (eq c) (noteq c)