numhask-array-0.9.1: Multi-dimensional arrays.
Safe HaskellNone



Functions for manipulating shape. The module tends to supply equivalent functionality at type-level and value-level with functions of the same name (except for capitalization).



newtype Shape (s :: [Nat]) Source #

The Shape type holds a [Nat] at type level and the equivalent [Int] at value level. Using [Int] as the index for an array nicely represents the practical interests and constraints downstream of this high-level API: densely-packed numbers (reals or integrals), indexed and layered.





Instances details
Show (Shape s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


showsPrec :: Int -> Shape s -> ShowS #

show :: Shape s -> String #

showList :: [Shape s] -> ShowS #

class HasShape s where Source #


toShape :: Shape s Source #


Instances details
HasShape ('[] :: [Nat]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


toShape :: Shape '[] Source #

(KnownNat n, HasShape s) => HasShape (n ': s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


toShape :: Shape (n ': s) Source #

type family (a :: [k]) ++ (b :: [k]) :: [k] where ... Source #


'[] ++ b = b 
(a ': as) ++ b = a ': (as ++ b) 

type family (a :: [k]) !! (b :: Nat) :: k where ... Source #


'[] !! _ = TypeError ('Text "Index Underflow") 
(x ': _) !! 0 = x 
(_ ': xs) !! i = (!!) xs (i - 1) 

type family Take (n :: Nat) (a :: [k]) :: [k] where ... Source #


Take 0 _ = '[] 
Take n (x ': xs) = x ': Take (n - 1) xs 

type family Drop (n :: Nat) (a :: [k]) :: [k] where ... Source #


Drop 0 xs = xs 
Drop n (_ ': xs) = Drop (n - 1) xs 

type Reverse (a :: [k]) = ReverseGo a '[] Source #

type family ReverseGo (a :: [k]) (b :: [k]) :: [k] where ... Source #


ReverseGo '[] b = b 
ReverseGo (a ': as) b = ReverseGo as (a ': b) 

type family Filter (r :: [Nat]) (xs :: [Nat]) (i :: Nat) where ... Source #


Filter r '[] _ = Reverse r 
Filter r (x ': xs) i = Filter (If (x == i) r (x ': r)) xs i 

rank :: [a] -> Int Source #

Number of dimensions

type family Rank (s :: [a]) :: Nat where ... Source #


Rank '[] = 0 
Rank (_ ': s) = Rank s + 1 

ranks :: [[a]] -> [Int] Source #

The shape of a list of element indexes

type family Ranks (s :: [[a]]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #


Ranks '[] = '[] 
Ranks (x ': xs) = Rank x ': Ranks xs 

size :: [Int] -> Int Source #

Number of elements

type family Size (s :: [Nat]) :: Nat where ... Source #


Size '[] = 1 
Size (n ': s) = n * Size s 

dimension :: [Int] -> Int -> Int Source #

dimension i is the i'th dimension of a Shape

type family Dimension (s :: [Nat]) (i :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #


Dimension (s ': _) 0 = s 
Dimension (_ ': s) n = Dimension s (n - 1) 
Dimension _ _ = TypeError ('Text "dimension overflow") 

flatten :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int Source #

convert from n-dim shape index to a flat index

>>> flatten [2,3,4] [1,1,1]
>>> flatten [] [1,1,1]

shapen :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] Source #

convert from a flat index to a shape index

>>> shapen [2,3,4] 17

minimum :: [Int] -> Int Source #

minimum value in a list

type family Minimum (s :: [Nat]) :: Nat where ... Source #


Minimum '[] = TypeError ('Text "zero dimension") 
Minimum '[x] = x 
Minimum (x ': xs) = If (x <=? Minimum xs) x (Minimum xs) 

checkIndex :: Int -> Int -> Bool Source #

checkIndex i n checks if i is a valid index of a list of length n

type family CheckIndex (i :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Bool where ... Source #


CheckIndex i n = If ((0 <=? i) && ((i + 1) <=? n)) 'True (TypeError ('Text "index outside range")) 

checkIndexes :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool Source #

checkIndexes is n check if is are valid indexes of a list of length n

type family CheckIndexes (i :: [Nat]) (n :: Nat) :: Bool where ... Source #


CheckIndexes '[] _ = 'True 
CheckIndexes (i ': is) n = CheckIndex i n && CheckIndexes is n 

addIndex :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] Source #

addIndex s i d adds a new dimension to shape s at position i

>>> addIndex [2,4] 1 3

type AddIndex s i d = Take i s ++ (d ': Drop i s) Source #

dropIndex :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] Source #

drop the i'th dimension from a shape

>>> dropIndex [2, 3, 4] 1

type DropIndex s i = Take i s ++ Drop (i + 1) s Source #

posRelative :: [Int] -> [Int] Source #

convert a list of position that references a final shape to one that references positions relative to an accumulator. Deletions are from the left and additions are from the right.


>>> posRelative [0,1]


>>> reverse (posRelative (reverse [1,0]))

type family PosRelative (s :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


PosRelative s = PosRelativeGo s '[] 

type family PosRelativeGo (r :: [Nat]) (s :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


PosRelativeGo '[] r = Reverse r 
PosRelativeGo (x ': xs) r = PosRelativeGo (DecMap x xs) (x ': r) 

addIndexes :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

insert a list of dimensions according to position and dimension lists. Note that the list of positions references the final shape and not the initial shape.

>>> addIndexes [4] [1,0] [3,2]

type family AddIndexes (as :: [Nat]) (xs :: [Nat]) (ys :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


AddIndexes as xs ys = AddIndexesGo as (Reverse (PosRelative (Reverse xs))) ys 

type family AddIndexesGo (as :: [Nat]) (xs :: [Nat]) (ys :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


AddIndexesGo as' '[] _ = as' 
AddIndexesGo as' (x ': xs') (y ': ys') = AddIndexesGo (AddIndex as' x y) xs' ys' 
AddIndexesGo _ _ _ = TypeError ('Text "mismatched ranks") 

dropIndexes :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

drop dimensions of a shape according to a list of positions (where position refers to the initial shape)

>>> dropIndexes [2, 3, 4] [1, 0]

type family DropIndexes (s :: [Nat]) (i :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


DropIndexes s i = DropIndexesGo s (PosRelative i) 

takeIndexes :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

take list of dimensions according to position lists.

>>> takeIndexes [2,3,4] [2,0]

type family TakeIndexes (s :: [Nat]) (i :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


TakeIndexes '[] _ = '[] 
TakeIndexes _ '[] = '[] 
TakeIndexes s (i ': is) = (s !! i) ': TakeIndexes s is 

exclude :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

turn a list of included positions for a given rank into a list of excluded positions

>>> exclude 3 [1,2]

type family Exclude (r :: Nat) (i :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


Exclude r i = DropIndexes (EnumerateGo r) i 

concatenate' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #


>>> concatenate' 1 [2,3,4] [2,3,4]

type Concatenate i s0 s1 = Take i s0 ++ ((Dimension s0 i + Dimension s1 i) ': Drop (i + 1) s0) Source #

type CheckConcatenate i s0 s1 s = (CheckIndex i (Rank s0) && ((DropIndex s0 i == DropIndex s1 i) && (Rank s0 == Rank s1))) ~ 'True Source #

type Insert d s = Take d s ++ ((Dimension s d + 1) ': Drop (d + 1) s) Source #

type CheckInsert d i s = (CheckIndex d (Rank s) && CheckIndex i (Dimension s d)) ~ 'True Source #

reorder' :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

reorder' s i reorders the dimensions of shape s according to a list of positions i

>>> reorder' [2,3,4] [2,0,1]

type family Reorder (s :: [Nat]) (ds :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #


Reorder '[] _ = '[] 
Reorder _ '[] = '[] 
Reorder s (d ': ds) = Dimension s d ': Reorder s ds 

type family CheckReorder (ds :: [Nat]) (s :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


CheckReorder ds s = If ((Rank ds == Rank s) && CheckIndexes ds (Rank s)) 'True (TypeError ('Text "bad dimensions")) ~ 'True 

squeeze' :: (Eq a, Multiplicative a) => [a] -> [a] Source #

remove 1's from a list

type family Squeeze (a :: [Nat]) where ... Source #


Squeeze '[] = '[] 
Squeeze a = Filter '[] a 1 

incAt :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

incAt d s increments the index at d of shape s by one.

decAt :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] Source #

decAt d s decrements the index at d of shape s by one.

class KnownNats (ns :: [Nat]) where Source #

Reflect a list of Nats


natVals :: Proxy ns -> [Int] Source #


Instances details
KnownNats ('[] :: [Nat]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


natVals :: Proxy '[] -> [Int] Source #

(KnownNat n, KnownNats ns) => KnownNats (n ': ns) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


natVals :: Proxy (n ': ns) -> [Int] Source #

class KnownNatss (ns :: [[Nat]]) where Source #

Reflect a list of list of Nats


natValss :: Proxy ns -> [[Int]] Source #


Instances details
KnownNatss ('[] :: [[Nat]]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


natValss :: Proxy '[] -> [[Int]] Source #

(KnownNats n, KnownNatss ns) => KnownNatss (n ': ns) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NumHask.Array.Shape


natValss :: Proxy (n ': ns) -> [[Int]] Source #