{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances  #-}
{- |
Module      :  Neovim.Classes
Description :  Type classes used for conversion of msgpack and Haskell types
Copyright   :  (c) Sebastian Witte
License     :  Apache-2.0

Maintainer  :  woozletoff@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental

module Neovim.Classes
    ( NvimObject(..)
    , Dictionary
    , (+:)
    , Generic
    , docToObject
    , docFromObject
    , docToText

    , Doc
    , AnsiStyle
    , Pretty(..)
    , (<+>)
    , module Data.Int
    , module Data.Word
    , module Control.DeepSeq
    ) where

import Neovim.Exceptions (NeovimException (..))

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow                             ((***))
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Data.ByteString                           (ByteString)
import           Data.Int
    ( Int16
    , Int32
    , Int64
    , Int8
import qualified Data.Map.Strict                           as SMap
import           Data.MessagePack
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                                 as Text (Text)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
    ( Doc
    , Pretty (..)
    , defaultLayoutOptions
    , layoutPretty
    , viaShow
    , (<+>)
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc                 as P
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
    ( AnsiStyle
    , renderStrict
import           Data.Traversable                          hiding (forM, mapM)
import           Data.Vector                               (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector                               as V
import           Data.Word
    ( Word
    , Word16
    , Word32
    , Word64
    , Word8
import           GHC.Generics                              (Generic)

import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import           Data.Text.Encoding   (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import           UnliftIO.Exception   (throwIO)

import Prelude

infixr 5 +:

-- | Convenient operator to create a list of 'Object' from normal values.
-- @
-- values +: of :+ different :+ types :+ can +: be +: combined +: this +: way +: []
-- @
(+:) :: (NvimObject o) => o -> [Object] -> [Object]
o +: os = toObject o : os

-- | Convert a 'Doc'-ument to a messagepack 'Object'. This is more a convenience
-- method to transport error message from and to neovim. It generally does not
-- hold that 'docToObject . docFromObject' = 'id'.
docToObject :: Doc AnsiStyle -> Object
docToObject = ObjectString . encodeUtf8 . docToText

-- | See 'docToObject'.
docFromObject :: Object -> Either (Doc AnsiStyle) (Doc AnsiStyle)
docFromObject o = (P.viaShow :: Text -> Doc AnsiStyle) <$> fromObject o

docToText :: Doc AnsiStyle -> Text
docToText = renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions

-- | A generic vim dictionary is a simply a map from strings to objects.  This
-- type alias is sometimes useful as a type annotation especially if the
-- OverloadedStrings extension is enabled.
type Dictionary = SMap.Map ByteString Object

-- | Conversion from 'Object' files to Haskell types and back with respect
-- to neovim's interpretation.
-- The 'NFData' constraint has been added to allow forcing results of function
-- evaluations in order to catch exceptions from pure code. This adds more
-- stability to the plugin provider and seems to be a cleaner approach.
class NFData o => NvimObject o where
    toObject :: o -> Object

    fromObjectUnsafe :: Object -> o
    fromObjectUnsafe o = case fromObject o of
        Left e -> error . show $
            "Not the expected object:" <+> P.viaShow o
            <+> P.lparen <> e <> P.rparen
        Right obj -> obj

    fromObject :: Object -> Either (Doc AnsiStyle) o
    fromObject = return . fromObjectUnsafe

    fromObject' :: (MonadIO io) => Object -> io o
    fromObject' = either (throwIO . ErrorMessage) return . fromObject

    {-# MINIMAL toObject, (fromObject | fromObjectUnsafe) #-}

-- Instances for NvimObject {{{1
instance NvimObject () where
    toObject _           = ObjectNil

    fromObject ObjectNil = return ()
    fromObject o         = throwError $ "Expected ObjectNil, but got" <+> P.viaShow o

-- We may receive truthy values from neovim, so we should be more forgiving
-- here.
instance NvimObject Bool where
    toObject                      = ObjectBool

    fromObject (ObjectBool o)     = return o
    fromObject (ObjectInt  0)     = return False
    fromObject (ObjectUInt 0)     = return False
    fromObject ObjectNil          = return False
    fromObject (ObjectBinary "0") = return False
    fromObject (ObjectBinary "")  = return False
    fromObject (ObjectString "0") = return False
    fromObject (ObjectString "")  = return False
    fromObject _                  = return True

instance NvimObject Double where
    toObject                    = ObjectDouble

    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ realToFrac o
    fromObject (ObjectInt o)    = return $ fromIntegral o
    fromObject (ObjectUInt o)   = return $ fromIntegral o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectDouble, but got"
                                                <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Integer where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt o)    = return $ toInteger o
    fromObject (ObjectUInt o)   = return $ toInteger o
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectInt, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Int64 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt o)   = return $ fromIntegral o
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Int32 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Int16 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Int8 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Word where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Word64 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Word32 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Word16 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Word8 where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Int where
    toObject                    = ObjectInt . fromIntegral

    fromObject (ObjectInt i)    = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectUInt i)   = return $ fromIntegral i
    fromObject (ObjectDouble o) = return $ round o
    fromObject (ObjectFloat o)  = return $ round o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected any Integer value, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} NvimObject [Char] where
    toObject                    = ObjectBinary . UTF8.fromString

    fromObject (ObjectBinary o) = return $ UTF8.toString o
    fromObject (ObjectString o) = return $ UTF8.toString o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectString, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} NvimObject o => NvimObject [o] where
    toObject                    = ObjectArray . map toObject

    fromObject (ObjectArray os) = mapM fromObject os
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject o => NvimObject (Maybe o) where
    toObject = maybe ObjectNil toObject

    fromObject ObjectNil = return Nothing
    fromObject o         = either throwError (return . Just) $ fromObject o

instance NvimObject o => NvimObject (Vector o) where
    toObject = ObjectArray . V.toList . V.map toObject

    fromObject (ObjectArray os) = V.fromList <$> mapM fromObject os
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

-- | Right-biased instance for toObject.
instance (NvimObject l, NvimObject r) => NvimObject (Either l r) where
    toObject = either toObject toObject

    fromObject o = case fromObject o of
                     Right r ->
                         return $ Right r

                     Left e1 -> case fromObject o of
                                  Right l ->
                                      return $ Left l

                                  Left e2 ->
                                      throwError $ e1 <+> "--" <+> e2

instance (Ord key, NvimObject key, NvimObject val)
        => NvimObject (SMap.Map key val) where
    toObject = ObjectMap
        . SMap.fromList . map (toObject *** toObject) . SMap.toList

    fromObject (ObjectMap om) = SMap.fromList <$>
            . map (uncurry (liftA2 (,))
                    . (fromObject *** fromObject))
                . SMap.toList) om

    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectMap, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Text where
    toObject                    = ObjectBinary . encodeUtf8

    fromObject (ObjectBinary o) = return $ decodeUtf8 o
    fromObject (ObjectString o) = return $ decodeUtf8 o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectBinary, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject ByteString where
    toObject                    = ObjectBinary

    fromObject (ObjectBinary o) = return o
    fromObject (ObjectString o) = return o
    fromObject o                = throwError $ "Expected ObjectBinary, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance NvimObject Object where
    toObject = id

    fromObject = return
    fromObjectUnsafe = id

-- By the magic of vim, i will create these.
instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2) => NvimObject (o1, o2) where
    toObject (o1, o2) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2]) = (,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3]) = (,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3, NvimObject o4) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3, o4) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3, o4) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3, toObject o4]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3, o4]) = (,,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
        <*> fromObject o4
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3, NvimObject o4, NvimObject o5) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3, toObject o4, toObject o5]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5]) = (,,,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
        <*> fromObject o4
        <*> fromObject o5
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3, NvimObject o4, NvimObject o5, NvimObject o6) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3, toObject o4, toObject o5, toObject o6]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6]) = (,,,,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
        <*> fromObject o4
        <*> fromObject o5
        <*> fromObject o6
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3, NvimObject o4, NvimObject o5, NvimObject o6, NvimObject o7) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3, toObject o4, toObject o5, toObject o6, toObject o7]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7]) = (,,,,,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
        <*> fromObject o4
        <*> fromObject o5
        <*> fromObject o6
        <*> fromObject o7
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3, NvimObject o4, NvimObject o5, NvimObject o6, NvimObject o7, NvimObject o8) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3, toObject o4, toObject o5, toObject o6, toObject o7, toObject o8]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8]) = (,,,,,,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
        <*> fromObject o4
        <*> fromObject o5
        <*> fromObject o6
        <*> fromObject o7
        <*> fromObject o8
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

instance (NvimObject o1, NvimObject o2, NvimObject o3, NvimObject o4, NvimObject o5, NvimObject o6, NvimObject o7, NvimObject o8, NvimObject o9) => NvimObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9) where
    toObject (o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9) = ObjectArray $ [toObject o1, toObject o2, toObject o3, toObject o4, toObject o5, toObject o6, toObject o7, toObject o8, toObject o9]

    fromObject (ObjectArray [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9]) = (,,,,,,,,)
        <$> fromObject o1
        <*> fromObject o2
        <*> fromObject o3
        <*> fromObject o4
        <*> fromObject o5
        <*> fromObject o6
        <*> fromObject o7
        <*> fromObject o8
        <*> fromObject o9
    fromObject o = throwError $ "Expected ObjectArray, but got" <+> viaShow o

-- 1}}}