{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- |
-- a utility module
module Play.Engine.Utils where

import Data.Word (Word8)
import SDL.Vect (V4(..), V2(..))
import qualified SDL.Vect as Vect (Point(..))
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Font as SDLF
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C (CInt)
import Control.Lens
import Control.DeepSeq

import Prelude hiding (head)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Control.Lens (over, (^.))
import Data.List (group, sort)
import qualified Data.DList as DL

import Play.Engine.Types

--import Debug.Trace

firstM :: Functor f => (a -> f c) -> (a, b) -> f (c, b)
firstM f (a, b) = (, b) <$> f a

-- |
-- replicate operation and chain it
replicateMChain :: Monad m => Int -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
replicateMChain n f x'
  | n <= 0 = return x'
  | otherwise = f x' >>= replicateMChain (n-1) f

-- |
-- if Maybe b is nothing, replace it with Left a. otherwise: Right b
maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
maybeToEither _ (Just y') = Right y'
maybeToEither x' Nothing  = Left x'

-- |
-- returns the duplicates of a list
duplicates :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
duplicates = map List.head . filter ((>1) . length) . group . sort

-- |
-- split arguments by element
splitBy :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitBy v vs = map reverse $ go [] vs
  where go ws [] = [ws]
        go ws (z:zs)
          | z == v    = ws : go [] zs
          | otherwise = go (z:ws) zs

supplyBoth :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> c
supplyBoth = (=<<)

-- | Compose with an input function that takes two arguments
(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
(.:) f g a b = f (g a b)

scalePoint :: Float -> Size -> V2 C.CInt
scalePoint ratio = fmap (floor . (*) ratio . fromIntegral)

absPoint :: IPoint -> IPoint
absPoint = fmap abs

addPoint :: (NFData a, Num a) => Point a -> Point a -> Point a
addPoint (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = force $ Point (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2)
{-# INLINE addPoint #-}

mulPoint :: (NFData a, Num a) => Point a -> Point a -> Point a
mulPoint (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = force $ Point (x1 * x2) (y1 * y2)
{-# INLINE mulPoint #-}

updateList :: (a -> [a]) -> DL.DList a -> DL.DList a
updateList f = DL.foldr (\a acc -> DL.fromList (f a) `DL.append` acc) DL.empty

updateListWith :: NFData b => b -> (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> ([a], b)) -> DL.DList a -> (DL.DList a, b)
updateListWith start combine f = flip DL.foldr (DL.empty, start) $ \a !acc ->
  case (f a, acc) of
    (([], b), (aacc, bacc)) -> (aacc, force $ combine bacc b)
    ((xs, b), (aacc, bacc)) -> (DL.fromList xs `DL.append` aacc, force $ combine bacc b)

toRect :: IPoint -> Size -> SDL.Rectangle C.CInt
toRect posi sz =
    (Vect.P . uncurry V2 . over both fromIntegral . pointToTuple $ posi)
    (uncurry V2 . over both fromIntegral . sizeToTuple $ sz)

data HasPosSize
  = HasPosSize
  { _pos :: !IPoint
  , _size :: !Size
  deriving Show

makeFieldsNoPrefix ''HasPosSize

data Hitbox
  = Hitbox
  { _alignment :: {-# UNPACK #-} !IPoint
  , _size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Size
  deriving (Eq, Show)

makeFieldsNoPrefix ''Hitbox

data HasHitBox
  = HasHitBox
  { _hitbox :: !Hitbox
  deriving Show

makeFieldsNoPrefix ''HasHitBox

circ' = HasPosSize
  { _pos = Point 356 795
  , _size = Point 12 12
rec' = HasHitBox
  { _hitbox = Hitbox
    { _alignment = Point 346 830
    , _size = Point 21 64

-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21089959/detecting-collision-of-rectangle-with-circle
  :: (HasPos circle IPoint, HasSize circle Size, HasPos rect IPoint, HasHitbox rect Hitbox)
  => circle -> rect -> Maybe (circle, rect)
isTouchingCircleRect circle rect =
    circleDistance =
        ( abs
          $ circle ^. pos . x
          - (rect ^. pos . x + rect ^. hitbox . alignment . x)
          - (rect ^. hitbox . size . x) `div` 2
        ( abs
          $ circle ^. pos . y
          - (rect ^. pos . y + rect ^. hitbox . alignment . y)
          - (rect ^. hitbox . size . y) `div` 2

    cornerDistance_sq =
        ((circleDistance ^. x - rect ^. hitbox . size . x `div` 2) ^ 2)
        ((circleDistance ^. y - rect ^. hitbox . size . y `div` 2) ^ 2)

  in if
    | circleDistance ^. x >  (rect ^. hitbox . size . x `div` 2) + (circle ^. size . x `div` 2) -> Nothing
    | circleDistance ^. y >  (rect ^. hitbox . size . y `div` 2) + (circle ^. size . y `div` 2) -> Nothing
    | circleDistance ^. x <= (rect ^. hitbox . size . x `div` 2) -> Just (circle, rect)
    | circleDistance ^. y <= (rect ^. hitbox . size . y `div` 2) -> Just (circle, rect)
    | cornerDistance_sq <= (circle ^. size . x `div` 2) ^ 2 -> Just (circle, rect)
    | otherwise -> Nothing

  :: (HasSize a Size, HasPos a IPoint, HasSize b Size, HasPos b IPoint)
  => a -> b -> Maybe (a,b)
isTouchingCircleCircle a b =
    getCenter p = (p ^. pos) `addPoint` Point ((p ^. size . x) `div` 2) ((p ^. size . y) `div` 2)
    aCenter = getCenter a
    bCenter = getCenter b
    aRadius = (a ^. size . x) `div` 2 - (a ^. size . x) `div` 8
    bRadius = (b ^. size . x) `div` 2 - (b ^. size . x) `div` 8
    distX = (aCenter ^. x) - (bCenter ^. x)
    distY = (aCenter ^. y) - (bCenter ^. y)
    dist = sqrt $ fromIntegral ((distX * distX) + (distY * distY))
    if dist < fromIntegral (aRadius + bRadius)
      then Just (a, b)
      else Nothing

fixPos :: (HasSize a Size, HasPos a IPoint) => Size -> a -> a
fixPos wsize entity =
    x_ = entity ^. pos . x
    y_ = entity ^. pos . y
    x' =
      if x_ <= 0
        then 0
        else if x_ + (entity ^. size . x) <= (wsize ^. x)
          then x_
          else (wsize ^. x) - (entity ^. size . x)
    y' =
      if y_ <= 0
        then 0
        else if y_ + (entity ^. size . y) <= (wsize ^. y)
          then y_
          else (wsize ^. y) - (entity ^. size . y)
    set pos (Point x' y') entity

isInWindow :: Size -> IPoint -> Size -> Bool
isInWindow = isInSquare (Point 0 0)

isInSquare :: IPoint -> Size -> IPoint -> Size -> Bool
isInSquare wpos wsize posi sz
  |  posi ^. x + sz ^. x < (wpos ^. x) || posi ^. x > wpos ^.x + wsize ^. x
  || posi ^. y + sz ^. y < (wpos ^. y) || posi ^. y > wpos ^.y + wsize ^. y
  = False

  | otherwise = True

isAround :: IPoint -> IPoint -> Size -> Bool
isAround place posi sz =
  isInSquare (place `addPoint` Point (-5) (-5)) sz posi sz

dirToPlace :: IPoint -> IPoint -> IPoint
dirToPlace posi place =
  Point (dir x) (negate $ dir y)
    dir c
      | place ^. c > posi ^. c = 1
      | place ^. c < posi ^. c = -1
      | otherwise = 0

type Camera = IPoint -> IPoint

mkAngles :: Int -> Int -> [Float]
mkAngles initAngle ((`mod` 200) -> n) =
    m = 360 / fromIntegral n
    force $ map ((+) (fromIntegral initAngle) . (*) m . fromIntegral) [0..(n-1)]

renderText :: SDL.Renderer -> SDLF.Font -> IPoint -> T.Text -> IO ()
renderText renderer font loc txt =
  if T.null txt
    then pure ()
    else do
      texture' <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface renderer
        =<< SDLF.solid
          (V4 255 255 255 255)
      ti <- SDL.queryTexture texture'
        (Just $ toRect
          (Point (fromIntegral $ SDL.textureWidth ti) (fromIntegral $ SDL.textureHeight ti))
      SDL.destroyTexture texture'

shade :: SDL.Renderer -> Camera -> Word8 -> IO ()
shade renderer cam n = do
    rect = toRect (cam $ Point 0 0) (Point 800 1000)
  SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer SDL.$= V4 0 0 0 n
  SDL.fillRect renderer (Just rect)

-- Stack --

data Stack a = Stack !a ![a]

head :: Stack a -> a
head = fst . pop

push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push !new (Stack !a as) = Stack new (a:as)

init :: a -> Stack a
init = flip Stack []

pop :: Stack a -> (a, Maybe (Stack a))
pop = \case
  Stack !a [] -> (a, Nothing)
  Stack !a (!b:bs) -> (a `seq` a, pure $! Stack b bs)

replace :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
replace a = \case
  Stack _ as -> Stack (a `seq` a) as