{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}

module NumHask.Array where

import Data.Distributive (Distributive(..))
import Data.Functor.Rep (Representable(..), liftR2, pureRep, fmapRep)
import Data.List ((!!))
import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
import GHC.Show (Show(..))
import NumHask.Error (impossible)
import NumHask.Array.Constraints
  (Fold, HeadModule, TailModule, IsValidConcat, Concatenate, Transpose, Squeeze)
import NumHask.Prelude as P
import NumHask.Shape (HasShape(..))
import Numeric.Dimensions as D
import qualified Data.Singletons.Prelude as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V

-- $setup 
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedLists
-- >>> :set -XTypeFamilies
-- >>> let a = [1..24] :: Array [] '[2,3,4] Int
-- >>> let v = [1,2,3] :: Array [] '[3] Int

-- | an array polymorphic in container and shape
-- >>> a
-- [[[1, 2, 3, 4],
--   [5, 6, 7, 8],
--   [9, 10, 11, 12]],
--  [[13, 14, 15, 16],
--   [17, 18, 19, 20],
--   [21, 22, 23, 24]]]
data family Array (c :: Type -> Type) (ds :: [k]) (a :: Type)

-- | instance where dimensions are known at compile time
newtype instance
  Array c (ds :: [Nat]) t =
    Array { _getContainer :: c t}
    deriving (Functor, Foldable)

instance NFData (Array c ds t) where
  rnf a = seq a ()

-- | instance of array where some of the dimensions are known at compile time
-- it wraps an Array with some weird magic
data instance Array c (xds :: [XNat]) t = forall (ds :: [Nat]).
  ( FixedDims xds ds
  , Dimensions ds) =>
  SomeArray (Array c ds t)


instance (Dimensions r) => HasShape (Array c (r :: [Nat])) where
  type Shape (Array c r) = [Int]
  shape _ = fmap fromIntegral (listDims $ dims @Nat @r)

-- | an array with dimensions represented at the value level
newtype AnyArray c a = AnyArray ([Int], c a)

-- | convert an array with type-level shape to value-level shape
anyArray :: (Dimensions ds) => Array c (ds :: [Nat]) a -> AnyArray c a
anyArray arr@(Array c) = AnyArray (shape arr, c)

-- | a sweet class of container with attributes necessary to supply the set of operations here
class (Functor f) => Container f where
  generate :: Int -> (Int -> a) -> f a
  idx :: f a -> Int -> a
  cslice :: Int -> Int -> f a -> f a
  zipWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> f a -> f a -> f a
    -- Chunks a container into a list of containers whose dimension are each i
  chunkItUp :: [f a] -> Int -> f a -> [f a]
  cfoldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> f a -> b
  cfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b
  cconcat :: [f a] -> f a

instance Container V.Vector where
  generate = V.generate
  idx = V.unsafeIndex
  cslice = V.unsafeSlice
  zipWith = V.zipWith
  chunkItUp acc i v =
    if null v
      then acc
      else let (c, r) = V.splitAt i v
           in chunkItUp (c : acc) i r
  cfoldl' = V.foldl'
  cfoldr = V.foldr
  cconcat = V.concat

instance Container [] where
  generate n g = take n $ g <$> [0 ..]
  idx = (!!)
  cslice d t = take t . drop d
  zipWith = P.zipWith
  chunkItUp acc i v =
    if null v
      then acc
      else let (c, r) = splitAt i v
           in chunkItUp (c : acc) i r
  cfoldl' = foldl'
  cfoldr = foldr
  cconcat = mconcat

instance (Eq (c t), Dimensions ds) => Eq (Array c (ds :: [Nat]) t) where
    (Array a) == (Array b) = a == b

dimList :: Dims ds -> [Int]
dimList U = []
dimList (d :* ds) = dimList d ++ dimList ds
dimList (Dn _ :: Dim m) = [dimVal' @m]
-- dimList (Dx (Dn _ :: Dim m)) = [dimVal' @m]


instance HasShape (Array c (xds :: [XNat])) where
  type Shape (Array c xds) = [Int]
  shape (SomeArray a) = shape a

-- * shape helpers where dimensions ~ [Int]

-- | convert from n-dim shape index to a flat index
-- >>> ind [2,3,4] [1,1,1]
-- 17
ind :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int
ind ns xs = sum $ P.zipWith (*) xs (drop 1 $ scanr (*) 1 ns)

-- | convert from a flat index to a shape index
-- >>> unind [2,3,4] 17
-- [1,1,1]
unind :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
unind ns x =
  fst $
    (\a (acc, r) ->
       let (d, m) = divMod r a
       in (m : acc, d))
    ([], x)

instance forall r c. (Dimensions r, Container c) =>
  Data.Distributive.Distributive (Array c (r :: [Nat])) where
  distribute f = Array $ generate (fromIntegral n) $ \i -> fmap (\(Array v) -> idx v i) f
      n = totalDim $ dims @Nat @r

instance forall r c. (Dimensions r, Container c) =>
  Representable (Array c (r :: [Nat])) where
  type Rep (Array c r) = [Int]
  tabulate f = Array $ generate (fromIntegral $ product ns) (f . unind (fmap fromIntegral ns))
      ns = listDims $ dims @Nat @r
  index (Array xs) rs = xs `idx` ind (fmap fromIntegral ns) rs
      ns = listDims $ dims @Nat @r

-- | from flat list
    ( Item (Array c r a) ~ Item (c a)
    , Dimensions r
    , Additive a
    , IsList (c a)
    ) =>
    IsList (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  type Item (Array c r a) = a
  fromList l = Array $ fromList $ take n $ l ++ repeat zero
      n = fromIntegral $ totalDim (dims @_ @r)
  toList (Array v) = GHC.Exts.toList v

instance (Show a, Show (Item (c a)), Container c, IsList (c a)) => Show (AnyArray c a) where
  show aa@(AnyArray (l,_)) = go (length l) aa
      go n aa'@(AnyArray (l', c')) =
        case length l' of
          0 -> "[]"
          1 -> "[" ++ intercalate ", " (GHC.Show.show <$> GHC.Exts.toList c') ++ "]"
          x ->
            "[" ++
              (",\n" ++ replicate (n - x + 1) ' ')
              (go n <$> flatten1 aa') ++

-- | convert the top layer of a SomeArray to a [SomeArray]
flatten1 :: (Container c) => AnyArray c a -> [AnyArray c a]
flatten1 (AnyArray (rep, v)) =
  (\s -> AnyArray (drop 1 rep, cslice (s * l) l v)) <$> ss
    (n, l) =
      case rep of
        [] -> (0, 1)
        x:r -> (x, product r)
    ss = take n [0 ..]

instance (Show a, Show (Item (c a)), IsList (c a), Container c, Dimensions ds)
  => Show (Array c (ds :: [Nat]) a) where
  show = GHC.Show.show . anyArray

type Vector c n = Array c '[ n]

type Matrix c m n = Array c '[ m, n]

  ( IsList (c a)
  , Item (c a) ~ a
  , Container c
  , KnownNat n
  , Unital (Sum (Vector c n a))
  , QC.Arbitrary a
  , Additive a) =>
  QC.Arbitrary (Vector c n a) where
  arbitrary = QC.frequency [(1, pure zero), (9, fromList <$> QC.vector n)]
      n = fromInteger $ P.natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)

  ( IsList (c a)
  , Item (c a) ~ a
  , Additive (Matrix c m n a)
  , Container c
  , KnownNat m
  , KnownNat n
  , QC.Arbitrary a
  , Additive a) =>
  QC.Arbitrary (Matrix c m n a) where
  arbitrary = QC.frequency [(1, pure zero), (9, fromList <$> QC.vector (m * n))]
      n = fromInteger $ P.natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
      m = fromInteger $ P.natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m)

-- ** Operations
-- | outer product
-- todo: reconcile with numhask version
-- >>> v NumHask.Array.>< v
-- [[1, 2, 3],
--  [2, 4, 6],
--  [3, 6, 9]]
(><) :: forall c (r :: [Nat]) (s :: [Nat]) a.
  ( Container c
  , CommutativeRing a
  , Dimensions r
  , Dimensions s
  , Dimensions ((D.++) r s))
  => Array c r a
  -> Array c s a
  -> Array c ((D.++) r s) a
(><) m n = tabulate (\i -> index m (take dimm i) * index n (drop dimm i))
    dimm = length (shape m)

-- | matrix multiplication
-- >>> let a = [1, 2, 3, 4] :: Array [] '[2, 2] Int
-- >>> let b = [5, 6, 7, 8] :: Array [] '[2, 2] Int
-- >>> a
-- [[1, 2],
--  [3, 4]]
-- >>> b
-- [[5, 6],
--  [7, 8]]
-- >>> mmult a b
-- [[19, 22],
--  [43, 50]]
mmult :: forall c m n k a.
  ( Hilbert (Vector c k a)
  , Dimensions '[ m, k]
  , Dimensions '[ k, n]
  , Dimensions '[ m, n]
  , Container c
  => Matrix c (m :: Nat) (k :: Nat) a
  -> Matrix c k n a
  -> Matrix c m n a
mmult x y = tabulate go
    go [i, j] = unsafeRow i x <.> unsafeCol j y
    go _  = impossible "mmult only typechecks on arrays"

-- | extract the row of a matrix
row :: forall c i a m n.
  ( Dimensions '[ m, n]
  , Container c
  , KnownNat i
  , ((S.<) i m) ~ 'True
  => Proxy i
  -> Matrix c m n a
  -> Vector c n a
row i_ = unsafeRow i
    i = (fromIntegral . S.fromSing . S.singByProxy) i_

  :: Dimensions '[ m, n]
  => Matrix c (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) a
  -> (Int, Int)
rank2Shape t =
  case shape t of
    [m, n] -> (m, n)
    _      -> impossible "only typechecks for matricies"

unsafeRow :: forall c a m n.
  ( Container c
  , Dimensions '[ m, n])
  => Int
  -> Matrix c (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) a
  -> Vector c n a
unsafeRow i t@(Array a) = Array $ cslice (i * n) n a
    (_, n) = rank2Shape t

unsafeCol ::
     forall c a m n. (Container c, Dimensions '[ m, n])
  => Int
  -> Matrix c (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) a
  -> Vector c m a
unsafeCol j t@(Array a) = Array $ generate m (\x -> a `idx` (j + x * n))
    (m, n) = rank2Shape t

-- | extract the column of a matrix
col :: forall c j a m n.
  ( Dimensions '[ m, n]
  , Container c
  , KnownNat j
  , ((S.<) j n) ~ 'True
  => Proxy j
  -> Matrix c m n a
  -> Vector c m a
col j_ = unsafeCol j
    j = (fromIntegral . S.fromSing . S.singByProxy) j_

-- |
-- >>> unsafeIndex a [0,2,1]
-- 10
unsafeIndex :: (Container c, Dimensions r) => Array c (r :: [Nat]) a -> [Int] -> a
unsafeIndex t@(Array a) i = a `idx` ind (shape t) i

-- |
-- >>> unsafeSlice [[0,1],[2],[1,2]] a :: Array [] '[2,1,2] Int
-- [[[10, 11]],
--  [[22, 23]]]
unsafeSlice ::
     (Container c, IsList (c a), Item (c a) ~ a, Dimensions r, Dimensions r0)
  => [[Int]]
  -> Array c (r :: [Nat]) a
  -> Array c (r0 :: [Nat]) a
unsafeSlice s t = Array (fromList [unsafeIndex t i | i <- sequence s])

-- |
-- todo: an ambiguous type variable has snuck in here somewhere
-- > slice (Proxy :: Proxy '[ '[0,1],'[2],'[1,2]]) a
-- [[[10, 11]],
--  [[22, 23]]]
    • Expected kind ‘[[Nat]]’, but ‘s’ has kind ‘[Nat]’
    • In the first argument of ‘Slice’, namely ‘s’
      In the first argument of ‘Array’, namely ‘(Slice s)’
      In the type signature:
        slice :: forall c s r a.
                 (Container c,
                  Dimensions s,
                  Dimensions r,
                  And (ZipWith AllLTSym0 s r) ~  'True) =>
                 Proxy s -> Array c r a -> Array (Slice s) c a
slice ::
     forall c s r a. (Container c, Dimensions s, Dimensions r, S.And (S.ZipWith AllLTSym0 s r) ~ 'True)
  => Proxy s
  -> Array c r a
  -> Array (Slice s) c a
slice s_ = unsafeSlice s
    s = ((fmap . fmap) fromInteger . S.fromSing . S.singByProxy) s_

-- |
-- >>> foldAlong (Proxy :: Proxy 1) (\_ -> ([0..3] :: Array [] '[4] Int)) a
-- [[0, 1, 2, 3],
--  [0, 1, 2, 3]]
-- todo: resolution of a primitive and a scalar eg
--        Expected type: Array '[10] Int -> Array '[] Int
--        Actual type: Array '[10] (Array '[] Int) -> Array '[] Int
foldAlong ::
     forall c s vw uvw uw w a.
     ( Container c
     , KnownNat s
     , Dimensions uvw
     , uw ~ (Fold s uvw)
     , w ~ (S.Drop 1 vw)
     , vw ~ (TailModule s uvw)
  => Proxy s
  -> (Array c vw a -> Array c w a)
  -> Array c uvw a
  -> Array c uw a
foldAlong s_ f a@(Array v) =
  Array $
       (\xs x ->
          let (Array vx) = f (Array x)
          in vx : xs)
    s = (fromIntegral . S.fromSing . S.singByProxy) s_
    md = chunkItUp [] (product $ drop s $ shape a) v

-- |
-- todo: No instance for (Container (Array [] '[]) error
-- > mapAlong (Proxy :: Proxy 0) (\x -> NumHask.Array.zipWith (*) x x) a
-- [[[1, 4, 9, 16],
--   [25, 36, 49, 64],
--   [81, 100, 121, 144]],
--  [[169, 196, 225, 256],
--   [289, 324, 361, 400],
--   [441, 484, 529, 576]]]
mapAlong ::
     forall c s uvw vw a.
     (Container c, KnownNat s, Dimensions uvw, vw ~ (HeadModule s uvw))
  => Proxy s
  -> (Array c vw a -> Array c vw a)
  -> Array c uvw a
  -> Array c uvw a
mapAlong s_ f a@(Array v) =
  Array $
       (\xs x ->
          let (Array vx) = f (Array x)
          in vx : xs)
    s = (fromIntegral . S.fromSing . S.singByProxy) s_
    md = chunkItUp [] (product $ drop s $ shape a) v

-- |
-- >>> concatenate (Proxy :: Proxy 2) a a
-- [[[1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4],
--   [5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 7, 8],
--   [9, 10, 11, 12, 9, 10, 11, 12]],
--  [[13, 14, 15, 16, 13, 14, 15, 16],
--   [17, 18, 19, 20, 17, 18, 19, 20],
--   [21, 22, 23, 24, 21, 22, 23, 24]]]
concatenate ::
     forall c s r t a.
     ( Container c
     , S.SingI s
     , Dimensions r
     , Dimensions t
     , (IsValidConcat s t r) ~ 'True
  => Proxy s
  -> Array c r a
  -> Array c t a
  -> Array c (Concatenate s t r) a
concatenate s_ r@(Array vr) t@(Array vt) =
  Array . cconcat $ (concat . reverse . P.transpose) [rm, tm]
    s = (fromIntegral . S.fromSing . S.singByProxy) s_
    rm = chunkItUp [] (product $ drop s $ shape t) vt
    tm = chunkItUp [] (product $ drop s $ shape r) vr

-- |
-- >>> NumHask.Array.transpose a
-- [[[1, 2],
--   [3, 4],
--   [5, 6]],
--  [[7, 8],
--   [9, 10],
--   [11, 12]],
--  [[13, 14],
--   [15, 16],
--   [17, 18]],
--  [[19, 20],
--   [21, 22],
--   [23, 24]]]
transpose ::
     forall c s t a. (t ~ Transpose s, Container c, Dimensions s, Dimensions t)
  => Array c (s :: [Nat]) a
  -> Array c (t :: [Nat]) a
transpose (Array x) = Array x

-- |
-- >>> let a = [1..24] :: Array [] '[2,1,3,4,1] Int
-- >>> a
-- [[[[[1],
--     [2],
--     [3],
--     [4]],
--    [[5],
--     [6],
--     [7],
--     [8]],
--    [[9],
--     [10],
--     [11],
--     [12]]]],
--  [[[[13],
--     [14],
--     [15],
--     [16]],
--    [[17],
--     [18],
--     [19],
--     [20]],
--    [[21],
--     [22],
--     [23],
--     [24]]]]]
-- >>> squeeze a
-- [[[1, 2, 3, 4],
--   [5, 6, 7, 8],
--   [9, 10, 11, 12]],
--  [[13, 14, 15, 16],
--   [17, 18, 19, 20],
--   [21, 22, 23, 24]]]
squeeze ::
     forall c s t a. (t ~ Squeeze s)
  => Array c s a
  -> Array c t a
squeeze (Array x) = Array x

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Additive a) =>
  Additive (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  a + b = liftR2 (+) a b
  zero = pureRep zero

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Subtractive a) =>
  Subtractive (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  negate = fmapRep negate

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Multiplicative a) =>
  Multiplicative (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  a * b = liftR2 (*) a b

  one = pureRep one

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Divisive a) =>
  Divisive (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  recip = fmapRep recip

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Multiplicative a, Additive a) =>
  P.Distributive (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, IntegralDomain a) => IntegralDomain (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Field a) => Field (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, ExpField a) => ExpField (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  exp = fmapRep exp
  log = fmapRep log

instance (Foldable (Array c r), Dimensions r, Container c, UpperBoundedField a) =>
         UpperBoundedField (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  isNaN = foldl' (||) False . fmapRep isNaN

instance (Foldable (Array c r), Dimensions r, Container c, LowerBoundedField a) =>
         LowerBoundedField (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Multiplicative a, Signed a)
  => Signed (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  sign = fmapRep sign
  abs = fmapRep abs

instance (Functor (Array c r), Foldable (Array c r), Additive (Array c r a), Normed a a, ExpField a) =>
         Normed (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) a where
  normL1 r = foldr (+) zero $ normL1 <$> r
  normL2 r = sqrt $ foldr (+) zero $ (** (one + one)) <$> r

instance (Eq (c a), Foldable (Array c r), Dimensions r, Container c, Epsilon a) =>
         Epsilon (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  epsilon = tabulate (const epsilon)
  nearZero f = and (fmapRep nearZero f)
  aboutEqual a b = and (liftR2 aboutEqual a b)

instance (Foldable (Array c r), Dimensions r, Container c, ExpField a, Subtractive a, Normed a a) =>
         Metric (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) a where
  distanceL1 a b = normL1 (a - b)
  distanceL2 a b = normL2 (a - b)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Integral a) => Integral (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  divMod a b = (d, m)
      x = liftR2 divMod a b
      d = fmap fst x
      m = fmap snd x
  quotRem a b = (q, r)
      x = liftR2 quotRem a b
      q = fmap fst x
      r = fmap snd x

type instance Actor (Array c r a) = a

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Multiplicative a) =>
  HadamardMultiplication (Array c (r :: [Nat])) a where
  (.*.) = liftR2 (*)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Divisive a) =>
  HadamardDivision (Array c (r :: [Nat])) a where
  (./.) = liftR2 (/)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Additive a) =>
  AdditiveAction (Array c (r::[Nat]) a) where
  (.+) r s = fmap (s +) r
  (+.) s = fmap (s +)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Subtractive a) =>
  SubtractiveAction (Array c (r::[Nat]) a) where
  (.-) r s = fmap (\x -> x - s) r
  (-.) s = fmap (\x -> x - s)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Multiplicative a) =>
  MultiplicativeAction (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  (.*) r s = fmap (* s) r
  (*.) s = fmap (s *)

instance (Dimensions r, Container c, Divisive a) =>
  DivisiveAction (Array c (r::[Nat]) a) where
  (./) r s = fmap (/ s) r
  (/.) s = fmap (/ s)

instance forall a c r. (Actor (Array c r a) ~ a, Foldable (Array c r), P.Distributive a, CommutativeRing a, Semiring a, Dimensions r, Container c) =>
  Hilbert (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  a <.> b = sum $ liftR2 (*) a b

  ( Foldable (Array c r)
  , Dimensions r
  , Container c
  , CommutativeRing a
  , Multiplicative a
  ) =>
  TensorProduct (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  (><) m n = tabulate (\i -> index m i *. n)
  timesleft v m = tabulate (\i -> v <.> index m i)
  timesright m v = tabulate (\i -> v <.> index m i)

instance (Eq (c a), Container c, Dimensions r, JoinSemiLattice a) => JoinSemiLattice (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  (\/) = liftR2 (\/)

instance (Eq (c a), Container c, Dimensions r, MeetSemiLattice a) => MeetSemiLattice (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  (/\) = liftR2 (/\)

instance (Eq (c a), Container c, Dimensions r, BoundedJoinSemiLattice a) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  bottom = pureRep bottom

instance (Eq (c a), Container c, Dimensions r, BoundedMeetSemiLattice a) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (Array c (r :: [Nat]) a) where
  top = pureRep top

singleton :: (Dimensions r, Container c) => a -> Array c (r :: [Nat]) a
singleton a = tabulate (const a)