nvfetcher- Generate nix sources expr for the latest version of packages
Copyright(c) 2021-2022 berberman
Maintainerberberman <berberman@yandex.com>
Safe HaskellNone



This module mainly contains two things: PackageSet and PkgDSL. NvFetcher accepts the former one -- a set of packages to produce nix sources expr; the later one is used to construct a single package.

There are many combinators for defining packages. See the documentation of define for example.


Package set

data PackageSetF f Source #

Atomic terms of package set


Instances details
Functor PackageSetF Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


fmap :: (a -> b) -> PackageSetF a -> PackageSetF b #

(<$) :: a -> PackageSetF b -> PackageSetF a #

MonadIO PackageSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


liftIO :: IO a -> PackageSet a #

PkgDSL PackageSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet

type PackageSet = Free PackageSetF Source #

Package set is a monad equipped with two capabilities:

  1. Carry defined packages
  2. Run IO actions

Package set is evaluated before shake runs. Use newPackage to add a new package, liftIO to run an IO action.

purePackageSet :: [Package] -> PackageSet () Source #

Add a list of packages into package set

runPackageSet :: PackageSet () -> IO (Map PackageKey Package) Source #

Run package set into a set of packages

Throws exception as more then one packages with the same name are defined

Package DSL


class PkgDSL f where Source #

A tagless final style DSL for constructing packages

package :: PackageName -> PackageSet (Prod '[PackageName]) Source #

Start chaining with the name of package to define

src :: Attach VersionSource VersionSource Source #

Attach version sources

Two-in-one functions

Version sources

sourceGitHub :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text) Source #

This package follows the latest github release

sourceGitHubTag :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text, ListOptions -> ListOptions) Source #

This package follows the a tag from github

Args are owner, repo, and nvchecker list options to find the target tag

sourceGit :: Attach VersionSource Text Source #

This package follows the latest git commit

Arg is git url

sourceGit' :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text) Source #

Similar to sourceGit, but allows to specify branch

Args are git url and branch

sourcePypi :: Attach VersionSource Text Source #

This package follows the latest pypi release

Arg is pypi name

sourceAur :: Attach VersionSource Text Source #

This package follows the version of an Aur package

Arg is package name in Aur

sourceArchLinux :: Attach VersionSource Text Source #

This package follows the version of an Arch Linux package

Arg is package name in Arch Linux repo

sourceManual :: Attach VersionSource Text Source #

This package follows a pinned version

Arg is manual version

sourceRepology :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text) Source #

This package follows the version of a repology package

Args are repology project name and repo

sourceWebpage :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text, ListOptions -> ListOptions) Source #

This package follows a version extracted from web page

Args are web page url, regex, and list options

sourceHttpHeader :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text, ListOptions -> ListOptions) Source #

This package follows a version extracted from http header

Args are the url of the http request, regex, and list options

sourceOpenVsx :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text) Source #

This package follows a version in Open VSX

Args are publisher and extension name

sourceVscodeMarketplace :: Attach VersionSource (Text, Text) Source #

This package follows a version in Vscode Marketplace

Args are publisher and extension name

sourceCmd :: Attach VersionSource Text Source #

This package follows a version from a shell command

Arg is the command to run


fetchGitHub :: Attach PackageFetcher (Text, Text) Source #

This package is fetched from a github repo

Args are owner and repo

fetchGitHub' :: Attach PackageFetcher (Text, Text, NixFetcher Fresh -> NixFetcher Fresh) Source #

This package is fetched from a github repo

Similar to fetchGitHub, but allows a modifier to the fetcher. For example, you can enable fetch submodules like:

define $ package "qliveplayer" sourceGitHub (THMonster, QLivePlayer) fetchGitHub` (THMonster, QLivePlayer, fetchSubmodules .~ True)

fetchGitHubRelease :: Attach PackageFetcher (Text, Text, Text) Source #

This package is fetched from a file in github release

Args are owner, repo, and file name

fetchPypi :: Attach PackageFetcher Text Source #

This package is fetched from pypi

Arg is pypi name

fetchGit :: Attach PackageFetcher Text Source #

This package is fetched from git

Arg is git url

fetchGit' :: Attach PackageFetcher (Text, NixFetcher Fresh -> NixFetcher Fresh) Source #

This package is fetched from git

Similar to fetchGit, but allows a modifier to the fetcher. See fetchGitHub' for a concret example.

fetchUrl :: Attach PackageFetcher (Version -> Text) Source #

This package is fetched from url

Arg is a function which constructs the url from a version

fetchOpenVsx :: Attach PackageFetcher (Text, Text) Source #

This package is fetched from Open VSX

Args are publisher and extension name

fetchVscodeMarketplace :: Attach PackageFetcher (Text, Text) Source #

This package is fetched from Vscode Marketplace

Args are publisher and extension name

fetchTarball :: Attach PackageFetcher (Version -> Text) Source #

This package is a tarball, fetched from url

Arg is a function which constructs the url from a version


extractSource :: Attach PackageExtractSrc [FilePath] Source #

Extract files from fetched package source

hasCargoLocks :: Attach PackageCargoLockFiles [FilePath] Source #

Run FetchRustGitDependencies given the path to Cargo.lock files

The lock files will be extracted as well.

tweakVersion :: Attach NvcheckerOptions (NvcheckerOptions -> NvcheckerOptions) Source #

Set NvcheckerOptions for a package, which can tweak the version number we obtain

passthru :: Attach PackagePassthru [(Text, Text)] Source #

An attrs set to pass through

Arg is a list of kv pairs

pinned :: PackageSet (Prod r) -> PackageSet (Prod (UseStaleVersion ': r)) Source #

Pin a package

new version won't be checked if we have a stale version


data Prod (r :: [Type]) Source #

Simple HList

type family Append xs ys where ... Source #

xs ++ ys, at type level


Append '[] ys = ys 
Append (x ': xs) ys = x ': Append xs ys 

class Member (a :: Type) (r :: [Type]) Source #

Project elements from Prod

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
(TypeError ('ShowType x :<>: 'Text " is undefined") :: Constraint) => Member x ('[] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


proj :: Prod '[] -> x

Member x xs => Member x (_y ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


proj :: Prod (_y ': xs) -> x

NotElem x xs => Member x (x ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


proj :: Prod (x ': xs) -> x

class OptionalMember (a :: Type) (r :: [Type]) Source #

Project optional elements from Prod

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
OptionalMember x ('[] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


projMaybe :: Prod '[] -> Maybe x

OptionalMember x xs => OptionalMember x (_y ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


projMaybe :: Prod (_y ': xs) -> Maybe x

NotElem x xs => OptionalMember x (x ': xs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in NvFetcher.PackageSet


projMaybe :: Prod (x ': xs) -> Maybe x

type family NotElem (x :: Type) (xs :: [Type]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

Constraint for producing error messages


NotElem x (x ': xs) = TypeError (ShowType x :<>: 'Text " is defined more than one times") 
NotElem x (_ ': xs) = NotElem x xs 
NotElem x '[] = () 

type family Members xs r :: Constraint where ... Source #

A list of Member


Members '[] _ = () 
Members (x ': xs) r = (Member x r, Members xs r) 

type family OptionalMembers xs r :: Constraint where ... Source #

A list of OptionalMember


OptionalMembers '[] _ = () 
OptionalMembers (x ': xs) r = (OptionalMember x r, OptionalMembers xs r) 

type Attach x arg = AttachMany '[x] arg Source #

Attach member x, with a function arg

type AttachMany xs arg = forall r. PackageSet (Prod r) -> arg -> PackageSet (Prod (Append xs r)) Source #

Attach members xs, with a function argument arg

coerce :: forall (k :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE k) (b :: TYPE k). Coercible a b => a -> b #

The function coerce allows you to safely convert between values of types that have the same representation with no run-time overhead. In the simplest case you can use it instead of a newtype constructor, to go from the newtype's concrete type to the abstract type. But it also works in more complicated settings, e.g. converting a list of newtypes to a list of concrete types.

This function is runtime-representation polymorphic, but the RuntimeRep type argument is marked as Inferred, meaning that it is not available for visible type application. This means the typechecker will accept coerce @Int @Age 42.

liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a #

Lift a computation from the IO monad.


(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixl 1 #

& is a reverse application operator. This provides notational convenience. Its precedence is one higher than that of the forward application operator $, which allows & to be nested in $.

>>> 5 & (+1) & show

Since: base-

(.~) :: ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t infixr 4 #

(.~) assigns a value to the target. It's the same thing as using (%~) with const:

l .~ x = l %~ const x

See set if you want a non-operator synonym.

Here it is used to change 2 fields of a 3-tuple:

>>> (0,0,0) & _1 .~ 1 & _3 .~ 3

(%~) :: ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t infixr 4 #

(%~) applies a function to the target; an alternative explanation is that it is an inverse of sets, which turns a setter into an ordinary function. mapped %~ reverse is the same thing as fmap reverse.

See over if you want a non-operator synonym.

Negating the 1st element of a pair:

>>> (1,2) & _1 %~ negate

Turning all Lefts in a list to upper case:

>>> (mapped._Left.mapped %~ toUpper) [Left "foo", Right "bar"]
[Left "FOO",Right "bar"]

(^.) :: s -> Getting a s a -> a infixl 8 #

(^.) applies a getter to a value; in other words, it gets a value out of a structure using a getter (which can be a lens, traversal, fold, etc.).

Getting 1st field of a tuple:

(^. _1) :: (a, b) -> a
(^. _1) = fst

When (^.) is used with a traversal, it combines all results using the Monoid instance for the resulting type. For instance, for lists it would be simple concatenation:

>>> ("str","ing") ^. each

The reason for this is that traversals use Applicative, and the Applicative instance for Const uses monoid concatenation to combine “effects” of Const.

A non-operator version of (^.) is called view, and it's a bit more general than (^.) (it works in MonadReader). If you need the general version, you can get it from microlens-mtl; otherwise there's view available in Lens.Micro.Extras.

(?~) :: ASetter s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> s -> t infixr 4 #

(?~) is a version of (.~) that wraps the value into Just before setting.

l ?~ b = l .~ Just b

It can be useful in combination with at:

>>> Map.empty & at 3 ?~ x
fromList [(3,x)]